View Full Version : 19 Pritchard Place Cici fast food analogy

01-02-2014, 05:15 PM
A couple of weeks ago i was really in need of relief...i will use the analogy of being really really hungry to the point of starvation. with my gf away on biz i found thisdesire so strong that it had to be satisfied anyway possible.

So i stopped at 19 Pritchard place which is like your neighbourhood chinese restaurant. You all know the one... meals arent great.. the customers are more likely to be white ppl and the prices are cheap.. but hey it will do!

so i walked in grabbed the menu... the one with laminated photos of the meals :edit there is no menu...just my recollection of the pictures form syd99 and was offered Cici... all this happened very quickly... no other girls were shown to me. Seasoned punters and amateurs know this trick...the mamasan gives you the house pork chop cause she hasnt had any takers all day and she needs to make a dollar as well.

Anyway as i was so hungry i accepted the pork chop on the basis of the picture instead of what was standing in front of me.

if you have seen the picture of Cici she looks like a fuller figured lady with a rack.lets assume she was sucking her tummy in GREATLY for the picture and the bra she was wearing is especially formulated to misrepresent the truth. Agewise i think she has a pension card with which to come to work.

Seeing all this I still accepted cause i was horny enough to bang a tranny by this stage.

cici undressed and left the lights on....both mistakes that would prove fatal...

i soldiered on and (what the hell was i thinking??) DATY...maybe i thought if i got her excited she would bust out with some grand master whore black belt 9 dan and change my mind about GILFs.

No brothers... i think her neither regions had so many kms on the clock that I needed a belt sander to make any impact.....in the time most WLS take time to come Cici instead received a phonecall...I dont speack canto/mando but Iam sure the conversation was "Hey nainai the nursing home rang and they have an opening"/\.... thinking of openings I thought time to get in as the ryobi belt sander isnt available...i will try the sidchrome spanner.

she politely ended her call and stopped me to apply some lube or moisture when you get to a certain age things dry up.

as i was worried the lack of arousal meant that the little brother was in noway interested in delivering the payload. i insisted and thankfully it happened.

Although i paid $100 for an hour iwas out at 30minutes.

Now please dont let me put you off 19. They have some nice ladies workingthere that I have seen whilst waiting for other ladies... i blame myself cause sometimes i eat well and sometimes i eat mcdonalds...and sometimes i eat kebabs and each of these times i live to regret it.

this is one of the times i regretted it!

01-02-2014, 06:45 PM
ahahaha, great review dude. cici did definitely look full figured to me on the roster pic, but what you've described here - damn lol. how old would you actually estimate her to be?

if nothing else a valuable lesson for next time bro

01-02-2014, 07:14 PM
ahahaha, great review dude. cici did definitely look full figured to me on the roster pic, but what you've described here - damn lol. how old would you actually estimate her to be?

if nothing else a valuable lesson for next time bro

Well in the 50's.....:cry:

01-02-2014, 09:09 PM
Great report bro well written.

I have been to 19 a few times walked 3 and stayed once which I regretted.

So have not been back again.

Max Impact
01-02-2014, 11:22 PM
Book Anni on a Wednesday when she is back. The best value punt outside Thailand.

02-02-2014, 12:04 PM
Very funny review.

I'm certain the shop will not be bumping this thread any time soon.

02-02-2014, 02:31 PM
Very funny review.

I'm certain the shop will not be bumping this thread any time soon.

Cici working today... Do NOT see review here...E V E R

02-02-2014, 03:26 PM
ahahaha, great review dude. cici did definitely look full figured to me on the roster pic, but what you've described here - damn lol. how old would you actually estimate her to be?

if nothing else a valuable lesson for next time bro

hmm, based on my exp, just look at her pic, i guess she is around 35

02-02-2014, 05:21 PM
hmm, based on my exp, just look at her pic, i guess she is around 35

That's the point bro, I don't think it's her!

03-02-2014, 09:56 AM
No 19 is a great hit and miss place (well more miss than hit from the reviews). I believed that management is the one to blame. For pork chop, you cannot change the look, but you can at least add some MSG to it for flavoring. keeping pork chop with an attitude means dissatisfied customer => bad comments => no business for shop. Don't know why pork chops always give bad service? Lack of confidence or just lazy? Feel sorry for brother veromi for being too horny and let the decision made by his little brother. From the report, it seems there is a lack of BJ action, correct? In the worse case, just close your eyes and do CIM if you can (sorry there is no porn in the room). $100 / hr seems cheap but I rather have a good 1/2 hour for the same money. I believed in this case, you should al least ask for a refund or credit back from the papasan.

04-02-2014, 04:44 PM
Funny review, I wonder if it was the same Cici I saw about a month ago? Though I think maybe not, as she was in her late 30's not 50's, I could be mistaken as I tend to underestimate Asians ages, although I guess we should not allow facts to get in the way of a good story. I seem to remember she was not PSE but more GFE, her BJ was not a standout though we did manage to have fun for an hour once we got the zimmer frame out of the way, and took her teeth out.

Funny that you would accept a lady on the basis of her picture when the lady is standing in front of you, why wouldn't you just ask for another lady or the next available? Taking your Chinese restaurant analogy a bit further if you were getting the cheapest prices you wouldn't expect haute cuisine. At $100 per hour the shop is $50 cheaper than other lower end shops, supposing a 60/40 split (no idea if that is correct) the lady would be getting $30 less per hour to f##k you, so obviously not all the girls are going to be best quality, most 20 yo beauties that offer PSE would not be working here. It is amazing that there are so many good ones at this shop. Given the price I think they are pretty good value.

05-02-2014, 09:57 AM
agreed boney! According to many ARs, cheap price = lower quality, but some higher price places also ended up disappointing. So choice carefully.

07-02-2014, 06:26 AM
No 19 is a great hit and miss place (well more miss than hit from the reviews). I believed that management is the one to blame. For pork chop, you cannot change the look, but you can at least add some MSG to it for flavoring. keeping pork chop with an attitude means dissatisfied customer => bad comments => no business for shop. Don't know why pork chops always give bad service? Lack of confidence or just lazy? Feel sorry for brother veromi for being too horny and let the decision made by his little brother. From the report, it seems there is a lack of BJ action, correct? In the worse case, just close your eyes and do CIM if you can (sorry there is no porn in the room). $100 / hr seems cheap but I rather have a good 1/2 hour for the same money. I believed in this case, you should al least ask for a refund or credit back from the papasan.

I have been to the shop a number of times and I know it is hit and miss.... The point of the AR is that all cheaper shops have pork chops and some desperate horny guy bangs 'em! In this case I was that guy... I blame myself.
Supply met demand, equilibrium met.