View Full Version : Sisters Jun and Julie

22-05-2016, 02:23 AM
I’m a bit hesitant generally to write reviews after I’ve seen a girl (or in this case, girls). I actually do think I’m quite a descriptive person by nature and I write regularly, but there’s something in me that has always been hesitant to share details of my visits, even though I know I’m always incredibly grateful when someone else writes a review on someone I’ve been considering. Ultimately, that was a big tipping point in my writing this, along with wanting to just give credit where credit was due to an amazing experience.

Anyway, you aren’t here to read my disclaimer, so I’ll get to it.

I was looking through Cracker and came across an ad for two real sisters with uncensored pictures at an incredibly reasonable price. My initial instinct was that this was a fake along with so many of the other reviews on that site, but in a mixture of having time to kill, curiosity over it being an ad for two sisters and sincerely hoping this ad was legit, I looked into it. After doing some Google reverse image searches, looking at the main Christine123 website and reading a couple of reviews on this site, I came to the firm conclusion that this was all 100% real and immediately made a booking for what seemed could be one of the most unique and exciting punts of a lifetime.

I should make a note on the booking process: it was by far the best process I’ve ever experienced in terms of making a booking. I don’t know how much I’d normally make such a big point of it, but from the prompt and detailed replies to my messages, the friendly chatter while being led up to the room to meet the girls and even the follow-up afterwards to see how satisfied I was with the whole experience, I just can’t fault a thing. Not that I’ve had much “punting experience” prior to this meeting, but I never realised how much the ease of this side would put me at ease in general. I compare to another time I’ve had in the past where the communication prior was vague, sparse and a bit cold (even though the encounter was still quite amazing) and I felt quite uneasy and uncomfortable between booking and meeting; there was none of that with this, so I really have to commend Jessie for a job brilliantly done. (Hoping she doesn't mind me using her name here!)

When I came into the room to find the two girls in lingerie waiting for me, it felt very familiar in that these were definitely the very same people I had seen in the photos, and I couldn’t have been happier. Jun is an incredibly tiny girl; I would literally be over double her size, but she very pretty with deep brown eyes, a cheeky smile and a cute little body. Julie is also very attractive while being a bit taller and really quite a stunner, but there was definitely something about the teensy Jun that really caught my eye. Rather than reading my half-baked descriptions though, I’d say just look at the pictures for yourself as they’re a completely accurate depiction, at least in my eyes.

We began with Julie undressing me and then Jun taking over, leading me to join her in the shower. Given the massive height differential, she did a great job bathing me and ensuring the water was just the right temperature. Her hands were soft and gentle and when she massaged my cock, I was immediately hard. Once clean, I was taken back to the bed to lie down. As I alluded earlier, I’m quite an overweight guy and although still relatively young and having some level of energy, it can make it quite hard logistically in terms of positions, and for this session, it was basically just me lying in the middle with Jun on the right and Julie on the left, but I was constantly touched, whether by roaming hands or a body pressed against me.

Even though this was less than 24 hours ago, the chronology is a bit of a blur, but the session itself involved:

- Licking and sucking on Julie’s and Jun’s breasts, which were both very nicely sized and shaped, so whenever presented, I gladly partook

- A pussy massage where the girls put lotion on my arms and legs and simultaneously and slowly rubbed themselves back and forth on them. Incredible!

- Nice slow-paced HJ, soft BBBJ and gentle kissing of my chest and nipples.

- Cowgirl with Jun, although given our size differences, poor Jun really had to work hard, though it still felt amazing. (I didn’t get to have direct sex with Julie because my little fellow was being nice and disagreeable, but always another time, I hope)

- Only light kissing, which I’ll admit I was a little bit disappointed about, but after receiving a few kisses from Jun, she did say that my stubble was a bit too rough, and having a feel of it, I can concede that, so I take it more down to my carelessness in not shaving that day!

- Finished with a nicely paced HJ from both girls.

After I’d finished, the girls quickly showered and ran back to lie next to me. I’m a pretty shy guy and Julie was too, so it was mostly Jun making small-talk. Given the language barrier, it was difficult to talk about more than the weather and the fact that I work a lot, but I really commend Jun in particular for the effort. There was also something about the playful way she would hit me, softly but quickly and repeatedly on the shoulder in a teasing way that made me warm to her more.

If I had to nit-pick, I would say that a couple of times in the session, the girls were a bit distracted in that they would giggle between themselves – well, Julie giggling and Jun stifling it and hitting her sister like she was being bad. They would chat to each other quite a bit in Chinese throughout the session but with their limited English, I can’t fault that at all. When the chatter was followed by giggling however, I felt a little bit uncomfortable, just because it was hard to gauge what it was about and how to respond. I imagine it was harmless stuff – just girls playfully laughing like they sometimes do in the bedroom – and if it was in English, it probably wouldn’t have been an issue.

Ultimately, I think that it just came down to how I chose to take it and I certainly don’t begrudge it. I just highlight it because I think if I’m not going to call this the “perfect” 10/10 rendezvous, I should back it up with something that lacked, even if it was only tiny and didn’t really detract from the experience.

At the end of the day, I had a great time with two beautiful young women and the simple fact that they are legitimately sisters made this a unique experience that I’ll definitely remember in the years to come.

24-05-2016, 03:46 PM
For more information please add our WECHAT ID : Christine--123

Call / Text our receptionists IVAN 0406182838 OR JESSIE 0450998488

God Member
24-05-2016, 08:29 PM
I’m quite a descriptive person by nature and I write regularly .

Do your recipients write back, or is it one way traffic? Nothing wrong with that - a book is one way traffic after all.

Perhaps then, you can describe something quite subtle. Tell us how you knowing that they were real sisters enhanced your experience. Was it always uppermost in your mind during the session? Or did the sense come and go like the taste of a subtle spice in a dish?

Christine123, btw, are to be congratulated on sourcing such a rare phenomenon as a real sister double act.