View Full Version : General talk The case of Daiane Pelegrini / David Tran

17-02-2024, 05:11 AM
Hope you guys can get past the paywall:

Another terrible example of stalker behaviour in a punting scenario. A reminder that men can be total animals, blessed with stronger physique over women but cursed with piss-weak mental abilities.

"... I almost fainted from all the blood..." He said, what a piece of shit!

She was a Brazilian working in an RNT pre-COVID. Sounds like someone from MAC?

17-02-2024, 08:09 AM
He is a criminal and a huge sicko. Some men are obsessive to the point of becoming murders.

From the article:
“Tran sent hundreds of harassing phone calls and texts to Pelegrini between June and August 2020, including “in excess of 60 sexually explicit messages over a 10-hour period” in July to which she had replied “no is no” and “over is over”

17-02-2024, 10:13 AM
What a massive POS. Hope he gets taken care of in prison.

17-02-2024, 10:20 AM
Absolutely disgusting

17-02-2024, 10:46 AM
What a massive POS. Hope he gets taken care of in prison.

I hear sagging is quite fashionable in prisons, the cunt is bound to get sodomised

17-02-2024, 10:46 PM
Some girls I like are still in town but their disgusting behaviour stopped me from pursuing them further. I'm the kind who normally stops pursuing when girls say no because I've been disappointed by a lot of women my whole life. Some like giving mixed signals but I made it clear that unless they tell me directly that they're into me and want me to initiate the chase I'm not putting myself under the bus.

I remember my first ever "gf" - I dumped her after finding out the lies she told me over the time we dated. She thought she could make me fall in love with her just by saying sweet nothings - I learned from experience that sweet nothings are basically nothing unless you can actually show for it.

If I was David Tran I would've looked elsewhere. True that it's hard to let go of a first love but being lied to (unless it's a necessary white lie) is a total deal breaker.

20-02-2024, 12:49 AM
I hope he finds true love in prison.