View Full Version : Question No. 5 Marrickville - "Luxury Diamond"

09-04-2019, 11:11 PM
I haven't punted in a while and the last time I was at No.5 was a couple years ago was with K Lina/Rina (or was it Erica?...). I've noticed that some of the WLs there have 'Luxury Diamond' next to their names.

What gives? What's the difference between that and Diamond?

In the off-chance that I'm around the neighbourhood and I get to pop in, it would be good to know the difference beforehand - I usually like to plan ahead before booking.


09-04-2019, 11:24 PM
No idea, I haven't been since they finished their renovations. Wanted to drop by the other day but they have me blocked on wechat lol

09-04-2019, 11:28 PM
The girl mean to be prettier or younger. These girls usually gets lots of booking. My two luxury diamond girl S nd dior was very good. Unfortunately I think they both gone :(

But carina wendy nd bella they are pretty good I heard !

10-04-2019, 12:20 AM
No idea, I haven't been since they finished their renovations. Wanted to drop by the other day but they have me blocked on wechat lol

Dafuq did you do? lol.

I think if you're inactive/haven't booked for a while they unfriend you. Happened to me before.

The girl mean to be prettier or younger. These girls usually gets lots of booking. My two luxury diamond girl S nd dior was very good. Unfortunately I think they both gone :(

But carina wendy nd bella they are pretty good I heard !

So basically Diamond, but just the shop's way in showing that they're pretty popular?

10-04-2019, 12:49 AM
Luxury diamonds means you just buy the look and the girl more younger but not the service

Mr Ivor Biggen
16-04-2019, 01:11 PM
Looking at website pics, all girls appear to be model quality here and so many have become size 4's.
In reality in line-up??? proceed with caution.

16-04-2019, 04:42 PM
They don't mention it's US size 4 which is size 8 Euro (what we use)