View Full Version : General talk Back in the day - difference between eras
04-09-2019, 10:14 PM
I've been punting on and off for nearly 5 years now.
I've seen people punting for 20+ years. What are the differences between now and 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 10 years ago? Etc
Was there a "golden age"? Are we in it now?
Just curious on what the scene looked like back in the day.
04-09-2019, 11:02 PM
Some of the older punters will tell you all sex used to be without condoms
Due to HIV and the many other STDs those days are over
04-09-2019, 11:04 PM
I have punted for 20 years. The best thing is that it was $150 hr 20 years ago and the same now so with inflation the price of a punt has gone down considerably.
Also 20 years ago no social media so just turn up and fuck.
04-09-2019, 11:04 PM
Some of the older punters will tell you all sex used to be without condoms
Ha ha it still is isn’t it !!
04-09-2019, 11:10 PM
Ha ha it still is isn’t it !!
I always use a condom with sex workers and that is the recommendation of medical professionals
I want to be punting and fertile in 40 years time. With antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea and chlamydia emerging. Both these diseases can go undiagnosed and can damage fertility for me and my future partners
Herpes is also an awful condition which I always want to avoid
Penile warts is yet another disease I never ever want to get. Look up the remedy for genital warts some day
Charlie Sheen thought he had Tiger blood and went bareback with countless hookers. Google him if you dont know what disaster awaited him due to his unsafe sex
04-09-2019, 11:17 PM
I've been doing massage places for almost 20 years I guess.
Back in the earliest days, all you got was a clothed HJ included in the shop fee, if you were lucky you might get a feel of her tits or pussy.
Then came the "cheaper" massage fee, but with the girl offering the same service for $20 extra. It was a while after that before bolder girls started offering "take off clothes?" for another $30 (now it is standard!).
I'm only an "occasional" punter by some standards here (maybe once every 2 weeks) but I can still find services better than my last favourite, the bar still keeps going up.
05-09-2019, 12:59 AM
Back in the earliest days, all you got was a clothed HJ included in the shop fee, if you were lucky you might get a feel of her tits or pussy.
Then came the "cheaper" massage fee, but with the girl offering the same service for $20 extra. It was a while after that before bolder girls started offering "take off clothes?" for another $30 (now it is standard!).
not to mention that some greedy but average looking japs in certain shops on the northshore & mascot attempt to charge another $20 on top of the standard $50, for the privilege of taking their panties off and letting you touch their pussy.
now i rarely visit these shops as younger and better looking girls can be found in more convenient locations.
05-09-2019, 07:54 AM
I started in the 70's and one of the few extras you were charged for was a condom. Then the reaper arrived and the world changed😞😞
05-09-2019, 09:48 AM
I've been doing massage places for almost 20 years I guess.
Back in the earliest days, all you got was a clothed HJ included in the shop fee, if you were lucky you might get a feel of her tits or pussy.
Then came the "cheaper" massage fee, but with the girl offering the same service for $20 extra. It was a while after that before bolder girls started offering "take off clothes?" for another $30 (now it is standard!).
I'm only an "occasional" punter by some standards here (maybe once every 2 weeks) but I can still find services better than my last favourite, the bar still keeps going up.
For me, 501 had set the standard back then where no shops I’d been to could match and more so, none at all nowadays ! Never been to Billy’s shop so can’t really draw a comparison . But in those truly “Good Old Days” at 501, a $30/30 min massage only fees will include a free HJ with clothes on, $20 tips will get your ML naked and a pineapple will get you the works ! Even brother Lonely Heart had Never complained about the prices...... haha
Jojo, Sasa, Nana and Cici - skills and services and attitudes will put many MLs today to shame !
Yeap, those were the days !
05-09-2019, 10:18 AM
The good old days😁. I can remember driving down Palmer St on a hot summers night during one of the last American R&R stopovers. About 3 in the morning and I would have spotted 6 doggies on car bonnets and not a canine in sight. It got pretty wild them "Good ole days"👍
Labia Vortex
05-09-2019, 02:59 PM
In The 70s Touch of ...Class Tudor ... AWOP were the high end shops
No condoms... everything bareback including sex
Hardly any Asian girls then
Almost no RnT shops
05-09-2019, 05:19 PM
Wow BBFS as standard!? Were there no STDs back then?
Labia Vortex
05-09-2019, 05:30 PM
The Blue Light Clinic in Macquarie St. Was very busy
05-09-2019, 06:18 PM
Wow BBFS as standard!? Were there no STDs back then?
When was the first condom made ?
ALL sex before that WERE ALL BARE BACK where they not ??
Forward Must Hang
05-09-2019, 06:30 PM
I'm that old I remember my first punt was with Tilly Devine...
05-09-2019, 07:58 PM
Good point, honestly never thought about it!
Thanks god for johnnies.
06-09-2019, 12:10 AM
Condomless sex with a stranger is something i could never imagine in my lifetime. Too bad for stds, i wonder human has been fucking for hundred thousands of years, but we got aids only in the past 30years??
06-09-2019, 02:23 PM
When was the first condom made ?
ALL sex before that WERE ALL BARE BACK where they not ??
There’s some conjecture to the Q.
with some historians Pointing toward the legend of Minos, 150 AD, suggestive of condom use in ancient societies. This describes a curse that caused Minos' semen to contain serpents and scorpions. To protect his sexual partner from these animals, Minos used a goat's bladder as a female condom
And thx fuk for vulcanisaton not the trekkie type as rubbers would be a whole lot of sticky c1855 saw the advent of the modern condom
06-09-2019, 03:34 PM
Unprotected sex these says is not worth the risk. And after using condoms for a while, the sex is still very enjoyable
07-09-2019, 10:07 PM
Seems I'll add my experiences. Back in the 70's there were only a few recognised "brothels" around the Cross. Touch of Class was probably the best but in real money that cost a fortune for the average punt. Most of the ladies of the night were street walkers. Palmer St, Reilly St and most of Bayswater Rd would have any number of girls stopping traffic and offering most anything you asked for from about $30 bucks going up. You either then used the car you were in or got shuffled off to some small bolthole or hotel unit she had. It all depended how busy the night was or how much she was charging. You would often see the girls swapping keys when they had a job or finished one. Before the drugs hit home it was a lot of fun in the Cross. But, in those days it was purely sex. She'd do her best to have you finished in 10 minutes. You wanted 2nd round you came back in 30 minutes and repeat the process. No kissing, not always a bed, no showers. They usually thanked you, especially if you finished quick. Then I think it was in late 80's there was a push for legalization of the industry. This opened the door for smaller establishments in the suburbs and the world you know now began to evolve. I can remember the Chanderlay opening in Roseville, it is now Roseville Rose, and Diamonds at Crows Nest. Smaller brothels that had all the bells and whistles for under $200 a go. Then the industrial site shops started popping up and the competition was on for customers. So to answer your question, this is the golden era. You have more choice and better service than ever before. Sometimes I wonder that the thrill of the chase is missing. Then I have a shower and I am soon over that problem 😎
07-09-2019, 11:48 PM
Thanks tramps for the details. Service is getting better and expectations are higher. The days of paying for sex in the back of someones car in a dark alley are gone
08-09-2019, 11:53 AM
I heard that the Kiwis invented the condom. It was made from sheeps intestine .
Then the Ozzys improved it & took it out of the sheep.
08-09-2019, 08:14 PM
I heard that the Kiwis invented the condom. It was made from sheeps intestine .
Then the Ozzys improved it & took it out of the sheep.
On the original post, don't know about previous eras since I have been punting only for 3 years but I remember when I started MLs would ask for extra $$$ for DATY, B2b, DFK basically anything on top of NHJ.
Now days most MLs included all of that in the normal $50 tip.
Perhaps it was more about me being new to the punting scene but seems to me MLs definitely giving more service now.
08-09-2019, 09:13 PM
Seems I'll add my experiences. Back in the 70's there were only a few recognised "brothels" around the Cross. Touch of Class was probably the best but in real money that cost a fortune for the average punt. Most of the ladies of the night were street walkers. Palmer St, Reilly St and most of Bayswater Rd would have any number of girls stopping traffic and offering most anything you asked for from about $30 bucks going up. You either then used the car you were in or got shuffled off to some small bolthole or hotel unit she had. It all depended how busy the night was or how much she was charging. You would often see the girls swapping keys when they had a job or finished one. Before the drugs hit home it was a lot of fun in the Cross. But, in those days it was purely sex. She'd do her best to have you finished in 10 minutes. You wanted 2nd round you came back in 30 minutes and repeat the process. No kissing, not always a bed, no showers. They usually thanked you, especially if you finished quick. Then I think it was in late 80's there was a push for legalization of the industry. This opened the door for smaller establishments in the suburbs and the world you know now began to evolve. I can remember the Chanderlay opening in Roseville, it is now Roseville Rose, and Diamonds at Crows Nest. Smaller brothels that had all the bells and whistles for under $200 a go. Then the industrial site shops started popping up and the competition was on for customers. So to answer your question, this is the golden era. You have more choice and better service than ever before. Sometimes I wonder that the thrill of the chase is missing. Then I have a shower and I am soon over that problem 😎
Thanks tramps, really interesting!
09-09-2019, 07:35 AM
I've been punting on and off for nearly 5 years now.
I've seen people punting for 20+ years. What are the differences between now and 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 10 years ago? Etc
Was there a "golden age"? Are we in it now?
Just curious on what the scene looked like back in the day.My first ever "punt" was when I was 15 in Melbourne... went for a job interview and they put me up in a hotel in the CBD... I worked up the nerve to call an escort and when she arrived, all I had was 15 bucks to my name so she felt sorry for me and gave me a topless hand shandy and I wasn't even allowed to touch her... lol... blew my load in about 90 seconds...
I then started punting in Melbourne in 1983 and I went to "Top of the Town" near the station... it was during the height of the AIDS epidemic... even then it cost $180 an hour (and that was with my 25% off VIP discount!), and there was no such thing as BBBJ.... my keen dislike of so called Western service (ie.. code for shit service, stay began...
So in answer to your question, yes, we are really spoilt in Sydney... super spoilt!!
09-09-2019, 08:01 AM
Charlie Sheen thought he had Tiger blood and went bareback with countless hookers. Google him if you dont know what disaster awaited him due to his unsafe sex
I wonder how depressed Charlie is now, he's was living the dream and then all of the sudden. I mean with the latest hiv drug, he could practically have sex with a very small chance of affecting his partners but I don't think any escort would risk her life for any amount of money. We would probably get away with it but he's too well known. The only way I could think of is that he has to fly to China or Thailand where not many people know who he is.
11-09-2019, 10:55 AM
There’s some conjecture to the Q.
with some historians Pointing toward the legend of Minos, 150 AD, suggestive of condom use in ancient societies. This describes a curse that caused Minos' semen to contain serpents and scorpions. To protect his sexual partner from these animals, Minos used a goat's bladder as a female condom
And thx fuk for vulcanisaton not the trekkie type as rubbers would be a whole lot of sticky c1855 saw the advent of the modern condom
Male condoms were made from pigs intestines back in the day apparently
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