View Full Version : General talk Babylon

The Captain
21-07-2014, 05:39 PM
Can anyone fill me in on Babylon.? What's on offer? What to expect? How much to pay? Are the girls a bit more mechanical than other massage shops?

Does any frequent this place? I hear they have nuru?

If Babylon not the best anyone recommend good bath house? I get the feeling chequers is a bit dated and I've had mixed experiences at midas, Masstige and Julie.

Any Babylon Intel appreciated, cheers

21-07-2014, 05:48 PM
If you are looking for nuru massage, the closest thing is the King massage at Chequers, see my review below:


Babylon is a better shop than Chequers IMO if you are after the regular Chinese RnT or Korean B2B, the facilities are simply bigger and better, it didn't have the King Massage though. However, at the end of the day, it's all depends on the ML you get.

The following old post may answer some of your questions:


Hope this helps !!

