View Full Version : General talk Recession and punting

08-06-2020, 08:41 PM
I was talking to few mates and talk of the recession we are going into came up. Taking into account the pandemic and people not having as much disposable income..

How will this effect punting? How will shop who have already been hit hard set up their pricing structure to not only make money.. but encourage the punter to return.

My mates have lost their jobs.. money is scarce and being ever more scrutinised by their significant other.

Food for thought.. what is the right balance .. service to prices.. post covid/ recession?

08-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Mmm! People still have a job with no reduction in income will still punt. People with reduce Income depend how much might reduce FS move to Rnt with HE only or less FS with reduce time. Or totally stop punting front FS/Massage HE. People who lost job?

08-06-2020, 10:53 PM
this country wont move unless it’s back to normal. The country has loss some trades/investment with china. it’s putting the relation more into effect but the gov is taking too much pride without thinking the negative effect who helped us a lot. I don’t understand why we need to ally with the us? us are just trouble makers to the world. I really think in this situation effects lot of people who recently migrated here who don’t have enough saving and now no job to be seen for them. Jobs are limited nowadays. Those who have a home with family are lucky enough to support each other. Help others if you can, even if it’s just a food. With the lockdown restriction closures it helped me to think wisely by spending less and my saving increased.

08-06-2020, 11:42 PM
Feel sad for my friends, they have no job now. All shops close for them

08-06-2020, 11:58 PM
The Chinese government needs to be opposed. It is bullying and anti democracy.
Australia needs to immediately take moves to switch trade to other countries and slowly eliminate all trade dealings - exports and imports with a country run by a one party system.
I speak only against the Chinese government. I believe they are a threat to world peace.
I do not speak against Chinese people or Chinese background people in Australia. I find them lovely people.
I find Chinese and Asian (including Japanese) women in general the sexiest in the world:):):)

09-06-2020, 12:24 AM
The Chinese government needs to be opposed. It is bullying and anti democracy.
Australia needs to immediately take moves to switch trade to other countries and slowly eliminate all trade dealings - exports and imports with a country run by a one party system.
I speak only against the Chinese government. I believe they are a threat to world peace.
I do not speak against Chinese people or Chinese background people in Australia. I find them lovely people.
I find Chinese and Asian (including Japanese) women in general the sexiest in the world:):):)

It’s like you don’t give a thanks for the growing economy then you take pride you think you did everything yourself. Bravo being selfish and hypocrite. You think about peace? Think twice where it all had started especially from ww1,ww2, middle east till now. You turn a blind eye, yet still you punt chinese girls but you hating them. Doesn’t make sense.

You talking about switch trades with other country?. lol could of done it ages ago. Indonesia used to buy our top beef buyer but they stopped due to our pm insulted their president. so relationship gone. who will be next? You know china is paying the premium price than other country when they buying from us.

09-06-2020, 04:06 AM
I don't think it will affect the shops owners. They can source the ML/WL at a cheaper rate BUT not passing the price to punters. It's like the banks in Australia, they still make billions no matter what, even if the reserves bank cut interest rate to zero. As to punters, your little monster have have no brain 🤤

09-06-2020, 11:11 AM
I don't think it will affect the shops owners. They can source the ML/WL at a cheaper rate BUT not passing the price to punters. It's like the banks in Australia, they still make billions no matter what, even if the reserves bank cut interest rate to zero. As to punters, your little monster have have no brain 🤤
For ML some have drop their extra rate before the pandemic. Normal it was $50 for nude hand job but I say only hand job normal $20 but she offer me nude hand job for $30. So I say ok. After that it always $30. The massage price still the same.
I think next few months no discount on ml extra due to punter returning and busy time. With unemployment/recession and trade problem with china. people income will be affected especially working in small/medium business. If you work for Government is ok. ML business Will slow down.
As for Wl/sex shop discount maybe offer. It just like any business is supply and demand. How many customers you can get to your door. We just have to wait and see.

09-06-2020, 12:19 PM
The Chinese government needs to be opposed. It is bullying and anti democracy.
Australia needs to immediately take moves to switch trade to other countries and slowly eliminate all trade dealings - exports and imports with a country run by a one party system.
I speak only against the Chinese government. I believe they are a threat to world peace.

Mate, it's easier said than done.

In case you haven't noticed, China just happens to be the biggest trading partner of Australia, without China buying all the minerals and agricultural and farm products, I think it will be a very long and tough road for our country to recover. And who else can you call upon to replace China ? Donald Trump ?

Not to mention all the universities and the educational sectors that had been benefited heavily from the Chinese students. And then you have the good old tourism sector. Chinese tourists had topped our overseas tourists market in the past few years and in 2018, spent 12 billions in our economy, and the US of A, 4 billions. So, who you gonna call ?


09-06-2020, 12:46 PM
The Chinese government needs to be opposed. It is bullying and anti democracy.
Australia needs to immediately take moves to switch trade to other countries and slowly eliminate all trade dealings - exports and imports with a country run by a one party system.
I speak only against the Chinese government. I believe they are a threat to world peace.
I do not speak against Chinese people or Chinese background people in Australia. I find them lovely people.
I find Chinese and Asian (including Japanese) women in general the sexiest in the world:):):)
Mate, very soon you might not be fucking any China girls because Mr Xi can stop student from coming to study here. All China people need an exit visa from their government. Do you know Ml/WL are on student visa. I wish things is that simple.

09-06-2020, 12:50 PM
The basic logic of trade with China is that we're close and have top quality Iron Ore and agricultural products. So we sell materials that China can value add to, while we buy value added goods from China that to date have been cheap and diverse, but not particularly essential - ie we could buy from elsewhere, we'd pay more, but we'd probably get more a durable, less harmful to the environment outcome. So the trade relationship with China isn't really sustainable - as soon as the cheap rural Chinese workforce gets educated and into the middle class (which is happening in record time) the Chinese goods will no longer be as cheap, but the quality may steadily improve and we'll still have our options to buy elsewhere.

China doesn't have too may alternative options - there is no single country that can meet its needs. In fact it probably needs to buy from a host of non-aligned countries, whether it would like to or not, and then Australia as a middle power that is also close will remain at an advantage, provided we toe the line with China and don't completely abuse the relationship. That doesn't mean we need to support their ideology in any way...

Take Iron Ore... Brazil is our Australia's only feasible competitor and it's government is more aligned to China, but Vale in Brazil has lurched from consecutive crises firstly of its own doing then COVID - so it's not been able to compete for close a decade. Australia are now global price makers for iron ore and the whole country benefits indirectly from this.

China have no real choice in most cases (in terms of GDP value) with Australia's trade - it's too good, too close and too competitively priced to ignore and no other country (or even group of Countries) can replace much of what we produce... Australia has no need to trade exclusively with China. China produces virtually nothing we can't get from elsewhere.

09-06-2020, 01:01 PM
Accusation of bullying tactics is just an excuse, which country doesn’t apply bullying tactics if they are capable of ? Who’s a bigger bully than the USA ?

It’s just like doing simple business, if your business is not advancing, it’s going backwards, you can’t stay still and hope that it will sustain, you will try to get rid of competitors too, with whatever means you can !

09-06-2020, 01:35 PM
Accusation of bullying tactics is just an excuse, which country doesn’t apply bullying tactics if they are capable of ? Who’s a bigger bully than the USA ?

It’s just like doing simple business, if your business is not advancing, it’s going backwards, you can’t stay still and hope that it will sustain, you will try to get rid of competitors too, with whatever means you can !Yes and also geography.

Look at were we are?

We are Australasia for a reason so Asia is our best chance for trading partners. We should not piss off China, the US government is too unstable at the moment.

We need to be a smarter exporter since we export raw materials but import the processed items back at a higher cost, paper for example.

We need to be a country that exports innovations.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

09-06-2020, 03:23 PM
Where does the money come from for punting when everyone has no job or pay cut!!!

09-06-2020, 03:57 PM
Where does the money come from for punting when everyone has no job or pay cut!!!
Save a few $ a day and hope you can do it after a month or 2. I have been in that situation before not fun. What would you do if you are in that situation?

09-06-2020, 05:06 PM
Where does the money come from for punting when everyone has no job or pay cut!!!

I know very few people (2 I think) who lost their jobs and nobody who has taken a pay cut. I know a few business owners who have done it tough but are starting to see an improvement in things, otherwise financially speaking everyone else seems as normal.

09-06-2020, 05:50 PM
I know very few people (2 I think) who lost their jobs and nobody who has taken a pay cut. I know a few business owners who have done it tough but are starting to see an improvement in things, otherwise financially speaking everyone else seems as normal.

The pandemic is pretty much over in Australia. You can pretty much go about your business with a bit of caution just to be sure, without any fear. The virus simply is not out there in any significant numbers.
And the massive recession and even depression some predicted has not eventuated, and will not eventuate.
We will have a medium size recession, but the economy will gradually bounce back.
The stock market has already regained more than half it's losses and still rising, iron ore and coal sales are booming, the dollar is up, most people who lost their jobs or were put on Jobkeeper will soon be employed again as businesses go back to normal.
The unemployed are cashed up after a doubling of their payment, employed people are cashed up after 3 months of spending little because of no travel, gambling, pubs, restaurants etc. or from accessing their Super. And small businesses are cashed up from government handouts galore.
There will be a bit of an impact on the economy due to less international tourists, and students, but even this will sort itself out soon and then boom because Australia will be a very safe destination to travel and study in compared to other countries, and Australians will travel locally and which will boost the tourist industry and also mean that Aussie dollars won't be lost on people spending them overseas.
So basically chill out. The future is looking pretty good.
Australia is the safest and best country to be in right now. Well I think it always has been, but right now more than ever. And when the brothels open again it will be even better!
We are very lucky to live here.

09-06-2020, 06:37 PM
You are Scomo’s wet dream

Quito Joe
11-06-2020, 11:02 AM
I think one thing a lot of people are missing is that whilst a recession is bad for a lot of punters income, a lack of other jobs will drive more local talent into the shops. Might be a bit more variety on the lineups in the coming years. Plenty of early 20s unemployed women in Sydney’s suburbs who could attract a large chunk of the money going to the imports (who will be in less numbers for a while due to travel restrictions). Maybe punters will provide the economic “stimulus” that drives the recovery!

11-06-2020, 07:06 PM
The pandemic is almost over in Australia!
There are very very few active cases of coronavirus currently in Australia.
Don't take my word for it, do a few simple Google searches for yourself.
Your chances of meeting anyone with the coronavirus in a cafe, pub, gym, supermarket etc are almost zero.
The chances that a WL or ML you visit actually has the coronavirus is almost zero.
You can't catch something from someone if they don't actually have it.
Coronavirus did not take off in Australia on the same scale as it did in UK, Italy, USA, Brazil etc, and the few cases that did enter are long gone.

11-06-2020, 07:14 PM
Australia is indeed one of the least corona impacted country

11-06-2020, 10:56 PM
Yeah but it doesn't matter if we are because if rest of the world doesn't recover than we'll feel the effects as we are heavily reliant on foreign investment either through the purchases of our resource, selling overpriced housing and charging 5.50 for chai lattes. You can argue with the money printing that at some point we'll have inflation which would put the prices higher for punting.

Also as less travel and less students come to the market there's less choice = less supply so WL can manipulate the market and set a base price. 30mins in Western Sydney (Parra) you still have WL from Thai/China charging 150 which seems crazy in the current economic environment.

At the same time you might have massage and half broken Brothels in Western Sydney lower prices to get some demand back but I think Punting is pretty elastic. While on the other hand some households might be stretched post the repayments deferrals or no jobs. This is pretty deflationary for punting but let's see what specials/promos shops have. I personally think Private WL will be affected as they charge more and offer shitty service, unless the Rent discount has fallen enough to offset the discount in the prices they charge.

Might start seeing some 100/30mins but I'd rather fuck a old Chinese hoe at the shop or get a CIM from one at a massage shop.

12-06-2020, 09:31 AM
I think this country is playing dangerous politics against China. It’s hurting the economy and part of our jobs too. I don’t understand it they contribute the most to our economy with trades, yet we offending them. the sactions will hurt us more. we would be in more debt than surplus. It could of been avoided if were just stick to the economy side without selling our assets and don’t let other country tell us what to do (US).

I hate these type of politics when they could just focus on economy interest and our people.

12-06-2020, 12:30 PM
I think this country is playing dangerous politics against China. It’s hurting the economy and part of our jobs too. I don’t understand it they contribute the most to our economy with trades, yet we offending them. the sactions will hurt us more. we would be in more debt than surplus. It could of been avoided if were just stick to the economy side without selling our assets and don’t let other country tell us what to do (US).

I hate these type of politics when they could just focus on economy interest and our people.

Scomo is sucking trumps dick.

12-06-2020, 12:48 PM
I was talking to few mates and talk of the recession we are going into came up. Taking into account the pandemic and people not having as much disposable income..

How will this effect punting? How will shop who have already been hit hard set up their pricing structure to not only make money.. but encourage the punter to return.

My mates have lost their jobs.. money is scarce and being ever more scrutinised by their significant other.

Food for thought.. what is the right balance .. service to prices.. post covid/ recession?

It’s all driven by supply and demand I think.
If business don’t generate a sustainable profit then business won’t be bothered, they be more inclined to open dry cleaning or coffee shops instead.
So more business/demands, more shops opens, more supplies, more discounts in price.

12-06-2020, 02:24 PM
Scomo is sucking trumps dick.
If we don't suck Trump dick we suck XI dick or Johnson dick or modi dick. We don't have much choice. Look at what is happening between India and China border. So now India is suck Trump dick to purchase military equipment because Russia is friend with China. We just have to live with the new world order and hopefully things are not as bad as people think.

12-06-2020, 02:50 PM
"God bless America" Irving Berlin
"America go fuck yourself with your atom bomb" Allen Ginsberg.
Either way I love America.
It is not perfect but it is the only thing standing in between freedom and democracy and all the totalitarian wannabe superpowers, terrorists, one party states, extremists etc keen to take control if America fails.

12-06-2020, 03:36 PM
We as a democratic country should be able to do and say what we want without fear of offending anyone, China US Russia or EU. All we said was that an enquire into the origins of covid 19 should be begin as soon as the epidemic has ended and should be handled by the UN, if China has nothing to hide then why was that so offensive.

If you look at the rest of the "free" world China is being offended by Sweden US India Hong Kong Taiwan EU Japan Sth Korea Philippines Vietnam Malaysia Singapore NZ Canada and probably every other country on earth except Russia Nth Korea & Cuba.

The CCP is fucking thin skinned isn't it!

12-06-2020, 04:17 PM
If we don't suck Trump dick we suck XI dick or Johnson dick or modi dick. We don't have much choice. Look at what is happening between India and China border. So now India is suck Trump dick to purchase military equipment because Russia is friend with China. We just have to live with the new world order and hopefully things are not as bad as people think.

I don’t care who’s dick scomo sucks as long as we are prosperous. Better him then me I say. It’s quite an appropriate forum to discuss how we’re all getting fucked lol. It’s like the human fuckingpede.