View Full Version : General talk A question of morals..

20-08-2013, 07:50 PM
I have a conundrum to throw before the great minds of this brotherhood.
Now some of you are aware of my situation. As a single dad getting my kicks without punting is something of a rarity. Anyhow at little princess's school I've become friendly with some of the mums.
One of them has been decidedly friendly. 28, 175cm, size 10 with REAL F cups, ahlungor keep away! Anyhow her and her husband have been having some problems, and our kids are great friends so we hang out a bit.
Her hubby is away for work, and on Sunday we went over so the kids could play. She has a love of wine so I took a taster for her, so we got tipsy while the kids were playing basketball etc.

Now before I continue, I at this point would like to say I had no intention of doing anything.

Anyhow conversations were light hearted, lots of laughs, a bit of raunch but all light hearted. The kids go over to another kids place in their complex and are told to come back in an hour. So she decides to take me on a tour.

Now the question is this. Knowing she was having troubles, being slightly tipsy and looking at those amazing cans, and having never met the husband, do you go for home or keep it in your pants???

20-08-2013, 07:58 PM
No question, you hit it for sure.

20-08-2013, 08:14 PM
Keep it in your pants, just wait till they are over. Damn I phone very hard to type

There is a few scenario if you jump in now, you might make it worse and make thing complicated. You don't wanted to be the cause which is not good and your kid can't be friend which is not a big deal as they are kid but if you respect your kid it's not the right thing to do, even if you can lie to her as you can manipulate her anyway, but it's still wrong.

Best scenario you still stay friend and wait till her course take place, but there is no guarantee as they always try to work it out unless they are tired of working it out.

To be continue

20-08-2013, 08:16 PM
If hubby is still around, better you shouldn't be.

20-08-2013, 08:42 PM
Morals don't come into it for me.
It's all about what's practical and not going to complicate your life.
This is not practical.
Way to close to home. And too close to the kids.
It will come back and bite you on the arse sooner or later.
Don't go there. See a hooker instead.

20-08-2013, 08:43 PM
This reads like the script for an episode of MILF Hunter :p

Mr Crash and Burn
20-08-2013, 08:46 PM
If hubby is around let her make the first move, otherwise when he is out of the frame go for home like Brian Hancock did on Koala King when he won the 1980 Interdominion

Talking about morals....I once again think its immoral for advertisers to bombard the after reports forum!!

20-08-2013, 09:15 PM
I have a conundrum to throw before the great minds of this brotherhood.
Now some of you are aware of my situation. As a single dad getting my kicks without punting is something of a rarity. Anyhow at little princess's school I've become friendly with some of the mums.
One of them has been decidedly friendly. 28, 175cm, size 10 with REAL F cups, ahlungor keep away! Anyhow her and her husband have been having some problems, and our kids are great friends so we hang out a bit.
Her hubby is away for work, and on Sunday we went over so the kids could play. She has a love of wine so I took a taster for her, so we got tipsy while the kids were playing basketball etc.

Now before I continue, I at this point would like to say I had no intention of doing anything.

Anyhow conversations were light hearted, lots of laughs, a bit of raunch but all light hearted. The kids go over to another kids place in their complex and are told to come back in an hour. So she decides to take me on a tour.

Now the question is this. Knowing she was having troubles, being slightly tipsy and looking at those amazing cans, and having never met the husband, do you go for home or keep it in your pants???

A bit close to home, and with kids involved, there is no limit to how bad all your lives could be fucked up if things go wrong.
Be a friend and wait till she is divorced, might be worth finding out why things are going bad, as you may not be interested if you know the reason ...

20-08-2013, 09:21 PM
If hubby is around let her make the first move, otherwise when he is out of the frame go for home like Brian Hancock did on Koala King when he won the 1980 Interdominion

Talking about morals....I once again think its immoral for advertisers to bombard the after reports forum!!

I've given up mentioning this, nothing will ever change, apparently the forum is for advertisers and we should think ourselves lucky we can post and share info for free ..
Not sure what the forum would look like without real punters contributing though ...

20-08-2013, 09:38 PM
I've given up mentioning this, nothing will ever change, apparently the forum is for advertisers and we should think ourselves lucky we can post and share info for free ..
Not sure what the forum would look like without real punters contributing though ...

Speaking of which, I just noticed - Premium Member! Very well done! :D

20-08-2013, 10:51 PM
Speaking of which, I just noticed - Premium Member! Very well done! :D

Oh, thanks, I didn't even notice, must have changed over at 2000!
I obviously have too much free time ... not really though.

20-08-2013, 10:53 PM
As many answers, questions etc as has been posted were running through my mind on this tour. I decided that it was best to keep it zipped, but that was to be no small feat. To put it simply, cricket fans, remember Curtly Ambrose at his best? When there were no bouncer restrictions?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIFGOCGfGY8 Here's a video to remind those who can't remember that far back. He was lethal.
Well I felt like I was going out to face THAT. Now I could either go out swinging like Dave Warner of Virender Sehwag, or, put up the wall like Rahul Dravid. In the end it felt like neither, I was ducking and diving for my dear life because she sent down the over from hell. The highlight was her showing me the spa, then suggesting how nice it would be to share the spa, with a glass of red, some candles etc. I have to say at that stage my dick was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.

Now to muddy the waters.
1. They sleep separately when he's home. She found out about him cheating multiple times, and to quote "He's never getting in my pants again".
2. He's away 6-9 months of the year.
This did change things a little in my mind. According to her they are just together as she can't work while their daughter has a condition she needs to be within easy access at all times, otherwise they would have divorced years ago. Hmmm.

But as rooter said, with morals out of the equation, the practicality or lack thereof, was my main drawback. This shit could get ugly.

20-08-2013, 11:01 PM
The highlight was her showing me the spa, then suggesting how nice it would be to share the spa, with a glass of red, some candles etc. I have to say at that stage my dick was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.

Jesus, not sure if I could have resisted that ...
To help me decide I need some more details, how good looking is she ...

20-08-2013, 11:20 PM
Pale blue eyes, pretty face, 5foot9, f cups, size 10-12, blondey frizzy hair, sassy with a sarcastic sense of humour. .

20-08-2013, 11:36 PM
Come on bro, you can find chicks anywhere, your daughter will have limited options in making friends if she is under 5. If it goes wrong between the "adults" will it still be possible for you to take your daughter over to play with her new friends?

Do right by her and keep your desires in check.............................

However if the stars are aligned and it won't affect your daughters relationship with the other kid's..... go balls deep in that desperate housewife.

21-08-2013, 12:03 AM
I hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts that have been stewing in my brain for some time.

Preface: I know nothing about what it's like to be a dad (though I spend a lot of time with kids and would love to be a dad one day), and I have never been in a situation like this.

With the appropriate worth of my opinion now clear, I'm going to say that I personally would do my best to keep it in my pants for the sake of the other family. I recall a post you made about a night out with your daughter during which you ran into an old flame who knew that she could never take priority over your daughter. I didn't say anything at the time, but your story had a profound impact on me and really made me question whether or not I could really make the right decision if put in that position. Prior to that, I had a default 'family first' position on this without ever thinking about it, but now I can say that while my position remains unchanged, I have properly thought it through and can back my position up.

As I said, I know nothing of what it's like to be a father, but I've often reflected on that time in our lives which we call our childhood. I can count the number of years since I've graduated from high school on my fingers, so I'm not old by many measures, but I definitely feel it. As a child, you're characterised by a certain naivety that you have no real concept of except in relative terms, and only once it's gone. It's weathered in the process of growing up and learning about the world; in living out the experiences that shape you in profound ways that you - and those around you - can only realise in hindsight.

The point I'm getting to is that considering how malleable the mind of a child is, I would never risk the chance of possibly contributing to a situation in which the established order in the life if a child is disrupted to such a degree that it could potentially affect that child's life for the worse. I would want to avoid any situation in which I could potentially be destroying someone else's home life. Their family seems to be in a bad situation, and it's possible that it could all fall apart eventually which - and I hope you agree here - would affect the child the most. However the situation turns out, I would make damn sure that I do not have any part in that, as I'm not sure if I could live with myself

We all eventually come to the realisation that there are a lot of things that are very wrong with the world. I think it's fair that until it's time for you to grow up and have to live in that world, you can do without that realisation.

21-08-2013, 01:06 AM
As many answers, questions etc as has been posted were running through my mind on this tour. I decided that it was best to keep it zipped, but that was to be no small feat. To put it simply, cricket fans, remember Curtly Ambrose at his best? When there were no bouncer restrictions?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIFGOCGfGY8 Here's a video to remind those who can't remember that far back. He was lethal.
Well I felt like I was going out to face THAT. Now I could either go out swinging like Dave Warner of Virender Sehwag, or, put up the wall like Rahul Dravid. In the end it felt like neither, I was ducking and diving for my dear life because she sent down the over from hell. The highlight was her showing me the spa, then suggesting how nice it would be to share the spa, with a glass of red, some candles etc. I have to say at that stage my dick was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.

Now to muddy the waters.
1. They sleep separately when he's home. She found out about him cheating multiple times, and to quote "He's never getting in my pants again".
2. He's away 6-9 months of the year.
This did change things a little in my mind. According to her they are just together as she can't work while their daughter has a condition she needs to be within easy access at all times, otherwise they would have divorced years ago. Hmmm.

But as rooter said, with morals out of the equation, the practicality or lack thereof, was my main drawback. This shit could get ugly.

Well if thats the case you can play it smart as she is the one who wanted to cut it from her Hubby.
You can invite her and her kid to go to picnic or movie for the kids or something similar being in neutral zone is better and if she get kinky let it be so as you know her situation and you better be upfront with her saying that you dont wanted to cause her any more trouble if she cant resist you well have fun, they would be vunarable and lonely at that stage with kid :)
Personally I am not after MILF. The snow or weekend away would give you more time but this would be later days.

21-08-2013, 04:42 AM
If he's away from home coz he's in the military, bear in mind there may be threats with firearms involved...

Now if there wasn't, and hubby truly was sleeping around, then I'd say set some ground rules that it would be a once a week casual sex session. Otherwise, it could end up costing you way more that punting costs you now in time, money and emotions.

But yeah, willing blondie, bit tits, I'd find it extremely hard not to ravage the f*ck out of her.

21-08-2013, 05:05 AM
I hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts that have been stewing in my brain for some time.

Preface: I know nothing about what it's like to be a dad (though I spend a lot of time with kids and would love to be a dad one day), and I have never been in a situation like this.

With the appropriate worth of my opinion now clear, I'm going to say that I personally would do my best to keep it in my pants for the sake of the other family. I recall a post you made about a night out with your daughter during which you ran into an old flame who knew that she could never take priority over your daughter. I didn't say anything at the time, but your story had a profound impact on me and really made me question whether or not I could really make the right decision if put in that position. Prior to that, I had a default 'family first' position on this without ever thinking about it, but now I can say that while my position remains unchanged, I have properly thought it through and can back my position up.

As I said, I know nothing of what it's like to be a father, but I've often reflected on that time in our lives which we call our childhood. I can count the number of years since I've graduated from high school on my fingers, so I'm not old by many measures, but I definitely feel it. As a child, you're characterised by a certain naivety that you have no real concept of except in relative terms, and only once it's gone. It's weathered in the process of growing up and learning about the world; in living out the experiences that shape you in profound ways that you - and those around you - can only realise in hindsight.

The point I'm getting to is that considering how malleable the mind of a child is, I would never risk the chance of possibly contributing to a situation in which the established order in the life if a child is disrupted to such a degree that it could potentially affect that child's life for the worse. I would want to avoid any situation in which I could potentially be destroying someone else's home life. Their family seems to be in a bad situation, and it's possible that it could all fall apart eventually which - and I hope you agree here - would affect the child the most. However the situation turns out, I would make damn sure that I do not have any part in that, as I'm not sure if I could live with myself

We all eventually come to the realisation that there are a lot of things that are very wrong with the world. I think it's fair that until it's time for you to grow up and have to live in that world, you can do without that realisation.

There are 2 sides to this thread IMO,

1) the warm and fuzzy theory combined with the binary "this is right, that is wrong" moralistic approach... and
2) reality... the bro is a single dad who is doing right by his daughter much more often than not I am sure. Is it 24/7 that he thinks of her and puts her first? I doubt it... I couldn't always be selfless; really I don't think anyone can. We would all like to be, there is no doubting that, but in my world, reality world, it doesn't happen.

Against that backdrop, Bro Asiafever has gone there expecting nothing, and slowly the pieces of one thing then another soon drop so they lead to each other....adding alcohol to the mix at the same time as the male and female bodies release their chemicals, the pheromones that evolution gave us to draw ourselves to each other while fate provides the elusive window of opportunity. I actually cannot see how u didnt put it on her Bro so medals and commendations to you... that's amazing and worthy of a big mention in my book.

I am not saying u should pursue or not, if you do then the kids issue has to be dealt with upfront there are many advantages to be enjoyed by both of u in this scenario if u get on and like each other. The danger is; u have been thru whatever u have been thru and come out the other end (i assume)..... Carol Brady has not been thru anything yet so she has that wonderful journey to make and I would not want to be the crutch for her if she crumbles or doesn't cope. So if u r into each other then ground rules would be key IMO.i would be especially honest regrding this stuff, frame it nicely but make sure no matter what u didnt promise the world or she doesn think u promised the world...

Grant your piece is really beautifully written and the views are to be revered for the most part. I wanted only to include the couple of sentences I wanted to comment on but didn't want to edit the story. That's why its included in its entirety above. I see where u are approaching this from, I am approaching it from somewhere else.. the relationship is over the new unit will begin with a woman (currently somewhat attractive and her child, the father's input in the future is uncertain...this does happen occassionally::

The point I'm getting to is that considering how malleable the mind of a child is,(its malleable so bend it around as many good times and laughs as possible, dont make it see a cloud over everything ). I would never risk the chance of possibly contributing to a situation in which the established order in the life if a child is disrupted to such a degree that it could potentially affect that child's life for the worse.(You are assuming the established order being disturbed is negative, it may very well be that the only thing that can benefit the child is disrupting and removing the current order) I would want to avoid any situation in which I could potentially be destroying someone else's home life.( the husband and wife destroyed it) Their family seems to be in a bad situation, and it's possible that it could all fall apart eventually which - and I hope you agree here - would affect the child the most. However the situation turns out, I would make damn sure that I do not have any part in that, as I'm not sure if I could live with myself. ( I would not want to be the cause of a break-up or break down either, it appears that horse has bolted, maybe u are saying if AsiaF did anything he would facilitate the breakup... maybe...... but if not him, if he walks away what happens if the next time she has the means and the method the fellow is a serial killer or paedophile or a wife beater, or a control freak or a whorefucker......What I am saying is that maybe this is everyone's best chance of happiness, especially the children's....

We all eventually come to the realisation that there are a lot of things that are very wrong with the world. I think it's fair that until it's time for you to grow up and have to live in that world, you can do without that realisation.
best thing I have read

21-08-2013, 07:18 AM
Brilliant responses guys. Now I need to say upfront at that point I was prepared to wave the white flag, I'd given up, but as happens when boys and girls of varying ages play, one of the kids came home in tears crying about how the boys were being mean etc etc, so I was saved. It really did make me think though. Grant is dead right (and beautifully written) you don't want to be involved in a situation involving a terminal marriage with two kids, the kids seem blissfully unaware of their parents problems, and having been through it I would prefer not to be involved in the day that all changes and their innocence is lost to the harsh realities.
Iexperiment, yes future play dates will be in the park etc.
Spitzer makes some good points also, and to be honest I don't know how I kept it in my pants either. Let's just say that night I was imagining cuming all over those heaving tits when I had a little 'me' time.
Thank god no he's not military jelly, I would have run 100 miles if that is the case. At best all he would do is get a group of mates to kick the shit out of me if he was...

So crisis averted for now. From here I am planning to play dumb and act like I had no idea she was hitting on me while organising outdoor activities for the kids in neutral venues. I'm sure she was just reaching out to the easiest option.

21-08-2013, 09:34 AM
Brilliant responses guys. Now I need to say upfront at that point I was prepared to wave the white flag, I'd given up, but as happens when boys and girls of varying ages play, one of the kids came home in tears crying about how the boys were being mean etc etc, so I was saved. It really did make me think though. Grant is dead right (and beautifully written) you don't want to be involved in a situation involving a terminal marriage with two kids, the kids seem blissfully unaware of their parents problems, and having been through it I would prefer not to be involved in the day that all changes and their innocence is lost to the harsh realities.
Iexperiment, yes future play dates will be in the park etc.
Spitzer makes some good points also, and to be honest I don't know how I kept it in my pants either. Let's just say that night I was imagining cuming all over those heaving tits when I had a little 'me' time.
Thank god no he's not military jelly, I would have run 100 miles if that is the case. At best all he would do is get a group of mates to kick the shit out of me if he was...

So crisis averted for now. From here I am planning to play dumb and act like I had no idea she was hitting on me while organising outdoor activities for the kids in neutral venues. I'm sure she was just reaching out to the easiest option.

Good idea! the sacrifices we make ...

21-08-2013, 12:18 PM
Two issues here
1) What's the husband like. If he can fight, or is dangerous - stay the fuck away. If he is a pussy, i'd tap that shit for sure.
2) Sounds like she wants a relationship - not just sex. Bearing in mind your kids are friends, it's more dangerous to get involved here if she wants more than a service, because she could prevent her kid from seeing/playing with your kid and brain wash her and you don't want to fuck up your daughter's childhood.

There is no such thing as 'just sex', unless it's a WL and money is exchanged. I've been there, done that many times, I've busted up marriages and engagements before because the girl 'just wanted sex' but 1 time became 2 then 3 then 4 and before you know it, it's a relationship. So the bottom line, if you don't want a relationship with her (and bear in mind point 1 above re the husband's demeanour and physical appearance), don't touch her.

21-08-2013, 03:24 PM
If he's away from home coz he's in the military, bear in mind there may be threats with firearms involved...

Now if there wasn't, and hubby truly was sleeping around, then I'd say set some ground rules that it would be a once a week casual sex session. Otherwise, it could end up costing you way more that punting costs you now in time, money and emotions.

But yeah, willing blondie, bit tits, I'd find it extremely hard not to ravage the f*ck out of her.

Totally agree with Jellyshots...lol

21-08-2013, 03:34 PM
Two issues here
1) What's the husband like. If he can fight, or is dangerous - stay the fuck away. If he is a pussy, i'd tap that shit for sure.
2) Sounds like she wants a relationship - not just sex. Bearing in mind your kids are friends, it's more dangerous to get involved here if she wants more than a service, because she could prevent her kid from seeing/playing with your kid and brain wash her and you don't want to fuck up your daughter's childhood.

There is no such thing as 'just sex', unless it's a WL and money is exchanged. I've been there, done that many times, I've busted up marriages and engagements before because the girl 'just wanted sex' but 1 time became 2 then 3 then 4 and before you know it, it's a relationship. So the bottom line, if you don't want a relationship with her (and bear in mind point 1 above re the husband's demeanour and physical appearance), don't touch her.

Husband ain't scary, but then again you don't have to be with a crowbar hiding behind trees if you know what I mean. But no he's no bikie gang member that's for sure.
On the r'ship front, you may be right, she wants love and attention I reckon, not just to bang daily, nightly and ever so rightly. And yes I've never seen a relationship where sex didn't fuck it up on some level. But damn I can imagine she is awesome in the sack too. She came to school with a cut on her lip, I enquired, and she told me she had been having a dream and had bit her lip in the heat of the dream, and obviously yelled out because her kids came running in to see what happened, and she had to explain why mummy was out of breath!!! Again, cat's couldn't scratch it. Lots of cold showers at my place at the moment, I feel like a fucking penguin...

21-08-2013, 05:29 PM
Husband ain't scary, but then again you don't have to be with a crowbar hiding behind trees if you know what I mean. But no he's no bikie gang member that's for sure.
On the r'ship front, you may be right, she wants love and attention I reckon, not just to bang daily, nightly and ever so rightly. And yes I've never seen a relationship where sex didn't fuck it up on some level. But damn I can imagine she is awesome in the sack too. She came to school with a cut on her lip, I enquired, and she told me she had been having a dream and had bit her lip in the heat of the dream, and obviously yelled out because her kids came running in to see what happened, and she had to explain why mummy was out of breath!!! Again, cat's couldn't scratch it. Lots of cold showers at my place at the moment, I feel like a fucking penguin...
Oh mate, I truly feel for you. The thing is, the only thing you guys can really do is grab the occasional hotel room and just sex it up. It's going to be a costly process and there are a lot of discretion problems.

You're a much stronger man than I am. I would have waited til the kids were outside and tonsil f*cked her by now. Or at least talked dirty to her. I know what Grant is saying but I'll tell you now, I did all the right things by women over a long period of time. My relationship still ended in divorce, no kids and mind games from women.

Is it morally right to deny yourself and her some measure of pleasure? She's already said that her husband cheats on her, doesn't pay attention to her. You could literally set some ground rules like - I'm not going to get into a relationship with you, but we are going to have a wonderful time exploring and if I find someone, this may end...

I'm not totally with the others on this. Yes, keep the children safe emotionally but don't martyr yourself for them. But don't get into a situation that she's replacing one husband for another either. Get the rabid f*cking out of the way and then just treat each other like good friends in front of them. I mean big Arnie was able to hire his maid, have a kid with her and have the kid grow up in his household and hide it from his wife for decades.

21-08-2013, 07:10 PM
Well mate I have to admit to me some women are just out of bounds and for me that is any friends of my wife or kids and it extends to anyone who knows any of my family or friends.

If you want to survive then I think its a good idea to stick to something similar from a family point of view, that way you will probably enjoy many year of happy punting like I have.

21-08-2013, 07:51 PM
Don't worry about morals. Just perform a cost/benefit analysis before deciding what to do!

21-08-2013, 08:16 PM
Well mate I have to admit to me some women are just out of bounds and for me that is any friends of my wife or kids and it extends to anyone who knows any of my family or friends.

If you want to survive then I think its a good idea to stick to something similar from a family point of view, that way you will probably enjoy many year of happy punting like I have.

No Asia you should move in, in a gentleman Manner. Don't worry unless we are uncivilized than worry about husband coming at you. I mean if you don't go in someone else will in time do play your card right and be there for her.

There is so many guys who will take advantage of this situation and your in the front of the cue so I suggest play it right and act like a proper gentleman way and win her not just for a root.

You never know how long the fun or relationship will last.