View Full Version : Shop info Must Try Camp Hill shop
07-09-2019, 11:44 PM
I visited this shop in 103 Stanley Rd, very nice services, girls are selected and high quality, good price. Must Try.
08-09-2019, 02:44 AM
Yere ... sure.
Tell us more.
08-09-2019, 07:27 AM
Seems legit. :haha::haha:
08-09-2019, 07:27 AM
I visited this shop in 103 Stanley Rd, very nice services, girls are selected and high quality, good price. Must Try.
could you tell your girls to charge no more than $50 for opt 3 ?
The Professor
08-09-2019, 09:24 AM
I visited this shop in 103 Stanley Rd, very nice services, girls are selected and high quality, good price. Must Try.
Try this marketing strategy. "Hi all. We are having a 50 mins for $50 special and a $30 for 30 mins special for 4 weeks. Come and try as I believe we provide very nice services and the girls are selected and high quality.
Repeat customers after 3 visits at this price will get this price in the future instead of our normal $60/$40.
Ask yourself: Why should a punter come to my shop and not another? .....and go from there.
or go to the established successful well patronized shops about BrisVegas and copy their modal ..if not their model. lol
08-09-2019, 11:30 AM
tots legit.
but seriously, what the professor said, be transparent. The best type of marketing is to let your services speak for itself.
08-09-2019, 12:08 PM
tots legit.
but seriously, what the professor said, be transparent. The best type of marketing is to let your services speak for itself.
Agree 100%. Provide a service second to none and pricing that will get punters attention.
08-09-2019, 12:44 PM
Agree 100%. Provide a service second to none and pricing that will get punters attention.
As much as we dream about perfect girls at rock bottom dollars, in reality the business has to survive. Im quite happy to pay 60 for an hr at certain places because they have provided to me a more upmarket enviroment and qulity staff. Places who r doing it for 40 bucks an hr are'nt paying the girls anything, which i think is dead wrong. Id hate to c the better shops fold and quality staff dissappear because we're dreaming of some sort of Sydney like utopia thats never going to happen. Id much rather have a genuine friendly happy to c me reg than somone who hates me and talks badly about me when im gone just so i can save 10 bucks. But thats just me.
08-09-2019, 01:12 PM
Talked to a girl at Brain Damage shop. She charged me $70 for GFE opt 3. She said her average income from tips is $1000 / day.
A platinum girl at Centurion said she averaged 800-900 / day
My long time ML friend who floats from shop to shop said she averaged approx 500 / day from tips and she said she did maximum body slide
My bass guitar playing ML averaged 250-300 but she didn’t set a fixed price and to me she’s among the best ever
08-09-2019, 01:14 PM
I actually used to go to your shop, but you do nothing different from the other shops and have overpriced services so I stopped going.
08-09-2019, 01:18 PM
Talked to a girl at Brain Damage shop. She charged me $70 for GFE opt 3. She said her average income from tips is $1000 / day.
A platinum girl at Centurion said she averaged 800-900 / day
My long time ML friend who floats from shop to shop said she averaged approx 500 / day from tips and she said she did maximum body slide
My bass guitar playing ML averaged 250-300 but she didn’t set a fixed price and to me she’s among the best ever
Exactly BW, reddoor is just virtue signalling. Also you'd think logic would prevail when he unironically mentions Sydney with cost of living being higher there than Brisbane yet ML prices and services are much better there at the same time.
The Professor
08-09-2019, 02:58 PM
Talked to a girl at Brain Damage shop. She charged me $70 for GFE opt 3. She said her average income from tips is $1000 / day.
My bass guitar playing ML averaged 250-300 but she didn’t set a fixed price and to me she’s among the best ever
So she charges you $70 for GFE opt 3 but she makes on average $1000 /day from tips.
Really, you certainly are special BW!
08-09-2019, 03:11 PM
Exactly BW, reddoor is just virtue signalling. Also you'd think logic would prevail when he unironically mentions Sydney with cost of living being higher there than Brisbane yet ML prices and services are much better there at the same time.
So what r u saying, that u think it's ok for a girl to work for nothing? She does an hr massage, tries to tempt the customer into a bit more but in the end he walks and she has wasted an hr to get nothing. How is it virtue signaling to state the bleeding obvious. Do u think it's alright to abuse a girl, or walk out without paying her or demand she suck your smelly dick for 20 bucks. Is it virtue signaling to say i think those things r wrong?
Do u think those things r wrong?
Do u agree with me on that?
The girls BW is talking about work in well know shops that pay there staff part of the massage fee. These places have good ambiance for there customers and staff, not some dirty hot shithole where girls cant even shower. I would b very suprised to c a girl in one of these dumps pulling 500 bucks a day.
I only mentioned Sydney because it constantly comes up as a comparison. Its not a fair comparison as many things r obviously different compared to here. All im saying is that the girl should get a cut of the massage fee. I have nothing to gain buy this least of all any moral high ground
I stand by my oringinal post.
08-09-2019, 03:20 PM
So she charges you $70 for GFE opt 3 but she makes on average $1000 /day from tips.
Really, you certainly are special BW!
She did offer more but I didn’t take. Above opt 3 she’s very expensive
08-09-2019, 03:24 PM
So what r u saying, that u think it's ok for a girl to work for nothing? She does an hr massage, tries to tempt the customer into a bit more but in the end he walks and she has wasted an hr to get nothing. How is it virtue signaling to state the bleeding obvious. Do u think it's alright to abuse a girl, or walk out without paying her or demand she suck your smelly dick for 20 bucks. Is it virtue signaling to say i think those things r wrong?
Do u think those things r wrong?
Do u agree with me on that?
The girls BW is talking about work in well know shops that pay there staff part of the massage fee. These places have good ambiance for there customers and staff, not some dirty hot shithole where girls cant even shower. I would b very suprised to c a girl in one of these dumps pulling 500 bucks a day.
I only mentioned Sydney because it constantly comes up as a comparison. Its not a fair comparison as many things r obviously different compared to here. All im saying is that the girl should get a cut of the massage fee. I have nothing to gain buy this least of all any moral high ground
I stand by my oringinal post.
Someone said the girls at that $40 shops get paid only $10 / hour, while at the $80 shop they get $39 / hr
08-09-2019, 03:32 PM
Will talk to my French ML about that, thinking might be the owner want to know ...
08-09-2019, 04:52 PM
From what MLs have told me, there are $40 & $50 shops where the ML gets $10 from the shop fee.
Interestingly though, a popular ML in one of these shops can get up to 8-10 customers in a day on a busy day.
Not ever day is busy, but my observation is that more often than not, plenty of customers.
So the ML tried another shop where the pay is better. But number of customers is much lower, so staying at the low cost shop where they get more customers.
Some of the 40-50 shops have better shower facilities than shops that charge 60-70.
Some shops charging 60 don't have showers?
Shop owners need to get enough from the shop cost to pay the rent. Hence some variation in hrly charges.
I'm aware of some shops where the MLs were also staying overnight and paying rent as well for the privilege.
Thankfully seeing showers installed as I wondered initially why I could smell a bit of BO ... but that's gone.
There's a lot of variations in shops.
But we are mainly there for the girls.
08-09-2019, 05:11 PM
So what r u saying, that u think it's ok for a girl to work for nothing? She does an hr massage, tries to tempt the customer into a bit more but in the end he walks and she has wasted an hr to get nothing. How is it virtue signaling to state the bleeding obvious. Do u think it's alright to abuse a girl, or walk out without paying her or demand she suck your smelly dick for 20 bucks. Is it virtue signaling to say i think those things r wrong?
Do u think those things r wrong?
Do u agree with me on that?
The girls BW is talking about work in well know shops that pay there staff part of the massage fee. These places have good ambiance for there customers and staff, not some dirty hot shithole where girls cant even shower. I would b very suprised to c a girl in one of these dumps pulling 500 bucks a day.
I only mentioned Sydney because it constantly comes up as a comparison. Its not a fair comparison as many things r obviously different compared to here. All im saying is that the girl should get a cut of the massage fee. I have nothing to gain buy this least of all any moral high ground
I stand by my oringinal post.
How predictable you would go into creating straw mans and ad hominem attacks given BW just smashed your virtue signalling and I simply added my agreement.
BW literally and logically went into how they don't "get nothing". When did I say it's ok to abuse a girl? What makes you think my dick is "smelly"? Straw mans and ad hominem, the arguing tactics of a child.
You're right Sydney and Brisbane are totally different, which doesn't make sense given cost of living is so much higher in Sydney than Brisbane. You didn't even make any argument against this fact, other than say "it's different". If you're happy to continue getting ripped off then you do you I guess, but don't try and tell us with your moral compass of you thinking "girls are getting nothing" what prices we should be trying to negotiate as the customer.
08-09-2019, 05:25 PM
Someone said the girls at that $40 shops get paid only $10 / hour, while at the $80 shop they get $39 / hr
There is a chain of shops at low hr rate that dont pay the girls anything, not even $10.
This constant quest for lower and lower prices is getting a bit stale. I dont want to b ripped off anymore than the next guy but there is a minimum that shops can sustain and i dont want to c good places and good regs dissappear. A good shop with a nice reg that treats u right is far more important to me than constant petty haggling. I also understand that some girls r just ridicules in their demands and should b called out over it, but i find that to b the exception more than the rule.
Just about a happy balance for me.
08-09-2019, 05:34 PM
Reddoor is right and I’m sure many others agree with him, but hey if you guys like going to the cheap shops getting below average ladies then u can .. most the Chinese run pop up shop don’t pay the ladies shop fees and if they do it’s like $10 and small tips so borders on slave labour ... each to there own but not for me and my guess Reddoor
08-09-2019, 05:43 PM
How predictable you would go into creating straw mans and ad hominem attacks given BW just smashed your virtue signalling and I simply added my agreement.
BW literally and logically went into how they don't "get nothing". When did I say it's ok to abuse a girl? What makes you think my dick is "smelly"? Straw mans and ad hominem, the arguing tactics of a child.
You're right Sydney and Brisbane are totally different, which doesn't make sense given cost of living is so much higher in Sydney than Brisbane. You didn't even make any argument against this fact, other than say "it's different". If you're happy to continue getting ripped off then you do you I guess, but don't try and tell us with your moral compass of you thinking "girls are getting nothing" what prices we should be trying to negotiate as the customer.
I think u have the wrong understanding, i never mentioned your name in regards to those things. I was mearly stating what girls have to put up with in general, not any specific person. Listen man im not going to get into a running battle with u, i get on well with everyone on here and thats the way im going to keep it. So as far as im concerned we have our opinions and we have voiced them. If u want to reply feel free, if u want to contact me feel free, but this forum is just not important enough to me to make enemies. Cheers.
08-09-2019, 06:14 PM
Does anyone think it's out of the reality that a ML will see 6-9 customers in a day? No? Good. Doing simple maths if they are getting $40-50 per customer as a tip what is that $240-$500 per day? This would be the worst case scenario and that's more than most professionals in finance or even in law are able to earn in a day and that's even being before tax too. I doubt these MLs pay tax either. Also doesn't even include the amount they get a cut of the shop price. Also let's be realistic, no one goes to these shops without giving a generous tip.
Most times it is more realistic numbers from what BW stated especially if they are an attractive ML or a ML that gives a good service. In other words, most times the tip is more than $40-$50 depending on what is agreed upon via consent and it is likely they are out earning most of us by a long way without even having to have had to go through the Gladiator gauntlet of completing a degree and doing post graduate studies like some of us. There's no chance of "good" shops closing based on those numbers so I'm not going to feel guilty if I am negotiating lower prices, if the "bad" or "used to be good but now bad" shops close then they only have themselves to blame for either dropping their service standards or refusing to compete with prices. Green Tea Massage a great example of this.
08-09-2019, 06:31 PM
shop owners read this thread with great interest, they want to know where the current wind blows
08-09-2019, 09:35 PM
shop owners read this thread with great interest, they want to know where the current wind blows
With all the BS on this forum its pretty easy for shop owners to know where the wind blows out of.
08-09-2019, 09:49 PM
After actively participating in this forum for a few years I can see why some guys tend to get more fun than the others. See successful punters like MA, Reddoor, Insane or Maddona. They always write with a positive attitude, they don’t attack people, even when they just had a substandard session they keep a positive stance. I guess when they visit the shop the girls can see that, too
09-09-2019, 10:36 AM
Also let's be realistic, no one goes to these shops without giving a generous tip.
You obviously haven't been punting long if you think that. BW will tell you himself how many stories he has heard from his ML friends about just how common it is for punters to run out without paying.
I have even heard of punters walking out of a shop totally naked because the ML was holding all his belongings when he refused to tip. So basically he went in there with the intention to leave everything behind if he got caught.
You make it sound like these girls are all rolling in cash from performing this wonderful and illustrious job. I am sure you are such a handsome and wonderful catch that the girls just feel privileged to be giving you extras. But there are some absolute disgusting pigs out there also. If you think they girls are paid too much, ask yourself how much you would be willing to accept if you were asked to do the same service.
09-09-2019, 01:12 PM
It certainly feels as if we've gone off track here with a simple statement of providing better value/service...
But to add to this, I don't think the girls are overpaid in Brisbane, irrespective of how many BW-like punters there are who will negotiate heavily with prices, there are also suckers like I who will go to these massages with a simple objective, and not negotiate; as well as numerous punters who don't participate on this forum.
The comparison with lawyers and financial accounts is an unsuitable one imo, you're better off comparing earnings with SW as this falls in the same industry/regulations almost. I would also argue girls will only average closer to the 5-7 massages per day on average rather than the 6 to 9 mentioned, assuming not all of these tip, and a 50/50 split with shops. That wouldn't equate much more than $4/500 per day, which is lousy by SW standards. Having went through higher learning should never equate to higher income, just look at janitors in the mining towns, fishermen etc... Essentially what ecchi said "would you be willing to accept if you were asked to do the same."
I guess this is also why I've never been a huge proponent of lower tips, yes i understand it's great to pay less, but simple supply and demand says high quality girls will be scarce if the price trend goes downwards, which is really all Reddoor was saying at the start.
09-09-2019, 02:31 PM
do not know why we are talking about prices at a fake thread started by a shop owner lol...
I am actually seeing a trend of good VFM for higher options and bad VFM for op1 - op3, hence I just save all my inner energy and release once weekly :D
09-09-2019, 06:56 PM
....that daniel20202020 is not the owner of this shop. I doubt the owner of this shop knows how to use this forum and if they did DEFINITELY wouldn’t advertise their shop on here....
10-09-2019, 05:46 AM
do not know why we are talking about prices at a fake thread started by a shop owner lol...
I am actually seeing a trend of good VFM for higher options and bad VFM for op1 - op3, hence I just save all my inner energy and release once weekly :D
Agree with you 100% it is a shame .
10-09-2019, 07:51 AM
it is really quite simple, horny man wants to get a massage and some special extra's.
go to a shop and lay out what it is you want, agree on an amount and get said service, if you don't like it move on to next shop until you find what your looking for.
if you do find a good girl try and build a rapport with her and guess what the real good times start.
retail is the same over no matter what, something is only worth what someone is willing to pay, if it is not for you move on, the next punter may like it and pay for it.
all this crap about who earns what and how much, who cares, she is the one being poked and fingered and sucking cock all day.
would you growl some fat smelly old pussy for $10 while she is squeezing your testicles yelling yeah baby do it.
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