View Full Version : No 5 Marrickville New diamond girl Romi – a disaster for me

30-01-2017, 11:22 AM
Had a session with Romi at Marrickville 5 on Australia Day. It was a disaster. I offer this account of my experience with her as a guide for how you may avoid a repeat performance. It's a cautionary tale about how small issues can accumulate into big problems.


After some PM between Jerry and myself over a few days, Jerry recommends his new Korean star Romi.

I arrived in Sydney (from Melbourne) mid-morning on Australia Day, enough time to get to my hotel in the CBD, shower and freshen up, and catch a taxi to 5 Gerald Street for my 12:30pm session with Romi.

Arrival and intro

Jerry texts me earlier that he won’t be at Marrickville to say hello. No worries. Instead, I meet a guy who calls himself MC. He‘s friendly, I give him the $230 for an hour with Romi, and MC shows me to a room down a dimly lit corridor.

The room is small, dark, and hot. My booking is for 12:30pm. It’s 12:29pm.

At 12:39pm there’s a knock on the door and in walks a girl who calls herself Romi. She is clearly not anything like the girl in the pix Jerry sent me. Not a good start. No matter, this Romi is cute enough. We shake hands, I introduce myself, and as I always do, I thank the girl for taking the time to see me.

10 minutes in a small, dark, and hot room would make even Roger Federer perspire, so I ask Romi if we can do something about the air-con. She goes out to reception. When she returns, it’s 12:43pm.

We embrace briefly and I ask Romi to stand back so I can take in the view. She’s doesn’t really like the idea. I tell her not to worry.

I go to embrace her again, and Romi stiffens. I ask if I can remove the sheer teddy that she’s wearing, and she snaps: “I do this.”


In double-time, Romi removes all her clothes and sits on the bed. I’m standing, fully clothed.

OK. What to do?

My Sydney experience is mostly at Ginza. I’ll say nothing more on this because I’ll start to sound like a fanboy. Those who know Ginza will know why I mention this here. Romi sitting on the bed naked. Me standing fully clothed.

It seems I’ll be making the running today. All good. So I start to run the show.

This is my first big mistake with Romi, and she soon reveals to me her inner Korean princess. What a show she can muster. Golden Globe stuff it was.

The shower

There wasn’t one – not for me initially. I’d had a shower an hour ago, at my hotel, a 5-star in the CBD with beautiful botanical soaps and shampoos from France.

After a brief period where Romi and I had been canoodling on the bed, she says she wants to have a shower. I leave her to it. I sit on the bed and wait for Romi to return.

I am as clean-shaven and as scrubbed as I always am for these encounters. I hear later on from Jerry that this wasn’t quite to Romi’s standards. Romi told Jerry that I “smelled a little bad”.

So not having a second shower at 5 Marrickville was my second big mistake. When Romi returns to the bed, and after another short period in which she had briefly gone down on me, Romi insists that I have a shower.

OK. It’s now 12:55pm.

Romi joins me in the shower and gives me a quick scrub. Hard, fast, and devoid of any pleasure. It’s like she’s washing her dog. In fact, my 20 minutes with Romi to date has been an erotic-free zone.

I attempt to kiss Romi on the cheek and she pulls away. She moves in closer with her lips pursed tighter than a cat’s arse and gives me the type of kiss you’d expect from an aunty. She is clearly going through the motions.


The blowjob

We get out of the shower and dry off. I ask Romi if there’s anything she’d like. She misunderstands me and I repeat the question in a different way. She pretends not to understand again. She giggles and says something I don’t understand.

OK. What to do?

Romi moves first and positions herself for some BBBJ on the bed. My cock is as soft as it’s been all day. Romi begins a mechanical and lifeless BJ that leaves me half-mast. I have the worst case of limp dick syndrome I can remember. Romi is getting frustrated. I don’t blame her. I get the feeling the poor girl isn’t used to real work of this nature.

After 5 minutes of a useless BJ, I ask Romi if I can return the favour. Her response: “You talk too much.”

She actually said that.


I try to take the initiative, and I move Romi to position her for some DATY. I tell her what I’m doing.

“Don’t push me!” she snaps.

I move more gently. As if I’m handling a newborn. I begin a tomcat bath on Romi. Slow and cautious.

“No ears!” she snaps, as I try to kiss her there.

“No neck!” she snaps, as I try to kiss her there.

I move down to her nipples for a cautious kiss. She pulls away violently – and I mean violently – saying “No, too strong!”


I continue to safer areas – tummy, arms, legs, feet.

“No feet! Feet are dirty!”


I’ve only got a few cards left in my hand, so I play a big one. I go straight for her pussy with a big hot breath and the softest kiss I can manage. She likes!

Finally, something Romi is into. I continue pleasuring Romi here for about three minutes and I go to move her for some 69.

“Oh, don’t push me, you not gentle!” she snaps. “Be gentle with me.”

We start some 69 and Romi is having a good time. So am, sort of. My cock fits nicely in her mouth at this angle, and I’m finally hardening.

I go to lift Romi’s arse so I can go deeper and she groans. Not a pleasant groan. A pissed-off groan.

“You not gentle with me! Must tell me what you will do.”

OK. So, in the space of 5 minutes I’ve gone from talking too much, to not talking enough.

That’s enough for me. Mentally, I’ve checked out of this disaster of a punt -- $230 to be lectured by a contradictory and confused KP. No thanks.
I ask -– ask! –- Romi if it’s OK that she do some more BBBJ.

“Yes. You move here.”

I follow Romi’s instructions. I lay on my back, legs spread, and Romi goes to work on my semi-hard cock. It stays that way until, about a minute later, I blow in her mouth.

She’s clearly disgusted. Despite what she thinks about me, she takes the load and runs to the shower, nearly tripping as she does such was her haste, and spits out the cum.

She bangs the shower door shut and starts her clean-up.

I start getting dressed.

“You no shower now?”

“No Romi. I’m leaving. There is no connection between us. There is nothing between us. No fun. No joy. Nothing is happy. It’s best that I just leave.”

The banging continues as she gets out of the shower.

The fucking

There wasn’t any. I’ve got some pride.

The clean-up

There wasn’t any. I got dressed, called a taxi, and went straight to Wiley’s Baths at Coogee to wash Romi off me. Nothing like the ocean for a proper clean.

The takeout

Marrickville 5 will go down as my intro to KPS.

I’d paid $230 for an hour with one of the supposed stars at Marrickville 5, and I walked at the 40-minute mark.

I texted Jerry about the experience on the ride to Coogee. No response.

I PMd Jerry that night. To his credit, he got back to me soon after. Also to his credit – and I mean this – he took Romi’s side in what is, after all, a “he said, she said” scenario. Papasans like Jerry have to look after their girls. I understand this. Without girls, he doesn’t have a business.

But there is another side to the successful business equation, and Jerry needs to be very careful about what his girls tell him.

I can reveal some parts of Jerry’s PM to me. Romi told Jerry that I pushed her down on the bed “many times” and she was “scared to get injured, etc, etc.”

This is a lie.

In one of my attempts to move Romi to a different position, she actually took a dive, like what soccer players do when they’re trying to milk a penalty.

Romi threw herself onto the bed. It was hilarious.

Jerry apologised for the whole affair, and thanked me for the feedback. I reckon that’s pretty professional of him. Way more professional than Romi’s efforts with me.

Jerry has also offered me a make-good for the whole experience – he said regardless of how this AR reads – and I’m thinking about how that can happen, given my Melbourne-Sydney logistics.

Jerry’s PM finished with the line: “I’ll happily greet you next time.”

That’s great Jerry, but it’s more important that the girl “happily greets me.”

And I promise to take a shower so I don’t smell so bad.

30-01-2017, 12:50 PM

That was quite an account of KPS at it's best. If only Jerry was still in the game, you would be able to experience the other side of the spectrum, an amazing Korean experience... Jerry's actually a kooky kinda girl, with more hair changes than a Mardi Gras parade...
Thanks for sharing...


30-01-2017, 01:15 PM
Cmk, i dare you to say that to her face :p

I believe she's on holiday this week tho.
Shame the experience wasn't better.

30-01-2017, 01:21 PM
Holy shit! Was going to try this one this week! Thanks for the feedback bro but feel for you man, holy moly what a cringe worthy experience, could literally feel that one! Great description 👍🏼

30-01-2017, 02:12 PM
That's why it's called punting, Mr Speechwriter.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.


30-01-2017, 02:25 PM
I was on the fence about writing a review on Romi, but after reading this I might chip in my 2cents.

I bit the bullet and booked her based on the photos. First thing, photos have been photoshopped, I was disappointed with how different her face looked and body shape compared to the photos, personally I wouldn't use them as a shop as that ruins your reputation and how much trust you'll get from punters.

Now for service going to say I had a completely different experience to speech writer, she was very accommodating and I had no complaints service wise.

If anyone wants more info, feel free to pm me and I'll try to help you brothers out.

30-01-2017, 03:03 PM
Not into reviewing but i can say that there wasn't a hint of KPS at all when she was with me. YMMV perhaps?

Photos are definitely touched up but i was informed of it when i arrived at the shop & was given a chance to view in case i wasn't happy.

Like bro wayne says, its part of punting.

30-01-2017, 04:32 PM

That was quite an account of KPS at it's best. If only Jerry was still in the game, you would be able to experience the other side of the spectrum, an amazing Korean experience... Jerry's actually a kooky kinda girl, with more hair changes than a Mardi Gras parade...
Thanks for sharing...


Always willing to share the good and the bad cmk -- always.

Mostly because I believe it helps to redress the fundamental imbalance that exists against us in this puntng life.

Mamasans will bait and switch. Papasans will photoshop. The girls will act out. That's what the vast majority of them will do. It's the natural way of things.

If I can offer something to this group to give us all a bit more intel, to cut through the bullshit, and to give us a bit more power in the equation, then it's time well spent.

PS: I thought Jerry was a man for some reason! As in Jerry Maguire!

30-01-2017, 04:35 PM
Cmk, i dare you to say that to her face :p

I believe she's on holiday this week tho.
Shame the experience wasn't better.

Like I say in the account x11, I contributed to the disaster. But for near-Ginza prices, we should all expect a near-Ginza experience. Simple.

30-01-2017, 04:39 PM
Holy shit! Was going to try this one this week! Thanks for the feedback bro but feel for you man, holy moly what a cringe worthy experience, could literally feel that one! Great description 

Peter, I strongly recommend you proceed with your quest for Romi. Others here say their experience was not my experience, and yours won't be mine either. Especially now that you have the Romi playbook to go by:

(1) shower first
(2) wear your best fragrance
(3) let her know what you're going to do
(4) don't talk too much
(5) let her believe she's the most gorgeous girl you've ever touched (even though she won't be)

You know the rest mate.

30-01-2017, 04:41 PM
Haha thanks for the advice buddy but I'm going to give one of the hot ass Thai chicks a go as I prefer Thais anyways, I'm an ass man!!!

30-01-2017, 04:42 PM
That's why it's called punting, Mr Speechwriter.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.


Sage advice WayneK. Sage advice indeed.

I used to be a big-time punter of the other variety (horseracing), until I reaslied that the bookies had better information than me.

Everything I write on these forums is about giving us better information. We're all in this together.

30-01-2017, 04:45 PM
I was on the fence about writing a review on Romi, but after reading this I might chip in my 2cents.

I bit the bullet and booked her based on the photos. First thing, photos have been photoshopped, I was disappointed with how different her face looked and body shape compared to the photos, personally I wouldn't use them as a shop as that ruins your reputation and how much trust you'll get from punters.

Now for service going to say I had a completely different experience to speech writer, she was very accommodating and I had no complaints service wise.

If anyone wants more info, feel free to pm me and I'll try to help you brothers out.

For those thinking about a roll with Romi, I strongly recommend you take up gggb's generous offer of extra intel and PM him pronto.

And gggb -- those original pix of the girl pretending to be Romi were more than photoshopped. Different girl altogether. No part of Romi resembles any part of the girl in those original pix Marrickville 5 was passing off as Romi. Not a painted fingernail.

30-01-2017, 04:56 PM
Not into reviewing but i can say that there wasn't a hint of KPS at all when she was with me. YMMV perhaps?

Photos are definitely touched up but i was informed of it when i arrived at the shop & was given a chance to view in case i wasn't happy.

Like bro wayne says, its part of punting.

Pleased to hear your session didn't sink like mine did strictly.

As I state elsewhere, the girl who presented herself in the room as Romi was not in any way, shape or form the girl in those original pix Marrickville 5 was flogging as Romi.

And I forgot to say -- the part were I came in Romi's mouth was only slightly better than watching her take a "dive" onto the bed. She sort of half-convulsed and half fell, like she'd been assassinated. Fuck that was funny.


30-01-2017, 05:18 PM
Interesting account of events while I haven't seen her there was no way in hell I could believe the girl looked like that.

30-01-2017, 06:24 PM
Pleased to hear your session didn't sink like mine did strictly.

As I state elsewhere, the girl who presented herself in the room as Romi was not in any way, shape or form the girl in those original pix Marrickville 5 was flogging as Romi.

And I forgot to say -- the part were I came in Romi's mouth was only slightly better than watching her take a "dive" onto the bed. She sort of half-convulsed and half fell, like she'd been assassinated. Fuck that was funny.


Told you not to use the cheap ass Armani cologne. Stick with Lynx or home brand and you would've been admired like Ronaldo ...hehe

30-01-2017, 06:45 PM
Geez if this forum didn't exist there'd be a hell of a lot more disappointed punters around, great info and intel here 👍🏼

30-01-2017, 07:21 PM
I suspect you might have been victim of a bait and switch
Your account if Romi behavior and attitude is the exact opposite of mine

Surely the pictures are photoshopped, those pictures were too good to be true, but the girl I met was definitely the one in the picture, very pretty face but less toned body compared to the picture

Service wise she was fantastic, friendly, chatty, eager to please, we DFK from minute 0 to 60 while going onto each other like crazy
I even managed to come twice in one hour which is unusual for me, particularly considering that we finish round 1 after 45 minutes, and after 5 minutes rest we only had 5 minutes to go
I asked her if she was ok for a second run and she went down on me with a great bbbj and then rode me cowgirl at crazy speed..so I came in 2 minutes...never never happened

I am sorry for your experience but I thought was fair to share mine because the Romi I met deserved it

30-01-2017, 07:36 PM
Wow mate, sounds like a great fucking time!!! I haven't struck a good punt yet let alone one like that!! Hope I get one soon

30-01-2017, 09:06 PM
Damn... this is pretty sad but i can relate as i've had my fair share of kps from that place. I saw this romi on wechat but based on previous encounters i thought i'd better give it miss! this further reinforces my standpoint! thanks for the review!!!

Golden Finger
31-01-2017, 10:12 AM
sorry for the bad experience and thank you for sharing. intel like this is important to newbies like me

31-01-2017, 12:17 PM
sorry for the bad experience and thank you for sharing. intel like this is important to newbies like me

You're very welcome Golden Finger. Knowledge is power.

But do keep in mind that others on this thread had a great time with Romi. My experience, their experience, your potential experience...

Like WayneK said, that's why it's called punting.

31-01-2017, 05:41 PM
Hmmm was about to try her but now have to rethink. Thanks for the reviews

31-01-2017, 07:55 PM
Thanks for taking one for the team

01-02-2017, 09:43 PM
bad luck bro, hope u have a nice punt next time

02-02-2017, 07:59 AM
Gday Speechwriter,

I couldnt agree with you more.

The sydney punting game across all areas has really dropped in standards in the last 4-5 yrs, and i had this conversation with a Boss who runs a place too who said its changed for the worse aswell. The girl pics on the websites are bullshit, even the established places like Dreamgirls,5star, MOC, and Ginza(basically all private and shop) pretty much all use fake pics 50% off the time and the other 50 is close to true. (i wont bother proving it coz its too easy)...im in IT/engineering so i know how to figure this shit out real easy. I met so many women in shops and private in the last 6-12 months and the pics are not even close...Its like do you actually think im going to pay you because im feeling pressured...SHHHHiiiiittttee lol..Id rather jerk off at home. I went to see Sylvia in Glades and OMG, shes looked close to 40 and on the heavyside and worn out, kinda felt so sorry for her, i mean who the hell writes some off these fake ass after reports.

Please bring back cleg st all korean women....And that Japanease co.

Anyways.. the last thing ive truly noticed is the quality off girls has really gone down. Age off the worker has risen to 30+ along with the rates. I feel like the only way for real High quality plus performance guaranteed is to find the girls on scarlett blue or private girls etc like the high end babes( erika khans and mina xoxo etc from melbourne, jessica luscious)...but its too pricy in the end...so back to the start we go lol

I'm new to the Sydney scene bingbang, so I know nothing of its glory days. And I don't punt in my own pond (Melbourne) so I can't offer a meaningful comparison. Don't expect it would be any different down here.

I'm OK with a bit of photoshop to sell a product, but the fake pix are just tiresome, and only occasionally funny. Like when you look at 4 or 5 private ads for different girls, and they're all using the SAME fake pix. Quintuplets? Not likely...

Interesting you mention Sylvia at Gladesville, who has attracted much attention elsewhere on this forum. Hot stuff, say all the ARs, blah, blah, blah. So we're to assume these ARs are either written by brothers who are very easy to please, or who are on the shop payroll. Or the shop writes them itself.

I googled the Mina you mention in your post. I checked out her (excellent) web site (http://www.minamelbourne.com.au/).

Did I say I don't punt in my own pond? May have to revisit that strategy, budget willing.

02-02-2017, 08:03 AM
bad luck bro, hope u have a nice punt next time

Happy to report that I already have woshihuangsedawang. After crying in a corner for a couple of days, I ran back to the warm embrace of Ginza yesterday.

Had a beautiful session with Sumi.

AR to come soon.

02-02-2017, 08:50 AM
Hahahahaha legend!!! The 'cum' back!!!

20-02-2017, 04:40 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. There is always two sides to every story, "you smelled a little bad".