View Full Version : Chances of seeing a full lineup at GINZA

24-09-2013, 11:45 PM
going for a sydney trip soon, was wondering if it would be better to book a girl in advance.

Would love to see the lineup if possible,

if so what time would be suitable

24-09-2013, 11:54 PM
I've done a couple if walk-ins at ginza I've never seen a full lineup usually one or two girls but I know some of the gold premium girls do get completely booked out so probably best to book a in advance

25-09-2013, 12:11 AM
So do the Gold Class girls... And Silver Premium too :p

25-09-2013, 12:22 AM
going for a sydney trip soon, was wondering if it would be better to book a girl in advance.

Would love to see the lineup if possible,

if so what time would be suitable

You will have a better chance of seeing a line up at 5 Star or 127 Regent St.

Best time is before 7pm


Punter Poontang
25-09-2013, 03:28 PM
This has been asked before.

Your chances are significantly less than "sweet fuck all". Use brother Hoshimoony's amazing resource (The Ginza Index) and book, you won't be disappointed.

25-09-2013, 04:03 PM
There are only around 4 or 5 girls rostered at any given time and chances are at least 3 will be busy.
So at best you will only get to view 1 or 2 girls.
You can take your chances. You probably won't get the girl you want. But all the girls are good so you can't really go wrong.
To get the girl you want the best option is to check hoshimoony's guide and the website and book first.
Best time for a walk in with no booking is between 4-6pm when the morning and afternoon shifts overlap so that's when most girls are on.

25-09-2013, 04:15 PM
When a shop only shows a couple of girls, it doesn't necessarily mean the rest are busy. That's the way they manage and share jobs to make the girls happy, otherwise all the popular ones get picked and the lower class ones miss out with no income, so they just tell you the top ones got booked out, but if you call to book, you can always get a booking

25-09-2013, 04:18 PM
At Ginza they really are busy.
Especially the Gold and Gold Premium girls.
They are very popular and booked.
So yes the best strategy is to book .

25-09-2013, 04:45 PM
At Ginza they really are busy.
Especially the Gold and Gold Premium girls.
They are very popular and booked.
So yes the best strategy is to book .
Umm... That's what wannabe means I think, leave the casual customers to non-premium girls, that doesn't mean the premium ones are fully booked, that's why you still can get a booking by phone.

26-09-2013, 03:14 AM
Umm... That's what wannabe means I think, leave the casual customers to non-premium girls, that doesn't mean the premium ones are fully booked, that's why you still can get a booking by phone.

bro wilisno, have you actually tried getting a booking by phone for the golden+ girls at Ginza?

Seriously most are booked hours ahead (I've tried a couple of times to get a booking on the day rather than the day before rather unsuccessfully) which is why I make a point to book as soon as I see the roster every time :P The only time they're likely to be available on walk in is if someone did a last minute cancellation, but you're pushing your luck if you're flying in from interstate to hope that you'll be that lucky. So my advice echoes those of everyone else above: BOOK IN ADVANCE to avoid disappointment.

26-09-2013, 05:07 AM
Chances of seeing a full line up? Zero.

Unless you get a piece of card board saying "please help ninjas stole my family, need money for karate lessons" and sit near the entrance pretending to be homeless and watch the parade of beautiful girls walk in to Ginza to start their shift.

Ginza has a large contingent of repeat loyal customers on this forum and I'm sure Hoshi's index will tell you more than looking at a line up guessing which girl to pick.

the wizard
26-09-2013, 09:24 AM
When a shop only shows a couple of girls, it doesn't necessarily mean the rest are busy. That's the way they manage and share jobs to make the girls happy, otherwise all the popular ones get picked and the lower class ones miss out with no income, so they just tell you the top ones got booked out, but if you call to book, you can always get a booking

The casual Punters are not necessarily pushed towards silver, its just the law of supply and demand.
And sometimes you could be unlucky and secure no one at given times..

I'm rarely a last minute booker, ( I tried to book Jas with only 2 hrs notice once, but her last slot was quickly filled so I missed out)
I prefer to organise myself days in advance and book any girl based on the Hoshi's index.
Not having a official line up doesn't bother me at all, i would probably take too much time trying to decide as they are generally all good.
I like going in with no expectations and love the anticipation and excitement I get in seeing someone new for the first time.

Punter Poontang
26-09-2013, 09:59 AM
sit near the entrance pretending to be homeless and watch the parade of beautiful girls walk in to Ginza to start their shift.

But which entrance?? :-P I've seen more than a few arrive through the back, so even this method (obviously in jest) is not fool-proof. BOOK*.

* NB - don't be shy, the booking process will be handled exceptionally well, and your booking will be honoured. They put other shops to shame in this (and many other) regards.

26-09-2013, 10:25 AM
But which entrance?? :-P I've seen more than a few arrive through the back, so even this method (obviously in jest) is not fool-proof. BOOK*.

Yeah I thought of that but i specifically didn't mention which entrance as I don't want to come via the back and see a whole bunch of pretend hobo's watching me slip into the shop*:-)

the wizard
26-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Gucci are you famous ?..

26-09-2013, 12:33 PM
going for a sydney trip soon, was wondering if it would be better to book a girl in advance.

Would love to see the lineup if possible,

if so what time would be suitable

Better book even I cant get a booking and I Try a many times. I always try to book early and still fully book and they know me already as well, so there is no games there.

26-09-2013, 12:53 PM

people know when they will be horny a day before??


26-09-2013, 12:57 PM

people know when they will be horny a day before??


Not about getting horny on the day before, but wanted to see the girls way way before :) its a little similar to people feel hmm thats a nice restaurant I will book there next time when I can but unfortunately with pussy its even harder as they are not on the menu all the time :)

26-09-2013, 01:02 PM

people know when they will be horny a day before??


Sound like your spontaneous and cant go wrong if you go to just any recommended girls on the forum with out being really to picky as long as you had a great time.

Punter Poontang
26-09-2013, 01:21 PM

people know when they will be horny a day before??


I'll abstain for a good few days, up to a week before a booking, to ensure I'm raging from the start.

26-09-2013, 01:25 PM
hahahah you guys crack me up..

but ill guess ill join in the novelty and take the advice

btw whats the difference between gold class premium and regular gold class

is this rated in terms of the girls 'looks' ?

i do like the stunner model looks (who doesnt) so im guessing this means i cant go wrong with gold class premium

are there model lookers in the regular gold class