View Full Version : General talk Herpes scare

21-09-2024, 12:12 AM
I went for a massage last week and got a nude body slide and bbbj from a nice young Japanese lady. In the days following the massage I started developing heaty rash and rough bumps around my groin and buttock areas.

I immediately thought of Herpes as the symptoms fit almost perfectly. Yes, it can be managed with medication or if your immune system is strong enough it may not flare up very often, but fuck! How am I going to tell the wife? What happens if one day she gets it from me? What am I going to tell her when I'm having a flare up and can't have sex with her? All these thoughts raced through my mind over the week which totally stressed me out and even triggered my migraine. Thankfully the in-laws are in town for a couple of weeks so I have an excuse not to sleep with my wife as it's just logistically not possible.

I went to see a doctor and he immediately diagnosed dermatitis and prescribed me with a steroid cream. I thought hmm yeah that's possible because the massage place wasn't very clean and I could have an allergy reaction from the massage lotion. However over the next few days the bumps developed into little dry black scabs which never happened when I had dermatitis on other parts of my body. The scabs looked awfully similar to some of the photos of herpes you find on the web which worried me a lot.

Just yesterday I went to see a doctor again and insisted to get a swab test to find out what the hell I'm having. Test result came out today and it's...shingles! Fuck, what are the odds that this once in a lifetime illness with symptoms that almost exactly mirror an STD appear on my groin and buttock areas (unusual for shingles) right after I went for a punt?

I'm so so relieved but I'm really thinking about giving up punting entirely now as the stress and worry are just not worthwhile when this kind of thing happens.

Has anyone here had any close call with STD from a punt? How did you handle it and did you go back to punting ?

21-09-2024, 07:49 AM
Shingles and herpes are in the same family.
Do the crime do the time.
I'm not married so if I get something I'd have to live with it.
Marriage is a sacred institution, once married stick with your wife only. I'm sure plenty will disagree. When I have gf's I not interested in punting anymore.

The Sampler
21-09-2024, 09:21 AM
Had an unwanted/unrealised BBFS CIP moment.

Was feeling like shit after and head was in a whirlwind thinking about STDs and shit in a similar fashion.

Thankfully tested negative. Had been really put off punting for a while because of it.

21-09-2024, 09:59 AM
I can't believe you are cheating on your wife. What is this world coming to. I think herpes is afraid of being infected by you....

Jokes aside I'm actually glad for you it was just shingles mate haha.

21-09-2024, 12:30 PM
Shingles and herpes are in the same family.
Do the crime do the time.
I'm not married so if I get something I'd have to live with it.
Marriage is a sacred institution, once married stick with your wife only. I'm sure plenty will disagree. When I have gf's I not interested in punting anymore.

Agree with SlippinJ . Most likely herpes
1.first doc tells u something
2. 2nd doc tells different
3. Your logical reasoning saying symptoms turn up in area where u did the deed. Unlikely co-incidence .