View Full Version : Other Confessions of a Soyboy
26-01-2024, 11:57 PM
Greetings lads. This year I decided to pick up punting.
Cheesy backstory time
I'm not very sexually experienced and the handful of times I had sexytimes, "something" would happen eg. couldn't get hard, couldn't come at all, came too quick. This all basically culminated in a pretty bad mindset around sex: that it would only lead to disappointment and embarrassment. This made me reluctant to engage with women in my life and countless times I've subconsciously "rejected" advances made on me because of this mindset.
But fuck man, life's too short to be like this. Women are so gorgeous, and I really want to be able to get over this and properly enjoy sex. I could have decades of indulging in the delight that women are before I get old, wrinkly and impotent. I can't fucking miss this.
So not too long ago, I finally got a job after 2 years of not having steady income. I won't make that much money but it'll do. I've decided to not rent, and use that saved rent money to punt (and probably a bunch of other stuff to help me on this journey).
TL;DR: I'm soy as fuck and I'm determined to change that. Gonna use this thread for a bit of accountability
Experience 1: The Leadup
I decided for my first experience I'll go for a massage and see where it leads. I half considered 165 Canterbury due to the "new manager discount" thing they had going, but their reviews and pics weren't great. Then I considered 130 Dreamgirls due to it's convenient location for me, but the stories of the dragon lady receptionist scared me off.
In the end, I hit up SBM's WeChat, checked out the roster and asked to book Fiona as her description mentioned she allows touch and I love putting my hands on pretty women. I took 10mg of tadalafil to give my lil buddy a boost in case, then hopped on a train toward Museum Station.
First time at an MP and the place is smaller than I imagined. Receptionist was sitting behind a small glassed booth, and the upstairs floor was basically 1m^2 that immediately led to a few doors. Anyway, I mentioned my booking to the receptionist, paid some damage ($140) and walked up to the room I was assigned like a good boy.
Experience 1: The Session
Mid undressing, I hear a knock on the door before little Fiona walked in. This was when I learnt lesson #1: you can't rely on the pictures on the websites. Thankfully, she's still gorgeous; petite frame, cute little butt, a really cute face and enhanced C(?) cups. After a quick shower and exchanging basic pleasantries, we got started with part 1.
Part 1 was kinda nice, but a personal learning for me here is that I don't really enjoy massages all that much. I don't get (regular) massages often, and I don't recall ever getting one where I was amazed by it (happy to take recommendations for regular massages though!). Still, it is pretty nice to know your being touched by a pretty lady; I'd just rather be doing other things with her.
A possible mistake by me during part 1 was that I was basically silent the whole time. Maybe a missed opportunity to start building some rapport and connection with the ML? One thing I did chat about and find out was that she's been in Australia for 5 years, which leads me to lesson #2: you can't trust the info about the girls on the websites. I highly doubt she's 22 years old after being here for 5 years, and she definitely isn't a "new" girl.
Towards the end of part 1, she switched up her technique to a more playful and teasing style, and also leant into my ear and did some ASMR-style breathing and moans, which I thought was a nice touch. She told me to flip around, saw my cock was already rearing to go and gave me a coy smile: "you wan BJ??". Too mesmerized by a naked lady to think straight, I nodded like a retard. "Extra fipty dolla ok?". I nodded again. Lesson #3: with a clear mind, understand and clarify what you are signing up for. I had no idea if it was CBJ or BBBJ at the time of the retard nod, but fuck it we ball.
To my disappointment, she doms me up. Another personal learning is that CBJs don't do much for me, sensation wise. But it was still kinda awesome having someone hot suck my dick. After some time, she switches positions so now her legs are toward my head. I took this as a sign that I could touch and started caressing her thighs. Milky smooth skin, soft to the touch. Definitely my favorite part of the session was feeling her up, and rubbing my face all over her thighs while she sucks me off.
Every now and then, she would stop (probably to rest) and present her breasts for me to play with and suck on. I really wanted to kiss her too, but somehow felt too shy to ask (fucking ridiculous right? She's literally naked and on top of me, but my brain...)
Time was starting to run out, and TBH was I not really close to cumming. CBJ wasn't quite doing it, still had some background nerves in my mind AND to boot, I really needed to pee. Lesson #4: don't drink so much damn water on the trip up. You can survive 8 hours sleep without water, you can live for 2 hours without it too.
Needing a bit more stimulation, I asked her to try oiled HJ instead. HJ technique was kinda mechanical, and put together with the other things I had going on, I couldn't cum by the time it was up. Oh well. In hindsight, Fiona was such a great girl trying her best to please this awkward dude.
Total damage in the end was $140 (for the massage) + $50 (CBJ granted by the retard nod).
Quick afterthoughts: I'm not sure if I'll do another massage. So much time (30min) spent lying face down that could've been spent doing other things. TBH, I'd rather give the girl a massage for 30min. Though, I could have my mind changed if someone convinces me of a good way to do the ML game that I'm fucking up.
Questions for anyone who wishes to answer
(1) What the heck do you guys do if you need to pee during a session?
(2) Any tips for building rapport with the ladies? I can imagine good rapport can make sessions go better.
My Next Quest
Hitting up Ginza fo sho.
27-01-2024, 07:38 AM
Hey mate.
First things first. If you have a bit of sexual anxiety with women especially a girl you really like. Not getting hard or losing it during the session does happen, especially when you're inexperienced and lack confidence. Most people don't want to talk about it. No shame in going to your GP and asking for a pill in my opinion. Personally I did and it helped me get over that psychological bump with my first relationship. Don't let it be the reason as to why you won't ask that girl you have a crush on.
In terms of rapport, don't get too worried about it. Small talk is small talk. It's a business transaction at the end of the day. Just treat them like a regular person, be respectful and no means no.
Tipping them a little extra or seeing them more than once is likely going to make them like you more. Honestly that's how I got a couple regulars personal numbers, which theyve invited me to go directly to their home to punt.
Again as with majority of the lads here on this forum, it's punting. Don't get involved or even consider making a relationship.
27-01-2024, 09:50 AM
Thanks for sharing good intel. Good homework done before visiting and investing hard earn dollar.
I normally settled my pee before walked in the room to eliminate unnecessary hassles.
Agreed with Rainyex, Punt for fun no relationship
27-01-2024, 10:14 AM
Pee before you leave, never a bad idea to stop in at the pub nearby if you had a long commute and pee again.
With regards to building rapport, try your best to ask some direct questions, nothing too personal and see how the conversation flows. Some girls don't want to talk, others won't shutup, it really depends on the WL. Sometimes you get a great connection other times its like talking to a robot.
Can I address this issue you have with your self image too? Soy as fuck means what? You may have had limited experience or negative experiences in the past. But so what. You're on a journey to improve yourself and gain experience. Every experience with women both in and out of shops will build confidence and capability over time. Your AR above showed that you learned a lot about the punting game and yourself in just one session. Why go into this with a negative expectation of how you will perform, what will happen or will this be like sometime in your past. Fuck that, be in the moment and enjoy yourself.
27-01-2024, 10:36 AM
I eat soy almost everyday (plant based diet) and I'm a fuckin stud lol.
On a serious note, just be yourself and relax, if you need to pee just go pee, you're a grown man :) If you try to hold it in you'll feel uncomfortable, and if you feel uncomfy or tense in anyway you won't be able to enjoy or release. In the end just try to enjoy yourself buddy...generally the more sessions you do the easier it gets.
27-01-2024, 02:39 PM
Hey mate.
First things first. If you have a bit of sexual anxiety with women especially a girl you really like. Not getting hard...
In terms of rapport, don't get too worried about it. Small talk is small talk..
Tipping them a little extra or seeing them more than once is likely going to make them like you more...
Again as with majority of the lads here on this forum, it's punting. Don't get involved or even consider making a relationship.
Re: the pill. Yeah I have some sildenafil and tadalafil in my medicine cabinet in case. I've got a few of each, but will try ordering from when that runs out.
Re: rapport and tipping. Yeah makes sense. I'll keep the tipping thing in mind if I have a few sessions with an ML/WL where the service is consistently good.
Re: relationship. Famous last words from a newbie, but I don't think I could properly fall for a girl who I can't properly communicate with. And also, there's a few things I look for in a woman for a serious relationship, and it seems super unlikely that WLs will meet those.
Thanks for sharing good intel. Good homework done before visiting and investing hard earn dollar.
I normally settled my pee before walked in the room to eliminate unnecessary hassles.
Agreed with Rainyex, Punt for fun no relationship
You can tell I'm an overthinker, which is why I spend time doing homework 🤓
Pee before you leave, never a bad idea to stop in at the pub nearby if you had a long commute and pee again.
With regards to building rapport, try your best to ask some direct questions...
Can I address this issue you have with your self image too? Soy as fuck means what? You may have had limited experience or negative experiences in the past. But so what. You're on a journey to improve yourself and gain experience. Every experience with women both in and out of shops will build confidence and capability over time. Your AR above showed that you learned a lot about the punting game and yourself in just one session. Why go into this with a negative expectation of how you will perform, what will happen or will this be like sometime in your past. Fuck that, be in the moment and enjoy yourself.
I appreciate the words of encouragement 🙏
I know cognitively that I should just chillout, relax and just enjoy the moment, but the bad mindset still lingers somehow. You ever meet someone who was afraid of dogs? Even if they know dogs are safe, and even if every person around them is chill with the dog, there's still something that activates in that person's nervous system when they see a dog. It's a bit like this for me with getting intimate with a woman, but instead of fear, it's more like nervousness, shyness and self-doubt. Rationally, I know it's silly to think these things but intuitively/emotionally it just happens to me in those situations..
Apparently exposure therapy can be pretty good for this. Punting will be my exposure therapy. Wonder if I can get NDIS to subsidize my punts 🤔
I eat soy almost everyday (plant based diet) and I'm a fuckin stud lol.
On a serious note, just be yourself and relax, if you need to pee just go pee, you're a grown man :) If you try to hold it in you'll feel uncomfortable, and if you feel uncomfy or tense in anyway you won't be able to enjoy or release. In the end just try to enjoy yourself buddy...generally the more sessions you do the easier it gets.
Re: plant based diet. Hell yeah brother, me too! I have TVP basically everyday. But punting may reactivate my desire for flesh 🐺
Re: being a grown man and peeing. Fuck, you're so right. I blame decades of school for drilling into my brain that I need to ask permission to go take a piss.
27-01-2024, 03:54 PM
Re: the pill. Yeah I have some sildenafil and tadalafil in my medicine cabinet in case. I've got a few of each, but will try ordering from when that runs out.
Re: being a grown man and peeing. Fuck, you're so right. I blame decades of school for drilling into my brain that I need to ask permission to go take a piss.
Right before every punt, whether its brothel or massage place. I always ask for the toilet. Never once have I been declined. I've even done one mid massage, no problems at all
27-01-2024, 08:55 PM
Soy boy, you are a great addition to this forum.
Thank you for your AR. I'm looking forward to further contributions by yourself.
27-01-2024, 10:01 PM
Greetings lads. This year I decided to pick up punting.
Questions for anyone who wishes to answer
(1) What the heck do you guys do if you need to pee during a session?
(2) Any tips for building rapport with the ladies? I can imagine good rapport can make sessions go better.
My Next Quest
Hitting up Ginza fo sho.
Welcome to the world of sin.
Answer 1 is just stand up, wrap a towel around you and go to the toilet.
Answer 2 is just see the ML/WL again, and probably again if it is working. Repeats and money will get you all the rapport you will need.
I think from reading your confession that Ginza may be a bit soon for your exploration. SBM was a good start but try Ella or Liya next. Both girls are better looking than Fiona and will treat you better. Ella has no P3 but everything else and if you are loved then Liya will take you to heaven and back. The important part for you is to tell the ML what you want her to provide. Accept her boundaries but most will treat you right, specially if you are seeing them regularly. This may become an expensive exercise so good luck 😎
27-01-2024, 10:05 PM
Good read
Good shit bud. Anxiety and erections are antithesis of each other. It fucking sucks but will pass. Keep going and don't give up.
27-01-2024, 10:57 PM
My suggestion is don’t waste time with the massage. I always tell the ML upfront that I’m not interested in a massage and they get the hint straight away.
28-01-2024, 05:53 PM
Greetings lads. This year I decided to pick up punting.
Cheesy backstory time
I'm not very sexually experienced and the handful of times I had sexytimes, "something" would happen eg. couldn't get hard, couldn't come at all, came too quick. This all basically culminated in a pretty bad mindset around sex: that it would only lead to disappointment and embarrassment. This made me reluctant to engage with women in my life and countless times I've subconsciously "rejected" advances made on me because of this mindset.
But fuck man, life's too short to be like this. Women are so gorgeous, and I really want to be able to get over this and properly enjoy sex. I could have decades of indulging in the delight that women are before I get old, wrinkly and impotent. I can't fucking miss this.
So not too long ago, I finally got a job after 2 years of not having steady income. I won't make that much money but it'll do. I've decided to not rent, and use that saved rent money to punt (and probably a bunch of other stuff to help me on this journey).
TL;DR: I'm soy as fuck and I'm determined to change that. Gonna use this thread for a bit of accountability
Experience 1: The Leadup
I decided for my first experience I'll go for a massage and see where it leads. I half considered 165 Canterbury due to the "new manager discount" thing they had going, but their reviews and pics weren't great. Then I considered 130 Dreamgirls due to it's convenient location for me, but the stories of the dragon lady receptionist scared me off.
In the end, I hit up SBM's WeChat, checked out the roster and asked to book Fiona as her description mentioned she allows touch and I love putting my hands on pretty women. I took 10mg of tadalafil to give my lil buddy a boost in case, then hopped on a train toward Museum Station.
First time at an MP and the place is smaller than I imagined. Receptionist was sitting behind a small glassed booth, and the upstairs floor was basically 1m^2 that immediately led to a few doors. Anyway, I mentioned my booking to the receptionist, paid some damage ($140) and walked up to the room I was assigned like a good boy.
Experience 1: The Session
Mid undressing, I hear a knock on the door before little Fiona walked in. This was when I learnt lesson #1: you can't rely on the pictures on the websites. Thankfully, she's still gorgeous; petite frame, cute little butt, a really cute face and enhanced C(?) cups. After a quick shower and exchanging basic pleasantries, we got started with part 1.
Part 1 was kinda nice, but a personal learning for me here is that I don't really enjoy massages all that much. I don't get (regular) massages often, and I don't recall ever getting one where I was amazed by it (happy to take recommendations for regular massages though!). Still, it is pretty nice to know your being touched by a pretty lady; I'd just rather be doing other things with her.
A possible mistake by me during part 1 was that I was basically silent the whole time. Maybe a missed opportunity to start building some rapport and connection with the ML? One thing I did chat about and find out was that she's been in Australia for 5 years, which leads me to lesson #2: you can't trust the info about the girls on the websites. I highly doubt she's 22 years old after being here for 5 years, and she definitely isn't a "new" girl.
Towards the end of part 1, she switched up her technique to a more playful and teasing style, and also leant into my ear and did some ASMR-style breathing and moans, which I thought was a nice touch. She told me to flip around, saw my cock was already rearing to go and gave me a coy smile: "you wan BJ??". Too mesmerized by a naked lady to think straight, I nodded like a retard. "Extra fipty dolla ok?". I nodded again. Lesson #3: with a clear mind, understand and clarify what you are signing up for. I had no idea if it was CBJ or BBBJ at the time of the retard nod, but fuck it we ball.
To my disappointment, she doms me up. Another personal learning is that CBJs don't do much for me, sensation wise. But it was still kinda awesome having someone hot suck my dick. After some time, she switches positions so now her legs are toward my head. I took this as a sign that I could touch and started caressing her thighs. Milky smooth skin, soft to the touch. Definitely my favorite part of the session was feeling her up, and rubbing my face all over her thighs while she sucks me off.
Every now and then, she would stop (probably to rest) and present her breasts for me to play with and suck on. I really wanted to kiss her too, but somehow felt too shy to ask (fucking ridiculous right? She's literally naked and on top of me, but my brain...)
Time was starting to run out, and TBH was I not really close to cumming. CBJ wasn't quite doing it, still had some background nerves in my mind AND to boot, I really needed to pee. Lesson #4: don't drink so much damn water on the trip up. You can survive 8 hours sleep without water, you can live for 2 hours without it too.
Needing a bit more stimulation, I asked her to try oiled HJ instead. HJ technique was kinda mechanical, and put together with the other things I had going on, I couldn't cum by the time it was up. Oh well. In hindsight, Fiona was such a great girl trying her best to please this awkward dude.
Total damage in the end was $140 (for the massage) + $50 (CBJ granted by the retard nod).
Quick afterthoughts: I'm not sure if I'll do another massage. So much time (30min) spent lying face down that could've been spent doing other things. TBH, I'd rather give the girl a massage for 30min. Though, I could have my mind changed if someone convinces me of a good way to do the ML game that I'm fucking up.
Questions for anyone who wishes to answer
(1) What the heck do you guys do if you need to pee during a session?
(2) Any tips for building rapport with the ladies? I can imagine good rapport can make sessions go better.
My Next Quest
Hitting up Ginza fo sho.
1) during the session yea i dont know for this one? excuse ur self and use the shower? but also depends the venue some of the bigger rooms at ginza with the ensuite have toilet/cubicle
same goes for some of the rooms at No 5 M and No42 G
i generally try to go before the session though
2) really depends bro sometimes no matter how good ur flirting is if the girl is jaded, missing home or clearly dont want to be in this job going to be hard to build rapport
maybe if ur super good lunkcing a hunk and can flirt she might warm up to you but lets be honest if we were we probs wont be going to these places?
or try to build rapport with foreplay with her and just being a gentleman and not treating the girls like they are WL and u are the customer
sometimes speaking same language as them helps too as they feel shy and bit uncomfortable speaking english the times trying to communicate certain sex positions and CIM and DD and then they look at u with funny face never gets old
28-01-2024, 06:05 PM
It’s okay bro, your first experience at a massage was very similar to my first massage. I went in not expecting anything for the first time but after the massage, the girl offered me a bbbj and fs for extra. Bbbj went good but as soon as she went in cow girl, I went limp in 10 seconds lol. Made me feel shitty and had some anxiety but I pushed through.
28-01-2024, 06:33 PM
It’s okay bro, your first experience at a massage was very similar to my first massage. I went in not expecting anything for the first time but after the massage, the girl offered me a bbbj and fs for extra. Bbbj went good but as soon as she went in cow girl, I went limp in 10 seconds lol. Made me feel shitty and had some anxiety but I pushed through.
that moment before they ask u to turn around pls and then give ur bum/bum cheeks a bit of tickle ticklet and then move up to your head and whisper shit in ur ear and blow hot air
28-01-2024, 07:37 PM
that moment before they ask u to turn around pls and then give ur bum/bum cheeks a bit of tickle ticklet and then move up to your head and whisper shit in ur ear and blow hot air
Hahaha man, Thats exactly what happened. Shits too funny lol.
28-01-2024, 09:32 PM
My 2c. If you’re paying this much money to dabble in this activity, spend the extra few bucks to get some Little Blue Pills.
Makes all the difference and when more often than not, will open new doors with the ladies as they find it very complimentary…yes that’s how I’d phrase it.
28-01-2024, 10:29 PM
Welcome to the world of sin.
Answer 1 is just stand up, wrap a towel around you and go to the toilet.
Answer 2 is just see the ML/WL again, and probably again if it is working. Repeats and money will get you all the rapport you will need...
Yep, that makes a lot of sense. I think I'm gonna explore a lot before I pick favorites to see again. There's just so many girls to choose from 🤤
Good shit bud. Anxiety and erections are antithesis of each other. It fucking sucks but will pass. Keep going and don't give up.
The goal for this year is to fuck my way out of anxiety. I'm gonna be the greatest psychotherapist of all time.
My suggestion is don’t waste time with the massage. I always tell the ML upfront that I’m not interested in a massage and they get the hint straight away.
Hol' up. You're saying I can ask for what I want? And maybe the request will be granted?? 🤯
(Not being snarky, I genuinely need to remember this lol)
It’s okay bro, your first experience at a massage was very similar to my first massage. I went in not expecting anything for the first time but after the massage, the girl offered me a bbbj and fs for extra. Bbbj went good but as soon as she went in cow girl, I went limp in 10 seconds lol. Made me feel shitty and had some anxiety but I pushed through.
Glad to hear it's not just me. Perhaps one day I will be a seasoned pro like you, bloom sensei 🥋
that moment before they ask u to turn around pls and then give ur bum/bum cheeks a bit of tickle ticklet and then move up to your head and whisper shit in ur ear and blow hot air
Brooooooo that's exactly what happened with Fiona 🤣
My 2c. If you’re paying this much money to dabble in this activity, spend the extra few bucks to get some Little Blue Pills.
Makes all the difference and when more often than not, will open new doors with the ladies as they find it very complimentary…yes that’s how I’d phrase it.
You know, that's a great idea. Stocking up 🔷 for my future punts.
Soy boy, you are a great addition to this forum.
Thank you for your AR. I'm looking forward to further contributions by yourself.
Thank you brother 🙏
I'll do my first Ginza sometime tomorrow when I get a chunk of time to myself. Stay tuned!
28-01-2024, 11:33 PM
Hey mongerloid2
I didn't consider myself sexually experienced either (and still don't) which is why I took up punting in the first place. I considered it like training because no one wants to be inexperienced in bed, plus the money you spend taking someone out on a nice date or multiple nice dates isn't guaranteed to lead to action and I bet it'll cost about the same if not more than what it costs for a punting session. At least you know that the WL is likely to be experienced and show you a good time (assuming you didn't pick a dud).
Anyway, I also treated it as a way to learn to become relaxed when you need to do the deed, and whilst I'm still learning this, maybe I can share some other things I learnt about punting. Note all of the following points tie into each other so try and make the connections where I'm, not explicit since it can be hard to connect ideas when typing stuff out.
"something" would happen eg. couldn't get hard, couldn't come at all, came too quick
1. Don't consume alcohol and punt (or caffeine).
Whiskey dick is a thing and as a result the computer ain't computing.
Also, alcohol and decision-making doesn't mix. On a number occasions, I've decided to book a session whilst under the influence with the train of thought in my head being, "Should I? Eh fuck it why not ay?" I tend to find these last-minute bookings result in me not being able to finish, whether it be due to whiskey dick or just anxiety.
Also, avoid caffeine. Don't make the anxiety worse.
2. Deciding whether to punt book a punt or not.
I've learnt that if I have doubts about whether to book a session or not then I shouldn't, that's it. The sessions where I spent some time trying to decide if I should or not resulted in anxiety kicking in at some point either before or during the session (e.g. having second thoughts on the way there, will the WL meet expectations, what time do I have to leave to get there on time, how long into this session are we, or anxiety about finishing too quickly (see the next paragraph)). I learned that for me punting basically needed to be the first thought that came into my head when I woke up because that's how I know I'm feeling pretty damn horny. I haven't had a bad session where there was no hesitation in booking whatsoever. The downside of this is that I might not be able to book the S-tier (top looks AND top service) WL because of the people who booked as soon as the roster came out (I'll get back to this in dot point 3). But if I'm THAT horny then honestly, a 6/10 is probably going to be feel enjoyable. (LINK) (
Additionally, you won't be anxious about finishing quickly if wake up horny as fuck because all you'll care about is finishing and you'll be lost in the moment trying to do so. Isn't that what you're paying for really?
3. The WL you pick.
I recommend starting off by seeing someone who has a lot of experience under their belt and is rated highly for their service and not necessarily their looks. They'll make you feel more comfortable when you start off. And then see them a few more times, as you'll already have an idea of what you're getting yourself into and there's the bonus of rapport. Both will definitely reduce the anxiety. You'll figure out what you like with experience which will reduce your anxiety too. For some appearance might be the be-all and end-all of whether you get off. For others decent-looking might be enough if the service is top-notch. Just focus on being in the moment for the timebeing when you're punting.
4. Managing expectations.
You've probably seen a bunch of the ARs on here where people rave about a particular WL which results in you having high expectations about the looks or service. The reality is that YMMV or beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think there's anyone who is 10/10 in looks AND service. That's a unicorn. What isn't a unicorn is 10/10 service with say 7/10 looks. Try not to go in having preconceived notions. What's the best way to avoid this? Book when you're horny as fuck as I mentioned previously as you'll be lost in the moment trying to finish.
I hope this helps mate :)
29-01-2024, 06:28 AM
Regarding caffiene - I'm a bit of a coffee addict so it's not an issue for me, but I understand could be an issue for some...
29-01-2024, 11:21 AM
Welcome to the world of punting. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please be aware of your belongings, especially how much is in your wallet because it could disappear very quickly.
My advice;
1. if you intend on being a regular at a place, have a chat with the mamasan/papasan. They can sometimes give you advice on which girls would suit what you're looking for like someone more outgoing and takes the lead or someone who is quiet and more reserved to match what you need.
2. communication is key, talk to whoever is giving you service, you dont want any implied miscommunications. Maybe you only brought $150 but you received $200 worth of service. It will be awkward and uncomfortable for you and frowned upon by that ML/WL. Also, feel free to be as open as you're comfortable with. Tell them you are nervous, tell them you haven't really done this before, tell them you have $x and you are looking for xyz in this session, tell them you aren't going to say anything but happy to hear if they have something on their mind.
3. try out different ML/WL until you click with one. Your first isn't going to be the one you stick with. Shop around, see if there are other ML/WL you vibe better with. Sometimes you can find what you're looking for in the strangest places.
4. don't fall in love. Just don't.
29-01-2024, 12:59 PM
I didn't consider myself sexually experienced either (and still don't) which is why I took up punting in the first place. I considered it like training because no one wants to be inexperienced in bed, plus the money you spend taking someone out on a nice date or multiple nice dates isn't guaranteed to lead to action and I bet it'll cost about the same if not more than what it costs for a punting session. At least you know that the WL is likely to be experienced and show you a good time (assuming you didn't pick a dud).
Anyway, I also treated it as a way to learn to become relaxed when you need to do the deed...
Funny quick story related to punting for learning: I keep a spreadsheet of my expenses to make sure budgeting appropriately and I'm never in the red for a given month. So my spreadsheet has a "Category" column to summarise where my expenses are coming from, so when I added my first punt damage I was like "hmmm, is this 'Leisure' or 'Self development'?". And in the end I was like "yeah, this is self development fo sho". Funny how we justify these things in my minds 😆
1. Don't consume alcohol and punt (or caffeine).
Whiskey dick is a thing and as a result the computer ain't computing.
You know, a great side effect of me mentally committing to the hobby of punting is now I'm much more serious about having healthy habits to makes sure my biology is in good shape for the punts. Now I'm keen to hit the gym, eat healthy and even picked up doing Zone 2 cardio everyday to improve my circulatory system and blood flow. Crazy what women can do for the motivation of the male brain.
2. Deciding whether to punt book a punt or not.
I've learnt that if I have doubts about whether to book a session or not then I shouldn't, that's it.
One part I left out of my first writeup was I when I was sitting at Hyde Park cos I got the Museum Station early, I started to freak out a little bit when the booking time was nearing. Like "holy fuck, what am I doing", "why the hell did I think this is a good idea", "wtf is going to happen?" and just random ridiculous thoughts. But I reminded myself why I was doing this, and how awesome it's gonna be when I come to the other side (not necessarily today) a transformed person who's more confident embodying their sexual being. It's probably gonna take some time, so I will be patient with it and trust the process.
3. The WL you pick...
4. Managing expectations...
Yeah for sure, my first handful of punts I'm probably gonna pick women with "experienced" or "PSE" in their descriptions who can take the lead a bit. At least while I'm building up my confidence and comfort levels.
But man, I'm also looking at the profiles of the J girls with "inexperienced innocent high school type" in their descriptions. and fuck they are sooooooo cute 😭. I really want to try these types of girls at some point, but not yet to save myself the possibility of mutual awkwardness.
Welcome to the world of punting. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please be aware of your belongings, especially how much is in your wallet because it could disappear very quickly...
Sage advice all around brother. Definitely will be carefully watching my pineapple harvest, making sure not to consume more than I can replenish.
29-01-2024, 03:24 PM
Funny quick story related to punting for learning: I keep a spreadsheet of my expenses to make sure budgeting appropriately and I'm never in the red for a given month. So my spreadsheet has a "Category" column to summarise where my expenses are coming from, so when I added my first punt damage I was like "hmmm, is this 'Leisure' or 'Self development'?". And in the end I was like "yeah, this is self development fo sho". Funny how we justify these things in my minds
For now put it under self-development, probably should put it under Leisure afterwards at some point.
One part I left out of my first writeup was I when I was sitting at Hyde Park cos I got the Museum Station early, I started to freak out a little bit when the booking time was nearing. Like "holy fuck, what am I doing", "why the hell did I think this is a good idea", "wtf is going to happen?" and just random ridiculous thoughts. But I reminded myself why I was doing this, and how awesome it's gonna be when I come to the other side (not necessarily today) a transformed person who's more confident embodying their sexual being. It's probably gonna take some time, so I will be patient with it and trust the process.
1st time I had no idea what to expect and hella anxious because I decided to book with some hesitation to begin with. Picked purely based on looks and didn't know that communication was a big factor for me back then. Didn't finish and I didn't muster up the courage to go again till like 1.5 or 2 years later.
2nd time had a better idea of what to expect, picked a girl who could speak English and was rated highly service-wise. Appearance-wise the girl just wasn't my type (she wasn't ugly, just not my type). I learned that picking someone who was my type appearance-wise was important (i.e. I'd probably need to pick a 7/10 my type appearance-wise VS a 10/10 not my type). Also learned that I did enjoy how proactive the girl was though. Had to get myself over the line.
3rd time had a pretty good idea of what to expect, picked someone different who spoke English, known for their service, appearance-wise was my type and proactive. Again, had to get myself over the line (anxious about time), but I think had the session been longer, wouldn't have had to.
4th time, the same girl, had some rapport, was less anxious about time, finished.
As you said, it'll take some time for you to work out what you need before you get fairly comfortable.
Yeah for sure, my first handful of punts I'm probably gonna pick women with "experienced" or "PSE" in their descriptions who can take the lead a bit. At least while I'm building up my confidence and comfort levels.
But man, I'm also looking at the profiles of the J girls with "inexperienced innocent high school type" in their descriptions. and fuck they are sooooooo cute . I really want to try these types of girls at some point, but not yet to save myself the possibility of mutual awkwardness.
Oh so you want the full oniichan UwU experience ay? HAHA
29-01-2024, 10:41 PM
Yeah for sure, my first handful of punts I'm probably gonna pick women with "experienced" or "PSE" in their descriptions who can take the lead a bit. At least while I'm building up my confidence and comfort levels.
But man, I'm also looking at the profiles of the J girls with "inexperienced innocent high school type" in their descriptions. and fuck they are sooooooo cute 😭. I really want to try these types of girls at some point, but not yet to save myself the possibility of mutual awkwardness.
Awkwardness is part of the high school experience :P
I think after 1 or 2 service girls you can try out those type of J girls, just not a good idea to try them first when you don't have a good baseline.
Also awkwardness around communicating is probably going to unavoidable unless you go with someone that has label "good" or "decent" English anyways.
29-01-2024, 11:02 PM
Oh so you want the full oniichan UwU experience ay? HAHA
Hahahaha you know it
29-01-2024, 11:07 PM
Experience 2: The Leadup
Wanted to try a straight into FS type business rather than the ML game, and reading this forum got me pretty interested in checking out Ginza. I took a page from sensei Jack-Jack's book and texted the Ginza number for recommendations. Basically said that I'm looking for a experienced and confident girl who can take the lead for my first time at Ginza as a customer. Literally less than a minute later, I get text back: "Ari Emma Pink", a few girls from the next day's roster. Terse and to the point.
I had a quick read through the profiles of these 3 girls and C Pink's stood out to me: "She love kissing playing touching everything . She love be kissed a lot too. Sweet pink is very caring, attentive and submissive. TOP SERVICE !!". Alright, let's fkn go. Booked in for an hour.
Fast forward to the day, I took a 10mg'er of tadalafil, hopped on a train and make way my to Ginza's iconic red backdoor. Funnily enough, another fellow punter rocked up just after me and we both waited after buzzing for the door to unlock. I hear a click and of course, like the gentlemen I am, held the door open for this fellow punter and let him in first. I probably saw a total of 4 or so punters during my visit, and it was kinda funny noticing that everyone would break eye contact immediately (if it ever happened), and basically followed what felt like an unspoken rule to pretend that neither of us exist.
Anyway, walked up the stairs, introduced myself to reception, mentioned my booking, paid the money and was told which room to wait in. Learning from last time, I made sure I visited the bathroom and emptied my bladder as much as I could. Not having been to many brothels before, I thought the room was pretty nice. Decent decor, dim red lights and lots of mirrors to check yourself out as you rail away. Neat.
Experience 2: The Session
I sat in the room in dead silence (don't think there was a music system there), just paying attention to the fluctuations in my heart rate, and mentally preparing myself. Almost 15 minutes had passed with no knock at the door to the point where I was starting to think maybe I was in the wrong room and Pink is just chilling alone eating up time.
Eventually I get a knock and in walks Pink and oh man, she did not look like the photos at all. Looked probably in the early to mid 30s, body size 8 (not 6 like the profile). This was probably a case where a long-time employee has a severely out of date profile. But hey, she's still decent looking, and I think I value service much more than looks so it's still way too early to phone it in. I'm still looking forward to experiencing what was mentioned in the description.
Because I'm such a good little diligent boy, I pull out my phone and showed her my pre-prepared English-to-Mandarin message saying that it's my first time at Ginza and I'm a bit shy and nervous. She does a little "calm down" motion with her hands and she says "daijoubu", to my great confusion because (1) C in C Pink means Chinese right?, (2) I literally just showed her some Mandarin and she read it, and (3) it's not like it was a Japanese-to-Mandarin translation (you could see both English/Mandarin on the screen). The rest of the session, she uses Japanese alongside gesturing and instructions.
Anyway, we do the mouthwash thing, she motions me to the shower where she starts to clean me. After rinsing off the soap, she kneels down to start the shower BBBJ and I'm like "hell yeah, finally a BBBJ, none of the CBJ bullshit". After a few minutes of that, dry off and head over to the bed. She cat bathes me for a bit and goes back to BBBJ business. No grating teeth sensation, pays attention to the head a lot and does tongue flicks, and intersperses some ballsucking which I'm a fan of. 8/10 I'd say (but I haven't enough experience to really set a standard).
At some point, she asks "sekkusu?" but I opted to go DATY first. The vibe started going a little downhill from here. Pink was a lil bushy downstairs, which is not my preference but certainly not a complete mood killer. She was not very responsive to what I was doing, but in all fairness, my head game probably needs some work. After a bit of downstairs noodling, I re-emerge and say "ikuzo" because apparently we're Japanese now. She's doms me up and I go to town in mish.
I'll spare the details at this point cos this is already getting kinda long, but it was all pretty mechanical and not very passionate. Not much kissing, Pink wasn't particularly energetic (her CG was mostly grinding), and there some half-hearted FOAMing and "kimochi" here and there.
Nearing the end, I wanted to get her back to doggy (my favorite position for that day) so I said "doggy" which all but activated a face of confusion from C Pink I mean J Pink. Knowing very little Japanese from the weeb shows I used to watch, I was racking my brain for the best word I could muster to get her to get back to doggy. So my brilliant ass said "wan wan" which I pretty sure means "bark bark". More confusion. I ended up just posing in doggy to show her what I wanted. "Ah ok".
Wasn't the greatest of lays, but I had a decent enough time plowing away in doggy (she checked her phone a few times when it buzzed). I eventually nutted (woo go me) and for some fucking reason she gave me a thumbs up after I came, which I thought was hilarious. She very nicely helps me clean up and bins the dom, and we make some idle chit chat to kill our remaining time via the powers of internet translation. At some point she called me kakkoii, which when I figured out meant "handsome", I thought "jeez lady, you weren't really acting like I was kakkoii".
The dudes at reception asked for feedback and I told them what the session was like. They were pretty nice about it, apologized and Mr. T said he'll make sure I have amazing service next time. I haven't lost hope on Ginza yet cos of all it's raving reviews, and the reception guys genuinely seem like they want to improve the service.
During the feedback, I actually noticed in the corner of my eye a group of WL ladies waiting behind me, maybe to do a lineup or to see reception. I didn't really pay attention as I was giving feedback but in hindsight, I realised I missed an opportunity to get solid intel. Shoulda gotten a proper look and asked for names. Ah well.
Next Quest
Gonna take a break for a week or two to restock on pineapples. I'll probably try Ginza again, same strat of picking an experienced and service oriented girl.
29-01-2024, 11:36 PM
Mongerloid, you should try K Rebecca, K Missha or K Julia if you want a confident girl that can take the lead.
lol this is one of the funniest AR I've read
love how you played along and started speaking in Japanese with her
and the doggy part is just too funny
30-01-2024, 01:06 AM
Experience 2: The Leadup
Wanted to try a straight into FS type business rather than the ML game, and reading this forum got me pretty interested in checking out Ginza. I took a page from sensei Jack-Jack's book and texted the Ginza number for recommendations. Basically said that I'm looking for a experienced and confident girl who can take the lead for my first time at Ginza as a customer. Literally less than a minute later, I get text back: "Ari Emma Pink", a few girls from the next day's roster. Terse and to the point.
Honestly, it sounds like reception just gave you a small list of girls that didn't have much bookings on the day, especially given the quick response time.
30-01-2024, 11:25 AM
Mongerloid, you should try K Rebecca, K Missha or K Julia if you want a confident girl that can take the lead.
I am sooo keen to try the K queens I hear so much about, but I have this idea in my head to work up to them to not set the standard too high too soon.
lol this is one of the funniest AR I've read
love how you played along and started speaking in Japanese with her
and the doggy part is just too funny
She also told me in the chitchat phase that she's half-Japanese and is flying back to Japan soon. So maybe she's just warming up to go full nihongo when she's back.
Honestly, it sounds like reception just gave you a small list of girls that didn't have much bookings on the day, especially given the quick response time.
I'm sure the guys know their business really well, and I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of visitors are one-timers only. So given that they don't know me at all, there's probably more incentive to help the girls out then to help me out. Probably should've just stuck to my personal research; getting recommendations probably only works well once your a recognised regular like Jack-Jack.
30-01-2024, 12:45 PM
Hey mongerloid2
I didn't consider myself sexually experienced either (and still don't) which is why I took up punting in the first place. I considered it like training because no one wants to be inexperienced in bed, plus the money you spend taking someone out on a nice date or multiple nice dates isn't guaranteed to lead to action and I bet it'll cost about the same if not more than what it costs for a punting session. At least you know that the WL is likely to be experienced and show you a good time (assuming you didn't pick a dud).
Anyway, I also treated it as a way to learn to become relaxed when you need to do the deed, and whilst I'm still learning this, maybe I can share some other things I learnt about punting. Note all of the following points tie into each other so try and make the connections where I'm, not explicit since it can be hard to connect ideas when typing stuff out.
1. Don't consume alcohol and punt (or caffeine).
Whiskey dick is a thing and as a result the computer ain't computing.
Also, alcohol and decision-making doesn't mix. On a number occasions, I've decided to book a session whilst under the influence with the train of thought in my head being, "Should I? Eh fuck it why not ay?" I tend to find these last-minute bookings result in me not being able to finish, whether it be due to whiskey dick or just anxiety.
Also, avoid caffeine. Don't make the anxiety worse.
2. Deciding whether to punt book a punt or not.
I've learnt that if I have doubts about whether to book a session or not then I shouldn't, that's it. The sessions where I spent some time trying to decide if I should or not resulted in anxiety kicking in at some point either before or during the session (e.g. having second thoughts on the way there, will the WL meet expectations, what time do I have to leave to get there on time, how long into this session are we, or anxiety about finishing too quickly (see the next paragraph)). I learned that for me punting basically needed to be the first thought that came into my head when I woke up because that's how I know I'm feeling pretty damn horny. I haven't had a bad session where there was no hesitation in booking whatsoever. The downside of this is that I might not be able to book the S-tier (top looks AND top service) WL because of the people who booked as soon as the roster came out (I'll get back to this in dot point 3). But if I'm THAT horny then honestly, a 6/10 is probably going to be feel enjoyable. (LINK) (
Additionally, you won't be anxious about finishing quickly if wake up horny as fuck because all you'll care about is finishing and you'll be lost in the moment trying to do so. Isn't that what you're paying for really?
3. The WL you pick.
I recommend starting off by seeing someone who has a lot of experience under their belt and is rated highly for their service and not necessarily their looks. They'll make you feel more comfortable when you start off. And then see them a few more times, as you'll already have an idea of what you're getting yourself into and there's the bonus of rapport. Both will definitely reduce the anxiety. You'll figure out what you like with experience which will reduce your anxiety too. For some appearance might be the be-all and end-all of whether you get off. For others decent-looking might be enough if the service is top-notch. Just focus on being in the moment for the timebeing when you're punting.
4. Managing expectations.
You've probably seen a bunch of the ARs on here where people rave about a particular WL which results in you having high expectations about the looks or service. The reality is that YMMV or beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think there's anyone who is 10/10 in looks AND service. That's a unicorn. What isn't a unicorn is 10/10 service with say 7/10 looks. Try not to go in having preconceived notions. What's the best way to avoid this? Book when you're horny as fuck as I mentioned previously as you'll be lost in the moment trying to finish.
I hope this helps mate :)
Regarding caffiene - I'm a bit of a coffee addict so it's not an issue for me, but I understand could be an issue for some...
Thanks for the info will try the caffiene trick next time as I’m also a sucker for coffee and it’s must to start my day lol
30-01-2024, 01:01 PM
Hey mate… sorry to hear ur first experience was not so great albeit it’s hilarious entertainment for the boys here… myself included
Do you mind if I ask if you went 2 rounds and if you had been saving up your “energy” before hand and no edging?
45 and 60min sessions I can normally go 2 rounds and bit of rest for talking and hugging but sounds like you guys acted out a role play with a script lmaooo
Not being a touche but yea honestly curious to know as I had hoped ur session would be more fun and memorable than an awkward skit rehearsal…
To make u feel better I had to use fingers to explain 69 to a j girl whom I think was taking the piss out of me lol
Try to get reception intel then check profile or check profile after reading reviews here and then ask for Intel
It can be misread not ur fault just how it came out in text and what u actually wanted I would have interpreted experienced as in u want or don’t mind an older girl … experienced and confident for me = top service girl who know what they’re doing next time try add great service and young or tell them which nationality you prefer if you have one.
Of those 3 recommended I personally wouldnt see Ari or pink as I prefer younger and u can also tell from reviews here and their profile they are older.
If you don’t want j girls on current roster I recommend u C Love V Susu or C Kk all of which have reviews here
For j girls I can create seperate topic or thread for u hahaha
Maybe list out some preferences you like and we can try to help? Tall leggy
Thick and lean body
Big rack vs natural boobs I dunno ahaha
30-01-2024, 01:09 PM
*not being a douche
V Emma I also heard good things about her
Here some useful threads mate
K girls
C girls
Others and large collection**RETURN-FACTOR**-GINZA-278-479-CLUB-**-MULTI-SHORT-REVIEW-ONLY
30-01-2024, 01:14 PM
Mongerloid, you should try K Rebecca, K Missha or K Julia if you want a confident girl that can take the lead.
These girls are good but be prepared they’d break ur dick lmaooo almost happened to me with Jessie in cowgirl it was like that image in Texas tavern/steak barns where u ride the giddy up horse hahaha
30-01-2024, 01:22 PM
I am sooo keen to try the K queens I hear so much about, but I have this idea in my head to work up to them to not set the standard too high too soon.
She also told me in the chitchat phase that she's half-Japanese and is flying back to Japan soon. So maybe she's just warming up to go full nihongo when she's back.
I'm sure the guys know their business really well, and I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of visitors are one-timers only. So given that they don't know me at all, there's probably more incentive to help the girls out then to help me out. Probably should've just stuck to my personal research; getting recommendations probably only works well once your a recognised regular like Jack-Jack.
Hahaha cos I almost go weekly and it’s a fkn shit expensive investment
Young punter maybe in ur excel u can out category for learners license
I did my fair share of punting and had a couple of duds along the way and know how to read/navigate the profile but also I do a lot of homework and due diligence checks too even though reception knows my taste I usually give samples to compare like I will go how is Hanna? Is she pretty like sky/sia or is she slim like k Jane or thicker and althetic like Rebecca comparing some of the girls you know or seen and reception knows is great way get good intel too
But this is an expensive investment and trial and error when the girl u wanna see had no reviews sometimes u just bite the bullet Call it my return on investment for the hard dollars spent lol
If u want pocket rocket give Dior a try too plenty of reviews on her here to so u can judge for urself
30-01-2024, 02:09 PM
Hey mate… sorry to hear ur first experience was not so great albeit it’s hilarious entertainment for the boys here… myself included
Not gonna lie, I did indeed think to myself during the session "at least this'll be a funny story for the lads..."
Do you mind if I ask if you went 2 rounds and if you had been saving up your “energy” before hand and no edging?
45 and 60min sessions I can normally go 2 rounds and bit of rest for talking and hugging but sounds like you guys acted out a role play with a script lmaooo
Yeah, didn't ejaculate for around 3 days prior to this. I went for 1 long round, basically didn't stop fucking once the fucking started. I wasn't as fully aroused as I could've been during the session due to the lack of chemistry, and was even going a bit soft during certain positions. That's why I had to go back to the best position for me (wan wan position, it's a new one, you may not have heard of it before) when time was running out so I could get myself over the line.
Actually when I got home, I jerked off two more times.
It can be misread not ur fault just how it came out in text and what u actually wanted I would have interpreted experienced as in u want or don’t mind an older girl … experienced and confident for me = top service girl who know what they’re doing next time try add great service and young or tell them which nationality you prefer if you have one.
Yep, I'm learning that precise keywords are important for filtering. "Top service" is probably what I should've mentioned.
Maybe list out some preferences you like and we can try to help? Tall leggy
Thick and lean body
Big rack vs natural boobs I dunno ahaha
I definitely am a big fan of petite pocket rockets, but I basically wanna try every type of girl at least once (except for like, obese or granny age and stuff like that).
These girls are good but be prepared they’d break ur dick lmaooo almost happened to me with Jessie in cowgirl it was like that image in Texas tavern/steak barns where u ride the giddy up horse hahaha ��
I did my fair share of punting and had a couple of duds along the way...
But this is an expensive investment and trial and error when the girl u wanna see had no reviews sometimes u just bite the bullet Call it my return on investment for the hard dollars spent lol
Yup, duds were bound to happen at some point, just happened to me early. Such is life.
But there is still treasure and booty around to be found 🍑
If u want pocket rocket give Dior a try too plenty of reviews on her here to so u can judge for urself
Got my eyes on her, would be cool to try a girl with decent English too so it's a little easier to communicate and build a bit of rapport.
Sage wisdom as always sensei 🙏
30-01-2024, 02:19 PM
Not gonna lie, I did indeed think to myself during the session "at least this'll be a funny story for the lads..."
Yeah, didn't ejaculate for around 3 days prior to this. I went for 1 long round, basically didn't stop fucking once the fucking started. I wasn't as fully aroused as I could've been during the session due to the lack of chemistry, and was even going a bit soft during certain positions. That's why I had to go back to the best position for me (wan wan position, it's a new one, you may not have heard of it before) when time was running out so I could get myself over the line.
Actually when I got home, I jerked off two more times.
Yep, I'm learning that precise keywords are important for filtering. "Top service" is probably what I should've mentioned.
I definitely am a big fan of petite pocket rockets, but I basically wanna try every type of girl at least once (except for like, obese or granny age and stuff like that).
Yup, duds were bound to happen at some point, just happened to me early. Such is life.
But there is still treasure and booty around to be found
Got my eyes on her, would be cool to try a girl with decent English too so it's a little easier to communicate and build a bit of rapport.
Sage wisdom as always sensei
I’d highly recommend Hanna if u can score a booking with her
Super good service and very very young and u can defs have a convo with her and flirt
Don’t worry no wan wan with Hanna just be like it’s doggy style time hahaha
30-01-2024, 02:27 PM
so many girls... so few pineapples...
30-01-2024, 02:56 PM
I also recommend Hanna as well if you wanna visit a great service young Korean WL with really good English.
I agree with Jack review so reading that will align your expectations.
For a J girl pocket rocket. I can also recommend Karen Nono just note that she has enhanced C cup and also limited English, it's decent but there gonna be a language barrier. There also plenty of reviews of her as well so read up on it to see if good fit for you!
30-01-2024, 03:03 PM
Hah, this thread reminds me of young Caffery lol, oh how he's grown.
Enjoy the journey, mongerloid2
30-01-2024, 05:07 PM
Thanks for the info will try the caffiene trick next time as I’m also a sucker for coffee and it’s must to start my day lol
I mean just avoid it leading up to a booking, just make sure it's out of your system. I tend to book late arvo or night, so even if I feel a little tired prior, I've learnt to avoid caffiene.
Mongerloid, you should try K Rebecca, K Missha or K Julia if you want a confident girl that can take the lead.
I am sooo keen to try the K queens I hear so much about, but I have this idea in my head to work up to them to not set the standard too high too soon.
Nah nah, that was my mistake too, you should definitely start with them or VxC Dior. I haven't seen K Julia, but the rest of the K queens and VxC Dior all have great service. I expect your next report back to have been with one of the K queens, VxC Dior or another well-documented Ginza girl. I will be genuinely disappointed if your next report isn't (not even capping).
To help make the decision easier for you:
- K Rebecca is best represented by this photo ( (photo is a bit old, but it's definitely her, plus the usual use of filters, she's thiccer now too but in a good way) all natural. Her service style is girl you took home from a bar or club, very bubbly and fun, and a certified freak (she has ALL the tricks). I wouldn't call a session with her GFE passionate lovemaking if that's what you want. Since you keep bringing up all these Japanese references, I'll say that if you've ever seen Ai Uehara's (the JAV actress) videos, that's what I'd say her personality and service is like. Also fantastic English, I'd say it's above conversational. Trust me she'll definitely kick the fucking shyness out of you very quickly.
- K Misha is best represented by this photo ( (photo is also definitely her). She unfortunately wasn't my type, as she has had nose enhancements (a lot of Asian girls want a skinnier nose, and Asians tend to not have a nose arch so they get that done too). Her service and attitude is top-tier though, nothing to fault and like K Rebecca she has all the tricks. I'd say a session with her is closer to a Western-style PSE, more of a seductive style and personality. Decent English but K Rebecca's English is better.
- VxC Dior's photos on the site don't show her face, but there is a cosplayer/OF girl that I say she resembles. I'd say she looks like the cosplayer in this photo ( ?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=4dc865&_nc_ohc=VU9-okKXB-QAX-_-qmj&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd4-1.fna&oh=00_AfB4Pv5v0cmiSp9DiTMX4su2sAehyEqMbmXc2GmAZ-qc7A&oe=65DFE9AD) (the cosplayer I linked has more of a my boyfriend is a "street pharmacist", blonde Cabramatta girl look now, so I wouldn't bother digging up new photos of her to decide whether VxC Dior will be your type, if you like what you see in the picture book VxC Dior). All natural, she does have a medium-sized lotus flower tattoo on her lower back in case you don't like tattoos. Her service I'd say is a friends-with-benefits-type style (and that you were good mates before, not like a Tinder FWB-type situation). A few people have mentioned that she is too chatty, I personally think it adds to the friends-with-benefits-style. Additionally, I also really enjoy the post-nut cuddling and chatting, makes it feel less punt-y. Her English is a little better than K Rebecca's, you can have a good chat with her and build rapport, but I wouldn't say she is bubbly like K Rebecca since a session with K Rebecca feels like hooking up with someone you just met and are taking home. VxC Dior feels like a female mate that you've known for ages that you have a friends-with-benefits arrangement with that you can just chit-chat normal life shit with. I'd say her service is more vanilla, but we're not talking Peter's Original Vanilla, I'm talking real vanilla bean Gelato Messina-type shit. Her bag of tricks isn't as deep as the K queens, but she is a pro and is S-tier with all the services she does offer.
Whilst this girl might not be considered GOAT because she is fairly new, I'll mention V Nini anyway since it sounds like you might like a bit of the Japanese high-school experience (my full AR here (
- V Nini is best represented by this photo ( and you can also use this photo ( to make up your mind. The 1st photo is definitely her, the filters make her appear unrealistically white-skinned and whilst these photos weren't originally on her profile when I wrote up my AR, they're 95% accurate. You can read my full AR to get an idea of what a session might be like. I had a fun time, but be warned that her English is non-existent, so communicating was difficult. If you can speak Vietnamese or Mandarin I think you'll have a proper-proper blast. Style-wise my AR mentioned that she was "non-stop horny long-distance GF that wants to please", but if I were to add to that, it would be "experienced cute-pretty high school girlfriend-vibe." She is quite young and visibly so (hence the high school component), but she is experienced skill-wise (imagine you're high school boyfriend and girlfriend, and that she only ever dated one guy before you but became quite experienced from it). The "non-stop horny long-distance GF" I think might need a tad more expansion. Again, picture you're high school boyfriend and girlfriend, you've never slept with each other before (as the moment never felt quite right), you've had to move away for a while for whatever reason, you finally reunite and now the moment feels right. During this first time, there's a sense of high-school awkwardness to her personality as she's trying to figure out what YOU like, even though she's experienced with her ex and that she is really trying her hardest to figure it out (and it shows through her eye contact and attentiveness, like she's trying to see how you react to each thing she tries). It's hard to convey the feeling in words but it feels adorable and sweet and a bit like a coming-of-age story (a little awkward but very fun). If you want that high school GF vibe (not completely innocent, not a slut either) with the addition of experience give her a go.
30-01-2024, 06:31 PM
Some solid recommendations here. We're expecting big things from you!
30-01-2024, 10:53 PM
Right before every punt, whether its brothel or massage place. I always ask for the toilet. Never once have I been declined. I've even done one mid massage, no problems at all
Why would they stop you from using the restroom?
(unless they're stinging for a golden shower)
If you gotta go, you gotta go.
30-01-2024, 11:11 PM
So many incredible recommendations here. Who knew fellow punter bros were so kind ��
Hah, this thread reminds me of young Caffery lol, oh how he's grown.
Enjoy the journey, mongerloid2
Cheers brother. At some point I gotta get around to reading about the Caffery bloke, sounds like some crazy aus99 lore ��
I expect your next report back to have been with one of the K queens, VxC Dior or another well-documented Ginza girl. I will be genuinely disappointed if your next report isn't (not even capping).
Hahaha ok, pressure's on. Now I gotta do it for the boys ✊
These writeups are really great too. "GF that wants to please" descriptor for Nini sounds hot as fuck, definitely wanna give her a go soon. I'm probably gonna go for a English speaking girl next though.
Some solid recommendations here. We're expecting big things from you!
01-02-2024, 03:04 PM
Cheers brother. At some point I gotta get around to reading about the Caffery bloke, sounds like some crazy aus99 lore
You can view his posts here, start from his First Post and you will know what I mean :shout:
10-04-2024, 11:57 PM
Explanation of my posting hiatus
I had a terrible injury... I tore my frenulum 😭😭😭
Couldn't fuck or jerk off without pain for like 5 weeks (took longer to heal because I accidentally re-tore it a little bit from being too horny)
Honestly one of the most frustrating periods of my life.
So because of this, I lost my momentum of checking this forum and didn't post when I got back into punting.
Here's some quick summaries of some girls I saw after healing from this injury, in order that I saw them.
- Very naturally pretty girl, great body, very friendly and good English too!
- Had a full hour, fucked for a really long time and was a pretty solid cardio workout
- I think her prettiness made me extra nervous
- I put too much pressure on myself and couldn't cum at all 😭 Felt kinda bad about it
K Hanna
- Quite a cute girl, nice body, chill vibes and basically native English!
- Offered a rimjob and I was like "fuck it, let's just try it out"
- Accidentally farted in her face (LOL) but she was chill about it
- Rimjobs aren't really me for, mostly just ticklish and not particularly pleasurable
- Fucked in a bunch of positions, managed to nut in cuddle mish (woo!)
- I really enjoyed the lack of language barrier
- Had a really nice chat afterward, I asked her a bunch of questions guys do that makes sex good/bad for girls
ABVxC Dior
- Quite hot, big fan of her thighs 😍 (sorta gym toned thighs)
- Understands a lot of English, though her accent is pretty broken lol
- Love her attitude, very service oriented saying things like "whatever you want baby just let me know"
- Probably my favorite girl so far, felt the most comfortable (so far) with her
- First girl to give me suggestions during sex. When we were doing standing doggy she was like "here, hold my arms like this". All the other girls so far basically just waited til I initiated something
- Came in prone brone (feelsgoodman)
- Told me I was a good kisser, and that seeing me made her less excited to see other customers (dunno if she's just gassing me up so I turn into a regular, but I'll take what I can get man, these don't come often, I need that confidence boost)
- Chatted afterwards about what makes sex good for the girl (yes I'm a people pleaser and tryna learn what I can)
- Chatty as fuck though lmao
K Kokomi
- First J girl for me, was in the mood for someone petite and her profile piqued my interest
- Really cute girl, and surprisingly good English
- Probably the tightest girl I've been in so far
- Quickest nut so far, managed to cum within like 25min (probably because I'm starting to get more comfortable now, less nervous)
- First girl I tried for round 2 with, but couldn't cum 2nd time (15min remaining wasn't quite enough)
Reflections so far
- I honestly really enjoy chatting with the girls, I'll be looking for strong English where I can
- Starting to get more a little bit comfortable which is cool
- I'm still taking 100mg of sildenafil beforehand because I'm afraid of not being able to get it up (though only used 50mg with Kokomi)
- I can still tell there's nerves in my body for the following reasons:
- I'm still not "all the way" hard during these punts. When I get home, I'm still horny and my erections actually feel stronger even though I nutted 1 or 2 hours ago. And it's probably because I know I'm alone and there's no-one else around
- I basically can't cum at all from BBBJs, even though I love watching BJs during porn
Next steps
- I reallllly wanna try a lady with big fat tits 🤤
- Also wanna try a MILF, they seem sorta rare at Ginza
- I'll probably try places aside from Ginza once I get more comfortable, but right now Ginza feels like my punting home
- Also wanna go through all the AB girls and see who I chemistry with, and also try the infamous K queens
- Fuck my life there's so many girls I wanna try...
I fucking got injured again. This time I tweaked my shoulder really badly after crash on a bike. Doc says it's like 4 weeks to heal. I don't really wanna punt when I can barely move my elbow away from my body.
12-04-2024, 01:36 AM
I was just wondering today whatever happened to this thread only to find out there was an update LOL.
Good to see that you trusted the process by:
- not giving up after failing to nut with K IU due to the pressure you put on yourself
- actually trying one of the more dependable girls (Dior).
With regards to your reflection, continue trusting the process, you'll:
- soon find out things you have a strong preference for like the strong English you mentioned (also one of my preferences and for the same reason).
- get more comfortable with time. Since everything is still new you're still just anxious and overthinking. It's all Jedi mind games. I do find that the more dependable girls help with this though since they are comfortable leading (if necessary) meaning you're free to get lost in the moment. So if you want the easy way then my suggestion is to continue easing yourself into it all by picking dependable girls. I tend to find they're pretty good at accommodating so if you want them to be pro-active and for them to do all the work they're capable of doing so and vice versa and anywhere in between. You'll find a sweet spot. Or you can just YOLO full send and hope you figure it all out.
With regards to next steps, at the moment you're a kid in a candy store wanting to sample everything, just be aware that you're going to have dud punts along the way, but it's all part of the process too. Again, you'll figure out what you like/don't like.
If you want to tick off K Queen and MILF in one go, K Jessie at Ginza might be the one for you. I've never booked her but everyone else on here who was also after these 2 things only had positive things to say about her.
13-04-2024, 12:19 PM
So if you want the easy way then my suggestion is to continue easing yourself into it all by picking dependable girls. I tend to find they're pretty good at accommodating so if you want them to be pro-active and for them to do all the work they're capable of doing so and vice versa and anywhere in between.
So far my list of dependable girls:
- ABVxC Dior
- K Queens: Rebecca, Misha, Julia, Jessie
Anyone else? Any J girls make this list too?
Good to see that you trusted the process by:
- not giving up after failing to nut with K IU due to the pressure you put on yourself
- actually trying one of the more dependable girls (Dior).
I'm on a fuckin mission to become less soy with women
Can't let a few embarrassing moments stop me
With regards to your reflection, continue trusting the process, you'll:
- soon find out things you have a strong preference for like the strong English you mentioned (also one of my preferences and for the same reason).
- get more comfortable with time. Since everything is still new you're still just anxious and overthinking. It's all Jedi mind games. I do find that the more dependable girls help with this though since they are comfortable leading (if necessary) meaning you're free to get lost in the moment. You'll find a sweet spot. Or you can just YOLO full send and hope you figure it all out.
Yeah, I'm really exploring a lot now to get a better sense of what I might like and what I could be into, but I also do want the experience of having a regular at some point.
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