View Full Version : General talk WL/ML in a small world?

15-10-2013, 06:30 AM
I know its a slim chance, but as they say, its a small world... so i would like to ask if any bro has been in a situation where you are seeing a WL or ML for the first time... after checking cropped/blurred pics or following a fellow's AR... entering the shop for a session.. and actually recognizing or even knowing her from outside her WL/ML work?! Perhaps it could be a friend, friend's friend, acquaintance, ex colleague or even a familiar face like a cashier from a retail store?

Without mentioning names of shops or WL/ML, I recently saw a pic and noticed that it may be someone I know, who knows many people in my social circles. Thinking if I should give it a shot for the hell of it or avoid the slim chance lol

Feel free to share your experiences or opinions. Not asking for names of WL/ML and shops to be mentioned though its up to you to say. I just think it'll be really funny and potentially awkward if I end up in a situation like this haha

15-10-2013, 06:56 AM
My neighbour is a ML but not the same floor saw her at the shop. One of the students in a certain uni that I walked passed by , I saw her in a top FS shop, I do not know why, I did not pick her.

15-10-2013, 07:54 AM
recognizing or even knowing her from outside her WL/ML work?! Perhaps it could be a friend, friend's friend, acquaintance, ex colleague or even a familiar face like a cashier from a retail store?

Without mentioning names of shops or WL/ML, I recently saw a pic and noticed that it may be someone I know, who knows many people in my social circles. Thinking if I should give it a shot for the hell of it or avoid the slim chance lol

In years past, working certain customer service jobs I've had MLs meet me during my casual day jobs when I was a student years ago. During my sessions I am always as respectful as possible & give no reason for MLs to hold a grudge, and they are usually happy to greet like an old friend.

It's similar to your situation that in the way you hold your frame and project that nothing is wrong. It's just a job that pays the bills. But her job has more negative connotations to it. If you did see a ML/WL at a shop that you knew in your private life, it could go many ways... One would be acting awkward which would make her awkward & fearful of you telling the people you both know. Another way would be being pleasantly surprised as the session may go smoother as you both are comfortable around each other (friendship already established and know that both are not crazies).

It could be almost an inside joke that only you two are privy to. As long as respect is given, she may become a good wing woman when going out as intimacy is a good bonding experience.
The above would be different if you were currently in a relationship & the ML/WL knew your girlfriend. Then she'd probably try to blackmail you about your extra curricular activities.

15-10-2013, 09:05 AM
There are hundreds of variables on either sides of the situations:

There is no right or wrong answers, the bottom line is, you must protect your own privacy , especially if you are married or have a steady girl friend, or the circle of common friends are work or family related. You just can't afford to take the risk !

Best is to stay away and avoid at all possibility .

Just my two cents


15-10-2013, 09:14 AM
Best is to stay away and avoid at all possibility .

The other way of looking at it is that one of the girls you think you recognise, probably best to avoid the whole shop completely as you may run into the ML/WL at some stage even when she's not rostered to be there.

Privacy is only really an issue for married bros and those with steady gfs. Just don't tell my steady girlfriend that I go to massage or my wife will be pissed!

15-10-2013, 11:09 AM
Yes to all your original questions and my only advice is that remember they have a life outside of the shop. Don't be a jerk and they won't cause you problems either...

15-10-2013, 02:17 PM
In years past, working certain customer service jobs I've had MLs meet me during my casual day jobs when I was a student years ago. During my sessions I am always as respectful as possible & give no reason for MLs to hold a grudge, and they are usually happy to greet like an old friend.

It's similar to your situation that in the way you hold your frame and project that nothing is wrong. It's just a job that pays the bills. But her job has more negative connotations to it. If you did see a ML/WL at a shop that you knew in your private life, it could go many ways... One would be acting awkward which would make her awkward & fearful of you telling the people you both know. Another way would be being pleasantly surprised as the session may go smoother as you both are comfortable around each other (friendship already established and know that both are not crazies).

It could be almost an inside joke that only you two are privy to. As long as respect is given, she may become a good wing woman when going out as intimacy is a good bonding experience.
The above would be different if you were currently in a relationship & the ML/WL knew your girlfriend. Then she'd probably try to blackmail you about your extra curricular activities.

I agree. Youve made some good points that i have already considered. I'm always respectful to WL and MLs regardless since its just a job and shouldn't be linked with their individual personalities. I think its more likely to turn out well in my situation if I gave it a shot with her.

15-10-2013, 02:21 PM
There are hundreds of variables on either sides of the situations:

There is no right or wrong answers, the bottom line is, you must protect your own privacy , especially if you are married or have a steady girl friend, or the circle of common friends are work or family related. You just can't afford to take the risk !

Best is to stay away and avoid at all possibility .

Just my two cents


Thanks for the advice. Fortunately I'm not in any relationship right now apart from fck buddies and friends with benefits. Hence I'm still considering a shot at this to confirm whether its her or not haha. Cheers.

15-10-2013, 02:29 PM
Yes to all your original questions and my only advice is that remember they have a life outside of the shop. Don't be a jerk and they won't cause you problems either...

Thanks for the advice bro jellyshots. Of course I won't be a jerk. Never known to be one anyway. If its someone I know in the room who recognises me then there will certainly be some interesting conversation during or afterwards. However if its just a familiar face I've seen from retail shops I've visited frequently, then I might not even mention anything to her unless if she mentions something to me... just see it as a fantasy played out with a customer service girl! Bottom line is I've also got another life outside the shop too so I don't believe in causing any problems in the first place :)

15-10-2013, 02:31 PM
I agree. Youve made some good points that i have already considered. I'm always respectful to WL and MLs regardless since its just a job and shouldn't be linked with their individual personalities. I think its more likely to turn out well in my situation if I gave it a shot with her.

"More likely" ....??
So not guarranteed ... or even totally probable !!!

So I gotta admit ... If this is a genuine post I really don't follow your logic ..
Why play with fire with this girl ... When you admit it is only "most likely" not to blow up in your face !!!
Anything less than "sure" not worth it in my book - regardless of your current status ...

Because you are losing control of the circumstances / potential implications !!!!

So why do it ??
- oh yeah .. she is the only MG/ WG girl in Sydney right ??? NO !!
- left with the tantalizing / unknown aspect ... but that fantasy is just in your head mate .... and not worth playing with fire while wearing a petrol soaked shirt !!!

My 3 cents

15-10-2013, 02:38 PM
My neighbour is a ML but not the same floor saw her at the shop. One of the students in a certain uni that I walked passed by , I saw her in a top FS shop, I do not know why, I did not pick her.

Nice! In your shoes I would have selected the FS girl. She probably wouldn't recognise you too so its like a regular session with a hint of familiarity. Perhaps you had a better alternative or she wasn't your type? :)

15-10-2013, 03:00 PM
"More likely" ....??
So not guarranteed ... or even totally probable !!!

So I gotta admit ... If this is a genuine post I really don't follow your logic ..
Why play with fire with this girl ... When you admit it is only "most likely" not to blow up in your face !!!
Anything less than "sure" not worth it in my book - regardless of your current status ...

Because you are losing control of the circumstances / potential implications !!!!

So why do it ??
- oh yeah .. she is the only MG/ WG girl in Sydney right ??? NO !!
- left with the tantalizing / unknown aspect ... but that fantasy is just in your head mate .... and not worth playing with fire while wearing a petrol soaked shirt !!!

My 3 cents

I appreciate your opinion. Just want to clarify:
- yes it's a genuine post
- I have a habit of avoiding the use of the word 'sure' and 'never'.. my poor choice of words I suppose?
- no need to point out the obvious, I know there's plenty of WL and ML in sydney
- I'm still thinking about the consequences... and I'll find out the necessary info I need before making my decision. After all, it could simply be a girl with an appearance resembling the one I know.


15-10-2013, 03:23 PM
I appreciate your opinion. Just want to clarify:
- yes it's a genuine post
- I have a habit of avoiding the use of the word 'sure' and 'never'.. my poor choice of words I suppose?
- no need to point out the obvious, I know there's plenty of WL and ML in sydney
- I'm still thinking about the consequences... and I'll find out the necessary info I need before making my decision. After all, it could simply be a girl with an appearance resembling the one I know.


Mmm. Not sure we are still on the same page ..

As you say directly above ... "It could simply be a girl with an appearance resembling one I know" .. True .. "could" be just that ...

But in your own words in the original post "that it may be someone I know, who knows many people in my social circles" ...
SO - She COULD be the girl right ??

- So even if ur single now .. you won't be in the future right !!!
- So even if you think she would say nothing because she would be dobbing herself in:
# how do you know in the future she won't get drunk & spill the beans !!
# if she is outed by someone but doesn't know who ... guess who will be top of her suspect list regardless of the truth and the target for payback !!

Way too risky in my book / you will have lost the control you need over the knowledge of your punting!!!

But then again ... maybe you would be intrigued by the game of Russian Roulette !!
After all. .... There is only one bullet ...
So .. It will "more likely" .. not be in the chamber ..
Right ??

15-10-2013, 04:05 PM
Mmm. Not sure we are sttill on the same page ..

As you say directly above ... "It could simply be a girl with an appearance resembling one I know" .. True .. "could" be just that ...

But in your own words in the original post "that it may be someone I know, who knows many people in my social circles" ...
SO - She COULD be the girl right ??

- So even if ur single now .. you won't be in the future right !!!
- So even if you think she would say nothing because she would be dobbing herself in:
# how do you know in the future she won't get drunk & spill the beans !!
# if she is outed by someone but doesn't know who ... guess who will be top of her suspect list regardless of the truth and the target for payback !!

Way too risky in my book / you will have lost the control you need over the knowledge of your punting!!!

But then again ... maybe you would be intrigued by the game of Russian Roulette !!
After all. .... There is only one bullet ...
So .. It will "more likely" .. not be in the chamber ..
Right ??

Lol good point! Loss of the ability to privately punt outweighs any fantasy in my case. Thanks again :)

Guess I'm lucky to have noticed those pics then. It would be an entirely different situation if the door was opened and the actual girl I knew walks in haha

15-10-2013, 07:38 PM
I saw the older sister of an old school friend in a FS parlour long ago. We recognized each other immediately and I think she almost ran out of the door as soon as she saw me. I used to hang out her brother at her house all the time and always fantasied about her. It was only her second day in the industry and I obviously jumped at the chance to get with her.

At the end of the session I asked if she thought it would be awkward when we bumped into each other again. She gave me a cheeky smile and said definitely not. :smile:

Unfortunately I have not seen her or my mate in many years, but I would have loved another session.

15-10-2013, 09:07 PM
Two stories, one was my best friend and the other was my own.
1st one is my best friend. Background - We use to work out at this gym on the north side, i got very friendly with one of the female instructors who had a body to die for and was very cute too, my mate also got on well with her. Long story short, i hooked up with her at a party but then was not interested in having a girlfriend, my mate was so I set it up and they ended up dating for a couple of years before it Ended..fast forward 18 months or so :)
My friend was in the dumps as he had not had a girl for a while and was short on cash all the time so i offered to shout him a massage, we use to punt quite a lot together. I asked him where he wanted to go and he suggested 29 Newland in Bondi, back then every floor had a massage joint. We use to call up, get the girl descriptions and just book. We show up, went to level 2 where the reception was, paid our money and they then told us which room to go to. Usually the rooms were on the above floors. From memory mine was on the 3rd floor and his on the 4th. I went to mine, had my hour session and then went back to the reception area. The girl told me that my friend was waiting outside, she had this odd look on her face. I went to the car and he was waiting outside having a smoke, he saw me coming and had this dumb look on his face so i said how was your session? He looked at me and said he had been waiting for an hour..i said what happened? He said he went to the door, knocked and the girl opened the door, he instantly recognized it was the girl from the gym he had dated for 2 years!!! I said what happened and unfortunately broke out in the biggest laugh :) He proceeded to tell me that she also recognized him, shut the door straight away and said i think you have the wrong room ahahahahahahahah
He went downstairs and by the time he got there, the girl must have rang reception to tell them. The lady at reception was very apologetic and said did he want to see someone else? He said i think it's best if i just leave, the lady said no problems and gave him the full refund. To this day i still remind of that day and it is as funny today as it was all those years ago ;)
Second story to follow

15-10-2013, 09:13 PM
I saw the older sister of an old school friend in a FS parlour long ago. We recognized each other immediately and I think she almost ran out of the door as soon as she saw me. I used to hang out her brother at her house all the time and always fantasied about her. It was only her second day in the industry and I obviously jumped at the chance to get with her.

At the end of the session I asked if she thought it would be awkward when we bumped into each other again. She gave me a cheeky smile and said definitely not. :smile:

Unfortunately I have not seen her or my mate in many years, but I would have loved another session.

This was what I wanted to ask. I knew that it could be possible given that Sydney is small. Just shows that sydney is probably smaller than I thought. :)

15-10-2013, 09:16 PM
Two stories, one was my best friend and the other was my own.
1st one is my best friend. Background - We use to work out at this gym on the north side, i got very friendly with one of the female instructors who had a body to die for and was very cute too, my mate also got on well with her. Long story short, i hooked up with her at a party but then was not interested in having a girlfriend, my mate was so I set it up and they ended up dating for a couple of years before it Ended..fast forward 18 months or so :)
My friend was in the dumps as he had not had a girl for a while and was short on cash all the time so i offered to shout him a massage, we use to punt quite a lot together. I asked him where he wanted to go and he suggested 29 Newland in Bondi, back then every floor had a massage joint. We use to call up, get the girl descriptions and just book. We show up, went to level 2 where the reception was, paid our money and they then told us which room to go to. Usually the rooms were on the above floors. From memory mine was on the 3rd floor and his on the 4th. I went to mine, had my hour session and then went back to the reception area. The girl told me that my friend was waiting outside, she had this odd look on her face. I went to the car and he was waiting outside having a smoke, he saw me coming and had this dumb look on his face so i said how was your session? He looked at me and said he had been waiting for an hour..i said what happened? He said he went to the door, knocked and the girl opened the door, he instantly recognized it was the girl from the gym he had dated for 2 years!!! I said what happened and unfortunately broke out in the biggest laugh :) He proceeded to tell me that she also recognized him, shut the door straight away and said i think you have the wrong room ahahahahahahahah
He went downstairs and by the time he got there, the girl must have rang reception to tell them. The lady at reception was very apologetic and said did he want to see someone else? He said i think it's best if i just leave, the lady said no problems and gave him the full refund. To this day i still remind of that day and it is as funny today as it was all those years ago ;)
Second story to follow

Ouch.. What a coincidence! Haha

15-10-2013, 09:31 PM
Second Incident...
Went to Spoilers a very long time ago when it was one of the better massage joints, this was before all ther asian RNT's started opening up. Had seen this blonde aussie girl there once before and had a great time. Such a good time that we didn't really talk much ;)
Anyway, booked her again for an hour, went in, paid the dosh and was taken to the room to wait for her. She came in, recognised me and came over to give me a hug. Had a shower, went to table and the massage started. This time i started talking to her whilst she was massaging me, wasn't really a massage but more like caressing me, and we talked for about 20 minutes or so about various stuff. Half an hour had gone by and she asked me to turn around, she started the sensual part of the massage and all the while we were still talking. She was now on top of me like a blanket with my hard on between her legs and her face was no more than 5cms from my face. We were gazing at each other and she said "you know, you look familiar", i said "funny that, i was thinking the same about you". She then asked where i grew up and i told her i am a local lad from the northern beaches...her look kind of changed from cheeky/horny to a rather more serious look. She then asked where did i go to school so i told her i went to primary at XXXX but went to high school at XXXX. She sat up, which nearly caused an accidental penetration given my hard on and her positioning...however this did not seem to bother her as she now had this worried look on her face ahahahahahahahah
She said which years was i at the primary school and at that moment it hit me who she was!!! I did not say her name at this point hoping she would not remember me so I replied the years I was there. She put her hand to her mouth in disbelief and said that's when she was there and did i know who she was? At this point there was no use hiding it anymore and i said your name is XXXX. She freaked out and jumped off, walked around amlittle saying stuff like "i knew this would happen" ahahahahahahahahahaha
She then started telling me that i was not in her year but a year above me with my brother...i said that's right...she was still freaking out but at least was laughing about it.
Then came the unexpected, she declared that she was quitting there and then, put a robe on and walked out. I was stunned and was now sitting on the table, still with half a bar on thinking what the fuck do i do?? I sat there for what seemed an etenrity but was only 5 minutes or so. She came back in and told me she had just quit and was going home to get drunk... i said me too!!!!!!! She looked at me and suggested we get drunk together!! Ummm hell yeah!! She told me to get dressed and wait for her outside in the back alley entrance. I showered, got dressed and left. Sure enough, 15 minutes after that she came out and we left in my car to her place via the bottle shop....got home next morning, the first thing i did was call my brother in Queensland and told him "guess who i slept with last night?"..... :) :) :)