View Full Version : Girl info Impressing girls with money or personality?

08-12-2012, 09:01 AM
I obviously want to explore deeper on my very well respected bro Galactus' wise words, and thought this topic deserved a separate thread. For those who missed it, he said:

I think a big mistake punters sometimes make is trying to impress women with their salary/wealth/lifestyle - it sets an unhealthy foundation for any relationship that may eventuate (sugardaddy/gold digger)

I think the guys who are most successful with MLs aren't the ones who spend a lot of money on the girls or impress them with their riches, but those who make them laugh, feel like 'normal' girls and show them a fun time.

Let's apply these words to ALL girls, instead of just ML/WL (unless you have good reason to separate the two on this topic).

Reading those wise words really made me think. While I definitely agree that it is better to impress girls with your personality/looks rather than your wallet, it seems that both are required. I mean, you can be the funny and good looking, but if you are homeless and unemployed, that already cuts down 99% of your potential.

Also, in my experience, women definitely judge you by your money, directly or indirectly. Some ask you what job you have, while some observe what type of car you have, if you have your own place, the clothes you wear etc.

What do other bros think on this topic?

08-12-2012, 09:12 AM
yep u need the money. otherwise no money no honey

08-12-2012, 09:22 AM
Cuts both ways IMO......irrespective of the money factor......if the woman has a good(fun) time.....then "you" will have a good time......

08-12-2012, 09:35 AM
I think it's appropriate to quote the SBS slogan: 6 billions stories and counting!!

Any topics concerning human behaviors and how the minds works will have so many variables and internal and external and circumstantial and environmental factors which will affect the outcomes greatly or small or none. My answer, I don't know, I will never know and I don't think even the people (men and women) in the middle of it will know for sure. Or today he think he is heading this way because she is behaving certain way, tomorrow, another male or female or both may or may not enter the game and everything will or will not change. Who can know.

Have fun, be nice and watch your black!!


08-12-2012, 09:47 AM
My 3 stages of impressing a girl from experience thus far...

1. Age 9-17
Scope: write poetry, love letters and or songs, sing songs, profess undying love,
Objective: getting the first kiss (first pash), getting a peek of bra or underwear, copping a feel
Cost: pretty much all the pocket money and money from part time jobs

2. Age 18-28
Scope: buy cute gifts (soft toys, perfume, costume jewellry), pay for everything, offer extra cash, pay a lot of attention
Objective: getting cim, anal, rough play, sex everywhere, sex with 2, sex with group
Cost: half of salary, quarter on credit card

3. Age 29 - current
Scope: be emotionally present, making humorous, light hearted conversations, making them laugh and laugh and laugh, listening to needs (but not offer sdvice, only suggestions)
Objective: satisfying love making (emotionally & physically), emotional support, companionship, happier sex life
Cost: absolutely free!

Charm and humour are my strong points, therefore I choose to exploit these strengths to the full. During my early 20's, my challenge when visitting massage places was to convert the session to fs, without having to pay additional for it. Of course, this was depending on the rapport and connection. My success rate was 60/40. I felt that at fs shops, girls were not as engaging as it was part of their service. There were times too, where I caved in, and had to pay additional for the extras at the massage shops, all because the other 'brain' dictated the situation! I strongly believe, if you can make them laugh, you can make them do aaanything!!!

the wizard
08-12-2012, 10:07 AM
My 3 stages of impressing a girl from experience thus far...

1. Age 9-17
Scope: write poetry, love letters and or songs, sing songs, profess undying love,
Objective: getting the first kiss (first pash), getting a peek of bra or underwear, copping a feel
Cost: pretty much all the pocket money and money from part time jobs

2. Age 18-28
Scope: buy cute gifts (soft toys, perfume, costume jewellry), pay for everything, offer extra cash, pay a lot of attention
Objective: getting cim, anal, rough play, sex everywhere, sex with 2, sex with group
Cost: half of salary, quarter on credit card

3. Age 29 - current
Scope: be emotionally present, making humorous, light hearted conversations, making them laugh and laugh and laugh, listening to needs (but not offer sdvice, only suggestions)
Objective: satisfying love making (emotionally & physically), emotional support, companionship, happier sex life
Cost: absolutely free!

Charm and humour are my strong points, therefore I choose to exploit these strengths to the full. During my early 20's, my challenge when visitting massage places was to convert the session to fs, without having to pay additional for it. Of course, this was depending on the rapport and connection. My success rate was 60/40. I felt that at fs shops, girls were not as engaging as it was part of their service. There were times too, where I caved in, and had to pay additional for the extras at the massage shops, all because the other 'brain' dictated the situation! I strongly believe, if you can make them laugh, you can make them do aaanything!!!

So True, good break up re age demographics.
100% re laughter also

08-12-2012, 10:54 AM
Cuts both ways IMO......irrespective of the money factor......if the woman has a good(fun) time.....then "you" will have a good time......

Yes but it comes back to, is she willing to give you the opportunity to show her a good time if she knows you have no money?

I think it's appropriate to quote the SBS slogan: 6 billions stories and counting!!

Any topics concerning human behaviors and how the minds works will have so many variables and internal and external and circumstantial and environmental factors which will affect the outcomes greatly or small or none. My answer, I don't know, I will never know and I don't think even the people (men and women) in the middle of it will know for sure. Or today he think he is heading this way because she is behaving certain way, tomorrow, another male or female or both may or may not enter the game and everything will or will not change. Who can know.

Have fun, be nice and watch your black!!


I agree bro, there will always be exceptions to the rule, but I am just trying to make general observations and gather bro's general experiences.

My 3 stages of impressing a girl from experience thus far...

1. Age 9-17
Scope: write poetry, love letters and or songs, sing songs, profess undying love,
Objective: getting the first kiss (first pash), getting a peek of bra or underwear, copping a feel
Cost: pretty much all the pocket money and money from part time jobs

2. Age 18-28
Scope: buy cute gifts (soft toys, perfume, costume jewellry), pay for everything, offer extra cash, pay a lot of attention
Objective: getting cim, anal, rough play, sex everywhere, sex with 2, sex with group
Cost: half of salary, quarter on credit card

3. Age 29 - current
Scope: be emotionally present, making humorous, light hearted conversations, making them laugh and laugh and laugh, listening to needs (but not offer sdvice, only suggestions)
Objective: satisfying love making (emotionally & physically), emotional support, companionship, happier sex life
Cost: absolutely free!

Charm and humour are my strong points, therefore I choose to exploit these strengths to the full. During my early 20's, my challenge when visitting massage places was to convert the session to fs, without having to pay additional for it. Of course, this was depending on the rapport and connection. My success rate was 60/40. I felt that at fs shops, girls were not as engaging as it was part of their service. There were times too, where I caved in, and had to pay additional for the extras at the massage shops, all because the other 'brain' dictated the situation! I strongly believe, if you can make them laugh, you can make them do aaanything!!!

Excellent post my man, very informative. However, what interested me was your differentiation between "advice" and "suggestion" - care to elaborate?

08-12-2012, 12:21 PM
Looking at the thread title on my iPhone, I didn't have to open the thread to know who the OP is ! Hahaha

The way I see it, it depends on what degree of impression you want to have on the girls. If you want a one night stand, humour and fun have the edge, but if you want a relationship of some kind, money weighs heavier !

08-12-2012, 12:44 PM
don't know many people and have few friends...

I've often wondered about that. Don't they hang out with the other girls in the shop?

08-12-2012, 02:37 PM
Excellent post my man, very informative. However, what interested me was your differentiation between "advice" and "suggestion" - care to elaborate?[/QUOTE]

My definition of advice: direct, no options available, one way
"I think you should..." , "You must..." , "It's better if...", "If I were you..." , "You should always..."

My definition of suggestion: informal, presents an option, two way
"Perhaps you could..." , "Would it be possible..." , "Is it a possibility..."

1. I think you should try on that black dress!
2. Perhaps you could try on that black dress?

1. It's better if you could fellate me with less teeth!
2. Would it be possible if you could fellate me with less teeth?

I find that the latter approach works best for me when an option is presented to them (anyone for that matter). Subconsciously, my 'question' of the proposed option has been planted in their thought. it is given to them as an option to make that choice. In most cases, the choice has already been made on their behalf, and not mine. The credit is acknowledged back on them for thinking of the chosen option, therefore they were the ones with the initially suggestion all along!

However, when you find that there are those who require direction in a task at hand, perhaps the first option of advice would be administered. Effective for tasks that do not require a lot planning or thought involved.

Lastly, other patterns of language that may possibly win you over a certain task or goal at hand. Always involve the person in the conversation when you begin any sentence structure. It will induce them that the task and goal at hand is also an effort on your part.
Instead of, "Can you.." , "Could I..." try, "Could we..." "Can we..."

1. Can I come in your mouth?
2. Could we try come in mouth?

Success rates may vary with individuals, but even if the first suggestion is denied, the thought has already been planted in their mind. The option has left a question mark in their open mind, and can be asked in the samee manner. The likelihood of the outcome will have higher possibilities, when the option is triggered once again in their mind.
Try this exercise with those around you and start planting that 'option' seed in their thought. Good luck!

08-12-2012, 03:01 PM
CMK76 wrote:

"Charm and humour are my strong points."

Cmk76, you may have forgotten to add (with a blush) "Even if I do say so myself!"

It sounds like you may be the closest thing we have to Cary Grant now landed amongst us. Well, I say to that (in my best borrowed Yiddish):


He then wrote:

"I strongly believe, if you can make them laugh, you can make them do aaanything!!!"

I'd call that a fact, not a mere belief.

So that leads us to the second part on the road to becoming a complete man (following on from the fabulous "How to make girls come" thread.)

That is, to make girl's laugh.

I have a very healthy sense of humour myself. But humour can be difficult to translate to others, and the better your humour is, the harder it often can be to translate - and translate is a very good double meaninged word when a girl's English is very much their second language.

How many times therefore have my witticisms fallen flat with the sweet girls because of this? How many times have I read in after reviews of jokey asides not working with others because of this?

Answer? A lot.

I will think more about this, because in raising the topic of humour Cmk76, and its importance to charm the ladies with, I want to do better. Just as I want to do better in the other thread I mentioned above.

Of course you have to be natural and uncontrived in doing this, but...

Some quick ideas that are coming to mind right now, is to have fun making mistakes by learning to speak some things in the girl's own language. That would make the language barrier a part of the joke. Turn a weakness therefore, into a strength!

Another thing to overcome the language barrier might be to have some small silly physical thing you could do. Some trick with your hands maybe, that might get a laugh in context, but not here in the cold light of the forum if I mention it specifically.

Cmk76 is absolutley right about the humour aspect here fellas. It gets the girls to do anything!

So we've hit on something else as spectacular as the "making them come" thread!

So how about some more suggestions from others out there about this humour with the girls, making them laugh. What specific things have worked for you that could work for us too? (I'm always after specific details rather than generalities.)

Even if your anecdotes or ideas sound lame in the cold light of this forum, you and I both now that in context between two people naked together in privacy, the very same humour can really work. So don't be embarrassed to relate suggestions that might sound lame, we have already taken that into account - or I have anyway, and I am going to take a gamble and claim I am speaking for any sourpusses out there too.
: -)

Remember, we may be able to work towards having these delightful and wonderful separate species we otherwise know as girls to become giggling putty in our hands!

08-12-2012, 03:14 PM
(now really blushing) I should say modestly that charm and humour is what I have been given, or have acquired slowly and patiently. And that I think of myself as short, beige and funny looking as oppose to tall, dark and handsome! Btw, wasn't Cary Grant a very good looking man?

08-12-2012, 03:15 PM
First of all, how could you know the real age of the girl.
Like many work ladies who are in their late 20s or even early 30s, they just look like early 20s.
Especially the Korea wls.

09-12-2012, 11:28 AM
i love reading these theory and have a laugh.
well. some does make sense.
there is no easy formula apply to any relationship

09-12-2012, 01:55 PM
Just say to the girl , i am not richman and see her attitude , if she just after for money then leave her plenty beautiful flower on the street. And say to the girl who after for money, " money is important but money is not everything , health is important".About personality , everybody will show a good personality once talk to a beautiful girl.

09-12-2012, 07:04 PM
This thread is totally irrelevant to most of us. The reason is that I don't have looks, personality or money so what chance do I have with girls? That is why I visit WL's for a decent fuck and even then it is often only half decent !!!!

09-12-2012, 07:52 PM
if you want a relationship of some kind, money weighs heavier !

This I agree with.

This thread is totally irrelevant to most of us. The reason is that I don't have looks, personality or money so what chance do I have with girls? That is why I visit WL's for a decent fuck and even then it is often only half decent !!!!

Get rid of this attitude of yours (about you not having the looks, personality or money) and you will get the girls!

Plus, how can you not have money when you visit WL's?

09-12-2012, 08:08 PM
This I agree with.

Get rid of this attitude of yours (about you not having the looks, personality or money) and you will get the girls!

Plus, how can you not have money when you visit WL's?

Thanks Bro, well that means for a rich good looking charmer like me I can look forward to an endless supply of lovely girls !!!

09-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Plus, how can you not have money when you visit WL's?

Thats easy you spend it all on them!

Forget about impressing a wl just be polite and treat them right and be yourself, unless your rolling in money you will never have enough to impress them with money and any that are after you for money arnt worth knowing.

Forget about any thing else just have fun and enjoy otherwise it all gets too complicated and expensive.

09-12-2012, 08:31 PM
When a punter visits a WL there is really no need to impress her in any way, that is why the punter pays. Perhaps some bros like to look at things at a much deeper and complicated level but to many it's a very simple formula.

Wan Chai, on this very subject, have a look at the latest things said on the "making girls come" thread. As it is very relevant. The punter pays of course, but he also pays because his own pleasure is so very often a big part of the pleasure the girl is getting from him.

09-12-2012, 08:53 PM
Wan Chai, on this very subject, have a look at the latest things said on the "making girls come" thread. As it is very relevant. The punter pays of course, but he also pays because his own pleasure is so very often a big part of the pleasure the girl is getting from him.

Thats the whole point we are trying to make its so much nicer when its a two way thing.

09-12-2012, 09:42 PM
Thats the whole point we are trying to make its so much nicer when its a two way thing.
That's exactly right ! There's no right or wrong, wise or dumb in whatever the punters do, it's their money, they use it to buy happiness, whatever makes then happy, it's money well spent, it's none of anyone else's business !

10-12-2012, 05:35 AM
Money can't buy you happiness, bro, but I guess you can rent it momentarily for a session.

Truth of the matter is, these are all case by case scenarios. What works for some won't work for others.

10-12-2012, 06:50 AM
Money can't buy you happiness, bro, but I guess you can rent it momentarily for a session.

Truth of the matter is, these are all case by case scenarios. What works for some won't work for others.
There's a saying in America : If you think money can't buy you happiness, you don't know where to shop !

Moreover, no one is talking about long term relationship here, be it rent or buy, momentary happiness is what we're talking about !

When I said money weighs heavier in a relationship, I didn't mean money is everything, but without money, love can't survive !

10-12-2012, 07:07 AM
I didn't mean money is everything, but without money, love can't survive !

Its a shame but its true!

14-12-2012, 05:13 PM
Geez ... you guys think too much.

29-04-2013, 09:52 AM
Try to impress with personality, if that fails and you still want to impress them try money!

29-04-2013, 10:06 AM
The key is to add value and to remain sincere.

Action Pump
29-04-2013, 05:32 PM
I never tipped, i drove a corolla and went to cheap but nice asian restaurants. Never had a problem taking girls back to their home, to going out for whole weekends. This was back when i was young, single and full of cum. That busts the "must be" wealthy myth.

29-04-2013, 06:24 PM
Depends on if you like the girls high maintenance or not, LOL... How about that former policewoman, part time model who was going out with the Sydney gangsters?

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 09:26 PM
Geez ... you guys think too much.

Wow, kickass (aka Tiger) got banned. He's trying to break my record.

29-04-2013, 09:50 PM
Wow, kickass (aka Tiger) got banned. He's trying to break my record.

In my short time on this forum I have seen alot of members banned, and some come back. So who holds the record for being banned the most times ?

Rocket Man
29-04-2013, 09:53 PM
I think Max

29-04-2013, 10:01 PM
I think Max

How many times ?

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 10:12 PM
Max Wood, Max Impact, Butty, Butty Returns, Bibimbap(my Korean Phase), Ginza Boy. There might be more, I can't remember.

I've been beaten into submission now.

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 10:15 PM
Animus, you should be banned for penetrating my wife's vagina. I never can!

29-04-2013, 10:47 PM
and what was kickass banned for,,,?

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 11:22 PM
and what was kickass banned for,,,?

He did have a dungeon, maybe that was it.

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 11:26 PM
I've run out of email addresses!

29-04-2013, 11:35 PM
My 3 stages of impressing a girl from experience thus far...

1. Age 9-17
Scope: write poetry, love letters and or songs, sing songs, profess undying love,
Objective: getting the first kiss (first pash), getting a peek of bra or underwear, copping a feel
Cost: pretty much all the pocket money and money from part time jobs

2. Age 18-28
Scope: buy cute gifts (soft toys, perfume, costume jewellry), pay for everything, offer extra cash, pay a lot of attention
Objective: getting cim, anal, rough play, sex everywhere, sex with 2, sex with group
Cost: half of salary, quarter on credit card

3. Age 29 - current
Scope: be emotionally present, making humorous, light hearted conversations, making them laugh and laugh and laugh, listening to needs (but not offer sdvice, only suggestions)
Objective: satisfying love making (emotionally & physically), emotional support, companionship, happier sex life
Cost: absolutely free!

Charm and humour are my strong points, therefore I choose to exploit these strengths to the full. During my early 20's, my challenge when visitting massage places was to convert the session to fs, without having to pay additional for it. Of course, this was depending on the rapport and connection. My success rate was 60/40. I felt that at fs shops, girls were not as engaging as it was part of their service. There were times too, where I caved in, and had to pay additional for the extras at the massage shops, all because the other 'brain' dictated the situation! I strongly believe, if you can make them laugh, you can make them do aaanything!!!

brother cmk76, I am very supportive to all the above ..... I mean it

29-04-2013, 11:35 PM
Max Wood, Max Impact, Butty, Butty Returns, Bibimbap(my Korean Phase), Ginza Boy. There might be more, I can't remember.

I've been beaten into submission now.

I hope you don't mind, I will delete or correct if you don't like this ?
Anyway I checked these out and thought I would make my first table on this forum, couldn't find Bibimbap though. I also found AfterButtyReturns, not sure if this was you I included it anyway.


Join Date

Last Activity




Max Wood


06-11-2012 03:23 PM

Off to a good start, for a while anyway ...


25-05-2012 08:13 AM

Ginza Boy

18-05-2012 09:04


Seemed a bit harsh to ban this one!

Butty Returns

26-05-2012 10:06 AM



24-05-2012 06:15


Max Impact

Today 10:03 PM


Longest run so far!

Total posts of 1992 over 330 days is 6 posts/day.
There is some overlap above, the admins would know which accounts have the same IP address :)
Looks like an admin was watching Minority report on the 23/5/12 :)

29-04-2013, 11:40 PM
Excellent post my man, very informative. However, what interested me was your differentiation between "advice" and "suggestion" - care to elaborate?

My definition of advice: direct, no options available, one way
"I think you should..." , "You must..." , "It's better if...", "If I were you..." , "You should always..."

My definition of suggestion: informal, presents an option, two way
"Perhaps you could..." , "Would it be possible..." , "Is it a possibility..."

1. I think you should try on that black dress!
2. Perhaps you could try on that black dress?

1. It's better if you could fellate me with less teeth!
2. Would it be possible if you could fellate me with less teeth?

I find that the latter approach works best for me when an option is presented to them (anyone for that matter). Subconsciously, my 'question' of the proposed option has been planted in their thought. it is given to them as an option to make that choice. In most cases, the choice has already been made on their behalf, and not mine. The credit is acknowledged back on them for thinking of the chosen option, therefore they were the ones with the initially suggestion all along!

However, when you find that there are those who require direction in a task at hand, perhaps the first option of advice would be administered. Effective for tasks that do not require a lot planning or thought involved.

Lastly, other patterns of language that may possibly win you over a certain task or goal at hand. Always involve the person in the conversation when you begin any sentence structure. It will induce them that the task and goal at hand is also an effort on your part.
Instead of, "Can you.." , "Could I..." try, "Could we..." "Can we..."

1. Can I come in your mouth?
2. Could we try come in mouth?

Success rates may vary with individuals, but even if the first suggestion is denied, the thought has already been planted in their mind. The option has left a question mark in their open mind, and can be asked in the samee manner. The likelihood of the outcome will have higher possibilities, when the option is triggered once again in their mind.
Try this exercise with those around you and start planting that 'option' seed in their thought. Good luck![/QUOTE]

examples!!! just have a laugh

1. Perhaps you should suck harder
2. Can I allow me to show you how to fuck properly?
3. Please allow me to put my cock into your pussy and show you how good it feel.
4. Could we try move faster and do it closer to the window?
5. How about using your tongue more on my balls while I am licking you ...

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 11:47 PM
I hope you don't mind, I will delete or correct if you don't like this ?
Anyway I checked these out and thought I would make my first table on this forum, couldn't find Bibimbap though. I also found AfterButtyReturns, not sure if this was you I included it anyway.


Join Date

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Max Wood


06-11-2012 03:23 PM

Off to a good start, for a while anyway ...


25-05-2012 08:13 AM

Ginza Boy

18-05-2012 09:04


Seemed a bit harsh to ban this one!

Butty Returns

26-05-2012 10:06 AM



24-05-2012 06:15


Max Impact

Today 10:03 PM


Longest run so far!

Total posts of 1992 over 330 days is 6 posts/day.
There is some overlap above, the admins would know which accounts have the same IP address :)
Looks like an admin was watching Minority report on the 23/5/12 :)
I'm am fucking impressed to be the subject of your first table and yes, AfterButtyReturns does ring a bell and Bibimbap was a real login of mine.
We should be able to combine all our posts! I could almost be a King Member!

Max Impact
29-04-2013, 11:51 PM
Poor GinzaBoy only did one post and got banned! That must have been a doozie!

29-04-2013, 11:52 PM
I'm am fucking impressed to be the subject of your first table and yes, AfterButtyReturns does ring a bell and Bibimbap was a real login of mine.
We should be able to combine all our posts! I could almost be a King Member!

Ok, cool, I thought you might like it :)
Maybe Bibimbap was on the old forum ?
I read a few of the old posts and it looks like some of them may have been deleted, maybe that is why AfterButtyReturns is at 0 posts ...
Are you a test pilot in RL :)

Max Impact
30-04-2013, 12:01 AM
Oh, most of my training was in the old forum, yes!

30-04-2013, 12:51 AM
Mmm. I thought maybe once you got banned, admin patiently waited until it became obvious that you were a resurrection. You were then banned again, without any further transgression, but merely on the basis that you were evading your punishment and exile. Max, your latest long lived incarnation puts paid to that theory.

30-04-2013, 03:28 AM
Back on the threads topic of money vs personality. I drive a nice 2 door sports car, and often get the comment "the girls must like that". Let me say however that not once has any girl approached me just because of the car. It's all a fallacy unless you throw around serious cash.

30-04-2013, 08:16 AM
Six bans and you're beaten ? That's nothing.
I've been banned thrice in a day at one point!

Reality is, when a person is on the internet acting tough all the time - and chances are he is a weak person in real life. (they have a term 'internet/keyboard warrior', )

How very appropriate to describe this troll.

30-04-2013, 10:22 AM
Back on the threads topic of money vs personality. I drive a nice 2 door sports car, and often get the comment "the girls must like that". Let me say however that not once has any girl approached me just because of the car. It's all a fallacy unless you throw around serious cash.

It may depend on the car and where you park it. If you rock up to a trendy cafe in a Ferrari and park out front and waltz in for a coffee you might find some company :)
Especially in a place known for golddiggers...

01-05-2013, 11:59 AM
I definitely think Money is a huge factor with girls, no matter age. It may not be the only defining factor, but the more you have, the less you can have of all other factors and still hold on to her. i think Fame, Power, Popularity can play a big role as well as that generally equates to money or at least in her eyes as some superior special catch and all will be envious of her. I think also confidence can play a big role, also generally i have experienced that its better to actually say advice rather than suggest. suggesting makes you come off looking weaker / unsure and generally less chance of it happening. Especially in the bedroom, will you please ..do this compared to Lets do this.

01-05-2013, 12:15 PM
Interesting topic. I would say money. From my business, I have been plenty of guys who are more than 50 years old marrying girls in their 20s who clearly are in there for the money. I even have a friend who I used to fancy told me 1 week before her wedding that if someone who is rich proposed to her, she would cancel the wedding because her fiance has no money. This girl is a very nice and sweet girl who are chased after by many guys.

01-05-2013, 02:46 PM
I hope you don't mind, I will delete or correct if you don't like this ?
Anyway I checked these out and thought I would make my first table on this forum, couldn't find Bibimbap though. I also found AfterButtyReturns, not sure if this was you I included it anyway.


Join Date

Last Activity




Max Wood


06-11-2012 03:23 PM

Off to a good start, for a while anyway ...


25-05-2012 08:13 AM

Ginza Boy

18-05-2012 09:04


Seemed a bit harsh to ban this one!

Butty Returns

26-05-2012 10:06 AM



24-05-2012 06:15


Max Impact

Today 10:03 PM


Longest run so far!

Total posts of 1992 over 330 days is 6 posts/day.
There is some overlap above, the admins would know which accounts have the same IP address :)
Looks like an admin was watching Minority report on the 23/5/12 :)

Your are impressive :) I should get you to put all my report together :) I only have one account though.

Max does have to much time on his hand :)

01-05-2013, 07:34 PM
Your are impressive :) I should get you to put all my report together :) I only have one account though.

Max does have to much time on his hand :)

Ok tell me your previous user names and I will see what I can do!

02-05-2013, 01:07 AM
Ok tell me your previous user names and I will see what I can do!

I only have this one CL.

02-05-2013, 01:23 AM
I only have this one CL.

Oops I misread your previous post :(

01-06-2014, 03:50 PM
There is a lot of good info here.

01-06-2014, 04:25 PM
Great post
Question: when you meet a girl, and say she is playing it cool and only handholding/kissing, how many dates do you pay for the meal and movies etc ?

01-06-2014, 05:17 PM
and what was kickass banned for,,,?

He obviously Kicked the wrong Arse!