View Full Version : General talk The most shocking moment of your punting career

20-09-2013, 11:31 AM
What's the most shocking thing you've experienced in your punting career? It may be something a WL/ML or shop management said, or did, something your saw in a shop involving other punters, a reaction to a request etc. Or anything really.

My story below really set me back on my heels and took me a while to recover and get my balance again. It's probably something most of you will never encounter, but Hey........be prepared.

Had a regular service provider in a massage shop but we went FS from day one, including pussy-licking, natural cock-sucking and the occasional anal from time to time. She was a tall, leggy Filipina firecracker.....not cheap but a top performer in every way. I'd see her every 3 months or so and arrived one lunchtime and noticed something different about her. Face a bit puffy and slightly nervous.

Normally we started our sessions with me naked and her still clothed in a micro-mini, high-high-heels and skimpy top of some description. I'd get her to bend forward and put her elbows on the massage table and thrust her arse back on my erection whilst I titted her off thru the fabric of her top and tried to work my cock into her panties. Somehow she didn't seem quite as agile as normal. A bit lacking in 'ooooomph'. if you will.

I stripped her off and laid her down ready for my customary oral assault on her pussy, and it was then I noticed a bump in her normally slim abdomen. YUP. She was pregnant....about 12 weeks gone in my judgement, and in no fit state for this line of work. I asked for my money back - she refused. I asked for a partial refund and change to massage only - again she refused.

She said there was a possibility it was mine as she'd noticed at our last encounter that the condom had sperm on the outside. Now I was doubly shocked. What was the correct response from a gentleman in these circumstances.....this had never come up in Ethics class. She seemed relieved to have shared her burden then told me she was extra horny when 'with child' and wanted to go ahead with our sex session as normal.

She's a very juicy girl by nature but this time her pussy was prolific. Tasted slightly acidic but not unpleasant. The blowjob was definitely up to par but I was a bit reticent when entering her vagina as I have quite a whopper and didn't want to risk poking the little nipper in the eye-socket or anything.

She went on a break after that and when she returned to the shop I asked about the kiddy. She replied that it looked nothing like me but was the spitting image of her hubby.

20-09-2013, 11:41 AM
Hahahaha ha
Funny one bro. That is a classic!

20-09-2013, 11:57 AM
LOL. One of my most shocking was a baby related thing too but with a buck toothed MILF who was as ugly as all sin but a great fuck. I'd seen her a few times and this time things went a little too far and we ended up barebacking. I emptied my load in her and we where both a bit surprised at the end. She asked me if I had kids, no, does she, no, is she on the pill, no, she'll do a wee and get rid of the cum and she'll be fine. I decided to avoid the place for 9mths just in case, but never went back!!!

20-09-2013, 12:17 PM
A decision like that made in the heat of the moment could change your life and not always for the better.

As soon as you blow your load inside them, you lose control of the situation and you are hostage to what they decide to do.

Think before you blow.

20-09-2013, 01:03 PM

Wow, it could turn out to be a life or dead situations !!

It could create life, really really bad, but you have a life time to pay for the mistake !!

But it could have been much worst if either one of you are HIV positive ! it could kill you !!

Better safe than sorry mate !



20-09-2013, 01:04 PM
My worst experience was out at orange when looking for a boat too buy went to the knock shop up there while staying in orange overnight and picked a stunning cauc country girl brunette mid twenties and fit during bbbj i felt something warm and hard hit my pubic area and when i looked down there was set off false teeth (top half) in my crotch.
She was embarrased and said i should of used more bonding glue that day i asked why the false teeth explained it was a horse riding accident that shattered her jaw and the damage was too much too keep her original teeth.
We continued on without the teeth and i must admit it did improve the bbbj we did have a laugh at the end of the session about it

20-09-2013, 01:15 PM
My worst experience was out at orange when looking for a boat too buy went to the knock shop up there while staying in orange overnight and picked a stunning cauc country girl brunette mid twenties and fit during bbbj i felt something warm and hard hit my pubic area and when i looked down there was set off false teeth (top half) in my crotch.
She was embarrased and said i should of used more bonding glue that day i asked why the false teeth explained it was a horse riding accident that shattered her jaw and the damage was too much too keep her original teeth.
We continued on without the teeth and i must admit it did improve the bbbj we did have a laugh at the end of the session about it

Very good one brother Fisher,

I remember reading something about false teeth a long time ago in Hong Kong - like when I was a teenager !!

There were some legendary elderly prostitutes working along Temple Street in Yau Ma Tei Kowloon. These WLs were so old (over in their 50/60), no one would want to have sex with them any more, but they could still do some business by providing blow jobs, and they all have false teeth !! and while they were working, the teeth would be out and you can imagine it could still feel pretty damn good with BBBJ - CIM !!

Apparently, the customers will be lead into a very small room, just a chair or small bed, very dark inside, and you can hardly see the face of the old lady, you drop your pants, she cleaned you up a bit and the sucking started, usually only took 5-10 min per customers!!

ps. I never tried myself, I was too young and too scared, just read those stories in the evening newspapers (those kind specifically for punting news !)


20-09-2013, 02:47 PM
What's the most shocking thing you've experienced in your punting career? It may be something a WL/ML or shop management said, or did, something your saw in a shop involving other punters, a reaction to a request etc. Or anything really.

My story below really set me back on my heels and took me a while to recover and get my balance again. It's probably something most of you will never encounter, but Hey........be prepared.

Had a regular service provider in a massage shop but we went FS from day one, including pussy-licking, natural cock-sucking and the occasional anal from time to time. She was a tall, leggy Filipina firecracker.....not cheap but a top performer in every way. I'd see her every 3 months or so and arrived one lunchtime and noticed something different about her. Face a bit puffy and slightly nervous.

Normally we started our sessions with me naked and her still clothed in a micro-mini, high-high-heels and skimpy top of some description. I'd get her to bend forward and put her elbows on the massage table and thrust her arse back on my erection whilst I titted her off thru the fabric of her top and tried to work my cock into her panties. Somehow she didn't seem quite as agile as normal. A bit lacking in 'ooooomph'. if you will.

I stripped her off and laid her down ready for my customary tongue assault on her pussy, and it was then I noticed a bump in her normally slim abdomen. YUP. She was pregnant....about 12 weeks gone in my judgement, and in no fit state for this line of work. I asked for my money back - she refused. I asked for a partially refund and change to massage only - again she refused.

She said there was a possibility it was mine as she'd noticed at our last encounter that the condom had cum on the outside. Now I was doubly shocked. What was the correct response from a gentleman.....this had never come up in Ethics class. She seemed relieved to have shed her burden then told me she was extra horny when 'with child' and wanted to go ahead with the session as normal.

She is a juicy girl by nature but this time her pussy was prolific. Tasted slightly acidic but not unpleasant. Blowjob was definitely up to par but I was a bit reticent when entering her pussy as I have quite a whopper and didn't want to risk poking the little nipper in the eye-socket or anything.

She went on a break after that and when she returned to the shop I asked about the kiddie. She replied that it looked nothing like me but was the spitting image of her hubby.

I refer you to "The Rules of Engagement and Disengagement for Punters" and in particular point 3.

3. After entering the shop, you see the girl and she looks no good for some reason.
If she is bloated, miserable, over-confident, feminist bitch, sick, etc, then follow your first impression and associated self-preservation instinct, walk out.

One or two other points probably apply also, like seeing the same girl too much, which is also in the "rules".

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

20-09-2013, 04:12 PM
I refer you to "The Rules of Engagement and Disengagement for Punters" and in particular point 3.

3. After entering the shop, you see the girl and she looks no good for some reason.
If she is bloated, miserable, over-confident, feminist bitch, sick, etc, then follow your first impression and associated self-preservation instinct, walk out.

One or two other points probably apply also, like seeing the same girl too much, which is also in the "rules".

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

Look here Heinrich old chap, these rules of yours might have been alright during the reign of National Socialism in Berlin during the 1930s but if I'd followed them during my early punting career here in Sydney I would never have got a root.

20-09-2013, 04:59 PM
a friend of mine (I swear not me), told a story years ago of an RNT MILF joint he would frequent in West Ryde. One night he went after a big drinking session, no choice on offer but one sole old duck. So he paid the mamasan and in he went. Her said she looked no younger than 60, and for an Asian woman, this means she was probably 80!

Normal deal, asked if he wanted Part 2 and negotiated tip etc and then she asked if he wanted a BJ. Negotiated price and for a little extra, BBBJ was offered. As this was not normally offered, he accepted closed his eyes and let her do her magic. When finished, he moved his arms down to his side and felt something wet and knocked it onto the ground. Looked down and there were this ML's false teeth she had taken out to suck him. The funniest/worst was she giggled and smiled at him (with no teeth) - he said he never felt so bad or wrong in his punting life.

20-09-2013, 06:09 PM
Shocking in a nice way, shocked that I enjoyed it.....

About 10 years ago I went to this place in Hurstville, I was a fairly regular client. Usually, the ladies were young, shapely, nice and horny.
This particular day, I arrived and everyone was either busy or temporarily outside shopping for something other. I was chatting with the
mangeress, who was different from the usual one, apparently she was her sister and on holidays. She was about mid-fifties, but looked a little better
than the average for her age. She obviously still had great tits, although they were completely covered up at the time.

"You wait please, give you tea". She walked me to the room and I waited for my tea. When she came back with some tea, her vibe had changed, she wasvery different. She looked at me closely, smiled and pushed her chest out....."you like?" I'd describe her as well-preserved older mother type or young granny, the face was older but she still had very good shape. I walked over, gave her some money for half hour, and gently squeezed her breast.

Within seconds I was fucking her, as she bent over the table. To this day, it is still one of the best sessions I've ever had, and I broke the 1250 punt barrier a long time ago. I was shocked at the time that I could get so turned-on by an older lady. I suppose it was like fucking the older sexy school teacher or doctor, that sort of thing. I still think of her from time to time and generally jerk-off in the process. There was some kind of electric connection with her, not something I've had too often since. I guess she was enjoying things as much as I was, and that heightened the performances from both of us and the pleasure.

Anyway, it was a shocking experience, but a highly stimulating and energising shock. She is still in my top ten fucks ever. Never saw her again, she went back home, overseas somewhere.

Regards, &
Auf Wiedersehen,
Heinrich Rommel Göring

20-09-2013, 06:59 PM
Wow, it could turn out to be a life or dead situations !!
It could create life, really really bad, but you have a life time to pay for the mistake !!
But it could have been much worst if either one of you are HIV positive ! it could kill you !!
Better safe than sorry mate !

LOL. I don't need a safe sex lecture, but thanks anyway. I know what my penis is doing, most of the time!

20-09-2013, 10:31 PM
I remember reading a case last year I think it was, where a guy accidentally knocked up a WL even though he was wearing a condom. He got put through the wringer basically - got divorced, lost his job, had to pay child support. It ended up in court, and the guy argued that since he was paying for professional services, the lady was negligent and he wasn't responsible. The judge concluded that the childs interests are most important, and the details of the conception were irrelevant - a father and mother must take equal responsibility for a child no matter where and how it was conceived. Set quite a precedent, and really made me wonder.

I don't go in for FS all that much anyhow, prefer a good body slide/HJ/BJ. If you're going FS, go anal!

21-09-2013, 01:47 AM
Mine was during a bad punt (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?14956-Cathy-from-Hong-Kong-be-warned) when I realised I wasn't gonna cum ...

21-09-2013, 02:03 AM
"My dick has never got me in trouble" said no-one ever.

LOL. I don't need a safe sex lecture, but thanks anyway. I know what my penis is doing, most of the time!

21-09-2013, 02:49 AM
Hmmm. Seems to be a few too many stories here that begin with - "a friend of mine...." :) So I'll tell you a tale of a friend of mine. He noticed blood on the condom after fucking the WL. Of course he freaked and asked her what's going on. Turned out she was working whilst on her period.

21-09-2013, 08:36 AM
Hmmm. Seems to be a few too many stories here that begin with - "a friend of mine...." :) So I'll tell you a tale of a friend of mine. He noticed blood on the condom after fucking the WL. Of course he freaked and asked her what's going on. Turned out she was working whilst on her period.

I don't mind fucking a girl while she is on her period.
Sometimes they get super horny that time of the month.

21-09-2013, 09:15 AM
I used to see this girl at the Penthouse she always worked even when she was having her periods, she used to just put a sponge in. Back in those days I didn't do daty so it didn't matter too much and you wouldn't know unless she told you or you fingered her?

A bit of blood on the condom never heart anyone, though most of the girls hide it if they notice it.

Must admit I wouldn't fancy doing daty if the girl had her periods, I have had girls tell me not to go down on them cause their periods due or just finished.

21-09-2013, 09:45 AM
Hmmm. Seems to be a few too many stories here that begin with - "a friend of mine...." :) So I'll tell you a tale of a friend of mine. He noticed blood on the condom after fucking the WL. Of course he freaked and asked her what's going on. Turned out she was working whilst on her period.

There was a story long time ago in the forum, could even be in the old forum that a prominent brother was having FS with an outcall girl,

And the condom broke while he was pounding away, but he didn't notice until he cum.

So the horror was when he pulled his cock out it was blood all over and he basically had done a BBFS CIP !

You can imagine the shock he was in!

From memory, both punter and WL were ok after all the testing !

Anyone else remember that ?

Mr Crash and Burn
21-09-2013, 10:57 AM
My most laughable story was running into a client recently. He was trying to hide in a waiting type area and after we were face to face things were okay. Then he was umming and arrring about what girl to see, and I had selected mine. After the usual girl leaves the room for a few minutes while you undress, I was waiting patiently, and in he walks into my cubicle, sees me stark naked, and then says..."please please no tell anyone....I get divorce!!" before leaving without seeing a girl.

21-09-2013, 12:45 PM
Most shocking moment was when I was fucking a wl in mish and she lifts up her arms and her armpits were just as hairy as mine

21-09-2013, 01:27 PM
Most shocking moment was when I was fucking a wl in mish and she lifts up her arms and her armpits were just as hairy as mine

Commonly known as feral!

21-09-2013, 01:54 PM
Most shocking moment was when I was fucking a wl in mish and she lifts up her arms and her armpits were just as hairy as mine

One of the reasons women started shaving their armpits was because a hairy armpit was seen to resemble a vagina and so it was considered unladylike vulgar and a sexual signal to men.

Now that a lot of women shave their pussies does that mean a hairy armpit is less likely to conjure up the image of a vagina in mens minds and infact a shaved armpit is more likely to have a sexual connotation?
And are words like pussy beaver etc now redundant since they are all based on the hairyness of a vagina?
Do we need a brand new vocabulary or do we revert back to the dreaded c word?
Maybe badger is more appropriate as in "bald as a badger"?

21-09-2013, 04:26 PM
Once I had a "brand girl" with one of the agencies. After the deed, I found quite a bit of blood on the condom and on the bed sheet. The girl did not know that she was bleeding. She became very upset then. The reason was that she had an overnight booking and the guy was very rough to her. She took the morning-after pill. She became extremely emotional and did not dare telling the agency. I called the agency myself to let them know and she had a week off. She thanked me for being very nice and gentle to her. I felt very had booking her and only realised she wasn't well afterwards. Poor girl.... she was only there to earn the school fees....

21-09-2013, 05:01 PM
Once I had a "brand girl" with one of the agencies. After the deed, I found quite a bit of blood on the condom and on the bed sheet. The girl did not know that she was bleeding. She became very upset then. The reason was that she had an overnight booking and the guy was very rough to her. She took the morning-after pill. She became extremely emotional and did not dare telling the agency. I called the agency myself to let them know and she had a week off. She thanked me for being very nice and gentle to her. I felt very had booking her and only realised she wasn't well afterwards. Poor girl.... she was only there to earn the school fees....

These sort of customers should be named and shamed, then banned by all agencies !

21-09-2013, 05:59 PM
These sort of customers should be named and shamed, then banned by all agencies !

Poor girl , feel sorry for her!

It's easy to say name and shame but very hard to action though!

I don't think the agency will risk losing a client especially those who pay big money for overnight bookings. I'm all for the safety and well being of the WLs and MLs but I don't think they can get rid of these animals .

It may take some tragedy when someone is seriously hurted that the agency has no choice but to refer the matter to the police.

But even then, it can't be made public as they will lose customers confidence it privacy information is compromised !

Just my two cents !


21-09-2013, 06:32 PM
Yeah.. this poor girl told me that she will never do this again once she earns enough to pay for school fees. I noticed that she had less and less days... It was quite a while ago now... I think the agency took good care of her afterwards...

21-09-2013, 06:40 PM
I just remembered another story, but this would be the shocking moment for the girl rather than for the punter. I booked another girl with an agency. When it was time, we discovered that there was no condom in the room. I told the girl, well, I guess we will just need to do it without the condom. She was my regular at the time. Fortunately or unfortunately, I had a condom with me. For some reason, on that day, I brought a condom with me to see the girl. She was so relieved when I told her that I have a condom. It was a fantastic session. Afterwards she told me that she would have been happy to take the pill afterwards as I have known her for a while... Well... Safety first I guess!! Sorry... can't tell you who the girl was or which agency it was... ;-)

The Cable Guy
21-09-2013, 06:46 PM
I was emerging from a good session in Lindfield, and my very best friend and work colleague, Richard, was entering at the exact same time.
Fortunately, we both have a great sense of humour, very broad experience and high level of intelligence. We had a good laugh about it.
Sometimes, we now go together to Artarmon or Lindfield on a long lunch break.

The Cable Guy.

21-09-2013, 07:01 PM
I was emerging from a good session in Lindfield, and my very best friend and work colleague, Richard, was entering at the exact same time.
Fortunately, we both have a great sense of humour, very broad experience and high level of intelligence. We had a good laugh about it.
Sometimes, we now go together to Artarmon or Lindfield on a long lunch break.

The Cable Guy.

And this was a shocking moment in which way????
Your alter ego turned up at the moment you where exiting? Did you do a 180?
Was the girl shocked to see you again while Le Rod had no idea he had just been there?

"we both have a great sense of humour, very broad experience and high level of intelligence. We had a good laugh about it."
So which one of these abilities (sense of humour, experience or intelligence) were you laughing at? Or all?

P.S. Before replying: consider your statement about the sense of humour. :cool2:

Richard Le Rod
21-09-2013, 07:28 PM
And this was a shocking moment in which way????
Your alter ego turned up at the moment you where exiting? Did you do a 180?
Was the girl shocked to see you again while Le Rod had no idea he had just been there?

"we both have a great sense of humour, very broad experience and high level of intelligence. We had a good laugh about it."
So which one of these abilities (sense of humour, experience or intelligence) were you laughing at? Or all?

P.S. Before replying: consider your statement about the sense of humour. :cool2:

Aah, mon ami, one thing I parlez for sure to you, with the evenness of two hands both, exactemant,
we did have the great laughter this belle jour, but we never do the small talk avec "les statistics". Sacreblue.
Only "les petite dicks" worry on "les statistics", comme ci comme ca n'est pa.

Richard Le Rod.

21-09-2013, 07:43 PM
Only "les petite dicks" worry on "les statistics", comme ci comme ca n'est pa.

Que será será, mi amigo.

Stats are nothing to laugh about, not even on a beautiful day.

21-09-2013, 07:53 PM
I sense some de javu that i heve seen this play out before

21-09-2013, 07:59 PM
I sense some de javu that i heve seen this play out before


I'm shocked!

Could history repeat itself?

21-09-2013, 08:06 PM

I'm shocked!

Could history repeat itself?
It very well could depending on how much stirring he/they want to do

21-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Most shocking moment was when I was fucking a wl in mish and she lifts up her arms and her armpits were just as hairy as mine

OMG I have never seen hairy armipits on a WL, in fact I forgot that girls even grow hair under there, can't remember the last time I have seen hairy armpits on a girl even!

21-09-2013, 10:13 PM
I sense some de javu that i heve seen this play out before

I thought we had read the last of that guy, it seemed to peter out after this post (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?36182-The-level-of-discussion-at-Forum-Can-we-raise-Is-that-possible-or-even-Likely&p=386992&viewfull=1#post386992)...

21-09-2013, 10:47 PM
I thought we had read the last of that guy, it seemed to peter out after this post (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?36182-The-level-of-discussion-at-Forum-Can-we-raise-Is-that-possible-or-even-Likely&p=386992&viewfull=1#post386992)...

It seems he has found (they have found) couple of unsuspecting shops that are willing to let him do the talking for them (bad mistake).
Whether he's compensated for it, who knows (or cares).

I'm yet to see an actual AR (as in, what happened during the session) from the jokers.
All posts have been along the lines of 'highly recommended', which is the same as 'I've never seen pussy apart from Playboy, but my good old friends from high school have told me that it's marvelous.'
So following the thought 'Since I'm never gonna get close enough to smell, let alone taste one, I might as well sell my services as a fiction writer to those who are fools enough to buy' seems to be the Modus operandi.

Oh well, sadly the two shops (Linfield and Chatswood) he's writing about are actually quite good, little known RnT shops with some gems to be polished, and sadly he may be doing them a disfavor rather than favor by posting.

But then again, you know me, I'm just joking.

21-09-2013, 11:07 PM
It seems he has found (they have found) couple of unsuspecting shops that are willing to let him do the talking for them (bad mistake).
Whether he's compensated for it, who knows (or cares).

I'm yet to see an actual AR (as in, what happened during the session) from the jokers.
All posts have been along the lines of 'highly recommended', which is the same as 'I've never seen pussy apart from Playboy, but my good old friends from high school have told me that it's marvelous.'
So following the thought 'Since I'm never gonna get close enough to smell, let alone taste one, I might as well sell my services as a fiction writer to those who are fools enough to buy' seems to be the Modus operandi.

Oh well, sadly the two shops (Linfield and Chatswood) he's writing about are actually quite good, little known RnT shops with some gems to be polished, and sadly he may be doing them a disfavor rather than favor by posting.

But then again, you know me, I'm just joking.

Maybe he goes around to little shops and offers his services so he can get freebies. If he had any brains he would come up with some new characters to at least give himself a sporting chance next time around ...

21-09-2013, 11:19 PM
OMG I have never seen hairy armipits on a WL, in fact I forgot that girls even grow hair under there, can't remember the last time I have seen hairy armpits on a girl even!

Yeah I'd forgotten that they grow hair in there aswell but once I saw it I couldn't Unsee it and even after when we were getting dressed I couldn't stop noticing it peeking out

21-09-2013, 11:19 PM
I thought we had read the last of that guy, it seemed to peter out after this post (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?36182-The-level-of-discussion-at-Forum-Can-we-raise-Is-that-possible-or-even-Likely&p=386992&viewfull=1#post386992)...

Yep i read that post earlier tonight it was raging about the time i joined the forum

The Cable Guy
22-09-2013, 12:29 AM
Hey chaps, takings were up again today, thanks for your help.

The Cable Guy.

22-09-2013, 12:53 AM
Yeah I'd forgotten that they grow hair in there aswell but once I saw it I couldn't Unsee it and even after when we were getting dressed I couldn't stop noticing it peeking out

"peeking out" oh no you have just implanted that image in my brain, arghhh!

22-09-2013, 08:54 AM
OMG I have never seen hairy armipits on a WL, in fact I forgot that girls even grow hair under there, can't remember the last time I have seen hairy armpits on a girl even!

Its very unusual on an Asian working lady but there is one I know of, doesn't do a lot for me I must say.

22-09-2013, 09:58 AM
Its very unusual on an Asian working lady but there is one I know of, doesn't do a lot for me I must say.

May be not so much on the WLs but for MLs , I have seen a few over the years with natural armpits especially those MILFs with family !

And the one who hadn't shaved usually are not very thick .

The same thing happened to one ML who was untouched down below and when I suggested to her that she should do some gardening she sort of said her husband liked it the way she is so she can't change her hair style! Fair enough!

Can you imagine you don't know your wife is a working girl then one night you found out her Amazon rain forrest has become a Brazilian !


23-09-2013, 01:30 AM
Oh well, might as well add in. Recently saw a girl I never have before but chose her because of good ARs and halfway through the session while pounding her she started going on about whether I preferred to use no condoms. Then she kept going on about it. Scary - more so because she was young and hot. O_o

On another similar occasion with another WL it was even more dangerous as the WL was grinding me and kept trying to slide me in with no condom, going on about how I was making her horny. Suffice to say I didn't go back.

23-09-2013, 08:14 AM
Thanks bud, good thing I don t normally go to TP 64 but now I ll remember not to go there.

This wasn't at 64, this was years ago at 1/30 Cronulla St, Cronulla. Anyway, 64 don't do old buck toothed MILFS. LOL

23-09-2013, 11:50 AM
Well, when I read BB stories, i usually avoid the shop where the WL works as well as the other ones that punter takes his dirty penis to.

Because who knows, maybe he tries it there too and got a few WLs to do it. But that's just me.
Avoid the shop ?

How do you know that punter hasn't been to every shop you go ? How do you know a WL hasn't done BBFS with someone ?

23-09-2013, 12:12 PM
Had an incident a few years ago when I was going for gold with a WL and looked down, saw blood and freaked out - naturally I didn't finish. :confused2:

23-09-2013, 04:00 PM
Avoid the shop ?

How do you know that punter hasn't been to every shop you go ? How do you know a WL hasn't done BBFS with someone ?

Exactly, I get around LOL. He better leave Sydney, since I spread my dirty seed everywhere. :)

Just kidding. I do not recommend BBFS unless you have a death wish, but sometimes, as humans, we get carried away.

23-09-2013, 04:53 PM
Can you name the shops you regularly visit for the benefits of punters on this forum?

LOL. You're a moron.

23-09-2013, 05:13 PM
I don't. The ones I know, I avoid.

What I meant was you're only cheating yourself with this false sense of security. I guarantee you've seen a lot of girls who had BBFS experience before, and those punters have visited every shop in the industry already, you might have to stay at home if you impose this rules on yourself !

23-09-2013, 06:40 PM
I m not cheating myself. I m exercising my freedom of choice.

If anyone want to go to visit a shop or WL that allows customers barebacking then it s up to them.

You still don't get it ?!

Ok, I'll spell it out !

Every shop you go to has have customers who did BBFS before !

Every girl you've been with has had BBFS experience before.

So it's up to you to exercise your freedom of choice !

23-09-2013, 08:47 PM
Says the one barebacking a WL.

Where the fuck did I say I go around barebacking a particular WL? The post mentioned I got carried away on the one occasion I mentioned and never saw her again. Secondly, who said the shop in question was aware or allowed such a thing?

I would suggest you stay at home in your safe little cocoon!

I won't acknowledge your ridiculous ramblings any further. Have a nice day.

23-09-2013, 10:24 PM
I can t control who they have sex with or whether they bareback or not, but I can choose who I see or which shop I visit.

Therefore if I know a WL does BBFS with customers then I am never seeing her, period. Feel free to judge me as you want.

I'm not judging you, that's why I said you can exercise your freedom of choice the way you want, it doesn't concern me. I was just pointing out how you were cheating yourself by believing the shops you visit are free of customers who had BBFS !

And I pointed out every girl you've seen has had BBFS experience ... maybe I should say BBS ( Bareback Sex ) experience unless you're doing it with a virgin, which is very unlikely. If a girl had BBS with her ex-boyfriend, there's no guarantee her ex-boyfriend hadn't had BBS with other girls, or he could be a punter like any others !

In other words, you'd have to stay home if you impose this restriction to yourself, but of course, freedom of choice, so you'd better throw that rule away and be cautious yourself !

24-09-2013, 12:25 AM
Let s just get to the point, then: if you know your regular WL is barebacking other customers, would you continue to see her?

I won't, and it's my choice - not yours.

I said it many times it's your choice, not mine, which part do you not understand ?

I'm just telling you not to kid yourself, all the girls you've seen have BBS experience already ! Whether you will or you won't see them, it's your choice ! Let me highlight it for you : Your Choice !

24-09-2013, 12:26 AM
I remember seeing a ML a long time ago and she was dripping blood on the sheets of the bed and my leg ...

A few months ago I remember walking into the bathroom after seeing an incall escort and looking in the mirror to see I had a bloody nose and face. This was from DATY and I didn't realise at the time ...

24-09-2013, 12:57 AM
I think my most shocking moment was when I started going to Korean massage shops a few years ago and the pretty ML after doing the body slide asked me if I wanted to go inside!!! I looked stunned before assuring her of course Id love that! Since then it's happened a few times and I realized I must be blessed with good looks  (jk)

24-09-2013, 01:39 AM
Well, when I read BB stories, i usually avoid the shop where the WL works as well as the other ones that punter takes his dirty penis to.

Because who knows, maybe he tries it there too and got a few WLs to do it. But that's just me.

Hi there,I was very busy at work so missed out on all the excitements.

BBFS !! To do or not to do??

If I hear a WL did it, I avoid her!

If I hear you can get it in shop A, I avoid shop A!

If I hear brother B did a BBFS , I will avoid every WLs and every shop he's ever been to !

That's about it right!

Absolutely brother , you have every right to do and choose to do whatever pleases you!

But then again,if you only ever practise everything safe sex, then does it really matters to you at all!!

Because as other bros had pointed out, if and when you don't hear about it, it doesn't mean it hasn't happened !

So rather than avoiding half of the WLs and 80% of the shops, where you have no control over, why not just look after no 1 mainly - that's yourself and use protection for everything !

Just my two cents


24-09-2013, 02:29 AM
Ok then don t tell me to throw my rule away.

Besides, the fact that you avoided my question clearly shows that you understood and agreed with the point I made anyway so why even try to debate me ?
Ha ! I'm not telling you to throw your rules away, I'm saying that's what will happen if you don't, can you tell the difference ? I doubt it !

Avoiding your question ? Agree with your point ? No, don't be so naiive ! I didn't think I had to answer that's all, because I accept the fact that every girl I've seen had BBS with other man or men, it's not my business, as long as she's not advertising it as part of her service and as long as I put my dom on, I still will see her, is that clear now ?

24-09-2013, 02:35 AM
Hi Bro I always use protection without question and although I accept that there are risks involved when you punt no matter what, that doesn t mean I disregard signs of warnings when I see them.

Even though to your point we all don t know which WL practice unsafe sex
(Unless you're wilisno who s absolutely certain that every WL in Sydney had bareback), as a family man yourself, I imagine that given the choice you would want to know the girl and shop so you can stay away from it.

Yes ! You are right in saying that I'm certain every WL in Sydney had bareback experience unless you are so naiive as to believe you're the first man in her life !

24-09-2013, 04:21 AM
Let s just get to the point, then: if you know your regular WL is barebacking other customers, would you continue to see her?

I won't, and it's my choice - not yours.

This one might be one to avoid bro Gronk:

Go to first new post [Girl info] Syd 90 club ...real sex machine...angel,,,,,sex,cim,dfk,sm,anal,natural sex,
Started by Syd90club, Today 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by Gronki View Post
Hi Bro I always use protection without question and although I accept that there are risks involved when you punt no matter what, that doesn t mean I disregard signs of warnings when I see them.

Even though to your point we all don t know which WL practice unsafe sex
(Unless you're wilisno who s absolutely certain that every WL in Sydney had bareback), as a family man yourself, I imagine that given the choice you would want to know the girl and shop so you can stay away from it.

Yes ! You are right in saying that I'm certain every WL in Sydney had bareback experience unless you are so naiive as to believe you're the first man in her life !

Bro G you do understand what he is saying right? I may be wrong but the point is every WL would have had unprotected sex at some stage, not necessarily in the shops but at some stage.

Now if I had to have unprotected sex with a WL and my choices were:
Choice 1) A lady who BBFS 1000 men all of whom were clones of your mentality and attitude to safe sex or
Choice 2) A lady who had only ever BBFS 1 person in her whole life... her boyfriend who, for the past decade had yearly trips to Africa and SE Asia on bisexual sex romps with his injecting free loving friends.

My choice would be with the lady who shagged 1000 guys...

Of course I understand your desire to mitigate risk at any possible level, but the previous history, without context, adds little value to the equation, apart from perhaps some peace of mind, which Bro's W and AHL are warning may be false peace..

24-09-2013, 08:37 AM
I think the thing is to assume every working lady is having unprotected sex with someone, this is at least the safer option.

If you get offered unprotected sex then you can bet you are not the first or last or only one she is offering or having unprotected sex.

Lets face it we might all like to think we are special but at the end of the day we are only another job.

Always practice safe sex and you eliminate most of the risk and problems.

And I like to see ladies that to the best of my knowledge don't have unprotected sex with clients, if I think a wl is having unprotected sex with clients then I don't see her.

24-09-2013, 10:13 AM
And I like to see ladies that to the best of my knowledge don't have unprotected sex with clients, if I think a wl is having unprotected sex with clients then I don't see her.

Problem is, what about the ones you don't know about? The ones you do know about are minimal. Just for your information, I looked back at your posts and I'm sorry to tell you, but I guarantee you have seen a couple of regular barebackers.

24-09-2013, 10:31 AM
So every WL is barebacking other customers unless she 's a virgin? Sorry to say but you are really very thick brother ! After so many brothers trying to explain to you, you still can't get it ! Ok, one last try ! A WL doesn't have to BBS every customer, she only had to do it with one person, her boyfriend ! And her boyfriend might have done it with many others, or he might be a punter too ! So the risk is the same if you have to avoid them . It's a false sense of security if you think the girl you see has never done BBS ! I would avoid a WL if she advertised as offering BBFS, or even special service, gangbang or Family Service, but not trying to find out what she's done in the past !

24-09-2013, 11:08 AM
What is wrong with gb's or special service (anal) Wilisno? (Maybe you were joking?)

24-09-2013, 11:23 AM
What is wrong with gb's or special service (anal) Wilisno? (Maybe you were joking?)
No, Sextus, I'm not joking, it's just my preference, my limits, nothing's wrong with those services if you like it ! Or at least not my concern !

I've done anal too, but it wasn't advertised, just in the heat of the moment, and I didn't like it !

24-09-2013, 11:46 AM
I've done anal too, but it wasn't advertised, just in the heat of the moment, and I didn't like it !

Yeah, I recall, it was with Tiny Tiny - but the rather expensive $150 extra for it may have raised your expectations too much. Just as all pussies aren't the same maybe all assholes aren't the same either. I'm not experienced enough at it yet to judge. Give it another go or two!

24-09-2013, 12:05 PM
Yeah, I recall, it was with Tiny Tiny - but the rather expensive $150 extra for it may have raised your expectations too much. Just as all pussies aren't the same maybe all assholes aren't the same either. I'm not experienced enough at it yet to judge. Give it another go or two! Umm ... it was actually the second time I tried ! As I said, it wasn't advertised before that, so in the heat of the moment, and TinyTiny asked me to put it in the report, so I thought why not ?

24-09-2013, 12:33 PM
ummm $150 extra for anal?
Somebody got ripped off!!

24-09-2013, 12:42 PM
I remember seeing a ML a long time ago and she was dripping blood on the sheets of the bed and my leg ...

A few months ago I remember walking into the bathroom after seeing an incall escort and looking in the mirror to see I had a bloody nose and face. This was from DATY and I didn't realise at the time ...

Holy cow batman.. I reckon this takes the cake.. I really don't know how anyone can go down on a WL.

As for me, halfway through the act with a WL - I had a thought... a very bad thought! This WL could be a Lady boy.. This was in a Shop at Guildford West, In the intro she was quite hot looking and kept stroking my manhood - wouldn't let me see the rest of the lineup. Got me horny enough to pick her. It was her voice, just sounded odd (but it could've been her bad accent). Just the thought of her possibly being a Lady Boy scared the hell out of me.. lol.

24-09-2013, 02:02 PM
Look, you don t have to attack others just because you have different opinion to them. You ve made it clear that you would continue to see a WL who barebacks other customers on the premise that every girl has done it anyway at some stage. If that's your choice, then so be it. I choose not to and if that doesn t sit well with you then too bad. I don t see the point of you even mentioning it was my choice when everyone can clearly see how you keep trying to force your opinion and attacked on me. I don't attack you if you don't put words into my mouth, I said as long as the WL is not advertising the service, I will see them because I accept the fact that all girls had BBS experience, you made it sound like I was looking for this service !

I even said it's your choice if you don't want to go to any shop or to see any girl ! What's wrong with you ?

24-09-2013, 02:17 PM
Back on track, 1 time this wl squatted down infront of me to suck my cock and let out a loud and smelly arse fart!
The smell was so bad we had to move to another part of the room.

Another time a ml offered greek, I asked her how much? She replied how much you pay, I told her I only have $30 in my wallet and she all of a sudden told me cant do greek today because she had a big breakfast recently and in her words '' I don't want you fuck my shitty bum''
That was a major turn off and I settled for a $20 bbbj.

Look, you don t have to attack others just because you have different opinion to them.

You ve made it clear that you would continue to see a WL who barebacks other customers on the premise that every girl has done it anyway at some stage.

If that's your choice, then so be it.

I choose not to and if that doesn t sit well with you then too bad.

I don t see the point of you even mentioning it was my choice when everyone can clearly see how you keep trying to force your opinion and attacked on me.

Well said Gronki! There is no need to attack others or belittle other members to make yourself feel better.

All wl's have barebacked at 1 time or another, whether it be with a lover or customer get over it guys!
Don't turn this funny story sharing thread into shit with pointless bickering!!

24-09-2013, 02:33 PM
r. All wl's have barebacked at 1 time or another, whether it be with a lover or customer get over it guys!

That's what I've been trying to tell him, even with the help of a few others, but he still insists that I condone this practice !

24-09-2013, 02:43 PM
That's what I've been trying to tell him, even with the help of a few others, but he still insists that I condone this practice !
So what?

He says this, you say that... BIG DEAL.

Unless you guys have some stories to share then why bother polluting the thread?

Another shocker: I once COT'd on a wl and some of my cum went on the floor, she wiped it up with a towel then hung the towel back next to the shower!

24-09-2013, 02:47 PM
So what? He says this, you say that... BIG DEAL. Unless you guys have some stories to share then why bother polluting the thread? Another shocker: I once COT'd on a wl and some of my cum went on the floor, she wiped it up with a towel then hung the towel back next to the shower!

You're correct ! This is a thread to tell story, not to comment on whom not to see and where not to go !

24-09-2013, 02:50 PM
Look, you don t have to attack others just because you have different opinion to them.

You ve made it clear that you would continue to see a WL who barebacks other customers on the premise that every girl has done it anyway at some stage.

If that's your choice, then so be it.

I choose not to and if that doesn t sit well with you then too bad.

I don t see the point of you even mentioning it was my choice when everyone can clearly see how you keep trying to force your opinion and attacked on me.

Well then,

Based on what you have said so far, I guess fucking a porn star is off limits for you then as they had done so many bareback fucks, what a pity, you will never know what you are missing !!


24-09-2013, 02:59 PM
Well then, Based on what you have said so far, I guess fucking a porn star is off limits for you then as they had done so many bareback fucks, what a pity, you will never know what you are missing !!

You're exactly right, that's why I never fancy a porn star, I'll leave them for you to enjoy ! This applies to me too !

24-09-2013, 03:02 PM
My worse experience was the girl fell asleep in the few seconds that we were changing from one position to another ! A junkie apparently !

24-09-2013, 03:23 PM
So if you know they bareback other customers as long as they don't advertise then it 's OK? I think in your heart of heart you actually agree with me on this, you just won t admit it. You see ! You're just trying to pick a fight !

No, if a WL is known to offer BBFS, I won't see her, but I've said many times on this thread, together with others, all WL's you've seen had BBS experience, figure it out !

And I just responded to AHLUNGOR's post that I don't fancy porn stars !

24-09-2013, 04:43 PM
Problem is, what about the ones you don't know about? The ones you do know about are minimal. Just for your information, I looked back at your posts and I'm sorry to tell you, but I guarantee you have seen a couple of regular barebackers.

I have stopped seeing quite a few working ladies that are now known to me as regular barebackers the thing is I have stopped seeing them once I new they were barebacking and some of them its thanks to punters on here that have warned me.

24-09-2013, 05:37 PM
So you pretty much agreed with me, after all.

What s the point of bringing up whether or not a WL had BB experience in the past when at the end of the day you're going to decide with what you know of certain WL or shop reputation when it comes to practicing unsafe sex?
So in other words, you are very much into practicing unsafe sex, right ? Because every girl you've seen had Bareback sex with other man or men !

Of course, you're practicing your freedom of choice !

24-09-2013, 05:44 PM
I am not sure if this qualifies as "shocking" but others can decide.

Booked an escort at my hotel a few years back based on description only - 20yo, 170cm very slim ..
I opened the door .. and that is exactly what greeted me and shared a pretty terrific 2 hrs !!!

She looked 20 to me with slim, taut and toned body :)
She had a couple of tats and with very interesting looks - not a beauty by the traditional view but good looking with a Mediterranean look and exotic, hot looks --- like mix of beauty and slutty !!

So she was really into the sex in a big way & we basically rooted non stop for the whole time - I mean desperate, sweaty, flesh smacking fucking !!! No romantic GFE with this girl !! Haha

So what's the problem you say ??
Where is the shock ??

Well for me this romantic soul it was ....
1) as she urged me on in doggy she would yell out (yikes ... Hotel walls !!) ... "Fuck me harder ... harder !!" ... Then she arches her back and jerks back against me driving me in completely .. she says gasping "pull my hair".
So I grab a big handful of her hair and pull HARD ... Worried as her head gets pulled back and arches her back more ...
Through clenched teeth she hisses .."Harder !!" so I do ... "More, More !!" She screams ...
And I chicken out as it feels like I am about to tear the hair from her scalp .. it break her neck .. or both !!!

2) later she goes over the top again as I am on top with her legs wrapped around me ... pounding her as hard as I can .. as instructed ...
And she takes both my hands and put them around her neck ... "Choke me .." She tells me as again our bodies are at each other like a demolition derby !!!
I can feel all the tendons in her neck straining against my grip .. "I love it ... Squeeze harder !!" ... so I do .. and I am officially freaking out at this point as she is red in the face and clenching her teeth!!
"Squeeze harder !!!" .... but I release my grip ..
I couldn't continue with what she wanted ...

It was the most basic, amazing, raw, sex hungry desperate fuck (excuse the language but I don't know how else to describe it) I have ever had in my life !!

She was incredible !!

....... And scared the shit out of me !!! haha

I don't know if that qualifies for .. "Shocking" .. or not ??

24-09-2013, 05:52 PM
I am not sure if this qualifies as "shocking" but others can decide.

Booked an escort at my hotel a few years back based on description only - 20yo, 170cm very slim ..
I opened the door .. and that is exactly what greeted me and shared a pretty terrific 2 hrs !!!

She looked 20 to me with slim, taut and toned body :)
She had a couple of tats and with very interesting looks - not a beauty by the traditional view but good looking with a Mediterranean look and exotic, hot looks --- like mix of beauty and slutty !!

So she was really into the sex in a big way & we basically rooted non stop for the whole time - I mean desperate, sweaty, flesh smacking fucking !!! No romantic GFE with this girl !! Haha

So what's the problem you say ??
Where is the shock ??

Well for me this romantic soul it was ....
1) as she urged me on I doggy she would yell out (yikes ... Hotel walls !!) ... "Fuck me harder ... harder !!" ... Then she arches her back and jerks back against me driving me in completely .. she says gasping "pull my hair".
So I grab a big handful of her hair and pull .. Worried as her head gets pulled back and arches her back more ...
Through clenched teeth she hisses .."Harder !!" so I do ... "More, More !!" She screams ...
And I chicken out as it feels like I am about to tear the hair from her scalp .. it break her neck .. or both !!!

2) later she goes over the top again as I am on top with her legs wrapped around me ... pounding her as hard as I can .. as instructed ...
And she takes both my hands and put them around her neck ... "Choke me .." She tells me as again our bodies are at each other like a demolition derby !!!
I can feel all the tendons in her neck straining against my grip .. "I love it ... Squeeze harder !!" ... so I do .. and I am officially freaking out at this point !!
"Squeeze harder !!!" .... but I release my grip ..
I couldn't continue with what she wanted ...

It was the most basic, amazing, raw, sex hungry desperate fucks (excuse the language but I don't know how else to describe it) I have ever had in my life !!

She was incredible !!

And scared the shit out of me !!! haha

I don't know if that qualifies for .. "Shocking" .. or not ??
Haha ! You're not quoting a movie I saw on Foxtel World Movie a week ago, are you ?

It was a Japanese movie based on a true court case, the Geisha fell in love with the punter and they engaged in all sorts of kinky stuffs, hand tied, choking etc... Eventually, the punter in his state of exhaustion, was choked to death in one of the sessions, and the girl cut off his willie to put it in her permanently !

You're lucky you came out in one piece ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 05:56 PM
Haha ! You're not quoting a movie I saw on Foxtel World Movie a week ago, are you ?

It was a Japanese movie based on a true court case, the Geisha fell in love with the punter and they engaged in all sorts of kinky stuffs, hand tied, choking etc... Eventually, the punter in his state of exhaustion, was choked to death in one of the sessions, and the girl cut off his willie to put it in her permanently !

You're lucky you came out in one piece ! ;) ;) ;)

Haha - yes I was lucky to survive ... or avoid a stretch for manslaughter !!

Didn't see the movie ... sounds like fun ...NOT !!

24-09-2013, 06:28 PM
Haha - yes I was lucky to survive ... or avoid a stretch for manslaughter !!

Didn't see the movie ... sounds like fun ...NOT !!
That movie was banned in Japan for 30 years.

24-09-2013, 07:08 PM
Yeah, I recall, it was with Tiny Tiny - but the rather expensive $150 extra for it may have raised your expectations too much. Just as all pussies aren't the same maybe all assholes aren't the same either. I'm not experienced enough at it yet to judge. Give it another go or two!

In my experience all assholes are the same, but each arsehole is different ... :)

24-09-2013, 07:10 PM
That s your premise, not mine. My rule is simple, protection all the time, if I know the girl is BBing other customers, I avoid. Why would you try and stir things this whole time when you actually agree with everything I said? Haha ! What a kid ! You accuse me of practicing unsafe sex, yet you keep saying I actually agree with you, so who the last girl you had BBFS with, let me know so I can avoid !

By the way, it's you who's been trying to stir things up, I've been posting things relevant to the topic of this thread hours ago !

24-09-2013, 07:12 PM
ummm $150 extra for anal?
Somebody got ripped off!!

Reckon, I would have saved my money and got an hour massage with happy ending for that.
But if you are in the heat of the moment and a young girls arse is up for grabs then it could be hard to resist!
It is easy to think rationally when you don't have a stiffy and you are not looking straight at a tight arsehole and a dripping pussy ...

24-09-2013, 07:14 PM
Holy cow batman.. I reckon this takes the cake.. I really don't know how anyone can go down on a WL.

As for me, halfway through the act with a WL - I had a thought... a very bad thought! This WL could be a Lady boy.. This was in a Shop at Guildford West, In the intro she was quite hot looking and kept stroking my manhood - wouldn't let me see the rest of the lineup. Got me horny enough to pick her. It was her voice, just sounded odd (but it could've been her bad accent). Just the thought of her possibly being a Lady Boy scared the hell out of me.. lol.

You are gonna love this then, years ago I remember rimming and drilling this Thai girl's areshole with my tongue and I felt something hard and a yucky taste ...

24-09-2013, 07:28 PM
I am not sure if this qualifies as "shocking" but others can decide.

Booked an escort at my hotel a few years back based on description only - 20yo, 170cm very slim ..
I opened the door .. and that is exactly what greeted me and shared a pretty terrific 2 hrs !!!

She looked 20 to me with slim, taut and toned body :)
She had a couple of tats and with very interesting looks - not a beauty by the traditional view but good looking with a Mediterranean look and exotic, hot looks --- like mix of beauty and slutty !!

So she was really into the sex in a big way & we basically rooted non stop for the whole time - I mean desperate, sweaty, flesh smacking fucking !!! No romantic GFE with this girl !! Haha

So what's the problem you say ??
Where is the shock ??

Well for me this romantic soul it was ....
1) as she urged me on in doggy she would yell out (yikes ... Hotel walls !!) ... "Fuck me harder ... harder !!" ... Then she arches her back and jerks back against me driving me in completely .. she says gasping "pull my hair".
So I grab a big handful of her hair and pull HARD ... Worried as her head gets pulled back and arches her back more ...
Through clenched teeth she hisses .."Harder !!" so I do ... "More, More !!" She screams ...
And I chicken out as it feels like I am about to tear the hair from her scalp .. it break her neck .. or both !!!

2) later she goes over the top again as I am on top with her legs wrapped around me ... pounding her as hard as I can .. as instructed ...
And she takes both my hands and put them around her neck ... "Choke me .." She tells me as again our bodies are at each other like a demolition derby !!!
I can feel all the tendons in her neck straining against my grip .. "I love it ... Squeeze harder !!" ... so I do .. and I am officially freaking out at this point as she is red in the face and clenching her teeth!!
"Squeeze harder !!!" .... but I release my grip ..
I couldn't continue with what she wanted ...

It was the most basic, amazing, raw, sex hungry desperate fuck (excuse the language but I don't know how else to describe it) I have ever had in my life !!

She was incredible !!

....... And scared the shit out of me !!! haha

I don't know if that qualifies for .. "Shocking" .. or not ??

A suprise can be shocking!

Reminds me of some rough sex I had once, it was a normal brothel and I wasn't expecting much, but the girl starts talking dirty, I mean really fucking dirty and then wants to be smacked and fucked roughly and talked dirty to. I obliged in a controlled way, she was demure one moment then a total rough sex dirty talking whore the next, she wanted me to cum all over her face and in her mouth and rub it in ..

It's not really my thing, but since she wanted it I tried it out.

24-09-2013, 07:33 PM
But if you are in the heat of the moment and a young girls arse is up for grabs then it could be hard to resist! It is easy to think rationally when you don't have a stiffy and you are not looking straight at a tight arsehole and a dripping pussy ...

Haha ! Spot on ! If you've seen TinyTiny, you know it's not easy to decline her offer ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 09:00 PM
For Fucks Sake !!!
Oops - did I say that out loud !!

Wilisno made his point (and yes we know you disagree from your post comments ad nausium!!)
But he attempted to move on and went back to the thread topic !!

But Gronki stop "chopping sawdust" !!
It is over !!
If you need to repeat your views again - suggest you start a Thread up of your own on the subject and you can post to your hearts content !!

24-09-2013, 09:27 PM
I miss this whole thread there is some funny shit here. Specially CL with his red nose reindeer how silly he is he cant taste the blood ...lol...
Your a true animal CL.

Punter Poontang
24-09-2013, 09:28 PM
Well said Eureka, was just about to say the most shocking thing I've encountered punting-wise is that the Gronk still doesn't get wilisno's point .... :-P

But after that, I had a Thai girl suffer the red tide of the Mekong mid-root as well once. I gentlemanly offered to continue fucking her in the shower, but instead she insisted on finishing me by mouth (previously only a CBJ girl, but then did a BBBJCIM to get me over the line). Got fucked over by the hotel and had to pay for the sheets too. :-(

24-09-2013, 09:38 PM
I miss this whole thread there is some funny shit here. Specially CL with his red nose reindeer how silly he is he cant taste the blood ...lol...
Your a true animal CL.

I thought I would have tasted the blood also, but I didn't!
I do remember at the time that the consistency changed a little (more runny) I thought she was just getting more horny ...
It wasn't alot of blood, just enough to give me a red nose, the girl was most embarrased, I said to her don't worry about it.

24-09-2013, 09:48 PM
Well said Eureka, was just about to say the most shocking thing I've encountered punting-wise is that the Gronk still doesn't get wilisno's point .... :-P

Thanks bro ! And thanks to bro Eureka ! Coincidentally, I have received a few pm's to the same effect, so I just let the kid go now, let him exercise his freedom of choice, all good ! ;) ;) ;)

24-09-2013, 10:26 PM
I only responded when he quoted me.

You can see yourself if you think I m lying.

Truth be told I have no idea why he's on my back when he s actually with me on this subject.

Anyway I ve said what I wanted to say and let s hope everyone can move on.

:) Yes I think we have unanimous agreement !!

Punter Poontang
24-09-2013, 10:28 PM
Truth be told I have no idea why he's on my back when he s actually with me on this subject.

Anyway I ve said what I wanted to say and let s hope everyone can move on.

He's not on your back, you've just missed his point completely imo. I've only just logged in for the first time in a week and read this from start to finish in one hit, agree it's prob best to let it go as it's all been said and re-hashed so many times already without progress.

24-09-2013, 10:29 PM
You are gonna love this then, years ago I remember rimming and drilling this Thai girl's areshole with my tongue and I felt something hard and a yucky taste ...

I think this one take the cake and eat it too CL ...lol.... crazy fucker ....lol....

25-09-2013, 12:27 PM
You are gonna love this then, years ago I remember rimming and drilling this Thai girl's areshole with my tongue and I felt something hard and a yucky taste ...

Ohhh man, did you have to tell me.. I have a mental picture I can't get out of my head now, lol. I see that encounter still hasn't stopped you.

Rofl @ IExperiment - Red Nose Reindeer.. We're going to have to call CL Rudolf or Rudy from now on.. :smile:

25-09-2013, 06:36 PM
I went to a shop in Bankstown it was some years ago now and I was going for all my worth when the papasan opened the door walking in and stood there talking to the girl.

The place was new and the walls didn't go to the ceiling and there were no locks on the door. Obviously I never went back to that shop.

25-09-2013, 09:33 PM
I don't mind fucking a girl while she is on her period.
Sometimes they get super horny that time of the month.

I have heard the same thing actually, but still kind of does my head in.

25-09-2013, 09:47 PM
I have tried having sex with a girl that just finished her period, i was ok with the little blood however her pussy stunk like a 3 day old rubbish bin!

I don't mind fucking a girl while she is on her period.
Sometimes they get super horny that time of the month.

25-09-2013, 10:07 PM
I have tried having sex with a girl that just finished her period, i was ok with the little blood however her pussy stunk like a 3 day old rubbish bin!

Some girls work while they are having their periods, I used to see a girl that did and in those days in a Caucasian shop you could only do daty with a dam so I didn't bother and unless the girl told you there was no way you would know.

The girls use a sponge, the ones I see these days at Asian shops usually tell me they have just finished their periods so not a good idea to do daty I think a few of them us a sponge but most of them just have a bit of time off.

Another girl I used to see used to tell me she was having her periods and would I still like to see her as she was very horny at that time of the month again it was back in the old days and if she said that daty was not considered, mind you she was so horny it didn't matter used to have great sex with her at that time of the month. Probably wouldn't work for me these days as I am getting older and need the passion and daty.

25-09-2013, 10:16 PM
Some girls work while they are having their periods, I used to see a girl that did and in those days in a Caucasian shop you could only do daty with a dam so I didn't bother and unless the girl told you there was no way you would know.

The girls use a sponge, the ones I see these days at Asian shops usually tell me they have just finished their periods so not a good idea to do daty I think a few of them us a sponge but most of them just have a bit of time off.

Another girl I used to see used to tell me she was having her periods and would I still like to see her as she was very horny at that time of the month again it was back in the old days and if she said that daty was not considered, mind you she was so horny it didn't matter used to have great sex with her at that time of the month. Probably wouldn't work for me these days as I am getting older and need the passion and daty.

There was this shop I used to go to in the western suburbs area and there was this girl, ive seen her a couple if times so we know eachother. And this one time I saw her and she tells me she's on her period at the time so she can only do anal. That was the first( so far only) time ive had anal

25-09-2013, 10:51 PM
There was this shop I used to go to in the western suburbs area and there was this girl, ive seen her a couple if times so we know eachother. And this one time I saw her and she tells me she's on her period at the time so she can only do anal. That was the first( so far only) time ive had anal

Never heard of that before as long as she told you before you went in the room I suppose its Ok wouldn't be much good to me as I don't do anal.

Max Impact
26-09-2013, 01:31 PM
Hmmm. Seems to be a few too many stories here that begin with - "a friend of mine...." :) So I'll tell you a tale of a friend of mine. He noticed blood on the condom after fucking the WL. Of course he freaked and asked her what's going on. Turned out she was working whilst on her period.

This has happened to me countless times and at least twice this year. No biggie for me.

28-09-2013, 01:01 AM
Well last sunday the 22nd my girl also was having her period and we did it in the spa and than in the Bathroom, since she was in her period it took time to empty the spa from a little bit of blood :) and I came in her which was no complain from her.

Yesterday she just finish her period I did the same and this time she panic as I came in her and she was explaining how she could get pregnant which I lough as I told her that I already had a vasectomy and she just finish her period and most unlikely she would fall pregnant unless my sperm is alive and able to stay alive for two weeks ....lol.... so I ask her again as I cant see her bleeding.

To make her less nervous we drove to a 24hr chemist to purchase a Postinor-1 to relax her not me :) cute silly girl.
She was a bit embarrass to go in and ask me to go buy :) but I told her I cant as they always say they can only sell it to the lady :)
I gave her $50 notes when she came back she complain as it cost $29.95 for one little pill ...lol... I told her dont worry as she really wanted it.

The Fonz
15-06-2014, 11:30 PM
A few years ago there was a place in the city in the old NAB building near Capitol Square. They must have been short of girls as the male manger offered to do the massage and HJ.
Walk away Walk away.

16-06-2014, 07:25 AM
I've had occasional period sex, whatever. A bit too rich to enjoy DATY with (immediate post-period — I'm not into the vampire look), but come on, it's not the end of the world! Women have periods. Women have body hair. The horror! I have to say that I am pretty conditioned by fashion not to expect hairy armpits (or bushy pussies) these days, but crikey, I had the hugest crush on one of my dad's assistants back in the '70s, and yep, she had the bushiest armpits!! I can just hear her singsong voice now...

16-06-2014, 05:55 PM
Went to a brothel and asked for a double. Only one WL was available so the mamasan asked me if I would mind taking her until another was ready. I said sure.

Apparently the other girl was taking too long because after 10-15 minutes the mamasan herself came in and dropped her pants, grabbed my hand and shoved it up her pussy! The mamasan was attractive and knew how to give a BBBJ, but it was a busy time for the shop and she had to keep taking phone calls and bookings, which was quite distracting. Eventually I asked for some of my money back as I'd prefer to just have the original girl for the remaining half hour. Surprisingly, the mamsan was quite understanding but didn't want to give me any money back. Instead she extended the time with the other WL for an extra half hour, which was fair enough I thought.

Still, it was unexpected and rather shocking to someone relatively new to the punting scene at the time.

16-06-2014, 06:20 PM
Oh actually just remembered my worst moment. It actually made me shiver to remember it.

VERY early on in my punting career I went to my local shop. It was a Sunday afternoon and apparently all the WLs were all tired so there was only girl available. She came out and I kid you not she was the epitome of the fictional hooker (ie the ones that do not have a "heart of gold").

Her hair was messy and unwashed. Her makeup looked as if it had been applied by Homer Simpson's makeup shotgun, set on 'whore'. She was short and fat. Her clothing was old (very old) lingerie which was in such bad shape that it hung off her arms and had several ripped holes in it. She was (and I hate to say it, but there is no way to put it nicely) ugly. She was missing at least two teeth from the front of her mouth and I had no desire to explore the back to see what her dentures were like there. She had a droopy cigarette that hung out of the side of her mouth and dripped ash all over the floor. She was at least 50.

She called me "love" and explained that the only services she offered were covered french (which I didn't what that was back then) and straight sex. All for the princely price of $300/hour!!

I explained that I was new to the game, too nervous and had to leave. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

I often wonder of she was a joke, sent out to customers that they did not want to serve for one reason or another in order to scare them off. I sure hope so.

It took me WEEKS to want to go to a WL again, and more weeks before I could enter a shop without that image entering my mind. I have never been back, and I never will.


16-06-2014, 06:41 PM
No Batmans jumping out of cupboards?

16-06-2014, 07:09 PM
Oh actually just remembered my worst moment. It actually made me shiver to remember it.

VERY early on in my punting career I went to my local shop. It was a Sunday afternoon and apparently all the WLs were all tired so there was only girl available. She came out and I kid you not she was the epitome of the fictional hooker (ie the ones that do not have a "heart of gold").

Her hair was messy and unwashed. Her makeup looked as if it had been applied by Homer Simpson's makeup shotgun, set on 'whore'. She was short and fat. Her clothing was old (very old) lingerie which was in such bad shape that it hung off her arms and had several ripped holes in it. She was (and I hate to say it, but there is no way to put it nicely) ugly. She was missing at least two teeth from the front of her mouth and I had no desire to explore the back to see what her dentures were like there. She had a droopy cigarette that hung out of the side of her mouth and dripped ash all over the floor. She was at least 50.

She called me "love" and explained that the only services she offered were covered french (which I didn't what that was back then) and straight sex. All for the princely price of $300/hour!!

I explained that I was new to the game, too nervous and had to leave. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

I often wonder of she was a joke, sent out to customers that they did not want to serve for one reason or another in order to scare them off. I sure hope so.

It took me WEEKS to want to go to a WL again, and more weeks before I could enter a shop without that image entering my mind. I have never been back, and I never will.


Sounds like something from an adult comedy sketch!

16-06-2014, 09:26 PM
I know, right!

However, as the straight man in this little skit, I can assure you that it wasn't funny :|

17-06-2014, 02:49 AM
I struggle to think of one. I must be lucky most of my punts have been quite decent.

This happened in Perth. I went to see a girl who was operating out of her Northbridge apartment. She was young and pretty, girl next door type; clean house, she even reared a pet cat. When we were about to do the deed, I was shocked when I noticed red dots in her pubic area. I cant be certain if that's STD, so I told her I dont want to continue. She cried and cried and assure me it wasnt STD but I put on my clothes and left.
I left home and kept thinking how bad I treated her. So I rang her again and apologise and tell her I dont mind having sex with her. But she said she doesnt want to have sex with me anymore.
In hindsight, I think I did the right thing and I was lucky she rejected me the second time. Better be safe than sorry.

17-06-2014, 10:33 AM
I have had a few bad ones. One that still haunts me after 10 yrs is this one.

In Canberra, fyshwick- WL huge tits but she had worked all day and had every guy suck on the nipples, so they were red raw and denied me the pleasure, she had the flu as well. Anyway did the Daty - got the flu myself after that.
What makes this punt strange was she asked if she could keep the cum filled condom???. WTF? I asked what does she do with it?
She said I was good looking and she could use it later? Well that spun my brains for a while. I can only assume she sold the sperm off to a fertility clinic. Is there a mini me out there now aged 10? Or did she make a skin cream out of it?
I just have to forget about it and move on.

17-06-2014, 10:41 PM
What makes this punt strange was she asked if she could keep the cum filled condom???. WTF?

I used to see a thai WL that asked to keep the condom each time, she said she rubbed it on her skin as a cream, I kid you not!
She was hot and had nice smooth brown skin!

18-06-2014, 12:41 AM
I used to see a thai WL that asked to keep the condom each time, she said she rubbed it on her skin as a cream, I kid you not!
She was hot and had nice smooth brown skin!


I hope she washed after applying the "cream" before the next punter! :P

19-06-2014, 02:10 AM

I hope she washed after applying the "cream" before the next punter! :P

Oh god, I knew I shouldn't have read this thread. I am going to be thinking about this now, the next time i kiss a WL on her neck, or, anywhere for that matter. Sigh ><

19-06-2014, 02:32 AM
Oh god, I knew I shouldn't have read this thread. I am going to be thinking about this now, the next time i kiss a WL on her neck, or, anywhere for that matter. Sigh ><

Don't worry majority ingredient is protein but i don't think i want to touch it too

19-06-2014, 03:43 AM
Don't worry majority ingredient is protein but i don't think i want to touch it too
its a source of vitamin K and D lol