View Full Version : Avenger End Game promotion (now until end of May)

28-04-2019, 02:35 PM
Avenger End Game promotion (now until end of May)

We give out one free event cinema tick for every 3 customers come to visit us (1/3 chance). Very easy to win, just pick a card after your session ends and we email(text) you your ticket within 6 hours. Win you ticket and go watch the Blockbuster today!

*Real name preferred to be printed in the ticket, we take no responsibility if you use fake name and result in ticket not redeemable.

复仇者联盟最终之战免费看 (now until end of May)

1/3的机会赢得复仇者联盟的电影票,当场抽奖当场送票。要看大片的赶紧联系来我们家啦,跟小姐姐摸摸哒,然后 去电影院看电影啪啪啪(爆炸的声音)

https://oi50.photobucket.com/albums/f339/84aartarmon/WeChat%20Image_20190428133228_zpszyyxwgen.jpg (https://s50.photobucket.com/user/84aartarmon/media/WeChat%20Image_20190428133228_zpszyyxwgen.jpg.html )

https://oi50.photobucket.com/albums/f339/84aartarmon/WeChat%20Image_20190428110558_zpsomfrgv4b.jpg (https://s50.photobucket.com/user/84aartarmon/media/WeChat%20Image_20190428110558_zpsomfrgv4b.jpg.html )

23-05-2019, 01:32 PM
Address: 6 Poplar St Surry Hills
Website: https://6surryhills.business.site/
WeChat ID: SurryHills_6