View Full Version : General talk Hi Herpes, Goodbye life

GG Life
20-06-2014, 11:24 PM
Hello fellow punters,

Let me begin by saying hi to you guys. I know this is my first post but I have been lurking this forum for quite a while now, reading up on experiences my fellow punters have had in the after report section (hell, those are probably the reason why I went punting in the first place).

With that said, I'm afraid my first post isn't going to be happy and joyous, but rather depressing. For the sake of my privacy, I'm not going to post details of my life on the internet but i will give a brief summary of why I made the leap and went punting.

A year ago, I broke up with my girlfriend. She didn't dump me or anything, we just drifted apart. With my life busy with work and studying, I was out of the dating game. But a man still has needs to satisfy and what better way to fulfill them than to visit a working lady? After days of deliberation, I finally threw in the towel, and followed up with my conviction, YOLO right?


I visited 5 Marrickville, I won't say who serviced me but after my shower, she dove straight in, giving my unprotected oral. Had I known she would do that, I would have immediately put on a condom, but what is done is done. The rest of the service went as standard (protected sex in different positions and cum in condom).

After a few days, I developed an itchy rash on the head and shaft of my penis. I panicked went straight to the sexual health clinic, and upon examination by the female doctor and my punting confession, I was diagnosed with Herpes, with pending test results to confirm HSV 1 or 2.

To say this experience has change my life is an understatement. The thought of knowingly passing it to my future girlfriend/wife is unbearable, unless I disclose my herpes, which will probably sent them packing. I mean, it's not like there's a stigma surrounding the life long disease called herpes or anything right? An hour of fun for a life time of embarrassment. To top it off, I paid money for this.

I'm not trying to put you guys off punting, it's not my intention. I just want this to be a stark reminder of the risks you take, each time you visit a WL. You better be willing to live with the consequences.:(

20-06-2014, 11:40 PM
What did the shop say when you told them one of their girls could have possibly given you this unfortunate infection?

GG Life
20-06-2014, 11:56 PM
What did the shop say when you told them one of their girls could have possibly given you this unfortunate infection?

Frankly I'm too embarrassed to confront them about it :(. Even if I do, there is nothing they could do. After research on my part, apparently Herpes isn't even tested in the standard STD tests that WLs do, if any. Condom doesn't stop the spread of herpes from skin to skin contact. I had be worried about HIV and other nasty STD before, when I should have been worried about herpes. And the WL gave it to me on purpose! I know I'm going through the 5 stages of grief but that doesn't stop me from being angry!

GG Life
21-06-2014, 12:08 AM
This goes to show how little value the girls put in their health. I bet the mentality behind it is: "since the pay is good, I'm willing to live with herpes". That's good and all, but for us casual punters, we pay to be screwed for life (no pun intended). :(

21-06-2014, 12:42 AM
Hey Man,

Well you are in a pretty shitty situation. But I can tell you, I know quite a few people who have herpes, and I promise you their lives aren't over. You will find that for many people, the physical symptoms of herpes will go away over time and recurrences can be few and far between, if ever.

Before you resign yourself to a life minus all sex, (can't say what I'd do if that WAS the case for me) I'd get informed. Be careful what you read on the internet. There's a lot of BS.

Google herpes on the vichealth website which has reliable info.

21-06-2014, 01:41 AM
Mate, I would like to say how brave you are to step forward and tell us about this unfortunate incident. If I were you I would be very pissed off as well with the girl for ruining my life.

But first and foremost, I want to ask if you are 100% sure that she is the one who gave you the disease? If you are sure then I advise the below course of action:

A lot of people are going to disagree with me, and many will defend the girl for her privacy and potential loss of income (as this had happened before in the old forum), but I say you should name and shame the girl. The girl is working under an alias; she is probably only here to earn money and then go back to her country anyway so her real identity is already well concealed.
If you want to be discrete, the second option is to tell the brothel operator about this and the girl should stop work immediately and get herself treated. She shouldnt come back to work anymore.

By naming the girl, punters who have seen the girl can get themselves checked up and hopefully the girl will stop work immediately to avoid further spread of the disease.

There is a slim possibility that the girl doesnt have herpes if she just sucked the dick of the guy who got it before you so the virus is still in her mouth and it was transmitted to you that way. Anyway, the bottomline is she should get checked, if clear then return to work, if not then leave the industry.

22-06-2014, 01:18 PM
GG Life - what an unlucky story... as with most things in life it does all come down to luck... but in any case it isn't the end... Of course it isn't a good thing, but the research shows it can be moderated (with drugs and diet), with outbreaks few and far between... and literally millions of people live with it... Good luck (hopefully from now on)...

Greg Deane
22-06-2014, 01:34 PM

Just because you have herpes doesn't mean you can't enjoy a normal sex life!

Did you know the first herpes outbreak is usually the worst? Did you also know that the sooner you treat the first outbreak the less severe each subsequent outbreak is likely to be?

Some people do have a hard time with herpes. Their herpes flares up like every couple of months and the outbreaks are very painful look horrible. But many other people never have an outbreak after the first one! Its almost as though it just goes away (although technically it does't)

My advice - keep some herpes medication in your medicine cabinet. The moment you think you might be about to experience an outbreak take a dose. This approach will minimise the duration and severity of the oubreak!

Good luck bro

23-06-2014, 02:21 AM
Hello fellow punters,

Let me begin by saying hi to you guys. I know this is my first post but I have been lurking this forum for quite a while now, reading up on experiences my fellow punters have had in the after report section (hell, those are probably the reason why I went punting in the first place).

With that said, I'm afraid my first post isn't going to be happy and joyous, but rather depressing. For the sake of my privacy, I'm not going to post details of my life on the internet but i will give a brief summary of why I made the leap and went punting.

A year ago, I broke up with my girlfriend. She didn't dump me or anything, we just drifted apart. With my life busy with work and studying, I was out of the dating game. But a man still has needs to satisfy and what better way to fulfill them than to visit a working lady? After days of deliberation, I finally threw in the towel, and followed up with my conviction, YOLO right?


I visited 5 Marrickville, I won't say who serviced me but after my shower, she dove straight in, giving my unprotected oral. Had I known she would do that, I would have immediately put on a condom, but what is done is done. The rest of the service went as standard (protected sex in different positions and cum in condom).

After a few days, I developed an itchy rash on the head and shaft of my penis. I panicked went straight to the sexual health clinic, and upon examination by the female doctor and my punting confession, I was diagnosed with Herpes, with pending test results to confirm HSV 1 or 2.

To say this experience has change my life is an understatement. The thought of knowingly passing it to my future girlfriend/wife is unbearable, unless I disclose my herpes, which will probably sent them packing. I mean, it's not like there's a stigma surrounding the life long disease called herpes or anything right? An hour of fun for a life time of embarrassment. To top it off, I paid money for this.

I'm not trying to put you guys off punting, it's not my intention. I just want this to be a stark reminder of the risks you take, each time you visit a WL. You better be willing to live with the consequences.:(

Hi GG Life,

If indeed you caught herpes from a WL at 5 Marrickville you have my sincere sympathies. I run the risk of stating the obvious, but punting is a contact sport and carries with it certain risks that most (if not all) punters would be aware of.

Perhaps it is my inner cynic, but there are a few things in your post that don't quite add up.

You say that you've been a long time lurker reading reviews on this forum yet you say you were caught off guard when the WL commenced a BBBJ on you.
If you've been reading lots of reviews in the after report section "...hell, those are probably the reason why I went punting in the first place...", it seems quite strange to me that
you didn't know that BBBJ is a standard service at most up market places such as 5*?? Were you paying any attention to all of those reviews you had been reading?

Then you make an assertion in your subsequent post "...And the WL gave it to me on purpose!...". On what basis do you make that assertion?

When you are asked whether you've raised this with 5* management, you reply"...Frankly I'm too embarrassed to confront them about it . Even if I do, there is nothing they could do..."
This is also rather curious, because the first thing they can do is prevent other clients becoming infected! You don't have to give a name or identify yourself when you speak to them, and if you've been reading AR's for some time (as you say), you'd have noticed that 5* are very active on this forum and they usually respond promptly to complaints.

I'm trying to figure out the purpose of your post. You've never posted before and it appears that you joined the forum for the purpose of this post.

Your closing statement... "I'm not trying to put you guys off punting, it's not my intention. I just want this to be a stark reminder of the risks you take, each time you visit a WL. You better be willing to live with the consequences." are also curious. If those are the words of a concerned citizen, why aren't you taking the necessary steps to prevent others from getting infected by contacting the establishment? Of course by warning people off an entire establishment you could perhaps cause more detriment to their business than contacting them and naming the girl, and allowing them to take the necessary steps to take care of the problem??

If your story is indeed true, (and you've researched herpes on the internet) have you considered that the WL might be asymptomatic and doesn't even know she's infected? (this was pointed out to you as well)

Perhaps you are freaked out by your ordeal and you're not thinking straight enough to consider all of these things, however judging by how well and considered your first post was written, that also seems unlikely.

Does anyone else have similar doubts and concerns about this post??

23-06-2014, 02:33 AM
Hi GG Life,

If indeed you caught herpes from a WL at 5 Marrickville you have my sincere sympathies. I run the risk of stating the obvious, but punting is a contact sport and carries with it certain risks that most (if not all) punters would be aware of.

Perhaps it is my inner cynic, but there are a few things in your post that don't quite add up.

You say that you've been a long time lurker reading reviews on this forum yet you say you were caught off guard when the WL commenced a BBBJ on you.
If you've been reading lots of reviews in the after report section "...hell, those are probably the reason why I went punting in the first place...", it seems quite strange to me that
you didn't know that BBBJ is a standard service at most up market places such as 5*?? Were you paying any attention to all of those reviews you had been reading?

Then you make an assertion in your subsequent post "...And the WL gave it to me on purpose!...". On what basis do you make that assertion?

When you are asked whether you've raised this with 5* management, you reply"...Frankly I'm too embarrassed to confront them about it . Even if I do, there is nothing they could do..."
This is also rather curious, because the first thing they can do is prevent other clients becoming infected! You don't have to give a name or identify yourself when you speak to them, and if you've been reading AR's for some time (as you say), you'd have noticed that 5* are very active on this forum and they usually respond promptly to complaints.

I'm trying to figure out the purpose of your post. You've never posted before and it appears that you joined the forum for the purpose of this post.

Your closing statement... "I'm not trying to put you guys off punting, it's not my intention. I just want this to be a stark reminder of the risks you take, each time you visit a WL. You better be willing to live with the consequences." are also curious. If those are the words of a concerned citizen, why aren't you taking the necessary steps to prevent others from getting infected by contacting the establishment? Of course by warning people off an entire establishment you could perhaps cause more detriment to their business than contacting them and naming the girl, and allowing them to take the necessary steps to take care of the problem??

If your story is indeed true, (and you've researched herpes on the internet) have you considered that the WL might be asymptomatic and doesn't even know she's infected? (this was pointed out to you as well)

Perhaps you are freaked out by your ordeal and you're not thinking straight enough to consider all of these things, however judging by how well and considered your first post was written, that also seems unlikely.

Does anyone else have similar doubts and concerns about this post??

You know what bro cato ?

I agree with most of the things you said above, I have the same suspicion here, it sounds familiar !

But one thing I have to bring to your attention is, the OP is not talking about 5*, he's talking about No.5 Gerald St Marrickville, 2 totally different shops !!!

TMC (free cage girl)
23-06-2014, 04:25 AM
Bro Willisno

Thank you for clearing the misunderstanding on Mr cato

5* City , Woolloomooloo is not associated whatever with No.5 Gerald St Marrickville

Moreover if ever not feeling well after a punt

Please inform the management re particular WL so she can be treated ASAP

Visit a doctor or STD clinic immediately.

Always Safe Punting

i always keep safety Sex with girls. if i dont have condom. i use plastic bag from coles.

yeah, it's very important to protect penis all the time:cool2:

23-06-2014, 11:55 AM
You know what bro cato ?

I agree with most of the things you said above, I have the same suspicion here, it sounds familiar !

But one thing I have to bring to your attention is, the OP is not talking about 5*, he's talking about No.5 Gerald St Marrickville, 2 totally different shops !!!

Bro Willisno

Thank you for clearing the misunderstanding on Mr cato

5* City , Woolloomooloo is not associated whatever with No.5 Gerald St Marrickville

Moreover if ever not feeling well after a punt

Please inform the management re particular WL so she can be treated ASAP

Visit a doctor or STD clinic immediately.

Always Safe Punting

Hi brother wilisno and 5* Management,

My sincere apologies for my error and any misunderstanding. Thank you for the clarification.

However, I still stand by my doubts about the truth of this post.



23-06-2014, 12:52 PM
Hi brother wilisno and 5* Management,

My sincere apologies for my error and any misunderstanding. Thank you for the clarification.

However, I still stand by my doubts about the truth of this post.



It does seem suspicious that he warns us off the entire shop and won't contact the shop to let them know which girl.
Are there any other shops in the area in competition ...

23-06-2014, 01:23 PM
I don't think that is what he's doing. I think he just mentioned the shop, and if he's warning us off anything, it seems like he's warning us off of punting in general to me.

The OP mentions WLs typically aren't tested for herpes [HSV1 & HSV2], and I thought I'd throw in another statistic from the 1-in-8 figure posted earlier by Timetogo in the thread that might better explain why...

"By the time they're teenagers or young adults, about 50% of Americans have HSV-1 antibodies in their blood. By the time they are over age 50, some 80-90% of Americans have HSV-1 antibodies." http://www.herpes.com/hsv1-2.html

Evidently, adults that haven't had exposure to the infection are in the minority. If it turns out the OP got HSV1 genitally it means that he probably was in the minority of people that never got it orally.

btw. the OP might appreciate this blogger's experience: http://thehairpin.com/2013/11/how-i-found-out-i-didnt-have-the-herpes-id-been-living-with-for-four-years

23-06-2014, 01:27 PM
It does seem suspicious that he warns us off the entire shop and won't contact the shop to let then know which girl.
Are there any other shops in the area in competition ...
Yes, lots !

28 Vincent St, 47 Sydenham Rd, 143 Marrickville Rd, 271 Marrickville Rd, 180 Marrickville Rd ( Midas ) etc ...

GG Life
23-06-2014, 06:00 PM
Thank you all for your kind words.

Life goes on after getting herpes, perhaps even better since I can now fuck away without worrying anymore? I dunno man.
Will I have to pop the question each time having sex with someone new? "Oh btw I have herpes", followed by "I'll show you to the door".

Some of you questioned the credibility of my post. Regarding BBBJ, I had no reason to believe it was a risky act until after my ordeal. In school, we were all taught about dangers of HIV. It is transmitted through vaginal/anal sex, but rarely orally. And since most of the other nasty STD will be fairly noticeable if the WL had it, I thought I'd be safe. I wish someone had warned me about the hidden dangers shedding HSV. In hind sight, I should have put on a condom immediately is what I meant to say.

But still, what I don't get is how some of you guys talk about DATY, OWO etc, without catching anything. Unless most of you guys already have herpes, but just don't know/care to tell anyone about it?
Someone said earlier that 50 percent of young women have HSV1 in america. I bet the chance of a WLs having HSV1 is 95+ percent. And since most of you probably already have it, you won't experience any flare ups.

I contacted 5 gerald st about it, they said the WLs get STDs test regularly and that they are clear. I asked her whether they are tested for herpes, and she repeated the girls are clean of STDs, even though herpes isn't even tested in the standard STD tests? I guess in the sex industry, herpes isn't even considered an STD since most people have it?

Why I made the post in the first place? Well I was in a haze and guess I just wanted to talk about it anonymously to someone. In this case, strangers on a punting forum (as sad as it may seem). What I can tell you is that I couldn't careless about the any of brothels, let alone spent time to write an attack on a specific shop.

Anyhow, you all have a nice evening.

23-06-2014, 06:30 PM
My money is on a fake post. Why name and shame a specific shop, about an issue that is not specific to that shop ?
As for the title, "Hi Herpes, goodbye life", make up your own mind

But peace to 'GG life' either way : )

However, since we are talking about it, you can get Herpes virus from anyone with a cold sore who kisses your lips, or gives you oral
And with equal risk - it can be a girlfriend, a casual acquaintance, or someone you pay

Seriously, a girlfriend with a cold sore has Herpes. And if she has the ulcer and she has contact with you, she can give it to you !

Equally, if you have a cold sore, you can give it to a lady. (Did you think of that?)

A lot of people get cold sores in their teenage years on their mouths/lips, so no big deal. But mouth cold sores can be transmitted to your private parts if your partners' cold sore is active, especially when that cold sore is first visible, particularly in the first few days before it starts to heal

Cold sores can be spread, so the good thing about this post is that we have had a chance to talk about it

Herpes IS tested for at STD clinics if anyone presents with a mouth or genital ulcer. But Herpes is not routinely tested for, if you dont have symptoms

Seems like if you are with a woman with a cold sore, let her know about the risks of giving it to someboy, if she kisses them or gives them oral, and dont let her contact your lips or privates with that ulcer

I would have thought anyone with a mouth ulcer should stay away from kissing other people

Thank you to Jazzman for the link:

23-06-2014, 06:43 PM
You can request to be tested though. I get myself tested every 6 months via my GP and herpes is part of that round of testing :)

23-06-2014, 07:49 PM
I don't think that is what he's doing. I think he just mentioned the shop, and if he's warning us off anything, it seems like he's warning us off of punting in general to me.

The OP mentions WLs typically aren't tested for herpes [HSV1 & HSV2], and I thought I'd throw in another statistic from the 1-in-8 figure posted earlier by Timetogo in the thread that might better explain why...

"By the time they're teenagers or young adults, about 50% of Americans have HSV-1 antibodies in their blood. By the time they are over age 50, some 80-90% of Americans have HSV-1 antibodies." http://www.herpes.com/hsv1-2.html

Evidently, adults that haven't had exposure to the infection are in the minority. If it turns out the OP got HSV1 genitally it means that he probably was in the minority of people that never got it orally.

btw. the OP might appreciate this blogger's experience: http://thehairpin.com/2013/11/how-i-found-out-i-didnt-have-the-herpes-id-been-living-with-for-four-years

Totally agree with catbob, I appreciate that he is warning us to exercise caution when punting. I don't see how anyone reading the post would get the idea that he is a competitor trying to discredit 5 Gerald st. In fact if he is a competitor, he would only benefit if his shop only provide cbj.

Business Class
23-06-2014, 11:39 PM
Hi GG Life,

If indeed you caught herpes from a WL at 5 Marrickville you have my sincere sympathies. I run the risk of stating the obvious, but punting is a contact sport and carries with it certain risks that most (if not all) punters would be aware of.

Perhaps it is my inner cynic, but there are a few things in your post that don't quite add up.

You say that you've been a long time lurker reading reviews on this forum yet you say you were caught off guard when the WL commenced a BBBJ on you.
If you've been reading lots of reviews in the after report section "...hell, those are probably the reason why I went punting in the first place...", it seems quite strange to me that
you didn't know that BBBJ is a standard service at most up market places such as 5*?? Were you paying any attention to all of those reviews you had been reading?

Then you make an assertion in your subsequent post "...And the WL gave it to me on purpose!...". On what basis do you make that assertion?

When you are asked whether you've raised this with 5* management, you reply"...Frankly I'm too embarrassed to confront them about it . Even if I do, there is nothing they could do..."
This is also rather curious, because the first thing they can do is prevent other clients becoming infected! You don't have to give a name or identify yourself when you speak to them, and if you've been reading AR's for some time (as you say), you'd have noticed that 5* are very active on this forum and they usually respond promptly to complaints.

I'm trying to figure out the purpose of your post. You've never posted before and it appears that you joined the forum for the purpose of this post.

Your closing statement... "I'm not trying to put you guys off punting, it's not my intention. I just want this to be a stark reminder of the risks you take, each time you visit a WL. You better be willing to live with the consequences." are also curious. If those are the words of a concerned citizen, why aren't you taking the necessary steps to prevent others from getting infected by contacting the establishment? Of course by warning people off an entire establishment you could perhaps cause more detriment to their business than contacting them and naming the girl, and allowing them to take the necessary steps to take care of the problem??

If your story is indeed true, (and you've researched herpes on the internet) have you considered that the WL might be asymptomatic and doesn't even know she's infected? (this was pointed out to you as well)

Perhaps you are freaked out by your ordeal and you're not thinking straight enough to consider all of these things, however judging by how well and considered your first post was written, that also seems unlikely.

Does anyone else have similar doubts and concerns about this post??

I don't have any doubts or concerns. The post seems genuine and is merely raising concerns about the danger of punting.

24-06-2014, 01:45 AM
Thank you all for your kind words.

Life goes on after getting herpes, perhaps even better since I can now fuck away without worrying anymore? I dunno man.
Will I have to pop the question each time having sex with someone new? "Oh btw I have herpes", followed by "I'll show you to the door".

Some of you questioned the credibility of my post. Regarding BBBJ, I had no reason to believe it was a risky act until after my ordeal. In school, we were all taught about dangers of HIV. It is transmitted through vaginal/anal sex, but rarely orally. And since most of the other nasty STD will be fairly noticeable if the WL had it, I thought I'd be safe. I wish someone had warned me about the hidden dangers shedding HSV. In hind sight, I should have put on a condom immediately is what I meant to say.

But still, what I don't get is how some of you guys talk about DATY, OWO etc, without catching anything. Unless most of you guys already have herpes, but just don't know/care to tell anyone about it?
Someone said earlier that 50 percent of young women have HSV1 in america. I bet the chance of a WLs having HSV1 is 95+ percent. And since most of you probably already have it, you won't experience any flare ups.

I contacted 5 gerald st about it, they said the WLs get STDs test regularly and that they are clear. I asked her whether they are tested for herpes, and she repeated the girls are clean of STDs, even though herpes isn't even tested in the standard STD tests? I guess in the sex industry, herpes isn't even considered an STD since most people have it?

Why I made the post in the first place? Well I was in a haze and guess I just wanted to talk about it anonymously to someone. In this case, strangers on a punting forum (as sad as it may seem). What I can tell you is that I couldn't careless about the any of brothels, let alone spent time to write an attack on a specific shop.

Anyhow, you all have a nice evening.

In your first post you seemed surprised that she just jumped straight into BBBJ without asking, even though you've been a long time lurker and reading lots of ARs enticed you to start punting in the first place...

However, once this point is raised, you now say that you just had no reason to believe that it was a risky act... But your first post says that had you known she would go straight to BBBJ you would have asked for a condom??

I'm curious as to which one of your assertions is the correct one because they are contradictory.

And please have yourself a nice evening too.

24-06-2014, 02:37 AM
Yeah, agree with Cato.
Very unlikely getting herpes from BBBJ alone. Chlamydia maybe. Herpes from BBBJ is quite hard unless the WL had pussy blisters in her mouth and throat and your member was cut/blistered. Take it from me BBBJ king.... very unlikely LOL.

It is probably even more likely that you got it from a cheating partner that has unprotected sex on a casual basis and didn't tell you!!!!!! Much more probable!!!!! She would definitely be a dormant carrier and much more likely to spread it without knowing during unprotected sex.

24-06-2014, 04:18 AM
Occam's Razor, people. Let's try not to be too hard on GG and nitpick everything he has written.

Given his situation, it's extremely likely that he is still in a mild state of shock, and it would make sense that he might have difficulty recalling every detail of the encounter and his thought processes at the time.

Hell, I have trouble remembering what happened this morning, and I've had a pretty relaxing day.

Action Pump
24-06-2014, 06:54 PM
Sexual clinics will not test for herpes unless suspicious sores are present. However, as someone mentioned, if you go for a check up with your GP, its part of the test or can be requested.

25-06-2014, 12:27 AM
I feel for you bro. I got an STD from a WL before. Pretty bad experience I wish I could forget. I have since recovered from it but I couldn't resist the temptation and recently started punting again. I'm pretty sure I got exposed to another STD again... Got tested last week and feeling sick waiting for the result right now. Just hoping it's not anything worse than before...