View Full Version : General talk Why it is worth the trip

26-02-2014, 01:19 PM
I know for many of us we can't always get away overseas but let me just remind you why it is worth it. My VFM is Philippines. Usually for less than $1,000 can get me to Phils for a week. With good girls being $25 per night, even naughtier girls $50, there is a lot of fun to be had. Beers at 1980's prices. Spirits local rum $3/bottle at bottlo.

Anyway on my Facebook I have a local nightclub which keeps posting pics. This is a night club, many professional (non-working) girls go there. The majority of girls are there to meet foreigners (you, me and mainly our cash). If you are in Angeles, it's worth a visit.It's nicer than say Ipanema in Singapore where the girls really are hard sell. In High Society it is more relaxed, a little eye contact and the rest is history.

Anyway, here's their Facebook page for those that don't travel. https://www.facebook.com/HighSocietyAngelesCity


01-03-2014, 02:05 PM
goign thru their FB photos now..

girl's don't look to good!

but thanks for lettin us know

03-03-2014, 11:15 PM
girl's don't look to good!

looks pretty good to me.

those girls want to go home with you and will root you all night for $25, and probably do your ironing before they leave the following day...and come back again the following night.

of course, ymmv.