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View Full Version : 269 Canterbury Rd. Monica is generic.

Steven Seagal
12-05-2012, 08:30 PM
269 Canterbury Rd..
Phone: 97872657
Rates: $50/30 and $100/60

G’Day Friends,

(Note: I have edited this post as I discovered the lady I reviewed here was NOT Monica, but a wl named Amy)

This is a review of Amy the generic Chinese milf.

What is a generic Chinese milf you ask? Well it’s a standardised, processed milf from the People’s Republic. They come ready to use right off the assembly line and tend to be 5’ 4” in height. 35-45 years old, B-/C+ cup, plain face, the beginnings of a pot belly and a trimmed pussy.

Recently I went to Guangdong Province as a guest of New China Milf Pty. Ltd. I was impressed with the technology in the factory and the fact that they turned out 295 Amy milfs per day for the Australian market. While the factory used the latest robotics and computer software it was not without some glitches. I overheard a conversation between their quality control supervisor Jet ‘F-18 Hornet’ Lee and Bruce ‘Double’ Chin the assembly line foreman. What I heard was the following:

Hornet: There’s a problem with the latest batch of Amy milfs for the Australian market.
Double: What’s the difficulty?
Hornet: They aren’t up to spec. Too many facial wrinkles and too much pussy hair.
Double: Coco Lee is the answer. She will remove excess pussy hair with tweezers.
Hornet: What about the wrinkles?
Double: I will personally rub Dove soap into their faces for two weeks. Problem solved.
Hornet: Not really. When asked their names they say “My name Lucy”.
Double: What’s wrong with that?
Hornet: The Lucys are for the US market. The Australian market gets the Amys.
Double: No problem. With this batch I’ll just superglue their lips together so they don’t say shit.
Hornet: Double, you’re a legend!

Well, I encountered this Amy at 269 Canterbury Rd. I was met at the door by chubby Jenny who I don’t think has all that intimate relationship with the truth. I stopped going to this joint a couple of years ago because she’d say “Next week sweet young girl for you” and when I came in she threw great grandma at me!

The place is very basic, but appears reasonably clean. There are no showers in the rooms, so you need to leave them to shower before and after. Downstairs there are massage tables and upstairs are beds. In the past you could enterd by a side door, but now you have to go through the front that faces out on to busy Canterbury Road.

Now to Amy, she looks fresh off the assembly line. She is late 30’s early 40’s, with C- cup, trimmed pussy hair and the beginnings of a pot belly. She is obviously the Mrk 2 version of Amys as her lips were not super-glued together and when I asked her name she said “My name Amy”.

She provided an effective, standardised Amy service. There was bbj and then getting dommed up for mish, cowgirl and doggie and, for an additional gratuity, anal to finish things off. All of this was done by her with a good attitude and a genuine desire to please.

She was a nice lady and provided a good, but not great service.

Will I see her again?

Probably not. I heard from Jet “F-18 Hornet” Lee the other day and he says Mrk 3 of the Amy series will be released soon.

(Note: I heard via the grapevine that the Cauc milf factory in Mt Druitt has temporarily ceased production. A software problem had resulted in a number of milfs telling the truth instead of their usual horseshit.)

Till later.


12-05-2012, 09:25 PM
Fcuk you brother. This is a very good report.
Like your style

12-05-2012, 10:01 PM
Always a good read from colonel seagal.
China's economy has slowed down this year so 295 milfs per day sounds about right