View Full Version : General talk Inheritance division

03-08-2019, 08:13 PM
Would you leave any inheritances behind for your children or do you spend as much as you can on your own pleasures/philanthropic activity or whatnot, since the mindset is "you can't take it with you when you die?"

If you choose to leave inheritances for your children...
Would you leave more for your sons than daughters, since sons are the ones that would be carrying the bloodline?
If you have more than 1 son, would you favour the one who has a better prospect? For example, a good-for-nothing vs one who have proven himself to manage money well, or son who has given you grandsons vs the other who doesn't have any children?
Do you strategise on this or just split evenly among all children?

Forward Must Hang
03-08-2019, 08:25 PM
Bloodline?! What am I, a Labrador?

I think you'll find that, genetically, my daughter will carry my bloodline too, but my son will carry my name. My daughter may choose up to keep her surname as well.

I keep telling my father to spend up and enjoy retirement. Financially, I'm doing okay and don't need his money.

Of course, I intend to enjoy life as well. Don't know what I'll do when time comes because right now they still at home. See what happens and what they need later. My kids will get my assets, which will be divided evenly. Given my hobbies, and collections of crap, they'll probably fight to see who DOESN'T get to inherit it!


03-08-2019, 11:38 PM
What does this have to do with sexual activities, other than spending your kids' inheritance on it?

Mine can have the apartment when I go, but I won't leave too much cash behind LOL

03-08-2019, 11:53 PM
One plan may be to move to a South east Asian country for a few years, after retirement, returning to Australia once the body is starting to fail