View Full Version : Tiffany n Friends Annabella

29-01-2013, 09:14 PM
I'v worked it out. Tiffany should never be allowed to take a photo. On the other hand, her judgment in her friends should never be doubted. From now on Tiffany, I trust you completely. OMG!
Apologies for short form report. I am so exhausted, I may die.

29-01-2013, 09:18 PM
She told me Annabella was a little Hana all along !

29-01-2013, 09:21 PM
I wouldn't compare them, except to say I agree Hana is quite special too. It would be nice to see a return visit from her.

29-01-2013, 09:28 PM
I'v worked it out. Tiffany should never be allowed to take a photo. On the other hand, her judgment in her friends should never be doubted. From now on Tiffany, I trust you completely. OMG!
Apologies for short form report. I am so exhausted, I may die.

I voluntee to take photos for sister Tiff for free! I have a very good Canon digital!!

tiffany n friends
29-01-2013, 10:52 PM
Thank you for support our super wild -Annabella , Mr.Cassius ^.^......

And also our girls are coming back very soon.....

Always wait for your call brother^.<'


29-01-2013, 11:45 PM
I have a very nice NIKON too ...

29-01-2013, 11:45 PM
Hey look I have some decent photography gear if someone wants some photos taken. ;)

29-01-2013, 11:59 PM
Borrow me!!! Travelmate Gor gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......


Nejums.... Long time no C la

30-01-2013, 01:23 AM
Borrow me!!! Travelmate Gor gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......


I know you can!

30-01-2013, 01:29 AM
Its not the camera is the person behind it :) I have many DSLR but I bet any I Phone 5 will do the job :)

30-01-2013, 01:37 AM
All you have to do is to ask me!!

30-01-2013, 11:01 AM
A perfect lady (perfect look and figure) ? giving perfect services ? so no need to write anything on both look and services ?

A perfect agency as well ? so 100% trustworthy on what they describe or say ?

I would be very glad if we are living in a perfect world where everything is perfect and trustworthy though I know Hana of this agency has been very good.

Very convincing report indeed !!!

Hi brother Niceman,

Is your comments a little bit over the top, the guy didn't actually say all the "perfect this, perfect that" as stated above, all his said was he had a good time and he trusts Tiffany's recommendation - on this one girl he just tried I suppose, what's wrong with that ??

I know Tiffany a long time and to be totally honest, I won't trust everything she said everytime, but given the opportunity, she is putting her own reputation on the line everytime she tries to promote her girls, so I don't think she will risk having eggs on her face and BS too much. And I guess all punters can make their own decision what to believe, afterall, one man's favourite may not necessary suit everyone else's taste and don't I know that myself ...............lol. And that's punting !!

Just my two cents,



ps. May be just sidetrack a little bit here, I think Tiffany has got some good track record on the board too, for the very short time when she was in partnership with Coco to start the business in Stanmore, Tiffany introduced Miranda, Mena, Cici & Rita to the shop and all of them are still there and doing well, so as far as I am concerned, she has a 100% success rate at Stanmore - granted that is a RnT shop and here we are talking about a $350/hr outcall services, but a hot girl is a hot girl!

And if we look a bit further back, let's not forget the infamous "Magical Hands" - Miss Leng Leng was also introduced by Tiffany and what a visit that was, people are still talking and longing for her touches today - including her no. 1 fans yours truly here!

I cannot defend Tiff on her out call girls as they are too expensive for me to try but there is no question on her taste of ladies as I truly believe this little sister really understand what man wants.

Here is another 5 cents for the forum as I feel generous this morning.........haha

30-01-2013, 11:42 AM
I won't dispute with you, bro. AHLungor, that Tiffany & Friends is a trustworthy agency though as you said, we never believe 100% what an agency advertises because advertising is advertising. As I said, Hana of this agency has been very good.

If the purpose of this AR on Annabella is just to say the brother's great experience on the lady, the purpose is certainly served but if an AR will also share information among users in this forum to determine whether to see this lady or not, the lack of details including the strengths or weaknesses of a lady will not help to serve such purpose.

As always, cheers.

OK then, so the only down side of this post was that it was too short and no juicy details, but the brother has already apologised for it:

Apologies for short form report. I am so exhausted, I may die.

Sometimes a great session could really wear you out, I'm sure you would have plenty of those experiences yourself...........haha

What are you trying to do to him mate, kill him ??.........lol

May be someone else will post an AR soon, stay tune



tiffany n friends
30-01-2013, 02:35 PM

Thanks for read we advertising our girls in here.
If u have any doubt on our any advertising ,welcome to check it out by yourself.
Every customers have their different opinions and we willing to listen .

We just trying our best to do our job:)


tiffany n friends
30-01-2013, 03:16 PM

Hana has taken big big money from customers in that ten days....still in a long holiday in Taiwan.
But she promise she must be back to sydney for sure...

I read so many many AR from you since I known this site,
And I wish i could introduce the suitable girl for you in your first time visit^^
Will u bring your chocolates for our girls as usual??:p


31-01-2013, 03:11 AM
She told me Annabella was a little Hana all along !

cant wait to see her if she was a little Hana all long