View Full Version : Question Best asian escort agency right now?

08-10-2016, 02:25 PM
Hi all,

New to the forum...wanted to ask you guys what is the best agency or girls for outcall right now??

08-10-2016, 03:44 PM
"Best" on what criteria?

08-10-2016, 03:57 PM
"Best" on what criteria?

Just overall service and looks. :D.
Just wanna get some tips from the punters here :)

08-10-2016, 04:14 PM
You can't declare a place as being "best" unless you have tried all of them. I doubt too many people here have, they will only have tried a couple and can only declare if good or bad. Beware of recommendations from vested interests.

Read some reviews for opinions to start with.

08-10-2016, 04:19 PM
You can't declare a place as being "best" unless you have tried all of them. I doubt too many people here have, they will only have tried a couple and can only declare if good or bad. Beware of recommendations from vested interests.

Read some reviews for opinions to start with.

Yes bro, will do :).

How about reputation?, I'm fairly new, want to know which agency and brothel have fairly good reputation, like no fake pictures and so on. (around CBD area).

I read some reviews that 5 star and myoutcall is good?

08-10-2016, 04:35 PM
Read the reports, all that information is there.

Then maybe come back and ask about specific places/girls.

08-10-2016, 04:37 PM
Best depends on a lot of things, most of all what you want and expect, if your young and need a young girl then you probably need to spend more money than if you don't want or need young and just want good service.

The choice is yours read the reports on the forum and make up your own mind.

Lets face it its only a punt if you get it wrong you can try another shop or girl next time its not like your getting married.

There are lots of great girls out there go and enjoy.

Perhaps I should add a lot of what makes a good punt is a connection between the girl and the punter.

In the end yomv on any girl or punt and thats what make punting so great.

08-10-2016, 08:31 PM
Hi all,

New to the forum...wanted to ask you guys what is the best agency or girls for outcall right now??
Well ! If Asian Escorts Agency is what you're after, Nana of DreamGirls just cannot be missed !

13-10-2016, 05:35 AM
These are usually way out of budget of the average punter.
They are mainly aimed at overseas punter who gamble at
casino or come for business trip. They don't have the time
to research and drive around like locals. Hence they will
charge what the market is willing to pay.