View Full Version : How low can you go, on price that is.

23-05-2012, 02:19 AM
Question needs to be asked, what is the price that you are happy to pay for FS or massage with happy ending.

Do you look for quality or quantity, do you look for the cheapest joint or do you look for some fun and excitement.

What should be the price differential for a young sexy thing and an old hag, should Thai be cheaper than Chinese or is it Korean is cheapest?

Interested in everyone's thoughts.

Steven Seagal
23-05-2012, 06:01 AM

You make some assumptions about punting I disagree with.

For example you wrote:

"do you look for the cheapest joint or do you look for some fun and excitement."

Some of the best service and excitement I have had has been at the low end of the punting price range.

Also, there is a middle ground between sexy young hotties and old hags. (Note: Some of those old hags will give much more pleasure than the young princess types who have an 'I don't do list' longer than Craig Thompson's excuses.

As far as prices go, the market place ultimately decides that.


lonely heart
23-05-2012, 07:35 AM
THank you for GWEILO makeing an effort any try to resolve some conflict. But me and him are In a collision course since day one.

As for your topic it is not necessary how low you go on price but it is how much u pay and how much u get back, aka value. But I personally wont pay more than 150 for an hour.

May latest stratergy (well has always been since massage price keep going up and FS price keep coming down) is to seperate part 1 and part 2. You get the best out of both world good massage and good fuck. There are still inner west shop you can get massage ans FS together betwenn 100-120 for an hour.

Next level down is Nude RnT and thai shops rules in this assume u only go half an hour

And if your are stinger than me just want a tug and message, then 501/532, 143 and some inner west shop can get it done for $30 1/2 hour.

And of course age and nationality makes price difference as well. Is ethnic pricing wrong?? That is another topic for discussion but it has been in the australia adult industry for very long time. So the argunment was how can the korean and now chinese masaage charge such a sky high price when japs only charge $120-145 for 30-45 min of FS. Age is not so much of my thing as I find most young ones these days lacks services, I am way over the phrase where I pay someone just because they are young and pretty. You want my money, you have to do something.

23-05-2012, 08:16 AM
love to know where i can find japs for $120. I thought Japs charge the highest, followed by Koreans. As for the age, its all demand & supply. There's less of girls under 25 yo so they can charge more

lonely heart
23-05-2012, 08:58 AM
love to know where i can find japs for $120. I thought Japs charge the highest, followed by Koreans. As for the age, its all demand & supply. There's less of girls under 25 yo so they can charge more

Sakuara and the new TC that is for 1/2 hour though. Sakuara's new price can do 45 min for 130 I think.

23-05-2012, 09:48 AM
I look for a certain type of ML/WG - chinese, young, slender, flattish chested, crooked teeth also a plus

Prepared to pay $100-300 p/h, although i tend to prefer MLs rather than WG (less jaded) and they are usually much cheaper.

I am only attracted to chinese girls (dont like koreans, japanese, especially not anglos) and there seems to be a discount on them for some reason i dont understand but thats great for me!

23-05-2012, 01:34 PM
I look for a certain type of ML/WG - chinese, young, slender, flattish chested, crooked teeth also a plus

Prepared to pay $100-300 p/h, although i tend to prefer MLs rather than WG (less jaded) and they are usually much cheaper.

I am only attracted to chinese girls (dont like koreans, japanese, especially not anglos) and there seems to be a discount on them for some reason i dont understand but thats great for me!

Looks like Tiffany at SL is right up your alley.

23-05-2012, 01:37 PM
Sakuara and the new TC that is for 1/2 hour though. Sakuara's new price can do 45 min for 130 I think.

I used to go Sakura all the time when Amy the half Japanese Spanish girl used to work there, she also used to work at 5 star city. She would provide me 5 star service at Sakura all the time because I knew her before she changed shops. Being a gentlemen I would pay her appropriately.

23-05-2012, 02:31 PM
I think all pricings are market driven, if they reduce the price, you bet their business is not doing too well, there is no other way about it. Will it tricker a domino effect, may be, may be not. It's all good news on a punters' point of view, the only issue is, will the price cut affect the WL's cut, if it does, will it affect the services?

But on the other end of the market, with more and more outcall agents and specialty Japanese agents joining the industry (they all seems to be doing very well), you wonder if this is a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer??

And you look at 5 Star Penthouse, the girls are booked out all the time!!

There will be some answers out there somewhere............hahha


Happy punting everyone, whatever your game is, and whatever your price ranges are............LOL

23-05-2012, 10:10 PM
Very good questions.

In general, from a customer's view, I hope to get more beauties with good attitude and top services with reasonable prices.
Nationality and Age are not a problem at all.

People like to pay more money because they want to get top-level services (including girl quality, personality, attitudes, room environments). If the service cannot be gurantteed, it's hard for them to come again.

Question needs to be asked, what is the price that you are happy to pay for FS or massage with happy ending.

Do you look for quality or quantity, do you look for the cheapest joint or do you look for some fun and excitement.

What should be the price differential for a young sexy thing and an old hag, should Thai be cheaper than Chinese or is it Korean is cheapest?

Interested in everyone's thoughts.

24-05-2012, 12:07 AM

You make some assumptions about punting I disagree with.

For example you wrote:

"do you look for the cheapest joint or do you look for some fun and excitement."

Some of the best service and excitement I have had has been at the low end of the punting price range.

Also, there is a middle ground between sexy young hotties and old hags. (Note: Some of those old hags will give much more pleasure than the young princess types who have an 'I don't do list' longer than Craig Thompson's excuses.

As far as prices go, the market place ultimately decides that.


Some of the most fun I had has been at the lower end as well but when you take into account paying for extras to the ML it's almost the same price if not more expensive than FS shop. I'm not price sensitive on these matters, I'm just trying to look for good women/girls in this very small Sydney market.

As for young princess types, I have never had a problem with them. I treat them well and shower them with money to the point that their "I don't do list" evaporates into thin air.

It's has always been the case that you get what you pay for and I have always found that the more money I spend the more fun and excitement I get. The only time I have found this to be not true is with Caucasians charging too much for not much service.

24-05-2012, 01:17 AM
For me,...When i saw the line up of the girl and i felt click and i like the girl ,....i will go for it.
Cheap place doesn`t mean not good they are all good and Expensive place doesn`t mean always be the best.

The point are

No.1 Your Luck , If you meet the right girl then you will get the best service even on cheap place or expensive place

N0.2 Money Talk
No.3 Don`t let Juicy Box control your life , But you have to control your life and your wallet


24-05-2012, 01:30 AM
For me,...When i saw the line up of the girl and i felt click and i like the girl ,....i will go for it.
Cheap place doesn`t mean not good they are all good and Expensive place doesn`t mean always be the best.

The point are

No.1 Your Luck , If you meet the right girl then you will get the best service even on cheap place or expensive place

N0.2 Money Talk
No.3 Don`t let Juicy Box control your life , But you have to control your wallet


I don't have the luxury of visiting every shop in Sydney for a hit or miss. I just know that if I go to a more pricey shop then there is a higher probability that someone more attractive will be waiting for me. I don't think beautiful women will sell themselves short working in a cheaper shop for less money, they know there are men out there that are willing to pay a slight premium for a glamour. This is probably why so many premium escort services run out of apartments for $300 a pop is opening up everywhere.

24-05-2012, 01:52 AM
yeah u r rigth,..but i had one time paid more money to get beautiful girl but i just got an average service
and one time i had cheaper price but i got a 5* service,...thats why its all depend on luck
But mostly the more money you spend the more better service you got

24-05-2012, 02:14 AM
yeah u r rigth,..but i had one time paid more money to get beautiful girl but i just got an average service
and one time i had cheaper price but i got a 5* service,...thats why its all depend on luck
But mostly the more money you spend the more better service you got

There is only so much that a ML/WL can do to make me happy. I'm pretty sure even if I tipped them an extra $5000 that they couldn't make me any more happy than the service that they are already providing me.

24-05-2012, 03:07 AM
we lived in the wild wild world ......