View Full Version : General talk Did any acquaintance witness you near the shop?

30-06-2024, 06:03 PM
What's your story to keep your hobby in secret? I'm pretty sure everybody have a good reason for dissapearing, especially if you're married and have kids.

I don't really care since I'm single, but don't they can get it by various changes after punt and make it a whole picture? Something like a different shower gel smell, oil that is difficult to clean after ML, even "smell of a different woman".
Or do your missuses know that, yet pretending they are not, since your family life is sexless and they don't want to ruin it?

30-06-2024, 09:56 PM
Yep, a few years ago I was at the counter at GE and a guy walked in and started asking about a girl. My immediate thought was, I know this voice. I don’t mind getting caught because I am single, don’t have kids and getting caught won’t impact my life at all. We recognised each other immediately. I had worked with this guy only maybe 12 months before the encounter. He has at least 20 years on me and is a grandfather and respected member of his society so to speak.

I did the right thing and didn’t speak to him, he sort of covered his face. I moved on to my appointment and never thought about this encounter until I wrote this post.

There you go, it could have been my brother.

01-07-2024, 01:30 PM
I didnt get caught but it was one of those massage shops where theres a bus stop outside. I got off work early and went for a massage. My dumb brain didnt calculate that by the time I finished it would be home time for people at work.

I finished up in shop, exited and then started walking to the train. Then I heard a voice "Hey, I didnt know you catch this bus too!" It was someone from another team waiting in line for the bus.

They were in another team so didnt really speak to them much but I had the 'Did they see me? Are they going to tell everyone at work?' Thoughts go through my brain

random punter
01-07-2024, 05:28 PM
I'm always are if I'm going punting.
Try not to stay local for that reason. I've been seen driving on my way to one that was out of the way.....luckily they didn't ask what I was doing

01-07-2024, 05:29 PM
Wear a cap & a mask. Plausible denialability.

01-07-2024, 10:06 PM
Never been caught and never really looked to see if I was caught. Maybe I was, IDGAF.

My wife knows I punt, some of my ex work mates did, and all of my old mates from uni knew I punt. Most everyone around me knows I'm a pervert who's always ogling at the next hottie walking by. I happily flaunt this fact. If I was ashamed of it, sure I'd be afraid of getting "caught".

01-07-2024, 10:34 PM
I take my hat off to you… does your wife not mind? How you convince her ??

02-07-2024, 12:06 PM
Something like a different shower gel smell, oil that is difficult to clean after ML, even "smell of a different woman".One of the benefits of walking post punt... build up a sweat, and it's an immediate hit the showers at home.

But I will always be grateful to the FL who pulled me back into the bathroom as we were leaving as she'd noticed the lipstick smear of her goodbye kiss...

03-07-2024, 11:38 AM
On the smell I hit the gym afterwards and shower there. Does the trick

03-07-2024, 11:42 AM
I take my hat off to you… does your wife not mind? How you convince her ??

She definitely minds. I don't openly show that I punt. I still put in all the efforts to keep it under wraps just like everyone else.

She knows I punt because when we first got together, neither of us thought we were going to settle down together. She was a "party girl", the type of girl you'd see going out to karaokes with big groups of young boys and girls partying all night, and yes she was a "player" herself. Fark me, the number of BFs she's gone through boggles the mind.

I was enjoying single life so didn't really care what any girl I was with knew what I was up to. I made it clear I'd fuck any girl I found to be hot and that I was "familiar" with punting.

At the end of the day, it depends on the image you project of yourself and the people you attract as a result of that. If you always appear squeaky clean, you'll likely end up with a squeaky clean wife. If you want to engage in this hobby once all that has been set in stone, it gets difficult to keep up the facade.