View Full Version : General talk Practice Oral Sex Techniques on Smartphone App

23-04-2017, 01:22 PM
Came across this hilarious article (http://elitedaily.com/dating/sex/lickster-app-how-to-give-good-oral/1773768/)! Here's a bonus video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmUpXanKByY).

For all horny punters that are keen to improve their lady-pleasing skills, there's an app that lets you do just that. YES, GET OUT YOUR SMARTPHONE AND START LICKING!


23-04-2017, 02:38 PM
That's really cool...Wonder if you can put a real pic of your girl pussy on screen as well :question:

23-04-2017, 03:55 PM
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ please be careful tonsillitis

23-04-2017, 04:56 PM
Woods23, don't let tonsillitis stop you bro. What better way is there to spend your train rides?

Pro top: Gladwrap your phone and lick those pixels! Thank me later.

23-04-2017, 09:04 PM
I know lots of people spend far too much time on their phones....well this is just another excuse to use them more.

Best DATY practise is to see lots of WL's though....

24-04-2017, 12:41 AM
Came across this hilarious article (http://elitedaily.com/dating/sex/lickster-app-how-to-give-good-oral/1773768/)! Here's a bonus video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmUpXanKByY).

For all horny punters that are keen to improve their lady-pleasing skills, there's an app that lets you do just that. YES, GET OUT YOUR SMARTPHONE AND START LICKING!

Common man he's doing it wrong.
and the nose is in the way of doing it properly. Will just develop Bad technique..
AKA porn technique... they stick tongue out so camera can capture licking.. proper licking should be lips all over screen and tongue doing magic underneath mouth seal.

BIG Problems i see.
He has to stick out his tone and it's too stiff
air gets to wet areas and clit becomes cool feeling.

Step 1
SOFT SOFT i repeat SOFT tongue.
and not tip of your tongue. it's hard no texture. and flicking clit with it is uncomfortable.

USE the dorsum of tongue (tasting surface of tongue)
don't lick with it as that requires muscles of tongue to contract in order to move which hardens it up. like your biceps when curling. or any muscle.

Step 2
With a relaxed and soft tongue and use the clit to draw on your tongue.
Move it around like the clit is a pen tip and your tongue as the paper and draw alphabet letters, chinese characters, homer simpsion... whatever.
Will require you to move your whole head like an idiot. But who's watching right??
The texture of your soft tongue creates a much better sensation on the clit

Step 3
Then add warmth and saliva
LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of saliva on clit.
NOONE LIKEs a dry mouth BJ.. Same thing apply to clit
The wrap your mouth around to create a hot air pocket seal. WARM THAT CLIT
Don't allow air to reach the now wet saliva covered clit.
Allowing air to flow past or breathing out of your nose over the wet clit will make area feel slightly colder. will detract from feeling (lick back of hand then blow on it.. the wet area will feel slightly cooler)

Allow saliva to flow. let it get a bit messy... noone likes a dry handjob.. so noone likes dry tongue rubbing clit.

Side Note
Don't keep licking tip can get overstimulated and the numb which means they won't feel anymore.. just like when sucks dick in same up and down motion or lick tip for too long. Area numbs up and doesn't feel nice anymore.
Move away from clit every 30 seconds or so and visit another area. then come back.
lick labias. side of clit. Vagina entrance, stick tongue into vagina if long enough. or lick the like between leg and labia. DD if your into that. Calibrate to ladies body language and hip of where they want you as often they'll move you to where they want you.
Only stick to clit when girl starts to really feel good and you want them to cum
But that's the basics.

That being said.
It's just my experience of what works.
But i could be full of shit.. lol... and every girl is different. just like golf. you play the course you are on..
Don't take my word for it. Get feed back from the girl you're with.
However CHRISTMAS probably has better advice.. She did say I was a bad lover once. How wrong am i? XMAS!!!??

actually Christmas. What is your advice on it.. Now that i think of it..
Did i say anything that's completely wrong?
What do most people do wrong when they are down there?
and what are the fixes

24-04-2017, 01:36 AM
I'm a very logical person, sex is one of the avenues where I can just let my primal instincts take over.

I've tried to DATY with a WL but my brain just goes no. I visualize all the penis' that have gone into that hole & I just can't.

24-04-2017, 08:27 AM
I'm a very logical person, sex is one of the avenues where I can just let my primal instincts take over.

I've tried to DATY with a WL but my brain just goes no. I visualize all the penis' that have gone into that hole & I just can't.

Do you do DFK ?

24-04-2017, 09:27 AM
Be careful with this hobby. I just got an electric shock on my tongue inside the charging port.
Nah just kidding

24-04-2017, 09:31 AM
I'm a very logical person, sex is one of the avenues where I can just let my primal instincts take over.

I've tried to DATY with a WL but my brain just goes no. I visualize all the penis' that have gone into that hole & I just can't.

DATY on a WL who only does safe sex is still better than doing DFK with her if she provides bbbj and CIM !

24-04-2017, 06:00 PM
Do you do DFK ?

Depends on WL but yes I do

24-04-2017, 07:03 PM
Common man he's doing it wrong.
and the nose is in the way of doing it properly. Will just develop Bad technique..
AKA porn technique... they stick tongue out so camera can capture licking.. proper licking should be lips all over screen and tongue doing magic underneath mouth seal.

BIG Problems i see.
He has to stick out his tone and it's too stiff
air gets to wet areas and clit becomes cool feeling.

Step 1
SOFT SOFT i repeat SOFT tongue.
and not tip of your tongue. it's hard no texture. and flicking clit with it is uncomfortable.

USE the dorsum of tongue (tasting surface of tongue)
don't lick with it as that requires muscles of tongue to contract in order to move which hardens it up. like your biceps when curling. or any muscle.

Step 2
With a relaxed and soft tongue and use the clit to draw on your tongue.
Move it around like the clit is a pen tip and your tongue as the paper and draw alphabet letters, chinese characters, homer simpsion... whatever.
Will require you to move your whole head like an idiot. But who's watching right??
The texture of your soft tongue creates a much better sensation on the clit

Step 3
Then add warmth and saliva
LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of saliva on clit.
NOONE LIKEs a dry mouth BJ.. Same thing apply to clit
The wrap your mouth around to create a hot air pocket seal. WARM THAT CLIT
Don't allow air to reach the now wet saliva covered clit.
Allowing air to flow past or breathing out of your nose over the wet clit will make area feel slightly colder. will detract from feeling (lick back of hand then blow on it.. the wet area will feel slightly cooler)

Allow saliva to flow. let it get a bit messy... noone likes a dry handjob.. so noone likes dry tongue rubbing clit.

Side Note
Don't keep licking tip can get overstimulated and the numb which means they won't feel anymore.. just like when sucks dick in same up and down motion or lick tip for too long. Area numbs up and doesn't feel nice anymore.
Move away from clit every 30 seconds or so and visit another area. then come back.
lick labias. side of clit. Vagina entrance, stick tongue into vagina if long enough. or lick the like between leg and labia. DD if your into that. Calibrate to ladies body language and hip of where they want you as often they'll move you to where they want you.
Only stick to clit when girl starts to really feel good and you want them to cum
But that's the basics.

That being said.
It's just my experience of what works.
But i could be full of shit.. lol... and every girl is different. just like golf. you play the course you are on..
Don't take my word for it. Get feed back from the girl you're with.
However CHRISTMAS probably has better advice.. She did say I was a bad lover once. How wrong am i? XMAS!!!??

actually Christmas. What is your advice on it.. Now that i think of it..
Did i say anything that's completely wrong?
What do most people do wrong when they are down there?
and what are the fixes


HAHA Vitamin! don't get upset.. I was just saying... hehe sorry If i was mean to you.... my apologies.
my advise is pretty much same as yours❤️❤️
I wish I would have been licked by your tongue :'( sad life is all about timing

24-04-2017, 09:55 PM
Tried this.. then my phone started rebooting now it won't turn on :/ send help

24-04-2017, 09:58 PM
Tried this.. then my phone started rebooting now it won't turn on :/ send help

Virus ! ;) ;) ;)

24-04-2017, 10:07 PM
Tried this.. then my phone started rebooting now it won't turn on :/ send help

* you can only do this on ip67 water resistant phones.
I recommending an upgrade to the new Samsung :)

24-04-2017, 10:09 PM
Tried this.. then my phone started rebooting now it won't turn on :/ send help
There are some fake versions out there, did you get the right one? Lol did you lick the actual screen? Too much saliva + phone that is not waterproof is not a good combo either....

24-04-2017, 10:10 PM
* you can only do this on ip67 water resistant phones.
I recommending an upgrade to the new Samsung :)
+1, bezel-less pussy

24-04-2017, 10:12 PM
+1, bezel-less pussy

nono.. Infinity pussy s8

25-04-2017, 12:35 AM
Depends on WL but yes I do

Do you ever wonder how many bare back cocks have gone into the mouth that you are DFKing ....

25-04-2017, 01:05 AM
Do you ever wonder how many bare back cocks have gone into the mouth that you are DFKing ....

as well as CIM.
when people eat a meal. often there is still stuff stuck between their teeth.
often it's cleared by saliva after the fact.

now imagine WL does CIM.
you see WL right after and DFK. increasing their saliva flow. i'm sure you'll get some residual jizz diffusing into your mouth.

Often it's better just not to overthink it.
I can't count the number of horrible behind the scene stories from cooks, over the years of what they do and the shit they serve. Regardless of the quality of kitchen.
and yet. i still eat out so often.

Just don't over think it.
and enjoy Dineing At the Y

25-04-2017, 03:16 AM
i guess still singing abc with your mouth wide open act does not work any more

25-04-2017, 01:11 PM
as well as CIM.
when people eat a meal. often there is still stuff stuck between their teeth.
often it's cleared by saliva after the fact.

now imagine WL does CIM.
you see WL right after and DFK. increasing their saliva flow. i'm sure you'll get some residual jizz diffusing into your mouth.

Often it's better just not to overthink it.
I can't count the number of horrible behind the scene stories from cooks, over the years of what they do and the shit they serve. Regardless of the quality of kitchen.
and yet. i still eat out so often.

Just don't over think it.
and enjoy Dineing At the Y

Hahhahaha thanks for the mental images :vomit:

27-04-2017, 07:17 PM
as well as CIM.
when people eat a meal. often there is still stuff stuck between their teeth.
often it's cleared by saliva after the fact.

now imagine WL does CIM.
you see WL right after and DFK. increasing their saliva flow. i'm sure you'll get some residual jizz diffusing into your mouth.

Often it's better just not to overthink it.
I can't count the number of horrible behind the scene stories from cooks, over the years of what they do and the shit they serve. Regardless of the quality of kitchen.
and yet. i still eat out so often.

Just don't over think it.
and enjoy Dineing At the Y

Don't most WL use mouthwash before and after?

27-04-2017, 07:51 PM
Mouth wash isnt the be all end all you know..

27-04-2017, 08:17 PM
Don't most WL use mouthwash before and after?

1. original use of Listerine was a Dr's handwash (not very useful). subsequently cleaning toliet/bathroom then marketed to freshen breath. Recent times they market it as a mouth wash and currently they "claim" it helps in plaque control and reduce incidence of gingivitis.
2. their kills 99% of germs statement is unsubstantiated.
3. mechanical brushing and chlorhexidine (not listerine) is best to keep mouth clean of "germs" from scientific studies.

If you're going for surgery of the face / mouth for ortho or reconstruction. The surgeon will put you through a Chlorhexidine mouth rinse protocol. to "reduce microbial load of the mouth"

in case you're wondering why not use for WL. chronic use of Chlorhexidine gives the user a persistent metallic taste and stains their teeth brown.

4. Papillars of the tongue absorbe a lot of "stuff" such as fungus, bacteria, semen, (think carpet and dirt) or [carpet and cum]
just a wash over from water won't remove it all. Mechanical removal is required such as a tongue scraper. (chronic use will make gone bleed and create ulcers) even then you can't be sure it removes 100% (use fingernail on tongue gently and you'll scrape off stuff.)

In conclusion
The listerine which i see in the shops are nothing but an alcoholic mouth rinse. other than drying the mucosa of the mouth out from the high alcoholic concentration. It's no more effective than just doing a water rinse in terms of removing stuff.

Like i said. don't think too much about it.