View Full Version : General talk NEW in Gold Coast. Please call me or SMS to 0433 581 285

10-08-2016, 05:49 PM
Hello I'm Lisa

I just travel in Gold Coast for few days.

So tell me, what are you looking for?
Are you by any chance looking for an intelligent, warm, cuddly, loving person who you can fuck the living daylights out of and then curl up with for a cup of tea and a chat? Sound good?
And the best part is I am very close to you. Why go to a service station when you can come round to mine and experience a proper servicing.
I have plenty of time available to make you feel important. You will be massaged, pampered and thoroughly spoiled.
We can spend time in my bath or power shower, relax and even have drinks if you like. Finally we can move to my large and very comfortable bed and enjoy ourselves for as long as you can keep going
I am humorous and intelligent, all you have to supply is the desire to be appreciated and to have a wonderful time with a real woman.
I am always interested in meeting someone who excites me and who loves sex as much as I do.
I am good at what I do because, quite frankly, I adore sex. pick up the phone and contact me now.

call 0433 581 285

Full service

♥♥♥ $130 for 30 mins incall
♥♥♥ $170 for 45 mins incall
♥♥♥ $200 for 60 mins incall


11-08-2016, 07:02 PM
My dear, you've posted an ad on a somewhat restricted thread. I'm not sure how that works but I can tell you that the punters who have access to this are fairly savvy and can spot a fake from a long way off. I don't mind that you post an ad, but you should use your own pictures.

14-08-2016, 08:08 AM
so they do not understand that google images finds them out!!!

22-08-2016, 04:37 AM
Some do, and they get less conspicuous pictures up. Generally, if they pass the Google test, and I get the right vibe, I'll give them a go.

22-08-2016, 10:52 AM
She was advertising on the Sydney site as well some of the pictures are fake and ordinary service, there is a review.

22-08-2016, 11:27 AM
My dear, you've posted an ad on a somewhat restricted thread. I'm not sure how that works but I can tell you that the punters who have access to this are fairly savvy and can spot a fake from a long way off. I don't mind that you post an ad, but you should use your own pictures.

Bubbaloo "somewhat restricted thread"? you are referring to this being the "private" section? I always assumed it referred to 141 private operators, not that this section is private from new members.

24-08-2016, 04:20 PM
I get the feeling that alot of these style ads are run by pimps or organised. I have called some numbers more than once trying to get the same girl but getting called or txt back by different numbers every time like they'r just forwarding my number to which ever girl is available.

27-08-2016, 09:32 AM
I think he means there is not a lot of traffic here

27-08-2016, 07:24 PM
Bubbaloo "somewhat restricted thread"? you are referring to this being the "private" section? I always assumed it referred to 141 private operators, not that this section is private from new members.

I thought you were required to have a certain amount of tenure before allowed access to it. Apparently not.

28-08-2016, 12:47 AM
I thought you were required to have a certain amount of tenure before allowed access to it. Apparently not.

I thought it was 50 posts before you could access it although I can't seem to find the thread that mentions it.

31-08-2016, 07:23 PM
That's what I saw, and it didn't open up till then.

07-03-2017, 08:01 AM
I thought it was 50 posts before you could access it although I can't seem to find the thread that mentions it.

Private refers to girls who work in a private situation, not a brothel.

The Sydney forum has a private massage section where you need 50 posts to view. This stops people doing google searches and finding information about extra services provided by girls in various shops.