View Full Version : Question Condom breaking

18-04-2017, 03:04 AM
Depending on the study you look at. Condoms break/slip about 3% of the time.

Presuming WL know what they are doing, lowering the rate of failures.
Given the volume of punts across Sydney, would it be safe to assume it's still somewhat of a regular occurrence?

Touch wood it doesn't happen to anyone.

i'm curious.
1. What actually happens when the slippage / breakage occurs? Is there a that is followed protocol?
2. Has it happened to you during a punt (might be personal so answer at your own discretion).

No. never broke during a punt.
Have had a condom break during a random one night stand hook up close to a decade ago. Personally knowing the risks are super low for any serious STD, wasn't a huge deal. Although the 3 month wait for the all clear was still uncomfortable.

3% = everyone 33 punts, failure occurs. If you're married or in a serious relationship and god forbid the off chance you get chlamydia or gonorrhea. How do you explain that to your partner?
Is it something that's on people's mind?

I have a feeling someone is going to come out and say. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." lol

18-04-2017, 09:29 AM
Use lube mate !!

18-04-2017, 09:35 AM
Yeah lube prob helps, I've never had an issue with 4 seasons, though I have had one slip off during a punt. It did freak the WL out a little :o

18-04-2017, 09:54 AM
Yeah lube prob helps, I've never had an issue with 4 seasons, though I have had one slip off during a punt. It did freak the WL out a little :o

Me too!

Lesson learnt don't put lube on your dick and then Condom on top of the lubed dick, it will slip off. Luckily we both felt something was off and I was able to out another one on before
I came later on.

18-04-2017, 11:11 AM
Use lube mate !!

Thought the breakage stats was with the aid of lube.

18-04-2017, 12:37 PM
Thought the breakage stats was with the aid of lube.

That's depending what types of lubes are being used !

I knew there are MLs out there on the occasion of doing FS as extras , rather than using the proper KY & stuffs , some just used a bit of oil ( as oil are handy in RnT shops !) on the pussy for easier entry ! Lucky if those doms are not breaking all the times !!

18-04-2017, 01:44 PM
That's depending what types of lubes are being used !

I knew there are MLs out there on the occasion of doing FS as extras , rather than using the proper KY & stuffs , some just used a bit of oil ( as oil are handy in RnT shops !) on the pussy for easier entry ! Lucky if those doms are not breaking all the times !!

I know oil and latex don't mix as it makes it brittle and prone to break. Hence the need for water based lube.

I was more referring to controlled clinical trials, where condoms were lubed and used by experienced users still break.
Hence of many thousands Punts per day. Breakage must happen just statistically.

Was just curious that's all..

Contraception. 1997 Jul;56(1):17-21.
Latex condom breakage and slippage in a controlled clinical trial.

Lubricated Durex Ramses condoms were tested in this clinical trial. The men and women were of mean ages 28.8 and 26.8 years, respectively, 75.0% White, and either married or never married in approximately equal proportions. Nearly all participants completed high school and 75% lived with their current partner or spouse. 70-75% were experienced condom users, having used a condom more than 50 times with their current partner. 6 breaks occurred before intercourse and 10 condoms broke during intercourse or were noted to have broken upon withdrawal. These breakages amount to a nonclinical breakage rate of 0.13%, a clinical breakage rate of 0.28%, and a total breakage rate of 0.41%. No breakage or slippage occurred during the 4 reported acts of anal intercourse. The rate of complete slippage was 0.63% and total failure, clinical breaks plus complete slips, was 1.04%. These rates are lower than those in other studies except for 1 prospective study in a population of female prostitutes.


20-04-2017, 07:46 PM
About 10 or 15 years ago I had one or two condoms break there was supposed to be a bad batch around at that time.

Punting two to three times a week over the last 10 years maybe more I have not had a condom break or come off so yes the secret seems to be make sure you use plenty of lube.

The risk is very low.

21-04-2017, 03:10 AM
No breaks, but had two times where it fell off.

one time in melbourne with an aussie girl, expensive punt as well, she was on top and somehow it came off.. she couldn't even find it :/ she freaked out, ran out of the room to get plan b session over. fucking waste of cash.

only other time was with a young asian girl at a local joint, came off while I was in doggy but didn't notice until after, ended up blowing my load inside her. she didn't seem to care.

21-04-2017, 07:21 PM
No breaks, but had two times where it fell off.

one time in melbourne with an aussie girl, expensive punt as well, she was on top and somehow it came off.. she couldn't even find it :/ she freaked out, ran out of the room to get plan b session over. fucking waste of cash.

only other time was with a young asian girl at a local joint, came off while I was in doggy but didn't notice until after, ended up blowing my load inside her. she didn't seem to care.

What condoms are you using that you can't tell the difference when it comes off? or were you so in the moment that you didn't notice

21-04-2017, 08:24 PM
No breaks, but had two times where it fell off.

one time in melbourne with an aussie girl, expensive punt as well, she was on top and somehow it came off.. she couldn't even find it :/ she freaked out, ran out of the room to get plan b session over. fucking waste of cash.

only other time was with a young asian girl at a local joint, came off while I was in doggy but didn't notice until after, ended up blowing my load inside her. she didn't seem to care.

I have done the latter. The girl then has to fish around inside her pussy to find the condom somewhere up there. Has happened twice.

One girl told me that some customers will try and take the condom off when she isn't looking so that they can secretively fuck bareback. That is despicable.

21-04-2017, 08:28 PM
I have done the latter. The girl then has to fish around inside her pussy to find the condom somewhere up there. Has happened twice.

One girl told me that some customers will try and take the condom off when she isn't looking so that they can secretively fuck bareback. That is despicable.

Same thing happened to me but it came off when I was pulling out so she found it quickly but she was freaking out :o

Also I have heard that some wl's dont like doggy for the reason that some punters pull off the rubber.

22-04-2017, 12:08 AM
I suppose if a condom is a loose fit for you it might fall off ... :)

22-04-2017, 02:18 AM
One girl told me that some customers will try and take the condom off when she isn't looking so that they can secretively fuck bareback. That is despicable.

I'm 100% sure according to NSW law. Such act is considered rape. There is precedent for it also where a man was sentenced for this exact act.
Not with a WL. Think it was a one night stand.

I think one time in cow girl position. wasn't fucking. the girl was just sitting there chatting with me for 5 min. Naturally dick went soft. and condom stayed there.
When she got off she freaked. But found it straight away....

22-04-2017, 02:46 AM
What condoms are you using that you can't tell the difference when it comes off? or were you so in the moment that you didn't notice

It was the one the wl had.

First one I think just got lost in the sheets/cover and I think she noticed pretty much straight away. She probably found it 5 seconds after making the bed.

Second one, in hindsight I realised that the sex felt a bit better towards the end so I would probably realise if it happened again.

25-04-2017, 04:43 PM
There was once when i was doing reverse missionary with a girl, and wasnt sure how or what happend. the condom seem to have come off (or was just hanging out from her bum). needless to say, both of us looked at each other and freaked out. we did a water test and made sure that the goods were in the rubber. thank god it was!

25-04-2017, 05:05 PM
I had something similar happen to me, after I popped and dismounted I noticed there was no rubber, It was still inside the girl :o
The reason was that I went soft quickly after my second pop.
I let her know and she freaked out a little tbh but luckily it was not fully inside her.

Man the thoughts running through my mind at that moment :sweat:

26-04-2017, 01:09 AM
Man the thoughts running through my mind at that moment :sweat:

STD or thought of getting WL pregnant?

Alex T Bear
26-04-2017, 05:09 PM
There was once when i was doing reverse missionary with a girl, and wasnt sure how or what happend. the condom seem to have come off (or was just hanging out from her bum). needless to say, both of us looked at each other and freaked out. we did a water test and made sure that the goods were in the rubber. thank god it was!
Pardon the ignorance but what is a water test?
BTW, never had a condom slip or come off accidentally but did loose one out of my pocket on the way to a date. Needless to say but I left frustrated as I had no backup!

26-04-2017, 11:55 PM
Pardon the ignorance but what is a water test?
BTW, never had a condom slip or come off accidentally but did loose one out of my pocket on the way to a date. Needless to say but I left frustrated as I had no backup!

the water test i know is when you put water in the condom and then tie it up and push against it.. if there is a .. water would spit out like urine from a penis.

I think they just used the jizz as water. and squeezed the jizz against the rubber to make sure it's not leaking.
However from the way it reads.. i feel like they were doing something else.

27-04-2017, 09:43 AM
Using the shower hose to wash themselves out?

27-04-2017, 09:59 AM
Most girls don't let you stay inside them very long once you come, I think the main reason is that the longer you stay there the softer you become and so the more chance of the condom coming off.

As for removing the condom without the girl knowing is pathetic and anyone who does this should be banned from the shop and you can be charged if the girl wishes to go to the police.

12-05-2017, 01:23 AM
Saw Momo at number 5 a few months back and condom came off inside her when going from mish to doggy. Due to her having rather long finger nails it was up to me to find it and fish it out. Was quite surprised how hard it was to find and get out. Best part of the punt actually.

And not sure when it came off. I just didn't click with her (mostly advertised and higher priced service not being provided to my liking, No DFK and only DATY for 2 minutes) so wasn't really into the fuck and and a bit bored and limp so maybe did come off as I pulled out.

12-05-2017, 01:43 AM
Saw Momo at number 5 a few months back and condom came off inside her when going from mish to doggy. Due to her having rather long finger nails it was up to me to find it and fish it out. Was quite surprised how hard it was to find and get out. Best part of the punt actually.

And not sure when it came off. I just didn't click with her (mostly advertised and higher priced service not being provided to my liking, No DFK and only DATY for 2 minutes) so wasn't really into the fuck and and a bit bored and limp so maybe did come off as I pulled out.

I saw momo once. Very mechanical. as if she really didn't want to be there from the moment i walked in to the moment i left 25 min early of a 60 min session.

13-05-2017, 11:10 PM
Yeah my experience was much the same. Yes she provided DFK but not very enthusiastic. Yes she provided BBBJ for about 2 minutes then wanted to get into sex (3 minutes into a 1 hour booking). I insisted on DATY which she agreesed to but made it so hard to do properly it just frustrated and annoyed me. Closing legs, wriggling around and it want wriggles of pleasure it was wriggles of I don't want you doing that.

Now IMO she doesn't want to provide that than fair enough but don't be a diamond service and price girl. Be standard service and price girl.

As mentioned giving her a good fingering to find the lost franger was the highlight of the punt!

And reading other reviews since doesn't seem as if we are alone in our experinace.

15-05-2017, 05:40 PM
Life is one big gamble. A broken condom the odds are incredible of you dying .
There is a better chance of you getting a fish , chicken bone or steak stuck in
your throat and choking to death. You could become the victim of a crazed
junkie and while they robbed you get you throat slashed and bleed to death
or king hit and you get your head stomped on and you become a vegetable
or maybe they stomp on your neck and rupture a artery. Or maybe you
end up drowning in your old blood as you wither on the ground . Nothing
can save you.
You could get decapitated by a bull shark and die from shock from massive
blood loss or involved in a car crash and get die from internal and head injuries.
So see you have nothing to worry about.

16-05-2017, 11:26 AM
Thought the breakage stats was with the aid of lube.

Oil breaks down latex and condoms break.

No lube causes the condom to "grab", stretch and snap.

Lubed dick can help condoms fall off, or more likley simply using the wrong size. Personally I have rarely have found girls have "tighter fitting" condoms, which alleviate the problem of falling off with dicks that are too small, yet often have larger doms (which I ask for, then make conversation asking about smaller ones). This is probably because guys with smaller dicks are unlikely to ask for smaller ones, bringing the girls attention to the product.

While on the topic of condom usage - a very small amount of lube in the tip can be nice!

17-05-2017, 01:36 AM
@ James_jones

The stats are from studies which i presume would use water based lube.

17-05-2017, 10:00 AM
@ James_jones

The stats are from studies which i presume would use water based lube.

What stats are you referring to?