View Full Version : General talk The secret signs for a RnT
14-03-2013, 09:27 PM
1. Sign out the front has a MASSAGE sign in large, bold letters and and /or a neon sign flashing in the window.
2. Opening hours are 7 days and extend past 7pm
3. The front door is locked so you have to ring the bell or knock.
4. The girl that greets you has more mascara on than Avril Livigne (singer)
5. The room is scantily decorated and the whole place needs a bloody good clean/new paint job
6. The towel looks like it has been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson
7. Girl tells you that the massage is 'full body, relaxing massage'
8. She has a pair of K-mart thongs on.
9. All of the girls names end with a Y, 'IE' or 'I' Eg Candy, Ellie, Angie, Mimi, Fifi etc
10. You get a frequent flyer's card at the end.
11. Undies on/off is 'up to you'
12. Shop isn't anywhere near a shopping centre
14-03-2013, 11:21 PM
13. There's a box of tissue paper in the room
14. 'No sexual favour' written on the wall
15. When you flip over the girl whispers 'you want extra?' (OK this is silly ...)
15-03-2013, 09:02 AM
ohh and dont forget ... they are all dressed like cheap Bangkok hookers.....
15-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Decided to remove a lot of this stuff, really it's not relevant.
15-03-2013, 04:25 PM
18. there is no real technique to the massage and the moves are very repeatative
15-03-2013, 10:36 PM
19. All the girls are Asian not a Caucasian girl in site and the owner is asian.
20. There are usually a bunch of asian girls all sitting around and only one will be allowed to greet you and do your massage
16-03-2013, 01:29 AM
21. Relaxing Asian mood music.
22. As soon as you enter an Asian girl gets up quickly and says "come with me" or variations thereof.
23. If there are other girls present, they do not make eye contact with you, the order of serving customers
having already been decided (maybe by an intense mah jong game hehe)
16-03-2013, 11:24 AM
24. there is no real oil in the room..only baby oil
25.there are no anatomy posters on the wall
26. the massage is shit
27. There is a mattress on the floor
this is a funny thread
16-03-2013, 04:57 PM
28. The clock on the wall shows a different time from your watch
29. The room is so dimly lit that you find it hard to pick up the right dollar notes from your wallet
30. While massaging your back the girl will climb up the table and wedge your head between her thighs that if you lift your head you can smell the juice of her pussy
31. The girl will ask about your: 1. nationality 2. job 3. marital status 4. immigration status, in that order
16-03-2013, 05:35 PM
32. When you flip over, after a few minutes they say "What are you thinking??" *
* What I'd like to say: "I'd really be interested to see how much of my hard cock you can take in your mouth??"
What I usually say: "Umm...nothing."
17-03-2013, 10:02 AM
32. When you flip over, after a few minutes they say "What are you thinking??"
I love it when they ask that question. Several years ago now, I had a young Pommy ML ask me that question. I replied with " all the naughty things i would like to do to you right now". Needless to say it ended up as one of the best "massages" I have ever had. ;)
17-03-2013, 10:26 AM
I love it when they ask that question. Several years ago now, I had a young Pommy ML ask me that question. I replied with " all the naughty things i would like to do to you right now". Needless to say it ended up as one of the best "massages" I have ever had. ;)
Haha...nice one mate... :)
17-03-2013, 08:58 PM
This is fun...
33. The towels are either washed in cold water or not at all so even after the shower you still walk out the door and home to the missus smelling like baby oil.
34. The girls are never from Japan.
35. The girls always say "ooh, too much" when you blow all over their hands.
36. The massage room's scent is a delightfully musty combination of baby oil and semen soaked tissues.
37. The older ones estimate your age as being a minimum five years younger than what you really are.
38. The universal "yes sir, you are in a rub-n-tug" signal of the single finger tackle tickle (followed by us raising our hips off the table).
39. The girls are all "studying".
40. The girls seem to work minimum 12-hour shifts.
41. The mamasan has a black-belt-fifth-dan in handies but she sees only a handful of regulars.
Jack the Lad
18-03-2013, 12:47 PM
42. How long do you want to stay for? You have to pay before the massage.
43.What type of massage would you like, doesn't matter what you tell them, they do whatever they feel like
18-03-2013, 03:33 PM
44. The girl will ask you "Have you been here before?"
18-03-2013, 05:40 PM
Decided to remove a lot of this stuff, really it's not relevant.
18-03-2013, 06:22 PM
45. You are so handsome
46. Have you been here before
47. who usually looks after you
48. its soooo big
and if you ask is she wants it inside
49. its tooo big for me
18-03-2013, 06:30 PM
50. usually you see Virgie, why now you see me .....
51. i see you many times at the shop, but never book me
52. can I keep the change for myself ....
53. you are so cute (and the client will wonder how can a man near 50 look cute)
this thread is getting a bit narcissistic now ... and this will be my last contribution, lol ....
54. They look over at the clock and go"oh only 5 mintures to go, which part would you like me to work on"
55. They lightly touch your ball sack while massaging your legs .
19-03-2013, 08:23 AM
56. they lightly touch your legs while massaging your ball sack !!!
19-03-2013, 08:33 AM
OK, definitely my last:
57. they lightly rub your tummy while massaging your dick ....
58. She'll say 'Virgie and Suzie told me you gave them very good massage ....'
59, The girl doesn't feel offended and smiles shyly instead when the client says 'you look very pretty in that dress, and surely even prettier without that dress ....'
19-03-2013, 09:11 AM
60. they smile when u say "do you get wet when u see me get hard?"
19-03-2013, 03:18 PM
haha this must be kidding. the majority of them don't know what wet and get hard mean :)
19-03-2013, 05:19 PM
Asian girl's way of saying "hard cock": "Ooooh so strong!!" :grimace:
19-03-2013, 05:23 PM
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19-03-2013, 05:37 PM
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19-03-2013, 05:44 PM
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19-03-2013, 07:45 PM
81. You call and make a booking from your home phone and they ring you back 10mins later saying that she is now booked (This is a true story so be careful)
Can surely crack 100 secret signs by the end of the week!!
19-03-2013, 08:20 PM
82. The girl makes claims that's impossible to verify like: this is the first time I cum at work, you're the first customer to kiss my lips, I never allowed anyone to kiss my pussy until today
19-03-2013, 09:12 PM
83. and 99.97% of the staff are from either China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan or Thailand.
19-03-2013, 09:43 PM
84. Half the time there is no clear indication of the business name. There might a big massage sign with a chinese name in small letters or nothing at all. This leads you to referring to the shop by its street name. Even when the shop moves its still referred to by its old street name
85. They claim to offer all types of massage often with signage and matching pictures. Eh deep tissie, reflexology, facials etc.
Good thread but a few have points have been repeated already
20-03-2013, 12:51 AM
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20-03-2013, 12:56 AM
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20-03-2013, 01:10 AM
Bro Ahlungor, you confused us QLDers. A lot of your points are not applicable north of the border. It's you who drives this thread off track. Being a king member doesn't mean you can dominate the discussion ....
20-03-2013, 09:03 AM
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20-03-2013, 09:10 AM
no hard feelings bro, you're always welcome :)
but when you wrote that the TV is showing porn, the girl bringing condoms or the shop is advertised in Aus99 then I was thinking 'what the hell is this fellow talking about, QLD shops have more class than that' hahaha ......
it's a great and funny thread indeed .....
20-03-2013, 09:10 AM
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20-03-2013, 09:30 AM
point 88 not valid in Bris bro .... a typical girl only does 3-4 jobs a day. It's quite rare you bump into someone .....
20-03-2013, 10:26 AM
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20-03-2013, 10:58 AM
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20-03-2013, 11:03 AM
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20-03-2013, 11:08 AM
Where is this? Would like to try :)
20-03-2013, 11:11 AM
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20-03-2013, 11:12 AM
Where is this? Would like to try :)
It's a secret sign brother, not everywhere, but if you encounter one, you know it is ON !!
20-03-2013, 12:10 PM
90. It's a large shop in a shopping centre, most of the foot massages are done in the entry hall and the massage cubicles are only separated by pulling curtains, but after a few visits, the same sexy ML askes you if you would like to have a private massage in the back room which is totally enclosed!
It's a secret sign brother, not everywhere, but if you encounter one, you know it is ON !!
Did u find one?
20-03-2013, 01:08 PM
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20-03-2013, 01:42 PM
seriously mate, and it might reduce the fun value of this thread, i think it's a bit irrelevant to list Sydney stuff here. I've been to over 15 shops in Bris and none of them has ensuite shower in the room
20-03-2013, 02:02 PM
seriously mate, and it might reduce the fun value of this thread, i think it's a bit irrelevant to list Sydney stuff here. I've been to over 15 shops in Bris and none of them has ensuite shower in the room
They are out there, you just haven't been looking hard enough!
20-03-2013, 02:07 PM
wow, I have a lot to learn. Could you mention the names of the shop please? cheers
20-03-2013, 02:08 PM
90. It's a large shop in a shopping centre, most of the foot massages are done in the entry hall and the massage cubicles are only separated by pulling curtains, but after a few visits, the same sexy ML askes you if you would like to have a private massage in the back room which is totally enclosed!
They are out there, you just haven't been looking hard enough!
If they are out there and u know it then u will name them. I have been to number of shops here but doesn't match your description.
20-03-2013, 02:48 PM
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20-03-2013, 04:19 PM
I have been to a few RnT in Queensland, as my name is Travelmate which suggest a lot of traveling.
In fact most QLD ML are more well manner and polite than NSW.
And they generally are not work over-loaded.
I spoke to a few who still study in university and they only do few jobs a day.
They do not earn as much as the girls working in Sydney.
But their skill and services varies big time.
Just my 2 cents
20-03-2013, 05:17 PM
I have been to a few RnT in Queensland, as my name is Travelmate which suggest a lot of traveling.
In fact most QLD ML are more well manner and polite than NSW.
And they generally are not work over-loaded.
I spoke to a few who still study in university and they only do few jobs a day.
They do not earn as much as the girls working in Sydney.
But their skill and services varies big time.
Just my 2 cents
Hi brother Mate,
That's a very general comments.
Any idea you can add to the thread regarding the secret signs ??
You probably go to MS twice as much as me, so you got to have some idea, care to share ?
20-03-2013, 05:31 PM
Hi brother Mate,
That's a very general comments.
Any idea you can add to the thread regarding the secret signs ??
You probably go to MS twice as much as me, so you got to have some idea, care to share ?
Sometimes in the city area, they are upstairs in a proper commercial building., such as Queens Street and Adelaide Street, you can see signage on the commercial signage inside the building and small signage outside the building. They generally give you no hints how far the massage girls can go.
But once you went upstairs, the set up is so commercial, they even have proper counter and reception desk.
You then walk in the room, and do very proper massage, then..... at the end they MAY ask you whether you want to receive a happy ending .....
20-03-2013, 06:30 PM
Aaaaaand back on topic
92. You found out about the shop from this forum
20-03-2013, 08:43 PM
Bro Ahlungor, you confused us QLDers. A lot of your points are not applicable north of the border. It's you who drives this thread off track. Being a king member doesn't mean you can dominate the discussion ....
Brown wallaby, you need to enter the spirit of the discussion and enjoy the fun. who cares if it differs from Brisbane.
20-03-2013, 08:47 PM
point 88 not valid in Bris bro .... a typical girl only does 3-4 jobs a day. It's quite rare you bump into someone .....
and I disagree with this too. I know someone who often saw more than 8 or 9 in a day.
20-03-2013, 08:49 PM
and I disagree with this too. I know someone who often saw more than 8 or 9 in a day.
yes, I also know someone who's always extremely busy .... what i said is for a typical, average ML in Bris ...
20-03-2013, 09:08 PM
93. The girl acts very formal while at the reception lounge but once she and the client get into the room she hugs the client and screams: I miss youuuuuu ......
94. The shop owner sees you for the fourth time in the week and says 'oh you look different today'
95. The shop owner sees you in the afternoon and only smiles knowingly having seen you in the morning
96. The girl examines carefully your loyalty card, checking the names on it
97. The girl whispers to you 'what did you get from Debbie last week ?'
98, The girl whispers 'Tina said you made her very wet yesterday'
99. The girl whispers 'Until today I still can't understand why I let you do it to me last week'
21-03-2013, 12:55 AM
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21-03-2013, 05:09 AM
100. A punter walks into the shop, book the ML he read about in the forum, once inside the room, hands over the masage fees and tips for extras, the ML asks what the ? The punter shows her the iPhone with the PM he got from brother brownwallaby about this ML and what's she offering! all good, everybody is happy!
that makes it a perfect 100, haha .....
21-03-2013, 05:45 AM
101. The client says to the girl 'I think you should pay me today because you cum more times than I did' and the girl laughs shyly and pinches your tummy
102. It's 40' into the session, the client has flipped over, the ML has been teasing and tickllng, the client has been hard on for 10 minutes but nothing is requested yet. The girl asks 'You don't want me to take off? usually you ask me from the start', the client answers 'I don't have much money today'. The girls asks 'so how much money do you have?', the client answers 'just that $35 change on the table', the girl says 'that's enough for HJ', the client says 'no, HJ without touching you is no good', the girl says 'OK, since you're always good to me this time I'll take off my clothes and give you HJ for $35'. All good, everybody is happy ...
(actually this works to get a massive discount when you're not so desperate)
21-03-2013, 08:08 AM
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21-03-2013, 08:28 AM
103. 40 min into the session, the ML has been teasing you, tickling your balls and running her hand along your crack and finger rimming you, you has been rock hard for the last 5, still no discussion of extra and order to turn over, may be what you read after this shop was true, lots of teasing but No cum shot, what the!
So you decided to take matters into your own...... You bend your right knee, so you are able to raise your hips a little, the ML makes use of the extra room and moves her hand to get hold of your rock hard cock and starts to stroke you while you are still lying face down, you have been on edge for so long you are ready to explode, so you drop you knee, your cock was pressing down on her hand, she trys to pull her hand out, you grab her arm to keep her hand underneath you, you fuck her hand for 5 more seconds and you cum and cum and cum......
You are happy now! You got up reach for the tissue box and clean up yourself, hand the box to the ML to clean her hand. And started to get dressed.
May I have my tip please? What tip? Tip for the HJ! What HJ? Didn't you just cum all over my hand! Oh, that cum, I am sorry, you massage is so good I cum by myself!!
You walk out of the room very happy but not the
Haha little mean but funny to read.....and never return?
21-03-2013, 08:53 AM
Haha little mean but funny to read.....and never return?
Haha, "never return". I don't think so, hard enough to find a RnT shop in Brisbane as it is right?
So if the massage is decent and the ML has got a big pair, why not, at least now you know it is ON, and with that little episode between you and the ML, I can just imagine the fun you are gonna have on your next visit! But you must tip next time though, she probably earn
22-03-2013, 09:09 AM
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22-03-2013, 09:53 AM
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22-03-2013, 10:17 AM
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22-03-2013, 01:47 PM
108. The client panicks as under the dim light in the room he ruffles thru his loyalty cards in the wallet and keeps picking up a wrong card from a different shop, with the girl waiting beside ......
(always get the right card handy when arriving at the shop)
22-03-2013, 10:10 PM
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22-03-2013, 10:20 PM
110. You ring up "Cloud 9 Massage, Haircuts and Waxing" (for example) and ask for a booking with your regular girl. The mamasan replies with: "Sorry, Tanya is not available but we have a new girl named Vivienne". You hesitate for a second, prompting the mamasan to say:"Yes, Vivienne a very pretty, sexy girl" (rather than "Vivienne has many years of remedial massage experience and multiple acupuncture qualifications.) Hmm...
111. You lie down on the table and strategically place your hands above your head (hoping that the ML presses her thighs aganist your hands, giving you no option but to separate your hands and start ticking the outside of the ML's thighs) and the ML grabs your hands and pulls them round her so that you are now groping/cupping her tight Korean ass.
22-03-2013, 10:25 PM
109. The sexy ML is wearing a tiny singlet top not quite big enough to cover her red bra underneath, and you can see some of the tatoos she has, you start wonder what else has she got on the rest of her body??
Should you hand over the tip now and head straight to part II and strip her naked ??
Nowadays part 1 rarely exists, or if it does never exceeds 20' in a 60' session :)
23-03-2013, 12:59 AM
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23-03-2013, 03:56 PM
this thread has a potential to be Brisbane's "This is what RnT is all about!!", without the need of pictures!
23-03-2013, 04:21 PM
This is starting to sound like the Secret Signs Of Massage Shop Addicts :P
23-03-2013, 04:24 PM
This is starting to sound like the Secret Signs Of Massage Shop Addicts :P
you speak the words of truth, mate :)
23-03-2013, 05:28 PM
you speak the words of truth, mate :)
Haha! Cheers mate! :D
23-03-2013, 08:58 PM
The way this thread is going, it just might get 100 replies as well!! Thanks to everyone who has contributed......
113. The ML has an assortment of exposed and covered tattoos, most of which look like they were done by their sister or best friend. If they look professionally done, she may well be professional in fields other than just massage. (harhar)
24-03-2013, 01:21 AM
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24-03-2013, 01:26 AM
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24-03-2013, 06:23 AM
116. The girl skilfully utilises her beautiful long hair to tickle your butt crack and back areas (and tummy when you flip over)
117. The girl always confirms whether the 'fifty dollars' you offer for full nudity + HJ means 'five zero' (fifty), not 'one five' (fifteen)
118. The girl refuses to give you HJ because she's heard from another girl that it took a long time for you to come and she's tired already (so you settle for DIY plus nudity)
24-03-2013, 10:02 AM
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24-03-2013, 10:24 AM
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24-03-2013, 10:30 AM
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24-03-2013, 10:43 AM
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24-03-2013, 11:17 AM
This thread is starting to get way off track.
24-03-2013, 02:24 PM
119. This might be a bit further advanced than the title, cause you are already regular with this ML, has a very good rapport and on a few occasions , already gone all the way, but you are a married man so you don't want to do FS everytime, besides, you don't have the extra budget!
This day you meet her as usual, after your usual bear hug greeting inside the room, you took out your wallet and pull out $110 being the massage fees and her tip for the nude HJ, she pressed towards you, your arm is caught in between her big tits, she kiss your face with tongue licking your ear, and said, I need more money for my Mum for Chinese Néw Year, lets fuck!!
Pull another $50 out from your wallet, put the money on the side table and before you can even responded , she kneed down in front of you, unzip you, pull out your lil brother who is still asleep and put all of him inside her mouth!!
Guess she really needs the money, what can a man do but grow up very quickly inside her mouth and enjoy.......
ps. another true story !
i trust this one..... 100% true story
24-03-2013, 05:28 PM
Totally unrelated
25-03-2013, 01:16 AM
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25-03-2013, 01:21 AM
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25-03-2013, 09:28 AM
Totally unrelated
25-03-2013, 11:58 AM
Totally unrelated
27-03-2013, 10:26 AM
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27-03-2013, 04:33 PM
No reply since Monday ??
May be I need to start the ball rolling again!
Maybe these stories would sit best under a different thread as a review or excellent experiences. My interpretation of secret signs of a RNT would be things to look for when you first visit a shop to know if you have a chance of leaving happy. It wouldn't count having a story of a place you have already visited 10 times and already got a HJ therefore you already know its a RNT
27-03-2013, 04:59 PM
Bro icanfly, maybe you should start a thread of best or weirdest punting experience ever
27-03-2013, 05:21 PM
Maybe these stories would sit best under a different thread as a review or excellent experiences. My interpretation of secret signs of a RNT would be things to look for when you first visit a shop to know if you have a chance of leaving happy. It wouldn't count having a story of a place you have already visited 10 times and already got a HJ therefore you already know its a RNT
Agreed. Hence the reason I said earlier that this thread has gone off track.
27-03-2013, 05:33 PM
Bro icanfly, maybe you should start a thread of best or weirdest punting experience ever
Well I dont really have any stories to tell yet maybe ahlunghor could do the honours
27-03-2013, 05:42 PM
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27-03-2013, 05:49 PM
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27-03-2013, 08:06 PM
Stories !!
I have plenty, just not sure if people actually like to read them or think that they are too boring and inappropriate for the title of this thread !!
Like to read them, but in a more appropriate thread.
29-03-2013, 01:26 AM
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30-03-2013, 12:38 AM
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30-03-2013, 11:33 PM
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30-03-2013, 11:35 PM
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31-03-2013, 05:11 AM
ok somebody tell me if this is a sign of anything. The door is wide open but there's no one in the lobby/lounge area. ... ... well the sign says "open" and the door is open.
If you want to make sure, check out the shop at the end of Water St, (Spring Hill/Bowen Hills). The interior design reminded me of Amore ....
02-04-2013, 08:33 AM
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02-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Funny but that's exactly what happened to me once. Well I didn't count the candles but the thing that followed was a hot stone massage, lights off and candles lit. It was a "tanning salon" in Seattle. The door was actually close but the sign said "open" so I walked in the shop. There was a counter and there were some ...products for sale on the shelves but no one was around! Well this reminds me of a so far unmentioned sign.
132. Before the lady lets you in the backroom she tells you that "the girls work for tips". ...and she was talking through the hatch in the door so I could only see her eyes until I let her know that I knew the deal and it was fine with me.
It was very hard to get any details about the service or the prices but as it turned out, I got a candle-lit hot stone massage with a sexy Vietnamese-American ML for $160 USD.
02-04-2013, 03:41 PM
Haha brother Peter,
"The girls work for tips!" Is music to all our horny lots, is it not ??
We are only too happy to pay for their school fees, living expenses, cup noodles and LV bags , if only they would take our money and give us what we want.........haha
Very nice one
02-04-2013, 03:53 PM
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03-04-2013, 12:23 AM
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03-04-2013, 12:30 AM
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03-04-2013, 08:34 AM
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03-04-2013, 10:48 PM
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04-04-2013, 08:26 AM
Decided to remove a lot of this stuff, really it's not relevant.
04-04-2013, 09:38 AM
Mr Brainsex, I think of the same ....
04-04-2013, 11:11 AM
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04-04-2013, 12:50 PM
I think Brainsex's posting is self-explanatory
04-04-2013, 02:27 PM
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04-04-2013, 02:50 PM
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04-04-2013, 02:56 PM
Many of the points are not relevant to QLD scene where things are more subtle and discreet, and for me the thread has lost its fun. That's all I can say without wanting to offend anyone
04-04-2013, 03:25 PM
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04-04-2013, 04:16 PM
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05-04-2013, 10:50 AM
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05-04-2013, 02:56 PM
141. Not a Secret Sign any more !!
Ha Ha
Don't forget the tip!
07-04-2013, 11:30 AM
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07-04-2013, 02:49 PM
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08-04-2013, 12:20 AM
I think this thread should be renamed to:
"AHLUNGOR's secret signs for a Sydney RnT"
08-04-2013, 09:43 AM
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dr wankenstein
08-04-2013, 07:36 PM
this thread should be put out of its misery.
09-04-2013, 06:18 AM
AHLUNGOR we never see most of those signs here. They must be really secret. ... and the most useful threads here are not the ones with the biggest number of replies anyway. It's interesting to read to a point but we might as well be reading about punting in Singapore or Thailand.
Enough is enough ok? :cool2:
09-04-2013, 02:31 PM
Sorry again for the intrusion !!
I have taken off every signs I have posted here, so it is now back to "YOUR BRISBANE" signs exclusive, no harm done right!
It's been fun though.
And thanks to the few brothers who have supported me and your kind encouragements, you know who you are, see you around.
25-04-2013, 01:49 PM
142. The girl asks "Are you a police?"
02-05-2013, 01:18 AM
142. The girl asks "Are you a police?"
Hi brother hornodog,
Are you trying to revive this thread or something ??
I thought no one would ever look at it again
03-05-2013, 03:41 PM
143. The girl in the front counter is eating noodles while staring at a surveillance monitor.
144. The rooms are cleaner than the hallway.
145. The pavement outside is cleaner than both.
05-05-2013, 02:31 AM
146. As soon as you are in the room with the ML, she locks the door from inside.
147. The ML told you she just turned 18 last month .
148. The ML asks you to take a shower before the session
10-05-2013, 05:57 PM
149. If the ML tries to take your pants off at the start of the session !!
10-05-2013, 06:39 PM
146. As soon as you are in the room with the ML, she locks the door from inside.
147. The ML told you she just turned 18 last month .
148. The ML asks you to take a shower before the session
One particular shop in Brisbane applies no 146, to my great surprise .... no 148 as usual not applicable in Bris
10-05-2013, 10:24 PM
One particular shop in Brisbane applies no 146, to my great surprise .... no 148 as usual not applicable in Bris
If this is the same shop I'm thinking of, I actually got busted with the half-naked owner, by one of her own employees. You would think of all people, the boss would remember to lock the door :)
150. You are getting undressed in the massage room and the door is closed, when you hear a knock on the door by your ML. You say "just a moment" but she walks in anyway and doesn't bat an eyelid as you remove your last piece of clothing.
*walks down the pitch, raises bat, acknowledges the crowd*
10-05-2013, 10:29 PM
If this is the same shop I'm thinking of, I actually got busted with the half-naked owner, by one of her own employees. You would think of all people, the boss would remember to lock the door :)
150. You are getting undressed in the massage room and the door is closed, when you hear a knock on the door by your ML. You say "just a moment" but she walks in anyway and doesn't bat an eyelid as you remove your last piece of clothing.
*walks down the pitch, raises bat, acknowledges the crowd*
Actually there are 2 shops, the one you're thinking of and the one less than 15-mins drive from it :)
26-05-2013, 04:13 PM
This happened recently, and I couldn't help but laugh.
151. In the massage room there is a small cabinet, on top of which is the lamp, tissue box, massage oil and other doodads. The ML pulls the last tissue out of the box, then swings open the cabinet door which revealed 6-8 unopened tissue boxes and nothing else!
27-05-2013, 12:58 PM
This happened recently, and I couldn't help but laugh.
151. In the massage room there is a small cabinet, on top of which is the lamp, tissue box, massage oil and other doodads. The ML pulls the last tissue out of the box, then swings open the cabinet door which revealed 6-8 unopened tissue boxes and nothing else!
Hi Brother,
Tissue boxes in ample supply is always a "Good" sign, to me, the present of a box of "Wet Tissues" or "Baby Wipes" is definitely a sign for the Sure Thing !!
28-05-2013, 12:08 AM
Haven't seen any baby wipes in my travels so far, I'm sure if I did then it would be a big deal (if they mean what I think they mean).
Big John
31-05-2013, 04:10 PM
152. They always try to promote dual massage even you told them you don't need two girls.
153. Lots of price list, but always end up either 30 mins or 60 mins.
154.Heaps options,deep tissue, sport massage or reflexology, but what u always get is a relaxation massage.
01-06-2013, 12:54 AM
Haha, occasionally there are still some brothers who are trying to keep this thread alive!
May be I should not have taken out all of my previously posted secret signs some of them made really good reading even I was very proud of myself !!
I have saved them somewhere, any one like to see them returning??
Give me three yes's and I shall keep you guys entertained !!
Ps. I will only count the yes vote this, all those ney votes and opinions that my signs are not applicable in Brisband will be ignored!! They sounds like broken records!!
Three votes of yes and I'll be back with the lot !
01-06-2013, 03:01 AM
Haha, occasionally there are still some brothers who are trying to keep this thread alive!
May be I should not have taken out all of my previously posted secret signs some of them made really good reading even I was very proud of myself !!
I have saved them somewhere, any one like to see them returning??
Give me three yes's and I shall keep you guys entertained !!
Ps. I will only count the yes vote this, all those ney votes and opinions that my signs are not applicable in Brisband will be ignored!! They sounds like broken records!!
Three votes of yes and I'll be back with the lot !
01-06-2013, 07:09 AM
An excerpt from a Radiohead song:
Karma Police, arrest this man, he talks in math, he buzzes like a fridge he's like a detuned radio .....
(yeah, it sounds like a broken record, doesn't it lol)
01-06-2013, 07:26 AM
haha, occasionally there are still some brothers who are trying to keep this thread alive!
May be i should not have taken out all of my previously posted secret signs some of them made really good reading even i was very proud of myself !!
I have saved them somewhere, any one like to see them returning??
Give me three yes's and i shall keep you guys entertained !!
ps. I will only count the yes vote this, all those ney votes and opinions that my signs are not applicable in brisband will be ignored!! They sounds like broken records!!
Three votes of yes and i'll be back with the lot !
01-06-2013, 12:00 PM
Thank you brother psyworld, needs 2 more votes !
01-06-2013, 12:01 PM
Thank you brother cocktus, just one more vote from my fellow Queenslanders !
01-06-2013, 12:29 PM
"The alchemist knew the legend of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty" (From Paulo Coelho 'The Alchemist')
01-06-2013, 12:32 PM
"The alchemist knew the legend of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty" (From Paulo Coelho 'The Alchemist')
You must be majoring in English Literature in Uni, very impressive !!
01-06-2013, 12:36 PM
You must be majoring in English Literature in Uni, very impressive !!
Hahah, no hard feelings bro Ahlungor. It's fun banter, no more than that :)
01-06-2013, 01:13 PM
Hahah, no hard feelings bro Ahlungor. It's fun banter, no more than that :)
So will you give me that final YES vote ?
Otherwise, I shall wait my turn..............haha
Have a nice day brother,
Let's get Game 1 next Wednesday alright !!
01-06-2013, 01:44 PM
So will you give me that final YES vote ?
Otherwise, I shall wait my turn..............haha
Have a nice day brother,
Let's get Game 1 next Wednesday alright !!
I've read all of your points haha ....
so who would you support this year ?
01-06-2013, 02:36 PM
so who would you support this year ?
What a question is that? we Queenslander of course will always support the Maroons !!
When I arrived in Australia, I landed on Eagle Farm, worked at Elizabeth St Brisbane and lived in the Valley, I am a Queensland origin man, more QLD than
My first ever NRL/Origin match was in 1993 when Mal was the Captain.
The first NRL team I followed was Canberra because Mal was the Captain, and after Mal won the premiership in 94 and retired, I followed the next QLD captain Alfie Langer and switched to support the Brisbane Broncos and have been a Broncos supporters ever since !!
So who do you think I will support this year ???????????
Big John
01-06-2013, 04:40 PM
Haha, occasionally there are still some brothers who are trying to keep this thread alive!
May be I should not have taken out all of my previously posted secret signs some of them made really good reading even I was very proud of myself !!
I have saved them somewhere, any one like to see them returning??
Give me three yes's and I shall keep you guys entertained !!
Ps. I will only count the yes vote this, all those ney votes and opinions that my signs are not applicable in Brisband will be ignored!! They sounds like broken records!!
Three votes of yes and I'll be back with the lot !
Yes!!!!! !!!!!!!!
01-06-2013, 06:25 PM
Yes!! x 2 (there you go :))
01-06-2013, 08:35 PM
Yes!! x 2 (there you go :))
Thanks guys, first thing Monday morning OK !
See if I remember one just off the top of my head !
##, ........
Actually, I think I got a new one:
155. The mamasan took you into the room, instead of asking you how long you want to stay, she said: only Mimi is available now but she has her period today so no pants off OK, you can tip her $40 instead of $50!
03-06-2013, 01:51 PM
OK, here are the reposting of my previous contributions to this cool thread !
61. There are packets of wet tissues on the bench.
62. Signs on the wall said, only relaxation massage is provided, no sexual service.
63. When the ML walked into the room, she carries a small handbag with her, those only big enough to carry a few condoms.
64. You were told to "Take everything off !"
65. The little table lamp in the corner is covered by a small piece of see through red clothe
66. The ML has 38 DD Cups bust and she is showing you plenty of cleavage !! - I wish
67. The ML is wearing a very short skirt that a decent lady won't wear to go out, or that can be the shortest of hot pants
68. Half way through the session, she sits on the side of the table, lift up one of your leg and place it over her lap, your entire undercarriage is exposed and her hands starts to reach down there...........
69. The massage table has a second holes in the middle, it's called a comfort hole, so that when your cock is hard, you won't feel too uncomfortable.
70. When the ML greets you outside at reception, she grabs your arm and rub it against her chest so that you can feel the tities.
03-06-2013, 01:52 PM
71. there are several CCTV at the entrance, waiting area and the corridor, an overkill for a legit shop surely.
72. The front door is always closed, but the sign said, please use rear entrance in the back alley way.
73. there must be like over 100 boxes of tissue paper on the shelf, really, too much stocks for a legit shop...........haha
74. located right next door to a sex shop!
75. Closing time is 11pm daily.
76. Shop is fully curtained and the glass door is frosted, you can not see inside until you walk inside
77. the shop advertises in the local Chinese Newspaper and said, 18-25 year old pretty girls, no experiences needed, will train, no sex, serving local Aussies, daily income minimum $500, flexible hours, suit students.
78. the girl started the massage, this is her first day, she has never worked in another shop, and she has no massage training ..............What the !!
79. The shop advertised in AUS99 !!
80. The TV in the waiting room is showing porn !!
03-06-2013, 01:56 PM
86. The Chinese Mamasan told you in mandarins that masssge only is $60/hr, push oil is extra! 推油另計,or she said all inclusive $120/hr 一條龍服務收佰二.
87. The shop advertised for a weekend special: $69.00 for 30 min oil massage.
88. You walk into this shop at lunch time, all the rooms are busy, there are already two men sitting in the lounge waiting, the sexy mamasan greets you and holding your hands and say in a very passionate tone, hi darling, sorry, girls all busy, come back in 20 min ok, every one is only doing 30 min, no long waiting.................What the !!
89. The massage room has an ensuite shower !
90. It's a large shop in a shopping centre, most of the foot massages are done in the entry hall and the massage cubicles are only separated by pulling curtains, but after a few visits, the same sexy ML askes you if you would like to have a private massage in the back room which is totally enclosed!
03-06-2013, 01:58 PM
91. You have been tipped off by your friends that HE is on offer and you know which girl had offered to him, you made your booking with that ML. You arrived, met her, all good, into the room, you told her your friend Joe met her last week and he recommended her. and you pay her the $120 up front and told her to keep the change ($65/hr for massage only and $50 tip for the you know what!, $5 change), she didn't question you about the extra money, just kiss you on your chin, say thank you and smiled. BINGO !!
100. A punter walks into the shop, book the ML he read about in the forum, once inside the room, hands over the masage fees and tips for extras, the ML asks what the ? The punter shows her the iPhone with the PM he got from brother brownwallaby about this ML and what's she offering! all good, everybody is happy!
03-06-2013, 02:00 PM
103. 40 min into the session, the ML has been teasing you, tickling your balls and running her hand along your crack and finger rimming you, you has been rock hard for the last 5, still no discussion of extra and order to turn over, may be what you read after this shop was true, lots of teasing but No cum shot, what the!
So you decided to take matters into your own...... You bend your right knee, so you are able to raise your hips a little, the ML makes use of the extra room and moves her hand to get hold of your rock hard cock and starts to stroke you while you are still lying face down, you have been on edge for so long you are ready to explode, so you drop you knee, your cock was pressing down on her hand, she trys to pull her hand out, you grab her arm to keep her hand underneath you, you fuck her hand for 5 more seconds and you cum and cum and cum......
You are happy now! You got up reach for the tissue box and clean up yourself, hand the box to the ML to clean her hand. And started to get dressed.
May I have my tip please? What tip? Tip for the HJ! What HJ? Didn't you just cum all over my hand! Oh, that cum, I am sorry, you massage is so good I cum by myself!!
You walk out of the room very happy but not the
03-06-2013, 02:02 PM
104. This time it's not in a shop, it's a private massage, it advertises for strong therapetic and remedial sports massage by a qualified masseurs, cost is $70/hour. When the door opens, you are greeted by this twenty something Asian lady wearing see through lingerie and a C Cup bra struggling to contain a pair of must be DD Cups !!
You walk into this new shop on a sizzling hot day, great! They have a vending machine selling cold drinks in the reception area, head for the coke, sunk the whole can in one go!
Now you need to go to the little boys room:
105. In the corridor, you ran into a ML walking out from one of the rooms with a ball of tissue papers in her hands, headed straight to the bin, dump the soiled tissues and move to the hand basin and used lots and lots of liquid soap........ You wonder ?
106. You walked into the unisex toilet of this massage shop and found another vending machine. This time it's mounted on the wall. Use $2.00 coin only - it's the ultra thin Trojan horse condom dispenser !!!
ps. The above all happened inside the same shop !
03-06-2013, 02:06 PM
107. It's 2pm in the afternoon, you come inside this shop for the first time, looks OK, probably legit, damn! you really are looking for a release, never mind, hope the massage is good, you certainly need that as well. It must be a quiet time of the day, you are the only customer in the shop, 10 min after the ML started the session, she asks, it's very slow today, would you like a double massage, my friend Cici is very pretty and very good, you thought OMG, hitting the jackpot or what, so you said, can I see her first? In come Cici, followed by Jojo, and Mimi as well, and you can't even remember the name of your original ML, they are all good, what do you do, how much it's gonna cost you.
Massage was $60/hr, $20 for HJ with Yoyo - your original girl, nude HJ $50! So one girl HE will cost you $110. but since it was really a very slow day and you are their first customer for the whole day !!, you can have another girl to stay and play in the nude for just $50 more, and you can have one, two, or three more, $50 per girl!! and they will start stripping now if you want them to stay.
All of them look so good, you actually want all of them to stay! what do you do? haha, what the hack, you won some money last week on the Broncos beating the Dragons 13+, so what better way to celebrate. let them ALL stay, its only another $150! you only live once !! So there you go, 4 naked hottie Asian chicks, 4 pairs of young tits with various shapes and sizes. And for the pussy galore: one fully shaved, one neatly trimmed and the other two typically au naturalle, 8 hands on your body for the rest of the 40 minutes, and in the end, you can't really remember who's tits you were sucking and who's hands were down there jerking you off !!
The name of the shop: Massage Heaven - Stonecorner !! (sorry, that was just a made up name
ps. sorry guys, got a bit carried away here, this is probably Not a secret sign, it's more like a MS fantasty, hope you don't mind.
03-06-2013, 02:09 PM
109. The sexy ML is wearing a tiny singlet top not quite big enough to cover her red bra underneath, and you can see some of the tatoos she has, you start wonder what else has she got on the rest of her body??
Should you hand over the tip now and head straight to part II and strip her naked ??
112. New massage place called Gangnam Style, all K gals and got two levels. On your first visit you were greeted by this super hot Korean chick Mia wear a super short skirt.
She takes you upstairs to the rooms, set of stairs too narrow for both of you so Mia has to walk ahead of you. You look up her short skirt and delighted to find out that she is not wearing any underpants!! And you can see her whole little Ass.
Surely, this is not a legit shop!!
114. I haven't checked, but I think this one has not been mentioned yet! The ML walked in, she is wearing a tight singlet top, must be at least a full pair of 35 C to D Cups but No Bra !!
I will be most surprised if there is no extras on offer !
03-06-2013, 02:10 PM
115. The ML asked you to strip naked and lay on you tummy, but instead of covering your body with a towel like most MLs would do, she took out a couple of wet tissues and run them along your back and your butt very lightly - just like using a feather !
Then she uses the tissues to wipe and clean you butt crack real good !
A promise of more erotic and naughty things to come ??
Ps. This is a true case !
03-06-2013, 02:12 PM
119. This might be a bit further advanced than the title, cause you are already regular with this ML, has a very good rapport and on a few occasions , already gone all the way, but you are a married man so you don't want to do FS everytime, besides, you don't have the extra budget!
This day you meet her as usual, after your usual bear hug greeting inside the room, you took out your wallet and pull out $110 being the massage fees and her tip for the nude HJ, she pressed towards you, your arm is caught in between her big tits, she kiss your face with tongue licking your ear, and said, I need more money for my Mum for Chinese Néw Year, lets fuck!!
Before you even say yes or no, she pulls another $50 out from your wallet, put the money on the side table and before you can even responded , she kneed down in front of you, unzip you, pull out your lil brother who is still asleep and put all of him inside her mouth!!
Guess she really needs the money, what can a man do but grow up very quickly inside her mouth and enjoy.......
ps. another true story !
03-06-2013, 02:13 PM
120. You drive past this new shop, looks legit, but you want to try so you take out your iPhone and ring the no. on the sign:
You started with English asking about the prices, how many girl they have on right now and then you ask if there is any extra services on offer! The papasan got a bit angry and said No extras only massage, you are Chinese yourself and you can tell he is Chinese then you start with Mandarins, then the whole tone and attitude changed!!
Now Everything is possible, they have good girls with very good services and most girls have big tits!! What are you waiting for !!
03-06-2013, 02:16 PM
121. Still on the Papasan of the same shop, you walk in, he greeted you very friendly like long lost friend, asking you how long you want to stay, you ask if you can meet the girls first, his face turns dark almost instantly and yell to the back room and ask the girls to come out to meet customers!!
Four MILF come out, all have big boobs but they are all short and chubby and must be at least 30-40's, and no one look interested, worst still, all pork chops !!
It's a nightmare, the worst line up you have ever seen !
122. Well, you've just seen the worst , but wait, there is an alternative version :
You walk in the papasan greeted you, sit you down in the lounge and offers you some water or tea!
Ask you have you been there before, where do you usually go and whether you were the one just called? Without asking, he offers to show you all the girls, they come out one after another, all young ladies in there 20's, all smile to you and introduce herself, you are in heaven !
Sophie is very pretty and the most busty, must be at least 38 F Cups bursting out of her tight T shirt.
Momo is the youngest, beautiful face, a bit shy, lovely long hair, lean long legs, may be a big B Cups, you can eat her alive !
Joey may be late 20's but there is something in her, very sexy, tall and slim and those long legs, you really want them to wrap around you.
And last but not less, little Tiffany, wow, she is the complete package, she comes over, say hi, I am Tiffany, née how ma ? and give you a big hug, you surrender !!
Decisions, decisions??
The papasan can tell you can't make up your mind as they are all quite different.
In the end, you opt to see Tiffany first for 30 min, then followed by Sophie for another 30 min, you can't Not have those big tits today!!
This is gonna be your favourite shops from now on - and the good news - there are another 10 girls you haven't met yet!!! What the!!
You are going broke in no time !!
03-06-2013, 02:19 PM
123. Jojo is the ML you have been seeing for the past five weeks but yet to crack !! Very pretty girl , busty, and a tall and slim body you so want to get your hands on but she kept declining your tips for extras even though you know most of the other MLs are offering FS extras!!
Today is Sunday and you were at the Treasury Casino and you saw Jojo playing baccarat on a $25 table and she just lost her last chip!! Luckily you are up $500! So you put all your chips in front of her and said, let me help you to win them back, and you did!!
Nothing happens afterwards but Jojo asked you to see her at the shop on Monday.......
I'm sure you will get lucky this time.......haha
124. Jojo walks in to your room, gave you a nice hug and a kiss on the lips and said, I have booked myself for two hours with you, I am paying for it, thank you so much for last night, there were $500 chips right, I will give you $500 worth of services, I don't like to owe any debt!!
To cut the long story short, Jojo makes you cum three times during that two hours session and your manhood has conquered every inches of her body!!
She is now your personal masseurs and your session was her last job at the shop. A really happy ending !!
03-06-2013, 02:24 PM
125. You have been seeing this lovely ML for about 10 times, she is young, beautiful, a student at Uni, looks to have a huge set of tits underneath those clothes which had never come off, all she ever offers was a HJ for a $20 tip !! You asked her why she won't make more money by going nude, she said she has a boyfriend back home and she wants to stay faithful to him and he is the only man who ever seen her body and she wants to save herself for him, what a lucky bastard !! you have given all hopes for going any further but you keep seeing her because her massage and HJ are both very good, just no touching, but she is that pretty, you can probably cum just by looking at her face !!
Today, you have your usual 1 hour booking with her, she is not her usual self today, no smiling, no hello or hi to you, looks really sad, has she been crying ?? what happened ?? Part 1 goes through as usual, she is not talkative today and you can cut the mood open with a knife, so you also keep quiet. Time to turn over, you were battling in your head, if she is not happy today, may be she is sick, period pain or something, may be you should skip the happy ending as well.
But to the greatest surprise to your life, without asking you, your dream ML lifted off her tight T-shirt revealing the nicest sets of tits partially supported and covered by a very sexy black bra. your eyes almost popped out, you had to swallow up some saliva and simply stunned. Then she said, you always want to see me naked, i will let you play with me today, but I want a $100 dollars tip. No problem, you would have been very happy to pay $300 !!.
So she is totally naked, you have you way all over her body, still no fingering though which is fine, your dream has cum true and you shoot the biggest load you ever shot between her big tits. You were so happy, you gave her another $50, she even let you kiss her lips, but no kissing back.
She is off the next day, but you book her again the following day, this time you know the drill, pay her the massage fees and the extra $100 up front, this time she is still very sad but a bit more calm and relaxed, you don't want to spoil anything just in case she changes her mind, so as usual, you have your fun and happiness and again, you tip her an extra $50.
Then while you are dressing, she said this to you: you are a very good man, you are so kind to me and you don't ask me anything - every other customers asked me why I am doing this now !! (I'm sure if you want to tell me, you will, you just look a bit sad, are you OK? you have some family problem back home?) My boyfriend is sick and he needs money for his operations !! (oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, hope he gets well soon, are you making enough money to help him?) Everyone has been very helpful and I made more than $1,000 the other day, another 10 more days like that I will have enough money !! and then I will not do this anymore !! (I hope you can get through this and all the best for the operations, I can't help you much, but I will see you everyday you work OK !!) Thank you very much. this time she is smiling and gives you a big hug. You feels so good, almost have another hard on.
And yes, you see her 10 more times, but then on the 11th time, she keeps her clothes on again !! That bastard is really a very lucky man !!
OK, let's get back right on track, short and sweet and only talk about the secret signs!!
BTW, this could be a made up story/fantasy or could be a true case, what do you think ?
03-06-2013, 02:27 PM
126. The ML was wearing see through fishnet stocking and on a pair of 4 inches high heels ! haha, legit massage my axx !
127. First time to this shop, not sure what to expect, your ML leads you towards the room at the end of the corridor and as you are just about to enter the room, another ML walks out from the next room with only a towel wrapped around her body, closely followed by a client with only a towel wrapped around his waist!
They are heading towards the shower room! Together ??
Bingo, you can feel the smile on your own face !!
128. First time to this shop, the papasan greeted you, you ask for his recommendation, without asking you what type of massage you like: he said, I have a young girl she is new to the industry, massage only soso but has a great body and give very good services !! Enough said !!
129. There is a sign on the reception desk which stated : Cash only, No health fund rebates !
130. Inside the room, there is a wall sign next to the price list:
Our massage ladies undergo regular health checks !
03-06-2013, 02:31 PM
131. You walk into the room with the ML she lights up five little cup candles on the side table, scented !!
Then dimmed the room light right down to start you candle light session !
133. You walk into this absolutely legit look massage shop, behind the counter the mamasan/receptionist couldn't have been more legit looking, not showing any glimse of sexual attraction, she more looks like your high school principle than a massage shop hostess. Just before you are about to turn around and walk, you saw a sign on the wall:
All our girls give excellent services to generous tipper, we take cash, credit card or EFTPOS.
You smile to yourself and the receptionist smiles to you as well, knowing that you have got the message, enough said !!
134. You are checking the price list of this new shop, it said:
30 min massage $40
60 min massage $60
Prostate massage $90
Impotence treatment $120
You are in the right place !
More massage shop price list:
135. Tantric massage, all inclusive $150/hour
136. Female to female massage $60/hr
Male to female massage $60/hr
Female to male massage $120/hr
Male to Male massage $150/hr
Price list from a "legit looking" Thai massage:
137. Traditional Thai massage $40/30 min, $65/60 min.
Special Thai Oil Full body massage $120/60 min
Bingo !
ps. You want to find out more, so you ask the keeper what is the special oil massage and what does it include?
She uses oil to massage every part of your whole body.
So it is body to body?
It's a special treatment, you have to try it, I can't tell you everything! Every girl does it differently !
........... !
138. You walked into this new shop but there is a female customer in front of you, you never been there before and you thought to yourself, female client, this can't be good, as you were contemplating whether to turn around and walk you hear the receptionist told the woman that All ML are busy and if she won't mind returning in an hour, the woman then leave, you are just about to do the same, but the receptionist grab you arms and smiles at you, how long you want to stay darling ?
But I thought you are all busy!
Only for woman customers because the girls don't make any tips, they all like to see you instead......
Now that's a sign !
03-06-2013, 02:33 PM
139. You just finished a round of golf in a hot Brissy day, so you walk into this massage shop trying to wind down, have a massage and hopefully get a happy ending to ease off all the frustrations you had throughout the 18 holes. To your surprise, there is actually a shower in this shop so of course you take the advantage and have a quick wash before your session.
To your absolute delight, your ML follows you to the shower room and offers to wash your back !! Wow, what else could be on offer later you thought to yourself??
And the pleasant surprises just keep coming, the ML looks down on your rising cock and said, I can join you in the shower and give your a body to body massage later if you tip me a $100 !! What Choice do you have but take the deal !! And for the next 55 min, you just couldn't wipe the smile off your face..............haha
ps. this is reply no. 122, now matching the 122 from the 932 Stanley St thread, as the most replied thread in the Brisbane GT section..............Cheers
03-06-2013, 02:35 PM
140. The secret sign of this shop is very simple, there is NO sign !!
that's until your next visit!!
On your first visit, you had a 60 min session, the ML is oh so hot and you so wanted to have your hands all over her body and her hands on yours and on to a particular organ !! but no, nothing, 50 min into your session and you have turned over but still no sign so you take the matters into your own hands and started touching the ML's leg and bottom, she didn't complain but just move away, so you thought to your self, Fock!! this is a legit shop after all. so disappointed.
Your massage is finished, and you got up to get dressed, the nice ML stayed in the room to talk to you and helped you dress, when you are ready, she hands over a loyalty card to you and the no. 1 spot has already be stamped, the ML smiles to you and said, on your return visit, you can have more special services, you thought, WTF, why didn't you offer that to me before, she said, it is the shop's rule that specials can only be offered to return customers, when you touched me before I know you wanted extras, but i can only give that to you next time, so, when are you coming back to see me ??????????????
Tomorrow ??
How about right now, I can stay another 30 min !!
Sure, of course you can !!
03-06-2013, 02:36 PM
141. Not a Secret Sign any more !!
03-06-2013, 02:37 PM
The owner's call that destroy all possible signs:
142. You are Asian and you understand Mandarins: your session with this busty and super hot ML is reaching the half way and she has already given you all the little hints and tickles and you are absolutely certain that part ii will be Cuming and you are so looking forward to get the ML naked and enjoy her body!
But when you are just about to turn over, the shop owner yelled over the door and said to the ML:
嗨 ,現在查得很緊
Which means: hay, the council is checking all the time ! Don't take your clothes off and don't do hand job!
What the ...........
03-06-2013, 02:39 PM
143. You walk into this shop who has been doing RnT secretly and successfully for the past 12 months.... The mamasan points to a framed sign on the wall, smiles to you, grab your arm, rub her tits all over you and said, we have just got our brothel license! Now you can have anything you ever wanted !!
Who you want to see today ??
Peta, Paula and Mary ? Tia or me !
A Sign to end all signs
10-06-2013, 11:41 PM
6. The towel looks like it has been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson
11-06-2013, 12:01 AM
91. You have been tipped off by your friends that HE is on offer and you know which girl had offered to him, you made your booking with that ML. You arrived, met her, all good, into the room, you told her your friend Joe met her last week and he recommended her. and you pay her the $120 up front and told her to keep the change ($65/hr for massage only and $50 tip for the you know what!, $5 change), she didn't question you about the extra money, just kiss you on your chin, say thank you and smiled. BINGO !!
100. A punter walks into the shop, book the ML he read about in the forum, once inside the room, hands over the masage fees and tips for extras, the ML asks what the ? The punter shows her the iPhone with the PM he got from brother brownwallaby about this ML and what's she offering! all good, everybody is happy!
Thank-you, thoroughly entertaining #100 was my fave lol
12-06-2013, 01:05 AM
A sure and safe sign:
144. Every members ever posted in the Brusbane forum have just received a PM from a new shop, inviting them to give the new shop a try and if they mention about the PM, they can have a special offer of either a $10 discount or a 15 min upgrade !
But what if this is a legit shop ?
Don't worry, at the end of the PM, there is also a line of a fine prints: standard tips of $20, $50, and $100 Not included !!
Legit my ass !!
15-06-2013, 03:55 PM
[QUOTE=AHLUNGOR;375989]OK, here are the reposting of my previous contributions to this cool thread !
69. The massage table has a second holes in the middle, it's called a comfort hole, so that when your cock is hard, you won't feel too uncomfortable.
wish I could find some place with this in sydney
Thank-you, thoroughly entertaining #100 was my fave lol
A sure and safe sign:
144. Every members ever posted in the Brusbane forum have just received a PM from a new shop, inviting them to give the new shop a try and if they mention about the PM, they can have a special offer of either a $10 discount or a 15 min upgrade !
But what if this is a legit shop ?
Don't worry, at the end of the PM, there is also a line of a fine prints: standard tips of $20, $50, and $100 Not included !!
Legit my ass !!
Where is my PM? Left out!
16-06-2013, 12:44 AM
[QUOTE=AHLUNGOR;375989]OK, here are the reposting of my previous contributions to this cool thread !
69. The massage table has a second holes in the middle, it's called a comfort hole, so that when your cock is hard, you won't feel too uncomfortable.
wish I could find some place with this in sydney
Plenty of shops in Sydney have these two holes massage tables :
At Michelle's, Bayswater rd and Kellet st KX
Misty's @ 377 Riley st
10 Railway parade, Burwood
Have fun
23-06-2013, 06:40 PM
thx bro for the intel
25-06-2013, 09:50 AM
145. You saw some review on a ML with not much details but you decided to have a go anyway, ring up the shop to book, only to be told the ML is not working today because of her period!
That's the right sign for you , next week for sure !!
26-07-2013, 02:13 AM
It's been a month since anyone has posted an update!
Well, it might as well be me:
This should be a good one !
146: you are walking down Queens St Mall, there is a cute Asian girl handing out flyers from a new massage shop! You took one from her and you were tempted to ask her if happy ending is on offer, but she was busy handing out the flyers so you stood there just a few steps away and wait........
You watched the proceeding for five minutes and you started to show a smile on your face, you don't have to ask the cutie, her action has given you the answer you want to know ! It's a RnT alright! But how do you know?
Because, She was only handing the flyers to the guys !!!
10-10-2013, 05:23 PM
147: The shop is an old, neglected post-war house or queenslander with a lawn that hasn't been mowed in at least 6 weeks.
10-10-2013, 05:56 PM
147: The shop is an old, neglected post-war house or queenslander with a lawn that hasn't been mowed in at least 6 weeks.
but somehow there's a Porsche and a BMW parked in the yard .....
10-10-2013, 10:11 PM
and the clapped out air-conditioner is only turned on when there is a paying client in the room.
11-10-2013, 08:02 AM
The ML locks the door after she enters the room.
24-05-2016, 10:36 AM
Any latest update ??
24-05-2016, 02:07 PM
148. There is at least one 1litre bottle of Listerine at the bathroom sink :-/.
25-05-2016, 01:39 AM
148. There is at least one 1litre bottle of Listerine at the bathroom sink :-/.
You see the name Listerine thrown around a lot in this industry. I just did a google search and didn't find a single reputable sexual health site that even mentioned Listerine let alone supported it's use. Mostly all references on chat forums and personal opinions and a few independent doctors saying it's theoretically helpful and can't hurt.
Anyone ever found any actually support to the myth?
It's so you can't smell what they've sucked and swallowed
28-05-2016, 08:48 AM
The ML locks the door after she enters the room.
hehe, always an excellent sign.
14-06-2016, 01:49 AM
The massage room has an ensuite shower !
Not sure if this had already been posted ?
The massage room has an ensuite shower !
Not sure if this had already been posted ?
That you look at and realise you DO NOT want to use
05-02-2017, 11:06 PM
LOL I gotta say this is the funniest thread I have read yet.
Thanks sharing !
01-03-2017, 05:13 PM
149. You get charged $50 for a one hour massage and the ML gets charged $65 for the hour's use of the room. Brings a new meaning to capitalism.
01-03-2017, 05:49 PM
Are you serious? That happens? The girl's make a loss unless they provide extras?
01-03-2017, 07:24 PM
That's fucking bullshit most shop work on a 45% or 50% rule
01-03-2017, 07:41 PM
So Mamasan/shop gets 45-50% of the massage fee, and the girls keeps any extras?
The situation "Tonny" talks about is probably in pretty terrible situations that involve
human trafficking. I would think it to be very rare.
02-03-2017, 06:37 AM
Most exp mls go from Shop to Shop to find the highest paid average from $30 to $38 for and hour customer plus what tips get a busy Shop they make pretty good money
tommy thumb
04-03-2017, 09:05 PM
The girls are wearing French maid outfits.
16-07-2023, 09:17 PM
Reviving this thread for some Sydney punters
17-07-2023, 03:32 AM
anyone met these ?
17-07-2023, 09:05 AM
57. You walk in all hopeful, then walk out thinking that wasn't worth what I paid. Then you repeat.
17-07-2023, 10:40 AM
anyone met these ?
Second photo has volume on it. It means they have screenshot the photos.
17-07-2023, 10:54 AM
anyone met these ?
phone number is well used on other girl profiles so most likely a pimp number.
20-07-2023, 02:06 PM
Ahhhhhh the memories.
Put pen to paper on this thread just over 10 years ago (Mar 2013) and it still lives on with new posts this week.
How things have changed......
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