View Full Version : Misaki

28-07-2016, 03:24 PM
Just a very quick ar on Misaki. Saw her today with the promotion, and was happy I did. The description on the roster is very accurate, tall for a j girl, sexy body, sweet and cute. Very much gf material. Her part 1 wasn't very firm, but she did ask if it was ok and I said yes so perhaps she could have done a stronger massage. Part 2 was very sensual, and sweet, felt like being with a new girlfriend for the first time. (Within the normal limitations of a ml) Was there any dissapointment? Only the fact that her sheer panties stayed on, but I went in the 1 hr promotion, so really can't complain. She is one I will definitely try to see again.

28-07-2016, 03:26 PM
Forgot to mention, another thing I really liked about her is she was very easy to talk to, and this no doubt added to the gfe. Ymmv

28-07-2016, 04:34 PM
How was her boobs? What size were they?

28-07-2016, 04:38 PM
How was her boobs? What size were they?

Not great with sizes, but id say a full B or C

29-07-2016, 12:30 AM
Forgot to mention, another thing I really liked about her is she was very easy to talk to, and this no doubt added to the gfe. Ymmv
agree with your review

29-07-2016, 12:37 AM
Lucky she's not my type when she walk pasted me in the shop lol.
No panties off? No thank you .At least Star go full nude lol.

The reason for it ???

29-07-2016, 12:37 AM
I generally agree with your review except for the "very-easy-to-talk-to" part. But of course you already warned YMMV.

I had a 45min session with her early this year before she went back to Japan, and imho she has the best looks and style among jgirls at SussexStar. W.r.t conversations, she always politely answered my questions, but rarely initiated anything.

In my case, part 2 was ok but nothing to rave about: she kept her panties on and kept pushing my hands off even when I only gently brushed against her waist. This was a big turnoff. But she did make up for it by giving me a nice body slide with her firm breasts. Her boob size was probably B+ closer to C.

It's good to know she's returned to sussexstar but seems like hasn't really up'd her game, i.e still not ready to go full nude.

So atm i am in no hurry to see her again.

Did you give her $50 tip even though she didn't remove her panties?

29-07-2016, 12:54 AM
Thank you bro for the review. I once planned to see her but for some reason was not able to. You saved me !

29-07-2016, 12:58 AM
Lucky she's not my type when she walk pasted me in the shop lol.
No panties off? No thank you .At least Star go full nude lol.

The reason for it ???

Star do get full nude but like other Korean girls and their culture/tradition she has big bush down there which puts me off. :-)
This is one of the reason beside KPS that I am not a fan of Korean girls.

29-07-2016, 01:35 AM
Shame about the panty part lol... but if she's pretty i wouldnt mind ;)

29-07-2016, 02:03 AM
I generally agree with your review except for the "very-easy-to-talk-to" part. But of course you already warned YMMV.

I had a 45min session with her early this year before she went back to Japan, and imho she has the best looks and style among jgirls at SussexStar. W.r.t conversations, she always politely answered my questions, but rarely initiated anything.

In my case, part 2 was ok but nothing to rave about: she kept her panties on and kept pushing my hands off even when I only gently brushed against her waist. This was a big turnoff. But she did make up for it by giving me a nice body slide with her firm breasts. Her boob size was probably B+ closer to C.

It's good to know she's returned to sussexstar but seems like hasn't really up'd her game, i.e still not ready to go full nude.

So atm i am in no hurry to see her again.

Thanks for the heads up. I just hate it when ML brush your hands off. Total mood killer. Especially as in your case it was for something very harmless like touching her waist. Wtf. JPS?

Might avoid her then. And Body slide with Panties on. Never had that before lol.

29-07-2016, 08:08 AM
I can speak a little Japanese, perhaps this put her at ease and she spoke more? As for the panties staying on, I paid $100 for 1 hour up front, no tips as per the promo mentioned on the roster. So I didn't feel upset about it, if I see her again and they stay on, it's a shame but how many girls remove them and then not allow any touching anyway? Lots in my experience. Brushing the hands off would usually mean I wouldn't return, but she didn't do that to me, really highlights ymmv

29-07-2016, 08:27 AM
Oh well. Not to worry lol.
There are at least 3 or 4 other girls on my list to be tick off hehe. And they're all pretty and hottttt.
Hera looks very yummy :miao:

29-07-2016, 09:31 AM
I'll probably try my luck with this Misaki. At least in Pyrmont, rather than Sussex, to avoid Darling's murderous glaring to the point she's shooting lasers out of her eyes at me, lol~~~

30-07-2016, 01:00 AM
I can speak a little Japanese, perhaps this put her at ease and she spoke more? As for the panties staying on, I paid $100 for 1 hour up front, no tips as per the promo mentioned on the roster. So I didn't feel upset about it, if I see her again and they stay on, it's a shame but how many girls remove them and then not allow any touching anyway? Lots in my experience. Brushing the hands off would usually mean I wouldn't return, but she didn't do that to me, really highlights ymmv

$100 for 1hr all inclusive? it was a steal!

30-07-2016, 01:09 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I just hate it when ML brush your hands off. Total mood killer. Especially as in your case it was for something very harmless like touching her waist. Wtf. JPS?

Might avoid her then. And Body slide with Panties on. Never had that before lol.

a bit off topic, but another ML that brushed my hands off was Angel of Irene CBD.
Angel is pretty but only takes $20 tip and wont take clothes off. When she went about part 2, i tried to touch her arm, but had my hand pushed aside and was told "you just relax". it gave me a really bad feeling too.

31-07-2016, 02:12 AM
a bit off topic, but another ML that brushed my hands off was Angel of Irene CBD.
Angel is pretty but only takes $20 tip and wont take clothes off. When she went about part 2, i tried to touch her arm, but had my hand pushed aside and was told "you just relax". it gave me a really bad feeling too.

Guess she is the shy and unsuitable for erotic massage type ml. Would avoid her too. Thanks for the tip. At least she only took $20. Although for me clothed hj won't do it.

The time I got the brush off was by ml at M8 when I tried to touch her pussy. Happened with two different ml there. Never went back ever since. Too much kps. Glad I switched to Midas. Much happier experiences there.

sussex star
02-08-2016, 11:01 AM
I still don't understand What is (kps)?
Guess she is the shy and unsuitable for erotic massage type ml. Would avoid her too. Thanks for the tip. At least she only took $20. Although for me clothed hj won't do it.

The time I got the brush off was by ml at M8 when I tried to touch her pussy. Happened with two different ml there. Never went back ever since. Too much kps. Glad I switched to Midas. Much happier experiences there.

02-08-2016, 11:44 AM
나나야~ 그 KPS이 한국어로 아마 일반적인 성격입니다.
Korean Princess Syndrome. 하지만 이건 다 나라가 있어 ㅋㅋㅋ
CPS, JPS, TPS ....

sussex star
02-08-2016, 11:50 AM
Hahaha.. Very good KPS. I need more 공주병!근데 넌 왕자병 있어 확실히!
나나야~ 그 KPS이 한국어로 아마 일반적인 성격입니다.
Korean Princess Syndrome. 하지만 이건 다 나라가 있어 ㅋㅋㅋ

02-08-2016, 12:04 PM
Hahaha.. Very good KPS. I need more 공주병!근데 넌 왕자병 있어 확실히!

진짜 안돼 !!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그 KPS이 좀 나뻐용~~~ 많은 남자들 이 KPS을 안 좋아해요~~ 진짜로 ㅋㅋ Most men do not like KPS ㅋ

sussex star
02-08-2016, 12:56 PM
그래서 싱글이 최고라고!!ㅋ
진짜 안돼 !!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그 KPS이 좀 나뻐용~~~ 많은 남자들 이 KPS을 안 좋아해요~~ 진짜로 ㅋㅋ Most men do not like KPS ㅋ

02-08-2016, 01:14 PM
그래서 싱글이 최고라고!!ㅋ

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럼, 당신은 KPS을 할게요? I can't imagine you having KPS, Nana ㅋㅋ

14-08-2016, 02:11 PM
When a girl has KPS you wonder why she is working in a place where she has to provide a service that requires some personal attention to the customer's needs. If she is going to behave like a princess, she should go somewhere else. Work in the fashion industry and do the catwalk if she is too sexy as Right Fred Said says.:cool2:


14-08-2016, 03:10 PM
it really puts you off when your hands are brush aside. Haven't experience princess syndrome at sussex star.
But i did had experience at 121. Where the ML not only brush my hand but also told me off. Really a bummer. I didn't go back to 121 since then.
The best place you can experience KPS to the max is at M8. The good side with M8 is that the rooms are really clean, large, warm and have a shower.

14-08-2016, 06:21 PM
Sounds like star is not too bad after all.
She's friendly and chatty. No touching below :( but every girls have their limit !!!
If you respected her then anything is possible.....hoping anyway :) :)

14-08-2016, 08:12 PM
Star ..... Lol