View Full Version : General talk My Experiences at TP 64

03-10-2014, 06:54 PM
In the last 24 hours there have been a number of posts relating to Customer Service or lack of it, at TP64

Interestingly, some of them have come from guys who have never visited the shop. I guess that they are writing in support of ILFS who has posted a number of negative experiences recently.

I would like to make a couple of comments and let you know about my experiences at TP64.

I am a regular customer with no connection to TP64 Management. I am an honest and ethical person. My only "vice" is seeing Working Ladies.

I have been going to TP64 for more than three years. Initially I was not going frequently. I saw a number of ladies and I was always very happy with my experiences. That is why I continued to return.

In February 2012 I met a special lady at 64 and I continued to see her almost exclusively twice a week. I was always her first customer, so there was never any problems about having to wait or being offered a different lady.

Early this year her circumstances changed and although I continued to see her occasionally, I also started to see some of the other ladies at 64.
I read the reviews (some good, positive ones from ILFS) and I also talked to the ladies while waiting for 64 to open.
Maybe I was just lucky but I enjoyed my time with all of them.
Anyone who has spent time with ladies such as Joey, Sue, Yuky, Nana, Fei Fei, Apple, etc will know the great and different services that they provide. I would be surprised if anyone would be disappointed.

For the past few months I have been seeing Shelley and Lola on a weekly basis. I am their first customer each time so again no issues, just excellent experiences.

These two ladies provide me and I am sure all of their customers with great service.

There have been a number of new faces at 64 in recent months. I have not spent time with them so I cannot comment on their services.

- ILFS has posted his concerns.
- TP64 has responded positively regarding improving customer service. I feel that we should give Sophie the opportunity to do this.

- I like 64. The new rooms are large, have good showers, large mirrors, plasma TVs etc.
- At $150.00 an hour it represents great value for me.
- I have never experienced the customer service issues reported by others.
- I will continue to attend 64. I have no reason to stop going.
- Some guys who intended to attend 64 say that they will not go there now due to the recent posts. All that I can say is, do your homework, read the reviews. There some great ladies there.

ILFS has posted his concerns. He has taken action by visiting other establishments.
Maybe it is time now for a cooling off period.
Any further negative posts and calls for a boycott of 64 could seriously affect some innocent young ladies who do provide excellent service to their customers.

I have been a regular at 64 for over three years because I have continued to enjoy great service from many beautiful ladies.

03-10-2014, 07:20 PM
I guess if you are the first one, booking should never be an issue, logically.

But I had seen a number of posts about booking at TP64 not being respected, which I must agree, as myself did suffered a few times. (never being the first customer in my case)

As I am not a regular punter, I only visit shops about once per month. For the last few months, TP64 is the only establishment I went to as it has some nice girls.

I do understand both this post and ILFS's, hope this is the wake up call for the management.

03-10-2014, 10:38 PM
Disgusting! My complaint about this establishment is deleted but a fake member A44 is allowed to post this rubbish defending the place. What a joke!

Reinstate my thread or delete this jokers rubbish too!

04-10-2014, 01:11 AM
A44 is a real poster I'm sure. He is mainly being chivalrous to the girls at 64.

But me? It looks like my edition of the St Cleve Chronicle has been deleted along with your thread! Boo hoo hoo...:cry:

04-10-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm sure A44 is a real punter, no doubt about that, just check his posting history ! Horses for courses I guess !

04-10-2014, 07:14 AM
ILFS. I can assure you that I am a real person / punter.

I have no argument with you and I have enjoyed reading your posts in the past.
We have "shared" a number of the same ladies at 64 and I have seen some of them based on your ARs.

Recent events at 64 have upset you. You have taken appropriate action by not going there.

TP have acknowledged that they can improve on their Customer Service.

My post is a true reflection of my experiences at 64. As we all see regularly in ARs from punters on this forum YMMV.

I am suggesting again, a cooling off period. Many harsh words can be spoken in the heat of the moment that can be regretted later.

Your dispute is not with the ladies at 64 and I am sure that you do not want to cause problems for them.

I really hope that this situation can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction and that we can all get back to doing what we like doing best, seeing beautiful young ladies.

ILFS, I am a Lover, not a Fighter. Peace Brother.

Mr. Who
04-10-2014, 10:19 AM
I am also certain that A44 is an honest person based on his past posts. But deleting the thread on the other side is truly disgusting.

If the thread was not deleted, all I know is that one genuine loyal punter got very disappointed by the shop. But since deleting threads is now proved to be a valid weapon of the shop, I am starting to believe there could have been way more negative stories on this shop historically that got wiped out before I got a chance to notice them. Well done.

04-10-2014, 11:14 AM
I am also certain that A44 is an honest person based on his past posts. But deleting the thread on the other side is truly disgusting.

If the thread was not deleted, all I know is that one genuine loyal punter got very disappointed by the shop. But since deleting threads is now proved to be a valid weapon of the shop, I am starting to believe there could have been way more negative stories on this shop historically that got wiped out before I got a chance to notice them. Well done.

This kind of issue has come up before yes. I was a customer of this shop until about 3 years ago, probably visited 8 or so times in total.