View Full Version : General talk WET Massage, Real Nuru gel, soapland style, but quite a different experience.

09-02-2017, 07:13 PM
I had to do a business trip to Brisbane overnight.
Was booked into a city 5 star hotel.
Decided to have a nightcap at the bar and met an old friend who was still in the game as a WL, but only visiting Brisbane for personal not business.
She indicated that she had a different style of wet massage she has working for customers and suggested we go an try it. Sure, why not !

Basically, she had a Blow-up kiddy pool, which was actually rectangular and could be used on the floor of a big enough bathroom or even just on a hotel floor.
What was definitely different was an electric blanket style heater pad, actually as large as the kiddy pool. This pad was water proof and she placed it on the floor (carpet) in the room, then put the kiddy pool on top. The heater was temperature controlled and set to be only warm.

The pool was a basic 3 tube thingy, so the side only reached (when blown up) around 8 to 12 inches (mmm .... 20 to 30 cm ??). It was actually quite large in length, though not that wide, a bit like a large dual bath.

She prepared the nuru and the first batch was actually just put in the pool to basically cover the floor and was quite thin. The second batch was kept warm outside of the pool and she actually used a fondue style heater for it (again, just on low).

So did it work ? YUP :shout::shout::cool2::shout::shout::cool2:

Basically, its a portable "wet room".

She has spent the time to locate the source of the kiddy pools, and the heater to put under it.

Now most people, who have never experienced real nuru, initially can't grasp why the heat it required...
Nuru Gel is naturally cool on the skin, so cool that it will actually feel cold and uncomfortable unless heated, the idea of the base being heated is that the coolness your lying in, isn't.

Yup, the trip to Brissy was worth it :cool2::cool2:

09-02-2017, 09:55 PM
I had to do a business trip to Brisbane overnight.
Was booked into a city 5 star hotel.
Decided to have a nightcap at the bar and met an old friend who was still in the game as a WL, but only visiting Brisbane for personal not business.
She indicated that she had a different style of wet massage she has working for customers and suggested we go an try it. Sure, why not !

Basically, she had a Blow-up kiddy pool, which was actually rectangular and could be used on the floor of a big enough bathroom or even just on a hotel floor.
What was definitely different was an electric blanket style heater pad, actually as large as the kiddy pool. This pad was water proof and she placed it on the floor (carpet) in the room, then put the kiddy pool on top. The heater was temperature controlled and set to be only warm.

The pool was a basic 3 tube thingy, so the side only reached (when blown up) around 8 to 12 inches (mmm .... 20 to 30 cm ??). It was actually quite large in length, though not that wide, a bit like a large dual bath.

She prepared the nuru and the first batch was actually just put in the pool to basically cover the floor and was quite thin. The second batch was kept warm outside of the pool and she actually used a fondue style heater for it (again, just on low).

So did it work ? YUP :shout::shout::cool2::shout::shout::cool2:

Basically, its a portable "wet room".

She has spent the time to locate the source of the kiddy pools, and the heater to put under it.

Now most people, who have never experienced real nuru, initially can't grasp why the heat it required...
Nuru Gel is naturally cool on the skin, so cool that it will actually feel cold and uncomfortable unless heated, the idea of the base being heated is that the coolness your lying in, isn't.

Yup, the trip to Brissy was worth it :cool2::cool2:

Never tried this Nuru thing. Anyone know where I can get some action? Willing to travel.

09-02-2017, 10:15 PM
Yea anyone know if there like this in Sydney?

09-02-2017, 10:19 PM
Never tried this Nuru thing. Anyone know where I can get some action? Willing to travel.

Japan would be the best place.

09-02-2017, 10:45 PM
Ofc japan is #1. My personal experience in sydney is at paddington244. Other brothers may be able to shed more light.

09-02-2017, 11:01 PM
244 was ok, but it wasn't like the movies.

10-02-2017, 02:22 AM
I've just joined this forum after 10 years of punting.
Could anyone disclose who would be best for NURU massage at 244 Paddington?

10-02-2017, 12:10 PM
244 was ok, but it wasn't like the movies.

The problem I found with 244 was the girls have no idea !!

Thus not worth the $$$.

10-02-2017, 12:21 PM
Maybe I should add a few points here:

1) A good nuru session might mean you have a good time, but it doesn't mean its FS. In fact if you want an FS go for that, and not a nuru session.

2) A good nuru session is SENSUAL and erotic. Its a natural session so no condom is required. Just consider it as a super slippery oil style session, but its so slippery you have to do it on the floor or a large bed, because its quite likely that you will end up on the floor anyway due to the slipperyness.

3) A good well practiced practitioner doesn't even have to be nude. I have had session where just the bottom half of a bikini was worn, in fact thinking back one of the best sessions I ever had (here in australia) the girl was wearing one piece speedo's, but she certainly knew how to use her body and parts and well versed in the slipperyness.

4) Don't think that the practitioner has to have big boobs or bolt ons. even "A's" or a flat chest could be fine if the girl really knows.

5) No matter how good they are here in Australia, they will never be as good as in Japan. Even a japanese import, unless fully trained in japan will not be the same. (Momo a few years ago was fantastic, shame she married nowadays).

10-02-2017, 10:27 PM
Maybe I should add a few points here:

1) A good nuru session might mean you have a good time, but it doesn't mean its FS. In fact if you want an FS go for that, and not a nuru session.

2) A good nuru session is SENSUAL and erotic. Its a natural session so no condom is required. Just consider it as a super slippery oil style session, but its so slippery you have to do it on the floor or a large bed, because its quite likely that you will end up on the floor anyway due to the slipperyness.

3) A good well practiced practitioner doesn't even have to be nude. I have had session where just the bottom half of a bikini was worn, in fact thinking back one of the best sessions I ever had (here in australia) the girl was wearing one piece speedo's, but she certainly knew how to use her body and parts and well versed in the slipperyness.

4) Don't think that the practitioner has to have big boobs or bolt ons. even "A's" or a flat chest could be fine if the girl really knows.

5) No matter how good they are here in Australia, they will never be as good as in Japan. Even a japanese import, unless fully trained in japan will not be the same. (Momo a few years ago was fantastic, shame she married nowadays).

Time to go Japan. Is there special terminology in Japan to find these NURU massage parlours and do they serve foreign/chinese people?

10-02-2017, 11:03 PM
Time to go Japan. Is there special terminology in Japan to find these NURU massage parlours and do they serve foreign/chinese people?

Many years ago, one of my Japanese friend took me under wing (so to speak) to show me around. Funny enough, not much happened till half drunk (is there really such a thing?) in Yokohama making our way back to the station we ended up walking up a particular street lined with "soaplands", when he realised where he was he want to get away from that street asap.... seems he was frightened of the Yakuza. Me being the dumb gaijin said no, and walked up to one for heavies at a door and asked in english what the fuck was my friend afraid of ? Well the heavies laughed, put an arm around my shoulder and said come in and even grabbed my friend along. Well a number of hours latter when my "night money" was gone we left the premises very happy and made it to the station for an early train back to tokyo. For the 2 of us it was around $1000 AUD at the time (mid '90's). Since then I have never had hassles in Japan.

So find a japanese friend to show you around and be prepared to pay for both of you. In my case the guy I had met here in Australia when he had been backpacking and we had kept in touch.

10-02-2017, 11:08 PM
Many years ago, one of my Japanese friend took me under wing (so to speak) to show me around. Funny enough, not much happened till half drunk (is there really such a thing?) in Yokohama making our way back to the station we ended up walking up a particular street lined with "soaplands", when he realised where he was he want to get away from that street asap.... seems he was frightened of the Yakuza. Me being the dumb gaijin said no, and walked up to one for heavies at a door and asked in english what the fuck was my friend afraid of ? Well the heavies laughed, put an arm around my shoulder and said come in and even grabbed my friend along. Well a number of hours latter when my "night money" was gone we left the premises very happy and made it to the station for an early train back to tokyo. For the 2 of us it was around $1000 AUD at the time (mid '90's). Since then I have never had hassles in Japan.

So find a japanese friend to show you around and be prepared to pay for both of you. In my case the guy I had met here in Australia when he had been backpacking and we had kept in touch.

So I need to start making Japanese friends. May have to visit Cheers a little more often.
$1000 nowadays is acceptable but $1000 in the mid 90's? They must have been models!

10-02-2017, 11:13 PM
So I need to start making Japanese friends. May have to visit Cheers a little more often.
$1000 nowadays is acceptable but $1000 in the mid 90's? They must have been models!

Considering we were there from about 11pm thru to 6 am, and what went on, it was truely cheap !!

10-02-2017, 11:29 PM
Considering we were there from about 11pm thru to 6 am, and what went on, it was truely cheap !!

Is it like a hotel where you stay overnight and the girl of you choice stays with you all night?
That would definitely be worth it. I initially thought it was a $500 massage per person.