View Full Version : General talk Honest and heartfelt question - geuine help needed

24-11-2013, 08:09 PM
honest and heartfelt question to the Asian Bros and Bros in LTRs with Asian chicks.

Do Asian girls turn off the tap like Aussie girls? I have been thru so much pain with
Aussie girls turning off the tap that I am thinking about leaving for a Viet girl. Like many of you
I have hope for and worked for more in all my relationships but never had any joy. do you think getting and
Asian GF is the answer?

I honestly think that with Asian Girls the prices in Sydney would be 4 or 5 times higher just because of how Aussie chicks are? any help greatly appreciated.

24-11-2013, 08:18 PM
What do you mean by turning the tap ??

Spending your money ??

Please explain !

24-11-2013, 08:21 PM
I mean shutting down sexually. showing no interest at all. all of my aussie mates agree this has happend to them. all of my Asian mates are silent (which I respect)

24-11-2013, 08:24 PM
I honestly would not punt and would be a dedicated and supportive dude if I could work this part of my life out........

24-11-2013, 09:47 PM
i guess for some of us who are married and here means the wives are turning off the tap!

24-11-2013, 10:33 PM
honest and heartfelt question to the Asian Bros and Bros in LTRs with Asian chicks.

Do Asian girls turn off the tap like Aussie girls? I have been thru so much pain with
Aussie girls turning off the tap that I am thinking about leaving for a Viet girl. Like many of you
I have hope for and worked for more in all my relationships but never had any joy. do you think getting and
Asian GF is the answer?

I honestly think that with Asian Girls the prices in Sydney would be 4 or 5 times higher just because of how Aussie chicks are? any help greatly appreciated.
A relationship is a commitment from both parties, You can't start a fire without a spark, any girl can turn off the tap, it's not because she's Aussie or Asian.

24-11-2013, 11:54 PM
honest and heartfelt question to the Asian Bros and Bros in LTRs with Asian chicks.

Do Asian girls turn off the tap like Aussie girls? I have been thru so much pain with
Aussie girls turning off the tap that I am thinking about leaving for a Viet girl. Like many of you
I have hope for and worked for more in all my relationships but never had any joy. do you think getting and
Asian GF is the answer?

I honestly think that with Asian Girls the prices in Sydney would be 4 or 5 times higher just because of how Aussie chicks are? any help greatly appreciated.

You mean they are not really into GFE :) not much kissing just full on FS wham bam thank you mam
They prefer the PSE type and not really into much kissing unless they are fully turn on with full heat on passion. Anyway as you know some asian girls are more sensitive need a bit more Nurturing or lead :)
You will find some Caucasian but its more rare or first few meet was good after a while resistant start to build up.
First session was heat on fire BJ tits fuck give her DFK keep going more of everything than after seeing her 15 times what you said came to mind ....lol....
You should try a asian GF and get back to us and yes they are a bit more GFE unless you get a really young Caucasian :)

25-11-2013, 12:22 AM
Maybe you've stopped putting in as much effort with your previous girlfriends as time went on, and they started feeling unwanted and unappreciated which led to "turning off the tap"?

25-11-2013, 11:18 AM

25-11-2013, 11:43 AM
Hi Maxie

I don't think it matters whether she's Asian, Aussie, Or an Aussie-Asian :grimace:

All relationships take work, patience and both parties to wanna keep things fresh and exciting...(to name just a very few).,

Women are complicated.

Best of luck,


06-01-2014, 10:44 PM
Re tap getting turned off

I think its important to get a sense of the sexuality of a girlfriend, in the early stages of the intimacy

I tend not to say what I like at the beginning, and watch to see the sexual appetite of the girlfriend

That way the lady doesnt feel obliged to be sexual or have to do things because she feels she has to

Obviously a womans sexual drive can change with time, but surely before full committment and before babies, you can get a good idea if your sexual drives are compatible

As a massive generalisation, cauc women will continue to keep the tap turned on if you meet all their other requirements, which may be a longer list than other ladies - income, intelligent conversation, thoughtfulness (huge generalisation)

As for turning off the tap. For me, that means instant dismissal

However, for my brothers that are in a LTR or marriage, good on you. That means committment, which I am all in favour of with the right lady ; )

07-01-2014, 11:31 AM
Well sometimes I think someone else turns the tap off for them!

I used to have a good sex life with my wife until she had a hysterectomy after that she was not interested any more.

07-01-2014, 11:30 PM
Go with what your heart feels. It is so hard to find someone these days. If you have someone who you care for and she cares for you, then don't hesitate. My wife turned off the tap many years ago. If I could only find someone who wanted me, I would not think twice.

07-01-2014, 11:33 PM
looser, you are so true about going with your heart

You really have a good heart

My problem is that women fall in love with me, but I want the complete package, nice face/body, career, and intelligent conversation

Im picky, but we all want to commit for life only once if that works out

07-01-2014, 11:39 PM
looser, you are so true about going with your heart

You really have a good heart

My problem is that women fall in love with me, but I want the complete package, nice face/body, career, and intelligent conversation

Im picky, but we all want to commit for life only once if that works out

Thanks Harmony - I'm not picky. I only want someone who would like me, love me and stay with me. Man, life should not be this difficult.
You are so lucky that women fall in love with you. Unfortunately god did not bless me with good looks, intelligence, charm, or good conversation. So my path thru life has been more difficult. Maybe god will relieve me of my pain soon

07-01-2014, 11:49 PM
looser, despite my wit and charm, I struggled also to find a lady who I could fall in love with

I am sure I am not that picky, and I have gone to dance classes, language classes, council meetings, you name it

I believe there is a higher being, and I do hope that if we maintain an open and generous heart, love will find its way inside

All the best to you looser and anyone else here still yet to experience love that is reciprocated - sending good vibes through the screen now ; )


07-01-2014, 11:53 PM
looser, despite my wit and charm, I struggled also to find a lady who I could fall in love with

I am sure I am not that picky, and I have gone to dance classes, language classes, council meetings, you name it

I believe there is a higher being, and I do hope that if we maintain an open and generous heart, love will find its way inside

All the best to you looser and anyone else here still yet to experience love that is reciprocated - sending good vibes through the screen now ; )


Thanks Harmony - you are a good bloke. It is nice to know that someone (whom I do not even know) cares. Feeling a bit emotional tonight - too much red wine and too many disappointments.

08-01-2014, 12:02 AM
looser, I also felt a little down tonight

At one point I was saying to myself "I have lost my way in my life (career wise, and financially and relationships)"

And that is while I am stone cold sober

I dont think alcohol is good for cheering you up, its actually a central nervous system depressant

Alcohol only deepens the sadness