View Full Version : Mamasan double that failed

26-08-2016, 10:54 AM
I booked a mamasan double and made it 5 minutes early only to be told Vicky would be ready in 20 minutes.
That tells me that she took another 30 minute booking 10 minutes before I arrived.
As I was short for time I didn't wait so it was a single with Nicole.
Her part 1 skills are great but the downside was she seemed to be taking care of business of the shop rather than servicing me the paying customer!
She left the room multiple times to deal with phone and talk to the other mls.
Beauty face wise I'd rate 6.5
Part 1 7.5/10 minus 2 for the interruptions.
Body 7/10
Part 2 6/10 ( i was annoyed at the situation so couldn't enjoy )
Looking back I probably should of walked when they double booked me but as I was horny my dick took over.
I understand that people call and book alot of times without showing up that's why they accepted a booking even though it over lapped with my time.
For this reason I doubt I'll be back.

26-08-2016, 04:21 PM
Yeap, mamasan session getting interrupted for answering the phone, the door etc. one of my pet hates in RnT shops. Nicole, Vicky and before them Candy in the same shop or Coco at Stanmore etc. all have stuffed me up before, although they always made up the lost time, but still not happy Jane !!

26-08-2016, 05:27 PM
Yeap, mamasan session getting interrupted for answering the phone, the door etc. one of my pet hates in RnT shops. Nicole, Vicky and before them Candy in the same shop or Coco at Stanmore etc. all have stuffed me up before, although they always made up the lost time, but still not happy Jane !!

I wish it was a double but they double booked me!
Poor customer service booking and massage.

26-08-2016, 10:27 PM
(ouch) - have to admit I've been more fortunate with the doubles and haven't run into this problem just yet. A bit surprised I must admit.

27-08-2016, 02:21 AM
unfortunately it happens. Happened to me before too :(

27-08-2016, 10:25 AM
unfortunately it happens. Happened to me before too :(

What shop?

27-08-2016, 07:19 PM
thats a shame i was at this shop a few weeks ago and enjoyed a double with the lovely ladies .. and it was all smooth .. OP i think you just had the bad luck of bad timeing .. why dont you give them another chance and see for your own self the difference

28-08-2016, 01:13 AM
Lucky for you that they took care of business the right way.
However first impressions didn't go well for me and there's alot of shops deserving of my $

thats a shame i was at this shop a few weeks ago and enjoyed a double with the lovely ladies .. and it was all smooth .. OP i think you just had the bad luck of bad timeing .. why dont you give them another chance and see for your own self the difference