View Full Version : General talk Recruiting the Girls

11-06-2017, 06:42 PM
I have met quite a lot of fresh off the boat Chinese WL's recently at the Western Sydney shops that I frequent.

Mostly they seem to live in the shop and sleep there as they have no other home

I often wonder how they are recruited by the shops in Sydney from China. Anyone have any knowledge or first hand experience in recruiting ?

Christmas ? Perhaps you can explain.

11-06-2017, 07:10 PM
Most shops recruit ladies from ads or some girls just show up looking for job
and others are friends of WL who have worked at a shop as they network with
each other . Many ladies have told me they regularly have drinks or meals
with girls from the same ethnic background. Others are recruited from overseas
agency's or brokers and the shop pays a fee for a successful candidate just like
a job agency does. The dark stories of ladies naively being tricked into believing
they are coming to Aust as waitress etc is largely a urban myth or tall tale. As
yes it most likely happens overseas though in Aust probably / maybe but i have
never heard or seen first hand.

11-06-2017, 07:29 PM
Who cares where they come from as long as they are there with you

11-06-2017, 07:38 PM
I'd feel better knowing they were here voluntarily as opposed to tricked so I'd say Punters questions a valid one

11-06-2017, 09:06 PM
well about Chinese girls I have not much knowledge but for FOB Korean girls, we constantly advertise our shop in Korean website. so girls can read and talk to me.

11-06-2017, 09:12 PM

11-06-2017, 09:20 PM
well about Chinese girls I have not much knowledge but for FOB Korean girls, we constantly advertise our shop in Korean website. so girls can read and talk to me.

When you say websites what do you mean. Are there websites that recruit girls from overseas ?

11-06-2017, 10:53 PM
From reading reports here over the past few years, there has been a recurring theme of K girls being generally disinterested in their work, down to being outright uncooperative with clients.

I have often wondered if this attitude stems from them not really wanting to be in the job, but with no opportunity to get out. Why else would they stay if they didn't want to be there?

11-06-2017, 10:56 PM
From reading reports here over the past few years, there has been a recurring theme of K girls being generally disinterested in their work, down to being outright uncooperative with clients.

I have often wondered if this attitude stems from them not really wanting to be in the job, but with no opportunity to get out. Why else would they stay if they didn't want to be there?

I reckon a lot of girls are in that situation, not just Koreans. In fact I reckon most WL's are. I doubt many of them do it because they want to. The big money is a key driver though. One young girl I see is putting herself through catering college. she can work in her
restaurant for $18 hr which she does 2 nights a week but only makes about $150 which won't support her. Therefore she has to go to the shop 3 days a week and makes about $1500 and she is very picky about how many clients she sees in a day. The other girls make $3000 in those three days.

11-06-2017, 10:59 PM
I reckon a lot of girls are in that situation, not just Koreans. In fact I reckon most WL's are. I doubt many of them do it because they want to.
i think a lot of people are like this not just wl girls. its hard to make a living these days.

12-06-2017, 12:00 AM
I reckon a lot of girls are in that situation, not just Koreans. In fact I reckon most WL's are. I doubt many of them do it because they want to. The big money is a key driver though. One young girl I see is putting herself through catering college. she can work in her
restaurant for $18 hr which she does 2 nights a week but only makes about $150 which won't support her. Therefore she has to go to the shop 3 days a week and makes about $1500 and she is very picky about how many clients she sees in a day. The other girls make $3000 in those three days.

At least these girls are free agents, with the ability to chose when and where they work and who they see.

I remember my first ML punts a few years ago, in a local shop. The girls were bought to the shop in a mini bus each morning, and picked up again at night. One girl I got regular with didn't actually know where she lived. I didn't know anything about the industry back then, but in hindsight I worked out she was probably being "controlled".

12-06-2017, 12:37 AM
It's the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about.

12-06-2017, 12:51 AM
From reading reports here over the past few years, there has been a recurring theme of K girls being generally disinterested in their work, down to being outright uncooperative with clients.

I have often wondered if this attitude stems from them not really wanting to be in the job, but with no opportunity to get out. Why else would they stay if they didn't want to be there?

It's because they don't want to be there, but they aren't sex slaves or anything like that so they aren't going to get "rescued" from their own situation.

Same as how regular people hate showing up to work and only do it because they have to.

12-06-2017, 01:13 AM
From reading reports here over the past few years, there has been a recurring theme of K girls being generally disinterested in their work, down to being outright uncooperative with clients.

I have often wondered if this attitude stems from them not really wanting to be in the job, but with no opportunity to get out. Why else would they stay if they didn't want to be there?

I was at M8 recently just to see what it was like, nothings changed, the K girls scowl at you when they do the lineup. They all look very unhappy, maybe cos I am a caucy ...

12-06-2017, 01:22 AM
Eltran summed it up nicely....i think thr majority of people just hate having to show up to work and they are no different.

A lot of people in life are getting screwed in life for a living. Just in a different sense.

12-06-2017, 03:22 AM
From reading reports here over the past few years, there has been a recurring theme of K girls being generally disinterested in their work, down to being outright uncooperative with clients.

I have often wondered if this attitude stems from them not really wanting to be in the job, but with no opportunity to get out. Why else would they stay if they didn't want to be there?
As a seasoned punter, I'm surprised you didn't already know the answer to this question !

It's called KPS !

Unlike Chinese, Vietnamese and a few other countries, Koreans can come here easily, they don't have to invest much to come here, so the myth that they're forced and can't get out remains a myth !

KPS started years ago when WLs were not in great supply as they are nowadays, so it's not easy for punters to find good quality girls, Koreans are undoubtedly better in appearance thanks to their surgeries, so they could get jobs easier than girls of other ethnicities, hence they didn't have to try too hard to please and get jobs. But time has changed now, most Korean girls are offering good or better services than their counterparts due to competition, I haven't seen a Korean with KPS for years !

12-06-2017, 11:12 AM
For several of the K girls i have known, they had got themselves into debt in Kirea, and worked to pay it off. So they had got themselves into a bad situation and life was not much fun.

12-06-2017, 11:16 AM
Wouldnt they earn similar cash in Korea doing this compared to here? I get the appeal for ladies from places like Thailand with the different strength of currency but thought Korea wouldnt have this as much?

12-06-2017, 07:25 PM
Well if you work as a WL in Seoul, there's a higher chance of your family and friends to find out what your job is. But if you're all the way here, it's much easier to fool them.

12-06-2017, 08:00 PM
For several of the K girls i have known, they had got themselves into debt in Kirea, and worked to pay it off. So they had got themselves into a bad situation and life was not much fun.

Yes that is quite common. One of my regular Chinese girl is in the same situation. Had a failed business in China, came to Sydney to work as WL to pay off the debt. Tough life.

12-06-2017, 08:11 PM
It appears to be genuine financial hardship back home as the main reason why many MLs and WLs take up the work as they have.

But then wonder, why so many of them spend the money they earn on many luxury items. Surely, if the need for money is the reason, then why spend in such manner. Money has got into their heads??

12-06-2017, 09:42 PM
It appears to be genuine financial hardship back home as the main reason why many MLs and WLs take up the work as they have.

But then wonder, why so many of them spend the money they earn on many luxury items. Surely, if the need for money is the reason, then why spend in such manner. Money has got into their heads??

Perhaps it is a reward for their hard work and to make them feel better. Don't we all do it ?

Some of them also have naive punters buying them expensive things

14-06-2017, 12:39 AM
well about Chinese girls I have not much knowledge but for FOB Korean girls, we constantly advertise our shop in Korean website. so girls can read and talk to me.

You are great at this. Lush and Ayu are top recruits.

14-06-2017, 12:46 AM
The Japanese girls told me that they found out about shops such as Ginza by seeing ads in their Japanese newspapers here. In other cases, it was a friend telling another friend of job opportunities.