View Full Version : Shop Roster Section - Annoying posts
24-09-2013, 09:46 PM
in the Shop Roster Section all the shops posts their roster, girls etc. All well and good I suppose but alot of the shops just post wasted info like this:-
Good morning gentlemen.
Have a nice day.
Sunshine Massage.
There should be a regulation against against commenting just to get your Shop's thread at the top of the forum. They should at least make an announcement or provide some info rather than wasting our time with clicking on the thread to find out they haven't updated anything since their first post.
Punter Poontang
24-09-2013, 10:17 PM
Vote with your clicking finger. :-)
If it's a thread by a serial offender and the last post is by the shop, pretty clear it's just another pointless bump so just don't bother opening it ..... if their view count becomes less and less, maybe then the shops will change tactics and start providing more useful info.
06-10-2013, 02:20 AM
ahlungor the king of annoying posts!
15-10-2013, 11:03 PM
There is a
General Section
Reports Section
and Shop Roster section
So why the F@#k are the Shops posting their Shop Rosters in ALL THREE?
15-10-2013, 11:50 PM
There is a
General Section
Reports Section
and Shop Roster section
So why the F@#k are the Shops posting their Shop Rosters in ALL THREE?
Can you see there's a sticky thread called " Use Prefix " ?
16-10-2013, 12:16 AM
Vote with your clicking finger. :-)
If it's a thread by a serial offender and the last post is by the shop, pretty clear it's just another pointless bump so just don't bother opening it ..... if their view count becomes less and less, maybe then the shops will change tactics and start providing more useful info.
That's exactly what I do!
My filtering is working so well that I didn't even notice yamada stopped posting a month ago ...
But it is annoying to have to do this.
I agree GT should be for GT not shop advertising bumps, but since shops are the ones paying for advertising and hence the running costs of the forums ...
26-06-2015, 11:09 PM
now you can add adverts in the AR as well
20-08-2015, 02:58 AM
totally agree.. shops revive old threads and then we miss out on reading the new ARs
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