View Full Version : General talk Did anyone else see this disgusting racist

03-07-2014, 11:15 PM

03-07-2014, 11:50 PM
No I didn't
And I'm not a violent person but as an 5th gen Aussie she is a disgrace and I just want to shove that phone in her disgusting mouth

03-07-2014, 11:53 PM
Yeah, she was a racist pig, she has been arrested now.
She is also not too sharp, if you listen to the video you can hear her say her full name.

the doctor.
03-07-2014, 11:55 PM
Will be hard for her to hide from this..

04-07-2014, 12:00 AM
Maybe she was molested by Rolf Harris and it has badly affected her psychologically, that's got to be the answer.
If she has been victimised in the past, she can't be held responsible for her actions, can she? C'est la vie, non.

04-07-2014, 12:05 AM

04-07-2014, 12:09 AM
Maybe she was molested by Rolf Harris and it has badly affected her psychologically, that's got to be the answer.
If she has been victimised in the past, she can't be held responsible for her actions, can she? C'est la vie, non.

This is just beautiful, I wonder what tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber (Wayne & CunningLinguist) have got to say about this.

04-07-2014, 12:46 AM
This is just beautiful, I wonder what tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber (Wayne & CunningLinguist) have got to say about this.
So to you, the incident was just a joke !

04-07-2014, 01:14 AM
Maybe she was molested by Rolf Harris and it has badly affected her psychologically, that's got to be the answer.
If she has been victimised in the past, she can't be held responsible for her actions, can she? C'est la vie, non.

I suspect she is your wife

04-07-2014, 01:31 AM
Maybe she was molested by Rolf Harris and it has badly affected her psychologically, that's got to be the answer.
If she has been victimised in the past, she can't be held responsible for her actions, can she? C'est la vie, non.

Yes, this female will no doubt use the "victim" defence when it gets to court - marital problems, work problems,
nasty husband, abused when young, difficult menopause, etc, etc. Sooner or later people just have to take responsibility
for their lives & actions, and stop looking for someone else to blame. :smile:

04-07-2014, 02:38 AM
Yes, this female will no doubt use the "victim" defence when it gets to court - marital problems, work problems,
nasty husband, abused when young, difficult menopause, etc, etc. Sooner or later people just have to take responsibility
for their lives & actions, and stop looking for someone else to blame. :smile:
Yep, you took the responsibility for trying to make it sound like a joke !

04-07-2014, 05:48 AM
They had this woman front up, well back up to, the local news last night, apparently she didnt want to show her face on TV again, a bit late for that I thought, I think she has bigger problems than just being a racist. She was abusing everyone in that carriage, children included, the children being under ten yrs of age.
She admitted that her behaviour was disgusting among other things, she also admitted she was going to admit herself to counselling, all well and good with your back to the camera, but I doubt that counselling will help her in the short term, a person of her age by now should have learnt the ability to understand that people are all equal, until they open their mouths of course and express whats running through the myriad of thoughts in ones mind.
It took the mother of the children to intervene, I cant believe that a society is so unwilling to speak up when such behaviour is witnessed, I truly dont believe it is because the people witnessing share her views, I think its just a jaded people too willing these days to turn a blind eye and think the longer I sit here and do nothing the quicker it will go away. Also its probably our laws, the police say that the most they can charge her with is offensive behaviour, I wonder if I was in that carriage, witnessed her tirade, got up out of my seat, no, I would have already been standing because there were people in less physical condition than myself standing, so stride over, and say with volume and a little venom " shut the fuk up bitch and sit the fuk down or leave this carriage" and if she didnt budge using as little force as possible remove her from the carriage.
My charges would probably be asault, intimidate with menace or the equivilant in police jargon.

A bad apple amongst a very big crate of good apples.

What also caught my attention on the news was the Englishman at the end of the segment, who is now rail or Police hierachy, someone may be able to help me there, but he said in thirty yrs of running the English tube stations and trains he has never witnessed such racism, PLEASEEE give me a break, was not the London tube sation bombings, just to raise a minor scurmish on his tube stations and act of racism? For twenty of those yrs people did not have mobile phones with cam-corders.....oh how I could carry on.......



04-07-2014, 07:26 AM
They had this woman front up, well back up to, the local news last night, apparently she didnt want to show her face on TV again, a bit late for that I thought, I think she has bigger problems than just being a racist. She was abusing everyone in that carriage, children included, the children being under ten yrs of age.
She admitted that her behaviour was disgusting among other things, she also admitted she was going to admit herself to counselling, all well and good with your back to the camera, but I doubt that counselling will help her in the short term, a person of her age by now should have learnt the ability to understand that people are all equal, until they open their mouths of course and express whats running through the myriad of thoughts in ones mind.
It took the mother of the children to intervene, I cant believe that a society is so unwilling to speak up when such behaviour is witnessed, I truly dont believe it is because the people witnessing share her views, I think its just a jaded people too willing these days to turn a blind eye and think the longer I sit here and do nothing the quicker it will go away. Also its probably our laws, the police say that the most they can charge her with is offensive behaviour, I wonder if I was in that carriage, witnessed her tirade, got up out of my seat, no, I would have already been standing because there were people in less physical condition than myself standing, so stride over, and say with volume and a little venom " shut the fuk up bitch and sit the fuk down or leave this carriage" and if she didnt budge using as little force as possible remove her from the carriage.
My charges would probably be asault, intimidate with menace or the equivilant in police jargon.

A bad apple amongst a very big crate of good apples.

What also caught my attention on the news was the Englishman at the end of the segment, who is now rail or Police hierachy, someone may be able to help me there, but he said in thirty yrs of running the English tube stations and trains he has never witnessed such racism, PLEASEEE give me a break, was not the London tube sation bombings, just to raise a minor scurmish on his tube stations and act of racism? For twenty of those yrs people did not have mobile phones with cam-corders.....oh how I could carry on.......



We do have good people in this country !

04-07-2014, 08:09 AM
She got 500 bucks fine.
Not 500 year imprisonment.

04-07-2014, 08:27 AM
She got 500 bucks fine.
Not 500 year imprisonment.

Wtf?? Is that is that it? There were kids there swell. I suppose the police can only take action based on the evidence they have and match it with whatever legislation is available to them.....

04-07-2014, 08:46 AM
Moron, plain and simple.

04-07-2014, 10:06 AM
Yes, this female will no doubt use the "victim" defence when it gets to court - marital problems, work problems,
nasty husband, abused when young, difficult menopause, etc, etc. Sooner or later people just have to take responsibility
for their lives & actions, and stop looking for someone else to blame. :smile:

on the SMH, the racist said she had a rotten day and had been scammed out of $100,000 from a man she had met on a dating website.

04-07-2014, 10:26 AM
Maybe she was molested by Rolf Harris and it has badly affected her psychologically, that's got to be the answer.
If she has been victimised in the past, she can't be held responsible for her actions, can she? C'est la vie, non.

no the answer is; you are a total wanker. To make such a comment (not only on this thread but other threads as well) to me means 2 things.
1. your main goal is to cause trouble/fights/disputes on this forum
2. you are a total loser who has a vendetta against all things that are good for god knows for what ever reasons???

A good and pure mind will result in a happy and fulfilling life. On the other hand, a evil/bad(impure) mind will inevitably result in a miserable life! Which one would you choose?

04-07-2014, 10:36 AM
It also said on SMH that she is unemployed and on welfare. Fat chance of her paying that fine. Should have given her jail time instead!

04-07-2014, 11:26 AM
I hadn't seen that footage until now, and it literally made me feel nauseous in my tummy.

We don't see the nice girl being attacked, but I like her spirit!
By the way, what is so the f*k easy about getting a pretty asian gf? :grimace: What an ignorant bogan twat.

04-07-2014, 11:31 AM
no the answer is; you are a total wanker. To make such a comment (not only on this thread but other threads as well) to me means 2 things.
1. your main goal is to cause trouble/fights/disputes on this forum
2. you are a total loser who has a vendetta against all things that are good for god knows for what ever reasons???

A good and pure mind will result in a happy and fulfilling life. On the other hand, a evil/bad(impure) mind will inevitably result in a miserable life! Which one would you choose?

Well said. The trolling pompous puerile poet has been banned, again. But given he has little else to entertain himself than shit stirring on sex forums, and he has access to a dynamic IP address, he will be back.

04-07-2014, 11:44 AM
I have not confer this situation yet! This country is good

04-07-2014, 03:19 PM
A bad apple amongst a very big crate of good apples.






04-07-2014, 03:22 PM
Dun worry about the charge,bro. The charge will be misbehavier in public which is not felony, doesnt seem like a misdemeanor either.
The fine will be 500 bucks. I will pay the fine for sake of mankind.
Downside for me is i gotta skip Lily two weeks. Other than two week celibacy of Lily, im happy to do that.

04-07-2014, 06:44 PM
That was one of the most cringe worthy rants i have ever been disgusted to see. what is funny is whilst the outrage here is justified beyond shadow of doubt, she will have plenty of supporters in small town australia. i have had the pleasure of living in small town australia . and that dear boys just a tip of the iceberg.