View Full Version : General talk How to quit Punting?

21-06-2014, 11:01 PM
I have joined this forum for a year now and I think that I became an addict to any Massage Parlours or FS shops. I normally punt more than twice a week even though that I could afford it with my salary . The reason that I wanted to try it is curiousity, but also being used by women e.g. to get boyfriend jealous, money,wits, attention and etc (destiny on how I have met these women).

I am only in my early 20's with a really good mix but also a great job.Its hard for me to get a GF now even some who are interested in me .I have seen a lot of attractive women in the punting scene, I see a different perspective on women now . I value their bodies than thier personality.

Each day, I feel like to punt even though I do feel like going to that specific place. Any advices to quit or limit?

21-06-2014, 11:08 PM
Sex is addicted , try to wank more ;) , hang out with friends or do some hobby that u like or find girl friend n keep yourself busy

21-06-2014, 11:12 PM
Check List: The Rules of Engagement & Disengagement for Punters

There may be some exceptions to the standard rules of engagement, but usually you shouldn’t consider visiting any sex/massage shop, if the following factors or circumstances apply:

1. You are just not in the mood for sex/massage, or you are bored.
Don’t go punting when you’re not in the mood, you’re just throwing away your money if you do. And don’t go punting to counteract the feeling of boredom, this can become a dangerous habit. Trouble, more trouble and potential disaster awaits you.
It’s perfectly normal to get bored, life is often boring, punting is not the answer.

2. The place either looks no good or the general vibe & atmosphere is no good.
Follow your first impressions and your self-preservation instinct, walk out.

3. After entering, you see the girl and she looks no good for some reason
If she is bloated, miserable, over-confident, feminist bitch, sick, etc, then follow your first impression and associated self-preservation instinct, walk out.

4. You are a little short of cash.
Maybe you have the money for a session, but maybe you can’t afford it in reality. The girls have a sixth sense, a customer without much money means “no tips / small tips”. Their subsequent service will generally reflect this fact.

5. You are feeling “under the weather” or even a little sick with a cold or cough.
If you’re down, there’s a good chance the service will be too. You don’t want to be with a sick or miserable girl, and they don’t want to be with you in the same circumstances. However, they’ll still give you crap service and take your money.

6. The girl has a very pretty face, but a very average body.
In the vast majority of cases the body is more important than the face in the context of sex and sensual relaxation. Sure, a nice face helps, but they’ve got to have a good body first of all, anyone with even limited experience knows this to be true.

7. You’ve been to the shop way too often.
If so, the managers can begin to take you for granted and eventually “familiarity breeds contempt” on both sides.
Variety is the spice of life, i.e spread your business around several shops for your own good.

8. You’ve seen the same girl way too often.
If so, it’s likely she will begin to take you for granted. Again, “familiarity breeds contempt”. Enjoy some variety, keep things fresh, i.e spread your business around, even within the same shop. The girls are for playing with not for friendship & loving.
Yes, I know there are exceptions, but remember the exceptions proves the rule.

9. The shop makes you wait too long after you have arrived, following your booking.
Some establishments are operated by the meanest people you’re ever likely to meet. So, don’t be in a hurry to reward them after they’ve decided to make you wait, whatever the reason might be. Walk out, and don’t go back too soon, if ever.

10. The rooms are divided by very thin partitioned walls and you can hear everything going on next door.
The chances of you having a decent or good session falls very significantly when you can hear everything the girl and her customer are saying and doing next door.
You might have to suffer this once if you’re new to the shop, but don’t reward the establishment by going back again too soon, if ever.

“Variety is the spice of life” – spread yourself and your money around, you’ll have more fun, without a doubt. Don’t ever put sex workers on a pedestal, they don’t warrant it.
They are for playing with (after you’ve paid that is) not for friendship and loving. If the line gets blurred, problems will arise, particularly for you.

(and with thanks to my old friend HeinrichRG)

Max Impact
21-06-2014, 11:30 PM
Check List: The Rules of Engagement & Disengagement for Punters

There may be some exceptions to the standard rules of engagement, but usually you shouldn’t consider visiting any sex/massage shop, if the following factors or circumstances apply:

1. You are just not in the mood for sex/massage, or you are bored.
Don’t go punting when you’re not in the mood, you’re just throwing away your money if you do. And don’t go punting to counteract the feeling of boredom, this can become a dangerous habit. Trouble, more trouble and potential disaster awaits you.
It’s perfectly normal to get bored, life is often boring, punting is not the answer.

2. The place either looks no good or the general vibe & atmosphere is no good.
Follow your first impressions and your self-preservation instinct, walk out.

3. After entering, you see the girl and she looks no good for some reason
If she is bloated, miserable, over-confident, feminist bitch, sick, etc, then follow your first impression and associated self-preservation instinct, walk out.

4. You are a little short of cash.
Maybe you have the money for a session, but maybe you can’t afford it in reality. The girls have a sixth sense, a customer without much money means “no tips / small tips”. Their subsequent service will generally reflect this fact.

5. You are feeling “under the weather” or even a little sick with a cold or cough.
If you’re down, there’s a good chance the service will be too. You don’t want to be with a sick or miserable girl, and they don’t want to be with you in the same circumstances. However, they’ll still give you crap service and take your money.

6. The girl has a very pretty face, but a very average body.
In the vast majority of cases the body is more important than the face in the context of sex and sensual relaxation. Sure, a nice face helps, but they’ve got to have a good body first of all, anyone with even limited experience knows this to be true.

7. You’ve been to the shop way too often.
If so, the managers can begin to take you for granted and eventually “familiarity breeds contempt” on both sides.
Variety is the spice of life, i.e spread your business around several shops for your own good.

8. You’ve seen the same girl way too often.
If so, it’s likely she will begin to take you for granted. Again, “familiarity breeds contempt”. Enjoy some variety, keep things fresh, i.e spread your business around, even within the same shop. The girls are for playing with not for friendship & loving.
Yes, I know there are exceptions, but remember the exceptions proves the rule.

9. The shop makes you wait too long after you have arrived, following your booking.
Some establishments are operated by the meanest people you’re ever likely to meet. So, don’t be in a hurry to reward them after they’ve decided to make you wait, whatever the reason might be. Walk out, and don’t go back too soon, if ever.

10. The rooms are divided by very thin partitioned walls and you can hear everything going on next door.
The chances of you having a decent or good session falls very significantly when you can hear everything the girl and her customer are saying and doing next door.
You might have to suffer this once if you’re new to the shop, but don’t reward the establishment by going back again too soon, if ever.

“Variety is the spice of life” – spread yourself and your money around, you’ll have more fun, without a doubt. Don’t ever put sex workers on a pedestal, they don’t warrant it.
They are for playing with (after you’ve paid that is) not for friendship and loving. If the line gets blurred, problems will arise, particularly for you.

(and with thanks to my old friend HeinrichRG)

You could have actually made wild love to a girl in the time that took to write!!

22-06-2014, 01:05 AM
Sir LA, I read everything.

Max Impact
22-06-2014, 01:21 AM

22-06-2014, 01:23 AM
He put in the effort to write, so I wont throw a cold bucket at him.

Max Impact
22-06-2014, 01:30 AM
I mean: "why quit punting?"

Love is the only reason!

22-06-2014, 01:35 AM
He put in the effort to write, so I wont throw a cold bucket at him.

He wrote this as HeinrichRommelGoring (who is now banned) a long time ago, so it was just cut and paste (like alot of his posts lately) (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?42696-1st-Wordsworth-Blake-amp-Keats-then-CrazyMonkey-ChairmanPlough-SirLaughsAlot-Poem&p=510447&viewfull=1#post510447).
You can check out all his past banned accounts here: http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again

22-06-2014, 01:39 AM
I mean: "why quit punting?"

Love is the only reason!

Money its not an issue but I could have saved more on things. Also I feel that I need to punt 3-4 timed a week almost an addict and some are spent on never before seen gems or extras you would thought they would never do. What you wrote on the second line is true for my motive.

22-06-2014, 01:44 AM
I have joined this forum for a year now and I think that I became an addict to any Massage Parlours or FS shops. I normally punt more than twice a week even though that I could afford it with my salary . The reason that I wanted to try it is curiousity, but also being used by women e.g. to get boyfriend jealous, money,wits, attention and etc (destiny on how I have met these women).

I am only in my early 20's with a really good mix but also a great job.Its hard for me to get a GF now even some who are interested in me .I have seen a lot of attractive women in the punting scene, I see a different perspective on women now . I value their bodies than thier personality.

Each day, I feel like to punt even though I do feel like going to that specific place. Any advices to quit or limit?

Since you are young I reckon you should decide if you want to settle down and have kids or not, if you do then get involved with friennds and meet new people and just keep your punting for when you absolutely must punt. Remember a wank a day keeps the WL away :)
This will help you save money for your future as well. Also remember to be realistic, don't expect to attract mate who looks as good as the expensive WLs.

On the other hand if you don't have any plans to settle down then ... :)

22-06-2014, 01:48 AM
Money its not an issue but I could have saved more on things. Also I feel that I need to punt 3-4 timed a week almost an addict and some are spent on never before seen gems or extras you would thought they would never do. What you wrote on the second line is true for my motive.

If you are looking for love then it is very unlikely you will find it with a WL. WLs are great for short visits, some even for long visits, but not so great to live with. You must remember a WLs job is to make you feel good so you come back and spend more money, if you don't understand that you will be played (like SirLaughsAlot was by the Korean girl he outed). When you are young it is easy to think that a WL has true feelings for you, it is their job to make you think that.

22-06-2014, 02:06 AM
If you are looking for love then it is very unlikely you will find it with a WL. WLs are great for short visits, some even for long visits, but not so great to live with. You must remember a WLs job is to make you feel good so you come back and spend more money, if you don't understand that you will be played (like SirLaughsAlot was by the Korean girl he outed). When you are young it is easy to think that a WL has true feelings for you, it is their job to make you think that.

I meant not falling in love with a WL or ML ,quitting to find a relationship and save money too.

Thank you for a great advice and its something to think about.

TMC (free cage girl)
22-06-2014, 02:12 AM
My suggestion for quite punt is just get two GF same time.

you pretend love with two girl and contact them every day. you want to take distance from girl for while.

if the reason is only save money, You just make more money. that's all:cool2:

i hate male friend try to save money in front of me. it's sounds like just poof :cool2:

22-06-2014, 05:09 AM
Sex addict hot line help...google it

22-06-2014, 11:19 AM
This might help you get some perspective: (1) see a genuinely sweet WL: (2) develop a real friendship and realise where she's coming from, plus find gratification on a level you usually don't; (3) experience a dilemma about paying for sex with her as you become both more addicted and more serious about the friendship; (4) realise that to remain sustainable, you should keep this friendship, see other WLs for they kicks you do still get from them, AND reinvest in relationships with women outside the sex industry.

At least, this is what's happened to me. Developing a really meaningful friendship with a wonderful working girl has made me realise what I'm actually missing in life, which is a whole bunch of things that she herself isn't the total solution to — as great a person as she is, and despite the joy she brings me in bed. I think I'm going to be more balanced as I actually get back into seeing a variety of women again, because I know that there are things I need in everyday life, too.

I wouldn't recommend everyone go through this, as it is pretty confusing, and you don't want to fall into the vortex of all the "OMG IM FALLING FOR A WL" threads you find here. But I've certainly learned some perspective!

22-06-2014, 11:37 AM
I think of seeing a WL as like going to see a movie, only better.
You pay your money and for the allotted time your are entertained and get to live out your dreams and immerse yourself into a reality of your choosing.
You get to interact with a young beautiful girl who will do almost anything for you.
Once the time is up you are back in the real world and can have fond memories, just like a good movie.
Afterwards you know it was all an act, but during the session/movie you let yourself be fooled to get the most out of it!
I wonder what is on now, might have time to catch a "movie" before dinner ...

22-06-2014, 12:20 PM
More expensive than a movie, but I've never walked out of a movie with the same feeling as after a good punt

22-06-2014, 12:29 PM
Willing suspension of disbelief, CunningLinguist!

the doctor.
22-06-2014, 12:51 PM
I think of seeing a WL as like going to see a movie, only better.
You pay your money and for the allotted time your are entertained and get to live out your dreams and immerse yourself into a reality of your choosing.
You get to interact with a young beautiful girl who will do almost anything for you.
Once the time is up you are back in the real world and can have fond memories, just like a good movie.
Afterwards you know it was all an act, but during the session/movie you let yourself be fooled to get the most out of it!
I wonder what is on now, might have time to catch a "movie" before dinner ...

I agree with this analogy. ..
and like favourite movies you go again and again,
eagerly wait for the sequel to relive those moments.
ie ..the next hobbit sequel

but as with some sequels, they may not be as
good as the orginal time.

..sometimes they are better... Empire !!

TMC (free cage girl)
22-06-2014, 05:13 PM
If you just feeling nothing special by your punt. Just try Therapist 19 yo japanese girl. TMC:cool2:

it's different taste of other WL. also Virgin flavor.

if you have strong mentality. you can quit and you can punt any time.

you still young age, Don't think about this too much.

my rule of go out somewhere is just when i have money, i go out and spend money for whatever i want:cool2:

If around you friend say something about punting is not good. but If you want to punt, you can punt.

Don't need follow any idea for your things. young man is Free:cool2:

22-06-2014, 05:28 PM
Fall in love...that's how i quit

22-06-2014, 11:16 PM
If you just feeling nothing special by your punt. Just try Therapist 19 yo japanese girl. TMC:cool2:

it's different taste of other WL. also Virgin flavor.

if you have strong mentality. you can quit and you can punt any time.

you still young age, Don't think about this too much.

my rule of go out somewhere is just when i have money, i go out and spend money for whatever i want:cool2:

If around you friend say something about punting is not good. but If you want to punt, you can punt.

Don't need follow any idea for your things. young man is Free:cool2:

She is leaving this coming week, I am not free that week lol><

Would she come back again?

Max Impact
22-06-2014, 11:24 PM
Therapist will come back we hope!

23-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Is it possible to quit punting?

Yes, if you become her boyfriend....

But it costs a lot of money.....

That's why I can't quit punting :confused2:

Sorry bros....

23-06-2014, 01:28 AM
I quit twice first time - breaking my body. so that meant 6-8 months after 3 you forget it.

2nd time - unemployment. works wonders. As long as you have NO income any form and it just causes more pain.
it's like drug addiction.

then again I found it made you think more about the WL you choose to blow money on.

The other side is you try harder for the free stuff. I dropped my standards during the GFC

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 04:41 AM
I quit twice first time - breaking my body. so that meant 6-8 months after 3 you forget it.

2nd time - unemployment. works wonders. As long as you have NO income any form and it just causes more pain.
it's like drug addiction.

then again I found it made you think more about the WL you choose to blow money on.

The other side is you try harder for the free stuff. I dropped my standards during the GFC

I hope you will get big money and i hope you enjoy punt and private life.
Just keep positive, Don't scare to spend money. :cool2:

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 04:42 AM
Is it possible to quit punting?

Yes, if you become her boyfriend....

But it costs a lot of money.....

That's why I can't quit punting :confused2:

Sorry bros....

When i control the girl by money. I feel like a king. this is the best taste of punt!!!!

if the girl ask you money, just slap the face and ask her for BBBJ and CIM.

girls just need sperm from us. :cool2:

23-06-2014, 08:54 AM
When i control the girl by money. I feel like a king. this is the best taste of punt!!!!

if the girl ask you money, just slap the face and ask her for BBBJ and CIM.

girls just need sperm from us. :cool2:
Hahhah ,... U got it hahhaha :)

23-06-2014, 09:29 AM
When i control the girl by money. I feel like a king. this is the best taste of punt!!!!

if the girl ask you money, just slap the face and ask her for BBBJ and CIM.

girls just need sperm from us. :cool2:

I don't think it is right to slap a girl in the face. In Australia we treat women with respect.

23-06-2014, 02:08 PM
Its just a joke from me n yamada san

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 06:07 PM
Its just a joke from me n yamada san

mmmm......Maybe:cool2: hahaha

23-06-2014, 09:33 PM
mmmm......Maybe:cool2: hahaha
Let me think again ? Answer is hahaha :)

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 09:50 PM
There is many bull shit sad story and many personal problem. That girls ask for punter.:cool2:

some girls likes watching competition of boys. boys fight each other for girl.

girl telling you bullshit story to boys.

I don't fight for girl. i just fuck with girl. If i want to pay for drink or gift for girl. i pay. but if the girl ask me for money.

I just give them my sperm to mouth:cool2:

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 09:51 PM
There is many bull shit sad story and many personal problem. That girls ask for punter.:cool2:

some girls likes watching competition of boys. boys fight each other for girl.

girl telling you bullshit story to boys.

I don't fight for girl. i just fuck with girl.

If i want to pay for drink or gift for girl. i pay.

but if the girl ask me for money.

I just give them my sperm to mouth:cool2:

24-06-2014, 12:02 AM
Maybe rather than go cold turkey, wind back your punting frequency to once a fortnight, or once a month.

If you want to save money, rather than punt, then take away the temptation: move your money to a high interest savings account, and limit your "ATM accessible" account to a few hundred bucks, just enough to live off, but not enough to spend money unnecessarily on punts.

That way, there is a "friction" in accessing your money which may help to remove the temptation, especially if you wank to remove the sexual urge component.

For me, the main temptation is if I am out in the evening, the natural temptation is to make the most of it by ducking off for a quick dirty hour. I leave the ATM card at home when I am thinking with my big head, so my little head is not able to make the decision later in the evening ;)

It's hard to remove the temptation, especially reading about some of the hot horny encounters some other bros are having, but the best way is to wind back gradually, and make it 'harder' to punt.

24-06-2014, 12:42 AM
Live in the country for a while. When I was out there, and when I still visit, the WLs charge outlandish prices. Basically what you pay for at 5* or Ginza but without the quality. I understand the same is basically true for Melbourne and Brisbane.

24-06-2014, 01:02 AM
Hmmm, here is where I admit that while seeing my regular has given me a new perspective on life, the actual addiction to her is stronger than I've been willing to admit. Failing to follow through on the lessons she's taught me makes me a bad student who is hot for teacher! I've seen her 10 times in the last month and going cold turkey isn't an option. I'm distracted at work. I'm distracted at home. HOT FOR TEACHER AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

24-06-2014, 01:26 AM
Hmmm, here is where I admit that while seeing my regular has given me a new perspective on life, the actual addiction to her is stronger than I've been willing to admit. Failing to follow through on the lessons she's taught me makes me a bad student who is hot for teacher! I've seen her 10 times in the last month and going cold turkey isn't an option. I'm distracted at work. I'm distracted at home. HOT FOR TEACHER AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Haha gggi, I know the feeling, for the first time in years Ive come across a WL to whom I am truly addicted. I've seen other WLs but that just makes me want my addiction more. To make it worse, she knows I'm addicted, she knows what I like, and she makes sure to give it to me every time, which isn't helping matters. Yes I think I am upto about 10 times in the last month too.

But then, this isn't helping the OP is it...

24-06-2014, 07:31 AM
The perception that we get through punting is the 'always on' availability for sex. Even if we got other parlour for our favourite girl and she's not available, then we will accept the next available girl for our fix.

Sadly, real life and real life gf are good but just not this available.

So, giving up punting means giving up this always available fantasy.

Over the years, I have been to see a couple of psychologists about this addiction and their solutions do work for about two yeas and then I drift back.

24-06-2014, 08:44 AM
Over the years, I have been to see a couple of psychologists about this addiction and their solutions do work for about two yeas and then I drift back.

What are their solutions ?

25-06-2014, 08:11 PM
Addiction. It is hard. I actually got the shakes today.

astro boy
25-06-2014, 08:35 PM
The perception that we get through punting is the 'always on' availability for sex. Even if we got other parlour for our favourite girl and she's not available, then we will accept the next available girl for our fix.

Sadly, real life and real life gf are good but just not this available.

So, giving up punting means giving up this always available fantasy.

Over the years, I have been to see a couple of psychologists about this addiction and their solutions do work for about two yeas and then I drift back.

Do they generally tell you that you must give up.. or leave it up to you and then give you strategies.
I would be more comfortable with male psychologist

25-06-2014, 09:44 PM
best way to quit punting? Quit this forum!

Too many erotic ARs here that it is almost impossible to not try the girls yourself.

So, even though I have a gf now, I'm still trying to fit in times to punt...but eventually, I do realise I have to stop. And that is most likely the time when I quit this forum, to stop reading all the ARs and forget that I'm missing out on all those amazing ladies working their ass off to please us customers.

It's gonna be hard.

25-06-2014, 10:08 PM
best way to quit punting? Quit this forum!

Too many erotic ARs here that it is almost impossible to not try the girls yourself.

So, even though I have a gf now, I'm still trying to fit in times to punt...but eventually, I do realise I have to stop. And that is most likely the time when I quit this forum, to stop reading all the ARs and forget that I'm missing out on all those amazing ladies working their ass off to please us customers.

It's gonna be hard.

I do not read much of the AR's ,only some and I mostly read the shop roster or go to their website if they have one ><

black knight
25-06-2014, 11:12 PM
best way to quit punting? Quit this forum!

Too many erotic ARs here that it is almost impossible to not try the girls yourself.

So, even though I have a gf now, I'm still trying to fit in times to punt...but eventually, I do realise I have to stop. And that is most likely the time when I quit this forum, to stop reading all the ARs and forget that I'm missing out on all those amazing ladies working their ass off to please us customers.

It's gonna be hard.
I agree quitting the forum is the first step, the enticement is definitely there.
Once you read a review of a girl, even one that you have seen before,
you just want to have "what their having" experience, or relive the good times
you have previously had.

Walking away from the computer, and occupying yourself with other stuff ie,
family, travel, chores, dates, meetups etc will keep your mind busy,
and give you less time to worry about your next punt..

Violent Martin
25-06-2014, 11:40 PM
The best way is to find yourself a girlfriend bro

If you're ugly, jobless or have no game etc just set your sights low. go for an easy target like a single mother or a 3/10 fatty. It really don't matter bc once you start tapping that pootang on the regular (and probably rawdoggin too) you wont never want to pay for it again!

Max Impact
26-06-2014, 01:39 AM
The best way is to find yourself a girlfriend bro

If you're ugly, jobless or have no game etc just set your sights low. go for an easy target like a single mother or a 3/10 fatty. It really don't matter bc once you start tapping that pootang on the regular (and probably rawdoggin too) you wont never want to pay for it again!

Mosquito, will you post an AR soon so that I can say you are on the payroll of the shop? lol Idiot!!

26-06-2014, 01:41 AM
I have the same problem as well, I started last year November
and I have been going at least once a week ever since...

It is highly addictive, especially for me, I love big tits (D cup at least...),
In real life, its tough to find some good looking girls with D cup or plus but they are no taken
so... punting is the only way...

I tried to quit, tried not to think about it but I still come to this website almost everyday...

26-06-2014, 07:53 AM
You're right. I'm taking a break!

26-06-2014, 10:38 AM
The perception that we get through punting is the 'always on' availability for sex. Even if we got other parlour for our favourite girl and she's not available, then we will accept the next available girl for our fix.

Sadly, real life and real life gf are good but just not this available.

So, giving up punting means giving up this always available fantasy.

Over the years, I have been to see a couple of psychologists about this addiction and their solutions do work for about two yeas and then I drift back.

Great post. But, what are the psychologist's solutions?

26-06-2014, 09:20 PM
I am here to report abject failure.

27-06-2014, 12:23 AM
You punt less when
-you are in love
-you believe in monogamous relationship
-you are busy with work
-you are busy running a business trying to make a profit
-you found a new addiction
-you are getting free sex
-you are preoccupied chasing a girl
-you are overseas esp in a country where you are not interested in the girls
-you realise you cannot afford to punt
-you have been getting bad punts consecutively numerous times in a row
-you start to get a night job if you punt at night
-you start to get a day job if you punt in the day
-you got fired from a job
-it is rainy and cold outside
-more than one WL insulted you for anything like cumming too fast, dick too small, have you come yet?
-someone discovered your punting habit and threatening to tell others if you dont stop
-you met your coworker or boss in a punt shop
-your wive left a tracking device in your car and ask did you have a meeting at 22 Brodie again?
-you caught STD
-you just lost a lot of money and you are trying to stave off further losses by punting less
-there is a big personal problem that requires your attention

27-06-2014, 11:37 AM
I think of seeing a WL as like going to see a movie, only better.
You pay your money and for the allotted time your are entertained and get to live out your dreams and immerse yourself into a reality of your choosing.
You get to interact with a young beautiful girl who will do almost anything for you.
Once the time is up you are back in the real world and can have fond memories, just like a good movie.
Afterwards you know it was all an act, but during the session/movie you let yourself be fooled to get the most out of it!
I wonder what is on now, might have time to catch a "movie" before dinner ...

Pretty good CL.

From my Experience it is very hard to tottally give up and most will fail.
I am not trying to quit, it just that I am very happy and occupied with quite a few things on my plate and I guess I am also very happy with my partner now.
I mean we guys are very selfish I know I am. Movies is a little bit different as its always new and entertaining but I know what CL mean. If your having great sex and always knew what your getting and very happy with it than you stay until you get bored and look again :) like some Punters here seem like they fall in love with WL if they can only thing in seeing one WL only.

27-06-2014, 11:38 AM
Therapist will come back we hope!

How is my man whore :)

27-06-2014, 11:39 AM
You punt less when
-you are in love
-you believe in monogamous relationship
-you are busy with work
-you are busy running a business trying to make a profit
-you found a new addiction
-you are getting free sex
-you are preoccupied chasing a girl
-you are overseas esp in a country where you are not interested in the girls
-you realise you cannot afford to punt
-you have been getting bad punts consecutively numerous times in a row
-you start to get a night job if you punt at night
-you start to get a day job if you punt in the day
-you got fired from a job
-it is rainy and cold outside
-more than one WL insulted you for anything like cumming too fast, dick too small, have you come yet?
-someone discovered your punting habit and threatening to tell others if you dont stop
-you met your coworker or boss in a punt shop
-your wive left a tracking device in your car and ask did you have a meeting at 22 Brodie again?
-you caught STD
-you just lost a lot of money and you are trying to stave off further losses by punting less
-there is a big personal problem that requires your attention

This is a turn off and yes, most of us have experience with some on your list.

27-06-2014, 11:53 AM
I am not looking to quit but I guess I will make the most of what I have now that I dont feel like to punt even there is so many hottie out there.
There is so many on my hitlist in the past but I will make the most of it in what I have now.

Maybe I will go back punting in the future, thats the reason I still visit this site but getting very rare due to my busy schedule and what I have on my plate now, sure I still have contact but I guess they will also move on and I dont have regrets as I am sure if I go back to punting there is so many new Hottie :)

29-06-2014, 11:48 AM
Does sending pornographic messages to the object of my addiction count as abstinence? Please say yes.

17-07-2014, 06:13 PM
I have joined this forum for a year now and I think that I became an addict to any Massage Parlours or FS shops. I normally punt more than twice a week even though that I could afford it with my salary . The reason that I wanted to try it is curiousity, but also being used by women e.g. to get boyfriend jealous, money,wits, attention and etc (destiny on how I have met these women).

I am only in my early 20's with a really good mix but also a great job.Its hard for me to get a GF now even some who are interested in me .I have seen a lot of attractive women in the punting scene, I see a different perspective on women now . I value their bodies than thier personality.

Each day, I feel like to punt even though I do feel like going to that specific place. Any advices to quit or limit?

I was in a pretty similar situation a couple of months ago and got into punting out of curiosity as well. I was addicted for a while until I got too busy with uni work and didn't have the chance to go out that often which meant that I couldn't punt and after a few weeks of this I felt less desire to punt that often. Thinking about how much money I had, how much a punt would cost, how much I would have left for other things and comparing their value and worth also helped.

Pretty much I would recommend purposely making yourself too busy to go out and punt and make excuses for why you can't/shouldn't. Masturbating more could help as well as it could prevent you from thinking of punting as a necessary means of relieving yourself and the longer you go without relieving yourself the more you're going to feel like wanting to punt as you would think about the pleasure from it more. To help change your perspective on women I guess try and get into good conversation with the ML/WL and focus more on the conversation. Not sure if these will actually help or not.

17-07-2014, 07:12 PM
Wow, all these young guys in their early twenties, still in uni and with the funds to support a punting habit... Sounds like a good situation to me in if you ask me. :shout:

17-07-2014, 07:19 PM
Every time you get the urge to punt, get your punting $$$$$.....stand on it......have a wank.....when the job is done pick up your punting $$$.

Do this a few times and watch your $$$ grow.


the doctor.
17-07-2014, 07:25 PM
Tried this a couple of times, but 25min later.....

Mr. Who
17-07-2014, 08:25 PM
Find a favourate girl and keep seeing her for a crazy amount of hours. Afterwards you are likely to lose interest in all other girls. That's how I quit.

17-07-2014, 09:08 PM
Go to a church forum instead !!!

17-07-2014, 10:46 PM
Find a favourate girl and keep seeing her for a crazy amount of hours. Afterwards you are likely to lose interest in all other girls. That's how I quit.
I did try that and end up a friend of mine showed me more hotter girl and i keep going till today ...

18-07-2014, 01:48 AM
Have a kid, no really.. Well u should get married first. During my wife pregnancy year and a few months after that, i stopped COMPLETELY from all kinda of punting. Its just feel like responsibility urge to pamper her more. Well yea the punting is coming back again, but now it has been severly decreased. This is also true for most of my married friend i know.