View Full Version : General talk Punt or Regular???

17-03-2016, 06:40 PM
Guys I sort of had an epiphany today...

If you strike gold with a ML you like and gives you a f@&king awesome service... Why punt elsewhere?

My ML habit is not huge... Twice to three times a month... Nothing extreme, but today I threw caution to the wind and tried somewhere and someone other than my regular haunts. While the excitement of trying somewhere else was fun... Is getting to know someone else and trying and negotiating a new price really any more fun than a tried and true person you already know, who knows exactly what you want and wants that smile on your face?

Don't get me wrong, I have had some awesome "punts", but I guess as I get older I would rather have a sure thing who I know will look after me rather than a stab in the dark with a newby.

Thoughts punting bretheran?

17-03-2016, 07:57 PM
Punts interspersed with regulars for me. I enjoy the challenge.

17-03-2016, 10:43 PM
It's about the challenge and not knowing for me. Adds to the excitement. Sure things bore me unless they are completely outstanding. I prefer variety, I get bored easily with the same ml over and over.

It's a personal preference, more than anything else.

18-03-2016, 07:38 AM
Same - I have 3 regulars who work wonders for me, but I still like to mix it up with punts as well. The regulars are great because I get more from them than a first time punt, but still I like the excitement as well as the anticipation of finding someone else who also might be truly sensational.

18-03-2016, 07:47 AM
variety is the spice of life. please have regulars for the meat and three veg, then add in that crazy punt just to make it spicy.

18-03-2016, 01:21 PM
A slight problem with punting when you have regulars is that you can end up adding to your list of regulars, making future choices more difficult and costly.

18-03-2016, 01:39 PM
Good point i also have 3 at the moment very differerent girls that offer various levels of service its good to have some backup after a dud stray punt ...not adverse to adding a 4th though

18-03-2016, 07:10 PM
my problem is as soon as i find a good regular things change with them leaving the said place and as i never give my number out i find it hard to find them again. but boy when i do its like finding an old friend.. and the massage is always very good..

19-03-2016, 12:19 AM
Well I have one regular. The rest are all punts. The one regular however is cute, great massage and teasing, makes me happy, and in a legit shop, which makes it hard to find...

22-03-2016, 05:58 AM
Best is to have regular because I want the right chemistry and also things can get better from there. Previously, even at well established shops, I can't find a decent regular because they're not focused to please me. So I stick to a few.

23-03-2016, 08:51 PM
If you're satisfied with your regular, then there's no need to punt. For some guys who don't seek services that often, this kind of arrangement suits their needs just fine.

Others, like myself, have less control of that evil dick and need to feed the little fucker more often. So I will throw in a punt here and there to keep it exciting, while maintaining a regular.

You only realise how good a regular is when she's gone. Mine has suddenly gone AWOL :(