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View Full Version : 45 George Alka 成都辣妹, Sky -湖南靓妹,两个各有千秋。都很值得玩。

16-11-2018, 01:01 AM
Girls name : Alka and Sky

Shop's name : 45 George, Granville

Rate : $ 70/ 30 min ; $ 130 / hr

Date : 15 Nov., 2018

Review :

最近经常出外旅游,都很少去玩靓女了。刚刚回来不久,打电话问45 最近有没有靓女。今天是Jason,做接线。他说最近他们有很多年轻靓女。都是我喜欢的类型。他说了几个名 字,加上精彩的描述。立刻讲到我心都动。下午吃完饭就过去看看。

第一个进来的女孩子,叫Alka,穿住白色透明纱衣,骄人的身材,一眼望晒。样子漂亮动人,到得人惊的地步 。我一看就知道一定要食她了。但是Jason 说过还有几个,所以就说要多看看。

第二个进来的是个小女孩子。叫Sky.个子是小的。但是样子很甜美,笑容非常好。都看到有点波波,整个身形 都是令男人流口水的。

Jason 之后进来问我要做边个。我看看价钱,半小时70元,那么吸引,就说两个都要,先做Alka. 后做Sky。Jason 说肯定没问题。中间给我休息一下。也尽量不给sky 做长工,不要让我等得太久,我说很好。之后就交了两个女孩子 各半小时的钱, Jason 就叫Alka 来带我上房间。


Alka 很细心的拖住我的手上去她在楼上的房间,入房后,我去洗澡,她就脱光衣服在床上等我。我出来后,看到她的一 对大宝贝。大屁股,小腰,眼球都凸出来了。问她身材多少,她说34-26-35.她的身体有点婴儿肥。看来很丰满。。整个身形是葫芦形。非常吸引。她的身高大概是160cm. 问她是哪里人? 她说是成都。怪不得她的皮肤又白又滑啦。女人一般不会告诉你真实年龄,以我这个老嫖的眼光,她最多是30岁 左右,样子看来只有25岁,她的声音非常好听,不会有老妇女的声线。所以应该是年轻的。

她说刚来澳洲不久,以前没有做过这一行。一上床。我的小弟弟进去她的小妹妹, 就知道她没有说谎了。真的是很小很紧。水也很多。她的吹工一般,但是很用心吹。她是戴套吹的。这是我希望所 有女孩子都是这样做的方法。因为安全卫生,对男女都好。

跟靓女,紧妹妹的女孩子做爱,肯定很爽。她叫床声。把我的骨头都骚到软了。她做爱时候,很愿意配合我的动作 ,摇腰摇屁股,让我如入仙境一样。几个基本的姿势,她都给我去试试,男人功力小一点的,一两招就要出水,我 是因为还有一个小姑娘跟住要做,所以尽量留力,让她去动,她也无所谓的去干我。最后我都是隐不住,在她湿湿 的小妹妹内,大力出水了。真的快活过神仙。

之后我们两个一起冲凉。店的闹钟响了。我们拥抱一下,她就带我下楼了。轻吻我一下。提醒我要很快再去找她, 这个其实她不需要提醒我的。我的小弟弟也会提醒我啦。我心里想。


到楼下后,Jason 说要我等半小时。因为Sky上钟了。我说这样刚刚好。我到一个空的小房间休息一会。等Jaso n 叫我。


Sky 脱光衣服之后。,我看到一对 B cup 的小波波。Sky 整个身形都是小的。她说是湖南妹。皮肤也是白白滑滑的。她说到澳洲不久,以前从没有做过这 个行业。Sky 的脸非常漂亮, 鼻子挺挺高高的。她看来像个小姑娘。只有18岁。当然实际年龄不会那么小。但是一定很年轻,比 Alka 应该更年轻。她应该只有155cm 高。屁股也不算小,有点肉。

大家一起 洗澡后, 就拥抱一会才上床,她给我很好的女朋友感觉,很可爱。她是带套吹的。下面小妹妹很多毛,没有剃,她说不给人 亲嘴,舔小妹妹,总之要卫生。我也是喜欢这样的女孩子,干净为上的最好。

她的吹工一般,但是很用心的问我舒不舒服。总之搞到我很硬为止,就开始上马了。她先在上面,很努力的去干我 。摇我。她的小妹妹肯定很紧。所以她一边做,一边叫。我之后转到上面,大力的干她,她叫到好像我在强奸她一 样,我不管,就是拼命的去干她。一会,她说感觉很舒服。把手紧紧的抱住我。小妹妹在下面也懂自己在动。我很 享受女孩子这样的动作。她很快就来高潮了。叫到很大声。可能很久没有人干她干的像我的舒服吧。

她的高潮来了。我本来不想再来的也隐不住了。心里想。一天出水两次,很多天都需要休息了。但是开心过了。都 是值得的吧。

大家一起去冲凉。再拥抱一会,店的闹钟又响了。我们一起下楼。她又叫我经常去找她。我一样答应,只是心里想 。“怎样去搵钱,怎样去培养多些体力去干这些美女呢?”

16-11-2018, 07:49 PM
Thanks for sharing, Biggerbanana

20-11-2018, 01:01 PM
How about writing this in english??

21-11-2018, 06:54 PM
Girls name : Alka and Sky

Shop's name : 45 George, Granville

Rate : $ 70/ 30 min ; $ 130 / hr

Date : 15 Nov., 2018

Review :

最近经常出外旅游,都很少去玩靓女了。刚刚回来不久,打电话问45 最近有没有靓女。今天是Jason,做接线。他说最近他们有很多年轻靓女。都是我喜欢的类型。他说了几个名 字,加上精彩的描述。立刻讲到我心都动。下午吃完饭就过去看看。

第一个进来的女孩子,叫Alka,穿住白色透明纱衣,骄人的身材,一眼望晒。样子漂亮动人,到得人惊的地步 。我一看就知道一定要食她了。但是Jason 说过还有几个,所以就说要多看看。

第二个进来的是个小女孩子。叫Sky.个子是小的。但是样子很甜美,笑容非常好。都看到有点波波,整个身形 都是令男人流口水的。

Jason 之后进来问我要做边个。我看看价钱,半小时70元,那么吸引,就说两个都要,先做Alka. 后做Sky。Jason 说肯定没问题。中间给我休息一下。也尽量不给sky 做长工,不要让我等得太久,我说很好。之后就交了两个女孩子 各半小时的钱, Jason 就叫Alka 来带我上房间。


Alka 很细心的拖住我的手上去她在楼上的房间,入房后,我去洗澡,她就脱光衣服在床上等我。我出来后,看到她的一 对大宝贝。大屁股,小腰,眼球都凸出来了。问她身材多少,她说34-26-35.她的身体有点婴儿肥。看来很丰满。。整个身形是葫芦形。非常吸引。她的身高大概是160cm. 问她是哪里人? 她说是成都。怪不得她的皮肤又白又滑啦。女人一般不会告诉你真实年龄,以我这个老嫖的眼光,她最多是30岁 左右,样子看来只有25岁,她的声音非常好听,不会有老妇女的声线。所以应该是年轻的。

她说刚来澳洲不久,以前没有做过这一行。一上床。我的小弟弟进去她的小妹妹, 就知道她没有说谎了。真的是很小很紧。水也很多。她的吹工一般,但是很用心吹。她是戴套吹的。这是我希望所 有女孩子都是这样做的方法。因为安全卫生,对男女都好。

跟靓女,紧妹妹的女孩子做爱,肯定很爽。她叫床声。把我的骨头都骚到软了。她做爱时候,很愿意配合我的动作 ,摇腰摇屁股,让我如入仙境一样。几个基本的姿势,她都给我去试试,男人功力小一点的,一两招就要出水,我 是因为还有一个小姑娘跟住要做,所以尽量留力,让她去动,她也无所谓的去干我。最后我都是隐不住,在她湿湿 的小妹妹内,大力出水了。真的快活过神仙。

之后我们两个一起冲凉。店的闹钟响了。我们拥抱一下,她就带我下楼了。轻吻我一下。提醒我要很快再去找她, 这个其实她不需要提醒我的。我的小弟弟也会提醒我啦。我心里想。


到楼下后,Jason 说要我等半小时。因为Sky上钟了。我说这样刚刚好。我到一个空的小房间休息一会。等Jaso n 叫我。


Sky 脱光衣服之后。,我看到一对 B cup 的小波波。Sky 整个身形都是小的。她说是湖南妹。皮肤也是白白滑滑的。她说到澳洲不久,以前从没有做过这 个行业。Sky 的脸非常漂亮, 鼻子挺挺高高的。她看来像个小姑娘。只有18岁。当然实际年龄不会那么小。但是一定很年轻,比 Alka 应该更年轻。她应该只有155cm 高。屁股也不算小,有点肉。

大家一起 洗澡后, 就拥抱一会才上床,她给我很好的女朋友感觉,很可爱。她是带套吹的。下面小妹妹很多毛,没有剃,她说不给人 亲嘴,舔小妹妹,总之要卫生。我也是喜欢这样的女孩子,干净为上的最好。

她的吹工一般,但是很用心的问我舒不舒服。总之搞到我很硬为止,就开始上马了。她先在上面,很努力的去干我 。摇我。她的小妹妹肯定很紧。所以她一边做,一边叫。我之后转到上面,大力的干她,她叫到好像我在强奸她一 样,我不管,就是拼命的去干她。一会,她说感觉很舒服。把手紧紧的抱住我。小妹妹在下面也懂自己在动。我很 享受女孩子这样的动作。她很快就来高潮了。叫到很大声。可能很久没有人干她干的像我的舒服吧。

她的高潮来了。我本来不想再来的也隐不住了。心里想。一天出水两次,很多天都需要休息了。但是开心过了。都 是值得的吧。

大家一起去冲凉。再拥抱一会,店的闹钟又响了。我们一起下楼。她又叫我经常去找她。我一样答应,只是心里想 。“怎样去搵钱,怎样去培养多些体力去干这些美女呢?”

Translated the whole damn thing into English. If something sounds weird, blame the translator :)

Girls name : Alka and Sky

Shop's name : 45 George, Granville

Rate : $ 70/ 30 min ; $ 130 / hr

Date : 15 Nov., 2018

Review :
Recently often travel, rarely go to play pretty girl.Just back soon, call 45 to ask if there have been any beautiful girls lately.Today is Jason, do the wiring.He says they have a lot of young girls these days.It's all my type.He said a few names, plus a wonderful description.Now, my heart moves.After lunch in the afternoon, go and have a look.

The first girl to come in, called Alka, wearing a white transparent gauze, impressive figure, a look at the sun.Beautiful and beautiful, to the surprise of the point .I knew I had to eat her as soon as I saw it.But Jason said there are a few, so he said to look at.

The second came in with a little girl.It's called Sky.The child is small.But the face is sweet and the smile is very good.I see a little wave, the whole body is to make men drooling.

After Jason came in and asked me to do side.I look at the price, half an hour 70 yuan, so attractive, say both, first do Alka. After doing Sky.Jason said it's no problem.Give me a break in the middle.Also try not to give sky do long work, do not let me wait too long,I said good.After paying the two girls each half an hour of money, Jason asked Alka to take me to the room.

Alka was very careful to hold my hand up she was upstairs in the room, after entering the room, I went to the bath, she took off my clothes on the bed to wait for me.I came out and saw one of her Big Babes.Big ass, small waist, eyeballs are bulging out.Ask her how much she said 34-26-35.Her body is a little baby fat.It seems very plump.。The entire stature is gourd-shaped.Very attracted.Her height is about 160cm. Ask her where she is? She said it was Chengdu.No wonder her skin is white and slippery.Women generally do not tell you the real age, in my eyes this old prostitute, she is at most about 30 years old, looks like only 25 years old, her voice is very nice, there will be no old woman voice.So it should be young.

She said she had just come to Australia and had not done it before.One goes to bed.My little brother went inside her little sister and knew she wasn't lying.Really is very small and tight.Water is also a lot.She is a regular Whistler, but she blows with great care.She was wearing a condom.This is the way I want all the girls to be.Because of safety and health, it is good for both men and women.

Sex with a pretty girl, a tight-ass sister, must be cool.She called the bed.My bones are so soft.When she was having sex, she was very willing to cooperate with my movements, shaking her ass, so that I like to go into Wonderland.A few basic posture, she gave me to try, the man a little skill, one or two strokes to the water, I was because there is a little girl to do with, so try to stay, let her move, she does not matter to do me.In the end I couldn't stop, in her wet little sister inside, vigorously the water.Really happy gods.

After that we both took a shower together.The shop alarm clock went off.We gave her a hug and she took me downstairs.Give me a kiss.Remind me to go to her soon, this fact she did not need to remind me.My little brother will remind me.I thought to myself.

When he got downstairs, Jason said he wanted me to wait half an hour.Because the sky is on the clock.I said it was just right.I went to an empty little room to take a break.Wait Jaso n call me.

Half an hour later, Sky came to my room.She also brought her own paraphernalia.No need for me to walk around, this very good arrangement.

After Sky undressed.And I saw a pair of small waves of B cup.The entire stature of Sky is small.She said it was Hunan girl.The skin is also slippery in vain.She said that not long ago, Australia had never done this business before.Sky's face is very beautiful, the nose is very tall.She looks like a little girl.Only 18 years old.Of course the actual age will not be so small.But it must be very young, younger than Alka should be.She should be only 155cm tall.Ass is not small, a little meat.

After we bathed together, hugged for a while before going to bed, she gave me a good girlfriend feeling, very cute.She was blown with a sleeve.The next little sister is a lot of hair, not shaved, she said not to give a kiss, lick the little sister, in short, to be healthy.I also like such a girl, clean as the best.

Her blow job is normal, but she is very hard to ask me uncomfortable.In short to get me very hard, began to get on the horse.She was up there first. she tried to fuck me.Shake me.Her little sister must be tight.So she called while doing it.Then I went to the top and fucked her vigorously, and she screamed as if I were raping her, and I didn't care, just desperately trying to fuck her.For a while, she said it was comfortable.Hold my hand tight.The Little Sister below also know that they are moving.I enjoy girls like this.She will come to an orgasm soon.Called out very loudly.It's probably been a while since nobody fucked her like I'm comfortable with it.

Her orgasm came.I didn't want to come back.Think in your heart.The water twice a day, many days need to rest.But I was happy.It's all worth it.

Everyone went to shower together.Another hug, the shop alarm went off again.We went downstairs together.She told me to go to her more often.I just like to promise, just think."How to find money, how to cultivate more strength to do these beauties?"”

10-03-2019, 04:09 AM
Alka looks fantastic on website photos. Real and recent pics? I also wonder about the generous discounts offered here. Is it the shop or the girl who wears the price cut?

22-04-2019, 11:53 AM
Day time special promotion full service ~ Every Day 10am - 6pm

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YES thats right!!! ONLY $75/30mins FULL SERVICE with any girl of your choice

YES thats right!!! ONLY $75/30mins FULL SERVICE with any girl of your choice

YES thats right!!! ONLY $75/30mins FULL SERVICE with any girl of your choice