View Full Version : General talk Have you ever nearly been hijacked by another punter with your booking?

31-05-2024, 06:51 PM
Been punting a long time.. Over decade, maybe close to two...and never had I nearly been hijacked by another punter claiming to have my booking.

A couple of days ago I was looking for a session with a newbie ML and got a booking.

Rocked up 5 mins earlier and when I mentioned I was here for my booking, the reception said in shocked, " Are u sure if have the right shop? , what is your phone number?" Once I confirmed I was the booking with that ML and showed her my phone... She ran out to the waiting area and spoke to another punter, came back .. got some $ and handed back to them and showed the punter the door..

She told me this other punter did msg and was told this girl was full, came anyway and claim he was here for her. Paid and waited. WTF...

If I was 5 mins later, I think he would have been already in the room and maybe I would have been told sorry...

The receptionist was very apologetic and surprised that another punter would even try to hijack someone's booking.

Got some balls I say and probably thought they have a crack...

Has this ever happened to anyone else??

For another time, this newbie was great.. worth a review or maybe not... Very newbie in that innocent manner but willing and able to have some fun..

31-05-2024, 07:06 PM
Given the economic circumstances quite possibly the double book was to ensure a certainty. Who knows? When I was in sales we would do such. It depends on numerous things. Maybe he was a regular but not a certainty. Some guys pull out or don’t show.

31-05-2024, 07:30 PM
Has happened to me much the same a few times. I ring up, get told when a girl is available; say "I'll be there in 10 minutes, my name is AG, OK?"
Turn up 10 minutes later "sorry, no girl free now".
"But I rang up 10 minutes ago, remember?"
" Oh sorry, another customer just come and said he phoned". (Guess they ask him if he phoned and he says yes anyway).

But also I have just lobbed up at the shop and the girl asks "did you phone?". I could have jumped the queue by saying "yes".

31-05-2024, 08:29 PM
My regular usually messages me if she has a walk in and asks for a reschedule. She's quite close to where I live so it's not too much of a problem.

When you make the trek somewhere and get turned down, even though you thought you made a solid booking - this is annoying.

31-05-2024, 08:50 PM
Queue jumping is totally fucked especially if you're at a medical centre, bank or an airport terminal, but there are exceptions.

So you're at the local supermarket getting some milk, and the bloke in front of you has a trolley full of groceries, he notices that you're carrying one item and lets you jump the queue.....that's courteous and appreciated.

So you're at the local RnT for a 2.5hr booking, bloke comes in at the last minute to see the same chick you've booked, but only needs a quick 15-30mins blow and go, do you let him jump the queue of tell him to get fucked?

31-05-2024, 08:57 PM
It depends if he wants fries with that and does he want the full hamburger? Would you be happy with slightly worn or worn out and is there was a difference would you notice it?

31-05-2024, 09:15 PM
Queue jumping is totally fucked especially if you're at a medical centre, bank or an airport terminal, but there are exceptions.

So you're at the local supermarket getting some milk, and the bloke in front of you has a trolley full of groceries, he notices that you're carrying one item and lets you jump the queue.....that's courteous and appreciated.

So you're at the local RnT for a 2.5hr booking, bloke comes in at the last minute to see the same chick you've booked, but only needs a quick 15-30mins blow and go, do you let him jump the queue of tell him to get fucked?

Yep, tell him to get fucked for sure.

01-06-2024, 01:55 AM
I would seriously drop my patron of the shop if they did this.

01-06-2024, 03:47 AM
My regular usually messages me if she has a walk in and asks for a reschedule. She's quite close to where I live so it's not too much of a problem.

When you make the trek somewhere and get turned down, even though you thought you made a solid booking - this is annoying.

Benefits of getting her personal contact info and though you've booked via the shop, also letting her know. Then EVERYONE is on the same page and she can spot the joker if the situation arises...

01-06-2024, 09:04 AM
Bro, this happens more often than you think. How many shops have you seen that actually verify a punter's identity when a booking is fulfilled? I've never come across any.

I am 100% sure there would be punters out there who've realised how easy it is to game a booking just because of this one point.

01-06-2024, 09:21 AM
Didn’t know this was so common. As to their own..

03-06-2024, 06:19 PM
Has happened to me much the same a few times. I ring up, get told when a girl is available; say "I'll be there in 10 minutes, my name is AG, OK?"
Turn up 10 minutes later "sorry, no girl free now".
"But I rang up 10 minutes ago, remember?"
" Oh sorry, another customer just come and said he phoned". (Guess they ask him if he phoned and he says yes anyway).

But also I have just lobbed up at the shop and the girl asks "did you phone?". I could have jumped the queue by saying "yes".

Queue jumping is totally fucked especially if you're at a medical centre, bank or an airport terminal, but there are exceptions.

So you're at the local supermarket getting some milk, and the bloke in front of you has a trolley full of groceries, he notices that you're carrying one item and lets you jump the queue.....that's courteous and appreciated.

So you're at the local RnT for a 2.5hr booking, bloke comes in at the last minute to see the same chick you've booked, but only needs a quick 15-30mins blow and go, do you let him jump the queue of tell him to get fucked?

Wtfff being told or forced to wait for I’d say anything more than 10mins without some form of reason and communication from reception would irritate me

Worse if there’s any que jumping that’s just low ball

Not only taking the punters joy they’d be looking forward to and time to travel there but the fact they screwed (pun intended) their schedule up now and perhaps forced to pick so one they don’t wanna see

Few times (very few) the worst that happened to me was they double booked me and pushed my booking back or asked if I can come earlier the worst was when I rocked up and they looked confused when I gave them the name then they were super apologetic they fucked up and managed to still a lot her in to see me but reduced the booking and offered discount that’s why I like to confirm my booking after I’ve booked esp over text too hard to just misunderstand each other sometimes with yes or thumbs up

Yes she’s free or yes booking confirmed?

The skills of the trade as well girls know to flake as well better to text the morning of and before u leave to confirm ur booking is still on

03-06-2024, 08:10 PM
Advantage of being a frequent visitor to a shop and making sure the manager / receptionist knows you. Less likely to try to shaft you (unless you’re a dick I guess) and less ability / excuse to do so in either case.

03-06-2024, 10:29 PM
Haven*t experienced it but then that*s the difference between an establishment that operates by quantity over a WL that selects quality

04-06-2024, 08:12 AM
Advantage of being a frequent visitor to a shop and making sure the manager / receptionist knows you. Less likely to try to shaft you (unless you’re a dick I guess) and less ability / excuse to do so in either case.

Unfortunately, this doesn't usually work. The guy at reception wouldn't know it was you until you showed up to take your booking. The hijacker would've arrived before you did.

Make no mistake, when this happens, it's not about the receptionist deliberately shafting you. Like they knowingly give away your booking. They just don't keep track of who booked who. They just know that the girl was booked at a certain time. Sometimes they don't even track how long the booking was. How many times have you been asked "how long for?" when you rock up to the front desk?

04-06-2024, 08:31 AM
Simple arrangement with my regular - we just exchange text messages, easy peasy & no stuff ups!:cool2:

04-06-2024, 12:12 PM
Simple arrangement with my regular - we just exchange text messages, easy peasy & no stuff ups!:cool2:Definitely the advantage of having her personal contact. Also very useful if she's changed shops. Or if she's limited duty...

The skills of the trade as well girls know to flake as well better to text the morning of and before u leave to confirm ur booking is still onYou know you're old when SHE sends YOU a reminder on the day... :smile:

04-06-2024, 03:14 PM
Unfortunately, this doesn't usually work. The guy at reception wouldn't know it was you until you showed up to take your booking. The hijacker would've arrived before you did.

Make no mistake, when this happens, it's not about the receptionist deliberately shafting you. Like they knowingly give away your booking. They just don't keep track of who booked who. They just know that the girl was booked at a certain time. Sometimes they don't even track how long the booking was. How many times have you been asked "how long for?" when you rock up to the front desk?

Fair point mate.

I know where I go they all know my face, voice and the name I give them, and I’ve seen my name scribbled down on the booking list. So if someone came in claiming they were here to see the girl I’d booked I think generally reception would know (and I like to think they like me enough to call bullshit in that case).

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.

But works differently in different places. A previous regular shop I’m not even sure they wrote anything down, and while they knew my face I don’t think they knew my name (though I was there several times a month for about 5 years).

06-06-2024, 03:58 PM
So you're at the local RnT for a 2.5hr booking, bloke comes in at the last minute to see the same chick you've booked, but only needs a quick 15-30mins blow and go, do you let him jump the queue of tell him to get fucked?

No fucking way - my booking, my time. Also if im booked for a 4:00 session and the person before me decides to extend, thats also unfair. I respect other peoples times with the expectation that my time respected in return.

Luckily this has happened to me only a handful of times and its only been regretful once or twice (ML I wanted was subpar) but still shouldnt happen.