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View Full Version : Smoking hot Asian anyone seen this girl ??

07-07-2012, 01:15 PM
Found this advert on cracker

ok sent an email - no answer email rejected returned
sent sms - no answer or reply
called many times - no answer and no return call

Please anyone tell me anything about this one, she looks smoking hot would like to book, just one problem no girl, where is she ??

Big Al
07-07-2012, 03:39 PM
Found this advert on cracker

ok sent an email - no answer email rejected returned
sent sms - no answer or reply
called many times - no answer and no return call

Please anyone tell me anything about this one, she looks smoking hot would like to book, just one problem no girl, where is she ??

The phone number in Google also previously used by a "Jap" advert.

07-07-2012, 03:55 PM
The pics return a lot of results on Google. Probably Fakey McFake - pity.

07-07-2012, 06:08 PM
I tried calling too ... no answer. Awesome set of tits! :love:

07-07-2012, 06:47 PM
Found they are fake pics......nice tits... the real person's name is KiKi..... When can we have real pic and nice girls on crackers?.... really sick of fake ones! :(

08-07-2012, 08:40 AM
Go elsewhere if they dont reply

08-07-2012, 10:52 AM
email returned from a hotmail address under VICKY_WNAG@HOTMAIL.COM she looks like a girl that used to advertise in sexy nurse or school girl outfit about
a year or so ago at taiwangal.webs.com, also found her on a shit load of websites both Chinese and Japanese and under a call girl in Canada
pity about all of this she really is smoking hot, but must be around 30 ish I would say no way she is 20 something , still would like to book if turns out she is real and in Brisbane one day.

13-07-2012, 11:51 AM
back up again today as Japanese working out of the city
Now seriously are these reals pictures or not ? yes real owner of pictures is named in Google search as KIKI or VICKY shit load of better pics than these too on the web,
if turns out to be the girl in the pictures she has a mole on her back.
Anybody checked this one out, love to have any info.