View Full Version : General talk Why women can abstain sex?

23-02-2017, 10:35 PM
Why is it women can abstain sex for days, weeks or months but men have difficulty holding their horses. Input from female member would be interesting.

23-02-2017, 11:40 PM
because we have testosterone, women have oestrogen

24-02-2017, 07:04 AM
They trap you with sex then once you are reeled in, it slowly stops

24-02-2017, 08:42 AM
We are oriented differently, Men want sex but women want bags! A girl once told me she can't understand why men looks at porn or sexy girl pictures but she understand it's kind of like when she was looking at different bags for long time. Lol

24-02-2017, 08:47 AM
We are oriented differently, Men want sex but women want bags! A girl once told me she can't understand why men looks at porn or sexy girl pictures but she understand it's kind of like when she was looking at different bags for long time. Lol

Yeah, if you can understand one in a million then your will understand !

Strictly biologically speaking , all men carry millions of sperms all the times ready to reproduce and women produce one egg in a month, go figures ?......... lol

24-02-2017, 10:18 AM
We are oriented differently, Men want sex but women want bags! A girl once told me she can't understand why men looks at porn or sexy girl pictures but she understand it's kind of like when she was looking at different bags for long time. Lol

If the woman doesn't want sex like you want sex, you need to start doing it differently! Or hang a bag around your junk!

24-02-2017, 10:42 AM
I had a girlfriend who gave me a usb with x videos on it. Until then i thought it was only guys who liked that
One friend told me that women love sex as much as men, when they are young anyway
Mens bodies dont change as much as womens esp if that lady has babies
And maybe womens priorities change in major way as they get older
Maybe men have sex as priority most their lives
Women want nesting and roof over head
Se for some women just loses its attraction - maybe it is more fun being a man?

24-02-2017, 03:45 PM
does it matter? men can have sex with multiple women and just called jerks, still get married and have kids but if a girl does it they are an automatic slut and no one will touch them with a 10 foot pole, quite unfair to be honest, thank god im a guy

24-02-2017, 03:46 PM
we spend less overall in punting as opposed to clothing and bags and such, win?

24-02-2017, 03:49 PM
Women are even hornier than men,
Once you discover this fundamental truth your sex life, and indeed your life will never be the same again.

25-02-2017, 07:06 AM
If you ask most men what they would do if they suddenly have millions of $, the first thing they think of is SEX with women, right? Why are we program this way. Just wonder, if you are in your 70s, do you still think of sex? Have not seen 70+ men in in these parlours before.

25-02-2017, 09:51 AM
If you ask most men what they would do if they suddenly have millions of $, the first thing they think of is SEX with women, right? Why are we program this way. Just wonder, if you are in your 70s, do you still think of sex? Have not seen 70+ men in in these parlours before.

You need to go out more Doc!

25-02-2017, 11:36 AM
If you ask most men what they would do if they suddenly have millions of $, the first thing they think of is SEX with women, right? Why are we program this way.

Are you trying to say that women, given a large amount of money, would not be seeking sex and instead be buying handbags?

25-02-2017, 05:38 PM
Sometimes i ask close female friends how bad are some guys in bed, and i realise why women can be put off sex

Some guys forget there is a woman involved