View Full Version : General talk Spreading the seed - any way you can?

28-12-2013, 04:30 PM
I certainly understand the biological need to spread the seed - but isn't this already a bit lame?

SMH: Perth woman sues deli owner after drinking sperm from bottled water (http://www.smh.com.au/wa-news/perth-woman-sues-deli-owner-after-drinking-sperm-from-bottled-water-20131219-2znnw.html)

A Perth woman who drank bottled water containing semen is suing the deli owner who sold the water and whose DNA matched the sperm.

Max Impact
28-12-2013, 07:12 PM
I guess his wife won't swallow so he thought of another way of getting a girl to.

I've heard stories similar to this before.

28-12-2013, 07:51 PM
Thanks Licker for the interesting news story
: S

Story sounds legitimate enough, and sincere commiserations to the lady involved for the alleged crime

I just find it staggering to believe that sperm can survive so long, both in cold conditions, and in pure water

I would have thought the spermatozoa would be destroyed with the nonsaline mineral water, and the proteins would have been denatured (destroyed) within one day

Seriously the alleged person must have been deranged, and left a fair deposit in the water

Gross, and I dread to think what other crimes he has committed (allegedly)

Playing with peoples food or water is a very serious crime, and its a shame if this case is true, that this person wasnt brought to court a lot earlier

Why the delay in proceedings ?

28-12-2013, 07:56 PM
Another point

If you have a complaint to make, make it early (I think the legal word is contemporaneously)

Dont wait a year or so to make a complaint if it is fair and balanced

Just like on our forum, any substandard service is fairly and compassionately discussed in our community contemporaneously ; )

28-12-2013, 08:38 PM
I would have thought the spermatozoa would be destroyed with the nonsaline mineral water, and the proteins would have been denatured (destroyed) within one day

Seriously the alleged person must have been deranged, and left a fair deposit in the water

You quite right, that the term spermatozoa is probably slightly inaccurate. They weren't swimming anymore.
Then again, what do you call a dead sperm cell?
The cell however would still be there and you can get DNA from it.
(They are quite resilient buggers though, then can do the deed even after being frozen for 20 years. At much lower temperature.)

As for the dude who dozed the water with his seed... why, oh why?
And more importantly, putting it into the fridge of a convenience store? :question:

28-12-2013, 10:46 PM
Yes, seriously sick person
Shame the lady didnt make the complaint earlier, and the guy given a criminal record if the allegations were true

Would have kept the streets and corner stores safe for consumers

29-12-2013, 12:40 AM
This gives new meaning to the term "Mount Franklin" ...