View Full Version : General talk A punt gone wrong. A true story. (Almost an after report).

17-12-2013, 12:26 PM
I'm usually a shop sort of person and I generally have a preference for
massage++ but on occasion I will go the FS route.

During a business trip to the city I decided to visit a private WL for a bit
of daytime entertainment. Turns out she was a Thai lady, about 30 years,
tall, slim, pretty, in fact I found her to be quite attractive. Just my type.

She was working from her home, a quality apartment not far from the CBD.
The hour we spent together was great, I enjoyed it so much I saw her again
before I went home.

A few weeks later saw me in the city again and I, naturally, made a booking to
see her, she remembered me and was enthusiastic about our pending encounter.
She had moved to another apartment block not far away and she gave me the
apartment number, address and some directions. I was a returning client so
giving me the info was ok for her.

I sent her a text confirming about ten minutes before the appointment time
and I got one back saying no problems.

I arrived on time and tried to call her apartment on the confounded intercom
security system, I tried at least three times and I was making no progress,
the directions were illegible and I must have been pressing the buttons in the
wrong order or something. I fukin' hate those things.

So, I decided to give her a call to ask if she would let me in. I walked about
ten paces away and as I was getting my mobile from my pocket I noticed a
fellow getting out from a car parked nearby. I suspect he had been waiting for me
to move away from the intercom panel.

I was somewhat fascinated by this chap so I watched him for a short while.

The car was a late model sedan, he looked like a derro (apologies to any derros
reading this). He was about forty, short, overweight, hair hadn't seen a
hairdresser or a comb for months or been washed for that matter and he
hadn't shaved for days. He was wearing a grubby tee shirt, elastic waist shorts
and rubber thongs. It was so unusual, the picture is clear in my mind.

He was filthy, as were his clothes, I could smell the B O from where I was
standing. Quite the opposite of how I like to present myself. Judging by his
car I would say he wasn't short of a quid.

If I had brother Seagal's way with words this would make very interesting reading.

Straight to the panel he went, pressed a couple of buttons the gate opened,
obviously smarter than me, and in he goes.

I dialled the lady and when she answered I could hear her greeting someone in the
background, she very apologetically told me that she had just taken another client,
would I like to come back in an hour?

There is no way it wasn't this fellow.

Well that killed the mood, no punt for me that day. I deleted her details from my
contacts and never returned.


Was I pissed off? No just a little disappointed, that's punting. Did I feel some sort of
pseudo jealousy? Not me, these encounters are viewed as strictly business with
pleasure. Did I feel sorry for the WL? Not really, she has the freedom to choose.
Did this lower my opinion of the WL? Yes maybe, I thought she would reject
such a client, and had I not seen this I would still rate her. Am I a snob? I don't
think so, I hope not.

Maybe it's best not to know such things. Happens all the time I s'pose.

I'm not concerned about any of this, it raises some interesting questions though.

Regards, WayneK.

17-12-2013, 12:51 PM
There is an old saying never judge a book by the cover, for the working lady she is only interested in the money and lets just hope the customer had a shower before getting down to business.

We tend not to see the other customers the ladies we visit see before or after us.

Sometimes we pass in the hallway etc but personally I have found that I prefer not to know.

17-12-2013, 01:15 PM
That's a bit rough. WL's and ML's for that matter see older clientele along with different looks and social status. The entry point is the fee. Now, many of the ML's I know if a guy has a BO problem, they make sure he showers thoroughly first. Some girls build it into their routine and shower with him to make sure.

The reality is - you're probably not the worst looking bloke she's going to f*ck nor are you probably the best looking bloke she's going to f*ck so just enjoy your time with her and leave it at that.

17-12-2013, 01:17 PM
There is an old saying never judge a book by the cover, for the working lady she is only interested in the money and lets just hope the customer had a shower before getting down to business.

We tend not to see the other customers the ladies we visit see before or after us.

Sometimes we pass in the hallway etc but personally I have found that I prefer not to know.

My thoughts exactly. We all know these ladies can see up to a dozen guys a day, perhaps more. I prefer not to think about what she does with the client before me.

Just last weekend I was made to wait in the foyer of my usual, and was busily staring down on my phone as my regular walked out with her previous client...

17-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Bad customer service. They need to honour their bookings. I would be pissed.

17-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Bad customer service. They need to honour their bookings. I would be pissed.

Agree that she should honor her bookings. That's what would have pissed me off.

17-12-2013, 02:20 PM
I've never seen a private W/L.
With shops, if there is a mix up, it is not usually not
The girls fault so we would cut her some slack.

But if I just drove to a private apartment , confirmed my
Booking with the actual W/L 10 mins before appointment and
She then let someone in front of me and asked me to wait,
I would be quite pissed off !!€|>}?{%|<{!{£

So what it all comes down to !!!! I guess, is that this big smelly Guy,
Has a great big smelly wallet and there is no way she is going to
Miss out on his big wad ( of money ) for anyone.

Just a thought.

17-12-2013, 03:07 PM
I think when you become a regular of a particular ML/WL, sometimes we like to pretend that we're their one and only customer, which makes it a bit awkward when you see her or hear her talk of her other clients.

After all, it's only natural for us humans to develop a relationship with people we get along with.

17-12-2013, 07:10 PM
put it this way, you can't afford buying all her hours, nor would you want to :p

Haven't gone private yet but not keeping appointment's fcked. I'd go to a shop to blow off steams I reckon

18-12-2013, 12:47 PM
So what it all comes down to !!!! I guess, is that this big smelly Guy,
Has a great big smelly wallet and there is no way she is going to
Miss out on his big wad ( of money ) for anyone.

That's a good way of putting it Massageguy.

Wls are in it for the money, it's business. I suppose that's why I wasn't pissed off.
I've learned to be pragmatic about this and after a long and colourful time spent
punting I view it purely as a transaction, respectfully of course.

Certainly the time spent together is enjoyable hopefully, for both the lady
and myself, but in reality it's a business transaction and one in which both
parties should benefit.

I was interested to read a post earlier today where a well regarded brother
referred to the ladies as a product, and he was absolutely right. We are the
customers in their view, and I try to never lose sight of that.


18-12-2013, 05:40 PM
Maybe she likes big, burly, smelly guys?

Can you really smell a guy from 5 metres away?

More reason...she has you as a regular.."he will wait for me".

18-12-2013, 05:52 PM
I have seen a few private wl over the years thought none recently.

Usually when you get there you ring them and the give you the unit number etc sometimes they ask you to call back in 10 or 15 minutes etc this is I presume to give them the chance to get rid of the customer before you.

I have never had a booking with a private wl stuffed up other than run about 10 to 15 minutes late.

The private wl usually spread their booking out and so its not an issue.

For me the biggest problem with private wl was that you have no choice she is it and the cost is usually higher than the $150 shops and the service is not usually as good IMHO.

But like anything I am sure if you find a good one that you click with then I am sure you could be on a winner.

19-12-2013, 02:35 PM
I completely get the fact that you are frustrated by the fact that your booking counted when someone else happened to pop in before you.

If this thread is just about how you felt you were treated poorly, I don't see how mentioning what the other guy was wearing and how he smelled was relevant.

18-05-2014, 02:05 AM
Thats bloody rough.