View Full Version : Other Jennifer 647

Pussy HUnter
11-07-2013, 08:57 PM
Jennifer was a real surprise and a real treat. If you haven’t had the experience of a session with the lovely Jennifer you are missing out.

What is not to like about a crazy high octane woman who presents so well fully naked? Just a ball of naked fun. Medium height, lovely slim body, no babies, C cup natural tits with cute pink nips, fully shaved, super deep DFK, ditto DT BBBJ, and a no holds barred full on sex romp.

Jennifer is into pretty much into everything. Terrific attitude, personality, and vibe, full on DFK, with BBBJ DT up to the hairs. Tight pussy and you may be in for extras if you are small enough. Ahem.

Going into a position by position, blow by blow description would not really explore all the possibilities.

Just a great fun girl. Be nice to her – she is a sweetie.

Currently fuckable on Saturdays.


11-07-2013, 10:17 PM

U did not even mention which shop did u go, and how much for 30 min or 1 hr. How could we find her?

12-07-2013, 04:52 AM

U did not even mention which shop did u go, and how much for 30 min or 1 hr. How could we find her?

I think it's 647 Elizabeth st Waterloo $$85 or $90/150 9310 1837

12-07-2013, 06:26 AM

U did not even mention which shop did u go, How could we find her?
It's on the thread title !

12-07-2013, 08:17 AM

U did not even mention which shop did u go, and how much for 30 min or 1 hr. How could we find her?

Must be new to Sydney punting.

12-07-2013, 07:16 PM
I have been punting a lot, perhaps too much as well.

If 647 already implies an address, I suppose it is shop owners or professional AR writers who will recognise it.

Knowing 647 is a particular address must require extremely high IQ and my guess is that those who can tell a number and relate it as an adult shop address must be a genius. I am just of average intelligence.

My question is also why the shop owner of 647 does not register with this forum so that the AR writer can tick this shop box so that the shop name appears next to the girl's name???

In any case, I will not go to CBD shops anyway as girls working in these shops also work in suburban shops which are much cheaper and have more luxurious decorations and more spacious. More choices as well

12-07-2013, 11:31 PM
I have been punting a lot, perhaps too much as well.

If 647 already implies an address, I suppose it is shop owners or professional AR writers who will recognise it.

Knowing 647 is a particular address must require extremely high IQ and my guess is that those who can tell a number and relate it as an adult shop address must be a genius. I am just of average intelligence.

My question is also why the shop owner of 647 does not register with this forum so that the AR writer can tick this shop box so that the shop name appears next to the girl's name???

In any case, I will not go to CBD shops anyway as girls working in these shops also work in suburban shops which are much cheaper and have more luxurious decorations and more spacious. More choices as well647 has been around for ages, and it's not even in the CBD.

You can't call yourself a seasoned punter if you think 647 doesn't imply an address. One doesn't need to have high intelligence to know what it means by 533, 64, 65, 45. no.22 or no.7 on this forum. Mind you, they are all suburban shops !

Lot of shops are not registered with this forum either they have nobody to look after the forum activities or they don't know the power of it yet. You know they have to pay a fee to be an advertiser ?

12-07-2013, 11:50 PM
Don't forget 114, 116 ,78, 533, 104, 580, 888 28, 47 ,647, 67, 27 ,310 or even 26 ..fuck I'm a genius. I feel like rain man.

Punter Poontang
13-07-2013, 01:10 AM
That's how I pick my Lotto numbers. :-P

13-07-2013, 01:17 AM
That's how I pick my Lotto numbers. :-P

Haha should try that too. Do you get lucky often? :P

13-07-2013, 01:23 AM
I have to say that the logic is wrong. Just a number will tell a punter which shop that is and where is pure nonsense.

This forum and ARs are supposed for new punters to know which shop has good girls. How can new punters know old shops? If I am not mistaken, a lot of ARs were written by professional writers for shop owners. In this case, professional writers and shop owners will know all these numbers and what good is it for the AR to attract new punters to the shop.

If the shop owner of this AR or the professional writer of this report felt I am wrong. It does not matter, I will not go to shop without addresses anyway. I could not even use Google by typing 647 to find the correct address or web-page of this shop.

Make sense???

13-07-2013, 01:44 AM
It's scary but I know straight away what all those shop numbers refer to. I could be a genius or just a seasoned punter, I think it's because I'm a genius cause I'm not a seasoned punter. :startle:

13-07-2013, 03:22 AM
I have to say that the logic is wrong. Just a number will tell a punter which shop that is and where is pure nonsense.

This forum and ARs are supposed for new punters to know which shop has good girls. How can new punters know old shops? If I am not mistaken, a lot of ARs were written by professional writers for shop owners. In this case, professional writers and shop owners will know all these numbers and what good is it for the AR to attract new punters to the shop.

If the shop owner of this AR or the professional writer of this report felt I am wrong. It does not matter, I will not go to shop without addresses anyway. I could not even use Google by typing 647 to find the correct address or web-page of this shop.

Make sense???
No ! It doesn't make sense at all !

As a matter of fact, you are the only one who asked such a silly question in the history of the forum, and still claimed to be a seasoned punter !

While there's no shame for not knowing anything, just ask politely and you will get an answer, but to act smart by criticizing the author for not putting in the obvious information is offensive.

13-07-2013, 03:26 AM
It's scary but I know straight away what all those shop numbers refer to. I could be a genius or just a seasoned punter, I think it's because I'm a genius cause I'm not a seasoned punter. :startle:Oops ! Then you might be a professional writer for the shops according to his so called logic ! :miao:

13-07-2013, 03:43 AM
Oops ! Then you might be a professional writer for the shops according to his so called logic ! :miao:

Not necessarily, he could be just a friend with the Mamasan !!

13-07-2013, 03:51 AM
Not necessarily, he could be just a friend with the Mamasan !!It's not my logic, it's akkw2800's logic, I said that clearly in your quote !

13-07-2013, 05:23 AM
I have to say that the logic is wrong. Just a number will tell a punter which shop that is and where is pure nonsense.

This forum and ARs are supposed for new punters to know which shop has good girls. How can new punters know old shops? If I am not mistaken, a lot of ARs were written by professional writers for shop owners. In this case, professional writers and shop owners will know all these numbers and what good is it for the AR to attract new punters to the shop.

If the shop owner of this AR or the professional writer of this report felt I am wrong. It does not matter, I will not go to shop without addresses anyway. I could not even use Google by typing 647 to find the correct address or web-page of this shop.

Make sense???

Bro akkw, in your first post u asked where the shop was, how much and how to contact them. Immediately after your post I gave u the details. Now thousands of words later you ask how are you as a new bro meant to know what the numbers mean.... WTF are you after?
A simple thanks bro is all I expected, if you would have stopped beating your chest back then you would have already had the knowledge of what 647 means.... Then after committing that to memory you could have found out the next one that interested you.... Makes sense?

13-07-2013, 08:32 AM
I have been punting a lot, perhaps too much as well.

If 647 already implies an address, I suppose it is shop owners or professional AR writers who will recognise it.

Knowing 647 is a particular address must require extremely high IQ and my guess is that those who can tell a number and relate it as an adult shop address must be a genius. I am just of average intelligence.

My question is also why the shop owner of 647 does not register with this forum so that the AR writer can tick this shop box so that the shop name appears next to the girl's name???

In any case, I will not go to CBD shops anyway as girls working in these shops also work in suburban shops which are much cheaper and have more luxurious decorations and more spacious. More choices as well

My apologies if my post caused a misunderstanding about 647.....
Hey remember that time you posted an AR on that amazing girl that turned out to be a moody star fish for other bros?? That was a good one. Lol

13-07-2013, 09:29 AM
You see I'm one to look for myself before asking most of the time, I know it's a foreign concept for some.

If a post comes up of a shop I've not heard of I attempt to find more info via this new website I found called Google.

If one goes to www.google.com.au and puts in the words "647 +brothel +Sydney" miraculously every result on page 1 refers to a shop in Waterloo and links to many sites with every bit of information asked for above. I did this with a shop I hadn't heard of in rockdale the other day and oddly I had exactly the same result, I even had a website with photos of the girls.

That's just my process, it may not work for everyone. It's also quite flexible to any place in the world by changing Sydney to the relevant state, city or country.