View Full Version : General talk Me too

19-09-2023, 09:03 AM
This Me Too movement is getting way out of hand now. Latest one to get it, Russell Brand:

So let's see if I understand this correctly. Older man gets into a relationship with a young woman of legal age, relationship doesn't go well, woman feels scorned and feels like she got a bad deal. Now she's alleging every illegal sex related wrongdoing except under-aged sex to get this guy done. And the media laps it up like a rabid dog laps up water. FMD...

And here we were wondering why we liked our Asian girls? I mean after all this, who would dare enter any type of relationship with a westernized woman? They can stick to their dildos and vibrators, I ain't touching them with a 10-foot pole!

19-09-2023, 09:23 AM
Is it such a rare occurrence or non existence or guys are being silence too?
I want to hear stories of guys being harassed by their hot bosses..

19-09-2023, 09:25 AM
I take the opposite approach

Of course, everyone is entitled to be considered innocent before the law until proven otherwise

But where there is smoke there is fire

If you are rich and influential, dont be overpowered by your own self importance. Keep your cock in your trousers and your tongue in your mouth

RB tried to remove Australian journalist Liz Hayes bra on camera. See for yourself:


It was widely known in the entertainment industry about certain things which you can read about yourself. Women had to be careful with this certain person

Women have a right to not have their bodies violated. Sexual assault is very much under reported. Probably only 10-20% of victims seek assistance

The Mee too movement got a few grub movie producers into jail where they belonged.

A man is deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Let's see the evidence

19-09-2023, 09:58 AM
Is it such a rare occurrence or non existence or guys are being silence too?
I want to hear stories of guys being harassed by their hot bosses..

You really think there's all these men are getting raped and sexually assaulted by women?

19-09-2023, 10:03 AM
This Me Too movement is getting way out of hand now. Latest one to get it, Russell Brand:

So let's see if I understand this correctly. Older man gets into a relationship with a young woman of legal age, relationship doesn't go well, woman feels scorned and feels like she got a bad deal. Now she's alleging every illegal sex related wrongdoing except under-aged sex to get this guy done. And the media laps it up like a rabid dog laps up water. FMD...

And here we were wondering why we liked our Asian girls? I mean after all this, who would dare enter any type of relationship with a westernized woman? They can stick to their dildos and vibrators, I ain't touching them with a 10-foot pole!

About 2 percent of accused rapists get convicted which is probably why about 80% of cases go unreported to police. do you really think that's "getting out of hand"? Curious that you feel threatened by women coming out though. I'm sure all these western women will be devastated that you don't want to fuck them.

19-09-2023, 10:20 AM
Men have been getting away with rape and sexual harassment for centuries.
The celebrities brought to justice (Rolf Harris, Weinstein, Epstein, Cosby, etc) for their crimes are just the tip of a big ugly iceberg.
There is a backlog of unreported rape and sexual harassment going back decades so it is not surprising that these allegations of historical rape keep popping up regularly.
And that's just in the developed world where we are half-civilised now, one can only speculate on the millions of rapes that must happen in Third World countries where women have few or no rights.
Rape is very hard to prove in court, especially one committed many years ago, and Brand will get a fair trial.
Don't waste your sympathy on Brand, save your sympathy for the millions of women who have suffered in silence for decades, and still do.

19-09-2023, 10:56 AM
If you are a man facing multiple complaints of sexual assault from multiple women,

"You better get a lawyer son, better get a real good one"

As Tex Perkins said:


Respect to all the women in the past who were too afraid to seek justice

19-09-2023, 11:02 AM
About 2 percent of accused rapists get convicted which is probably why about 80% of cases go unreported to police. do you really think that's "getting out of hand"? Curious that you feel threatened by women coming out though. I'm sure all these western women will be devastated that you don't want to fuck them.

How would you, or anybody for that matter, know that "80% of cases go unreported" if they were not reported?

19-09-2023, 11:11 AM
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021

"13% of women reported their most recent incident of sexual assault by a male perpetrator to police, but were more likely to do so if they were physically injured and consulted a doctor or health care professional about their injuries"

"2.2 million women (23%) and 718,000 men (8.0%) aged 18 years and over have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, including childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault since the age of 15"

It's a comprehensive article


This shit is real, just brushed under the carpet thats all. People looking the other way, that kind of thing

19-09-2023, 11:23 AM
If you are rich and influential, dont be overpowered by your own self importance. Keep your cock in your trousers and your tongue in your mouth
Have to agree with Mr. frisson here. And it's NOT just the rich and powerful... Why some countries' men are deemed high risk and undesirable as clients.. a certain ENTITLED attitude that supercedes all. And I have seen it in person... and have heard the stories from wg's who I believed.

19-09-2023, 11:26 AM
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021

"13% of women reported their most recent incident of sexual assault by a male perpetrator to police, but were more likely to do so if they were physically injured and consulted a doctor or health care professional about their injuries"

"2.2 million women (23%) and 718,000 men (8.0%) aged 18 years and over have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, including childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault since the age of 15"

It's a comprehensive article


This shit is real, just brushed under the carpet thats all. People looking the other way, that kind of thing

Again, I question these stats. Use common sense and think about how they can possibly get those figures. These are unreported cases we're talking about. They're trying to count the things that they don't know.

The only possible way they could get the stats is through extrapolation, and that is far from being the truth.

19-09-2023, 11:36 AM
Have to agree with Mr. frisson here. And it's NOT just the rich and powerful... Why some countries' men are deemed high risk and undesirable as clients.. a certain ENTITLED attitude that supercedes all. And I have seen it in person... and have heard the stories from wg's who I believed.
I stand corrected

The accurate phrase is:

If you are rich and influential, dont be overpowered by your own self importance. Keep your hands to yourself, your tongue in your mouth, and your cock in your trousers

19-09-2023, 11:40 AM
Again, I question these stats. Use common sense and think about how they can possibly get those figures. These are unreported cases we're talking about. They're trying to count the things that they don't know.

The only possible way they could get the stats is through extrapolation, and that is far from being the truth.

Unreported to police because it’s too traumatic to go through a long court process that is unlikely to result in a conviction. The stats are based on academic surveys that don’t involve the same drawn out trauma and damage to mental health. I still don’t know why you’re u think it’s gone too far? Do you think women just shouldn’t report rape and sexual assault? You seem to think the only reason women do it is out of spite which really makes very little sense given what it involves. You also seem to think that women should just be submissive and accept the male female power imbalance given your words about westernised vs Asian women.

19-09-2023, 11:41 AM
Another influential and rich man:
"He described his attempt to seduce a married woman. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."


Keep your hands to yourself, your tongue in your mouth, and your cock in your trousers. And get a good lawyer

19-09-2023, 11:47 AM
Unreported to police because it’s too traumatic to go through a long court process that is unlikely to result in a conviction. The stats are based on academic surveys that don’t involve the same drawn out trauma and damage to mental health. I still don’t know why you’re u think it’s gone too far? Do you think women just shouldn’t report rape and sexual assault? You seem to think the only reason women do it is out of spite which really makes very little sense given what it involves. You also seem to think that women should just be submissive and accept the male female power imbalance given your words about westernised vs Asian women.

You got it all wrong about me and you are too judgmental for your own good. All I did was point out the facts about the case brought by the 16 year old. I speak because the case she is putting forward does not make sense to me, not because I fervently want to defend Russell Brand. I am not blinded by fervour, I don't even follow that guy. When something feels wrong to me, I speak up.

You on the other hand are a zealot. You even make believe that I am as despicable as you imagine I am, so that I would make a better target for you. You're sounding like a bigot, you know that?

19-09-2023, 11:53 AM
You got it all wrong about me and you are too judgmental for your own good. All I did was point out the facts about the case brought by the 16 year old. I speak because the case she is putting forward does not make sense to me, not because I fervently want to defend Russell Brand. I am not blinded by fervour, I don't even follow that guy. When something feels wrong to me, I speak up.
Bro you are simply bringing to people's attention a worthy news article. No offence taken by anyone. You always provide good content and opinion for the forum

I'm sure you aren't arguing this is a conspiracy against men in general. It may be a conspiracy against this man, so let's now await the evidence if it goes to trial

I admire how fast RB thinks and speaks, and he is a smart man.
He always interviewed as a bit chaotic, RB is a speak first and think later kind of guy.

He may however be facing a past he acknowledges himself as being crazily promiscuous

He says it was all consensual. We trust him at his word. A judge may or may not

19-09-2023, 12:02 PM
There is a backlog of unreported rape and sexual harassment going back decades so it is not surprising that these allegations of historical rape keep popping up regularly.
And that's just in the developed world where we are half-civilised now, one can only speculate on the millions of rapes that must happen in Third World countries where women have few or no rights

Good points bro Rooter

I would not like to be a woman in a less developed country not even allowed an education. God help the 16 year old girl when they are being assaulted in an arranged marriage to a 70 year old man

I can't see Russell Brands reputation being salvaged, although every man is innocent until proven guilty

Then again Trump tries to overcome a growing number of scandals, generally ignored now by a permissive society

Hidden Python
19-09-2023, 12:15 PM
Just search passport bros on TikTok and it will answer all your questions

19-09-2023, 12:24 PM
Good points bro Rooter

I would not like to be a woman in a less developed country not even allowed an education. God help the 16 year old girl when they are being assaulted in an arranged marriage to a 70 year old man

I can't see Russell Brands reputation being salvaged, although every man is innocent until proven guilty

Then again Trump tries to overcome a growing number of scandals, generally ignored now by a permissive society

Innocent until proven guilty... tell that to the media, forum zealots, competing comedians (check out that other comedian, "the only comedian to stand up to Brand"... f-ing vulture style, trying to benefit from the situation, what a disgrace!) and who knows who else trying to push their agenda? It's a circus!

I fully concur about the exploitation of women in less advantaged communities. Those are the real victims. But when it happens in the West, when fame and fortune are involved, it invariably becomes a circus and all these others with their own agendas come out of the woodwork. Are they really doing it for the victims or doing it for their own benefit?

19-09-2023, 12:27 PM
Innocent until proven guilty... tell that to the media, forum zealots, competing comedians (check out that other comedian, "the only comedian to stand up to Brand"... f-ing vulture style, trying to benefit from the situation, what a disgrace!) and who knows who else trying to push their agenda? It's a circus!

I fully concur about the exploitation of women in less advantaged communities. Those are the real victims. But when it happens in the West, when fame and fortune are involved, it invariably becomes a circus and all these others with their own agendas come out of the woodwork. Are they really doing it for the victims or doing it for their own benefit?

I agree it will be a circus. 24 hour news services going bonkers at the click bait that this story represents

I decided this week to avoid TV news now. They forcefeed us global trauma and salacious items that have no benefit to know about. I don't want to be updated every hour about the most depressing event from around the world every hour thanks

Let's see if RB did or did not put his hands down just one too many ladies pants. Innocent until proven guilty. Let's await the trial

19-09-2023, 12:41 PM
You got it all wrong about me and you are too judgmental for your own good. All I did was point out the facts about the case brought by the 16 year old. I speak because the case she is putting forward does not make sense to me, not because I fervently want to defend Russell Brand. I am not blinded by fervour, I don't even follow that guy. When something feels wrong to me, I speak up.

You on the other hand are a zealot. You even make believe that I am as despicable as you imagine I am, so that I would make a better target for you. You're sounding like a bigot, you know that?

Lol right I’m a bigot. Not really sure why you doubt the 16 year olds story and think she’s just out to get him, plus there are other women as well. You also doubt the rape statistics and say they have no basis in fact. And the comparison of Asian women to western women is just weird.
Innocent til proven guilty and he will get a fair trial. In the meantime he’ll be fine. He’s super rich, has a big supportive following and doesn’t really on the mainstream media for his platform.

19-09-2023, 12:44 PM
Ok, a few things.
Let's deal with Asia vs Western counties first. What you're saying is that you prefer girls who will keep their mouths shut if they're a victim of sexual assault?
You know as well as I do how male dominated asian countries, and their legal systems, are. You know that when women DO speak up they are harassed and shamed in to silence, or if you dare speak against a Chinese govt official, an example that we all got to witness, even worse. It has been normalised for too long that a powerful man can do as he pleases knowing the legal system makes it highly unlikely he will face consequences, and that his status and public persona put forward will influence the public debate. "He seems such a nice man, I don't believe he could do such a thing."
The stats on why so few cases make it to a trial are not pulled out of a hat, and I advise everyone on here to speak with as many women as you can that you know well enough to hear their stories. We all know someone who has been assaulted, and most never reported, because the legal system has failed them, because it has long been stigmatised, for any number of reasons. When you hear the forensic process the women have to go through, the invasive, cold, demeaning process which usually includes amounts of victim blaming, it is little wonder.
There seems to be smoke around the RB case, it doesn't seem to be disputable that the two were seeing each other before she turned 16, that he was influencing her to deceive her parents, that he wanted their relationship to be kept secret etc, that he had been grooming her etc. Not indicators of guilt, red flags nonetheless. The fact that the other complainants had made reports independently adds to the case, and remember, police will only seek to pursue charges if they feel they can get a conviction.

19-09-2023, 12:47 PM
I think the Me Too Movement and Media Cancel Culture are two separate things.

I total agree that men should be held responsible for any sexual crimes committed against women. I don't think it's too much for women to come out and report the incidents. Like you guys said, let the justice system collect the facts and then we can make a decision on guilty or not.

Just think, how many of you have heard horror stories from your favorite WLs about how some other shithead punters violated them. Some even sounds like straight up rape. I've heard stories that still haunts me when I think about it. So no, I think the Me Too Movement is necessary.

19-09-2023, 12:54 PM
I think the Me Too Movement and Media Cancel Culture are two separate things.

I total agree that men should be held responsible for any sexual crimes committed against women. I don't think it's too much for women to come out and report the incidents. Like you guys said, let the justice system collect the facts and then we can make a decision on guilty or not.

Just think, how many of you have heard horror stories from your favorite WLs about how some other shithead punters violated them. Some even sounds like straight up rape. I've heard stories that still haunts me when I think about it. So no, I think the Me Too Movement is necessary.

We see it on here quite often, and only when it's called out by other punters do the guys, who didn't see a problem with their behaviour, backtrack.

19-09-2023, 01:00 PM
Sexual assault is a common problem
That's why there are so many support services available in Australia, the details are published with every news story:

If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual abuse or family violence contact:

1. National Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence Counselling Service 24-hour helpline 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732

2. 24-hour Emergency Accommodation helpline on 1800 800 588

3. Safe At Home helpline on 1800 633 937

4. National Violence and Abuse Trauma Counselling and Recovery Service on 1800 FULLSTOP (1800 385 578). They also have a specific line for the LGBTIQA+ community called the Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline on 1800 497 212

5. SHE (free and confidential counselling and support) on 6278 9090

6. Sexual Assault Support Services on 6231 1811, or after hours 6231 1817

7. Family Violence Crisis and Support Service on 1800 608 122

8. Bravehearts – Sexual Assault Support for Children on 1800 BRAVE 1

19-09-2023, 02:00 PM
Ok, a few things.
Let's deal with Asia vs Western counties first. What you're saying is that you prefer girls who will keep their mouths shut if they're a victim of sexual assault?
You know as well as I do how male dominated asian countries, and their legal systems, are. You know that when women DO speak up they are harassed and shamed in to silence, or if you dare speak against a Chinese govt official, an example that we all got to witness, even worse. It has been normalised for too long that a powerful man can do as he pleases knowing the legal system makes it highly unlikely he will face consequences, and that his status and public persona put forward will influence the public debate. "He seems such a nice man, I don't believe he could do such a thing."
The stats on why so few cases make it to a trial are not pulled out of a hat, and I advise everyone on here to speak with as many women as you can that you know well enough to hear their stories. We all know someone who has been assaulted, and most never reported, because the legal system has failed them, because it has long been stigmatised, for any number of reasons. When you hear the forensic process the women have to go through, the invasive, cold, demeaning process which usually includes amounts of victim blaming, it is little wonder.
There seems to be smoke around the RB case, it doesn't seem to be disputable that the two were seeing each other before she turned 16, that he was influencing her to deceive her parents, that he wanted their relationship to be kept secret etc, that he had been grooming her etc. Not indicators of guilt, red flags nonetheless. The fact that the other complainants had made reports independently adds to the case, and remember, police will only seek to pursue charges if they feel they can get a conviction.

Forget about the rest of it, you got it wrong on the first step. Who said I like women who keep quiet when they're raped harrased, etc.? Oh wait, maybe you read what Reginald bubbles wrote in his fanciful depiction of my post? Come one dude...

It's about women and spite, women who are immersed in western culture and being fed all these success stories from that channel of media. Look at Amber Heard, you think she would've pulled her stunt if it wasn't for Me Too backing her all the way?

19-09-2023, 02:02 PM
Look at Amber Heard, you think she would've pulled her stunt if it wasn't for Me Too backing her all the way?

Amber Heard showed the world the opposite situation
You better have a good case or you will be financially ruined

"The jury awarded Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages; Heard was awarded $2 million in compensatory damages but nothing in punitive damages. Amber Heard appealed the verdict, leading to the settlement"


19-09-2023, 02:07 PM
Forget about the rest of it, you got it wrong on the first step. Who said I like women who keep quiet when they're raped harrased, etc.? Oh wait, maybe you read what Reginald bubbles wrote in his fanciful depiction of my post? Come one dude...

It's about women and spite, women who are immersed in western culture and being fed all these success stories from that channel of media. Look at Amber Heard, you think she would've pulled her stunt if it wasn't for Me Too backing her all the way

"And here we were wondering why we liked our Asian girls? I mean after all this, who would dare enter any type of relationship with a westernized woman? They can stick to their dildos and vibrators, I ain't touching them with a 10-foot pole!"
That is your direct quote, right?
So we've established that western women finally feel empowered enough to speak up but adian women have not yet been afforded that luxury, so explain the above statement without cherry picking a couple of high profile cases, you aren't Johnny Depp, so that example is simply null and void, and for every Amber Heard there are the literally thousands of women who were brave enough to step forward.

19-09-2023, 02:08 PM
Another one. If you haven't heard of Andrew Pierce, well now you know who he is:

Fucking vultures, all of them. All part of the circus!

19-09-2023, 03:11 PM
I think we're all arguing over nothing. I'm sure none of the people here want to see women get sexually assaulted or raped. We're all just inferring other people's opinions on sexual assault based off the Russel Brand case.

Whilst I agree that Brand is a huge sleeze and most likely assaulted those women. Again I don't think anyone here is promoting rape.

19-09-2023, 03:32 PM
I think we're all arguing over nothing. I'm sure none of the people here want to see women get sexually assaulted or raped. We're all just inferring other people's opinions on sexual assault based off the Russel Brand case.

Whilst I agree that Brand is a huge sleeze and most likely assaulted those women. Again I don't think anyone here is promoting rape.

Glad to see a level head in this thread. Same goes to frisson.

19-09-2023, 05:01 PM
Forget about the rest of it, you got it wrong on the first step. Who said I like women who keep quiet when they're raped harrased, etc.? Oh wait, maybe you read what Reginald bubbles wrote in his fanciful depiction of my post? Come one dude...

It's about women and spite, women who are immersed in western culture and being fed all these success stories from that channel of media. Look at Amber Heard, you think she would've pulled her stunt if it wasn't for Me Too backing her all the way?

You're basically saying again that you don't believe women who actually report assault and inferring that they shouldn't. What are all these "success" stories in the media? Amber Heard is a terrible example!

The spite seems to come from you towards western women because of the tiny minority who do report it. Like I said before, I'm sure they're devastated that you'll punish them by not fucking them.

19-09-2023, 05:56 PM
Glad to see a level head in this thread. Same goes to frisson.

I have valued you comments on here. I do agree with your initial point that a pile on from the media is the issue.
Watch the media feed on this for months
Meanwhile it's reducing the IQ of society to be bombarded with it

Shame that the field of journalism is tainted by those in it's ranks who do no worthwhile work, instead feeding off salacious gossip

This forum is great. We argue a bit, but ultimately we all respect women and all enjoy physical pleasure

19-09-2023, 08:56 PM
i think it was successful in changing the way some women view female victims