View Full Version : General talk Can you see the day you stop punting?

16-09-2023, 12:48 AM
Can you see the day you stop punting?

16-09-2023, 12:57 AM
The only way is if I find someone with whom the sex is so chemical and intense that I wound have the need to punt cos there will be just no point.

I’ve had this experience until recently in early June when I was seeing my then regular every couple of weeks for almost 2 years and in that time hardly saw any other WLs cos the sex was so good. And the sex only for better. Unfortunately she left the industry at least temporarily. But yeah, with someone like that, I’d give up on seeing anyone else.

16-09-2023, 01:09 AM
When im married or in a serious relationship. I dont like keeping secrets with my significant other as i dont want my future wife to experience what my mom experienced with my dad (cheating).

16-09-2023, 01:12 AM
i wonder too....

16-09-2023, 07:32 AM
I'm wondering how I'll be able to afford it once I retire.... that's all though.... I think I would have to reduce my current tempo a lot.

16-09-2023, 07:39 AM
I can see that day for a number of reasons. I have slowed down recently which showed me that if I want I can stop. Not at the moment though, still a lot of punting to do

16-09-2023, 08:18 AM
i wonder too....

Currently a big wonder.

I progressed from the by chance encounter, to an occasional, to the more planned, to a regular.?

And beyond that - it’s a matter of wealth, physical health (STI that passes onto the other half) and mental health. The latter involving either an epiphany moment or an understanding and hence the cessation of an addiction.

Otherwise agreed - I wonder???

16-09-2023, 09:04 AM
An STD will do the trick albeit temporarily

16-09-2023, 09:11 AM
Most definitely. There's an end date approaching.
Slowed a lot since April likely due to a regular disappearing (plus another finishing today) and the rosters of shops I frequent not that appealing lately.
Have been thinking of trying RnT or Caucasian shops which may resurrect things...

16-09-2023, 09:42 AM
Yes for sure. The question when? i don't know

16-09-2023, 11:06 AM
I've been talking to a girl at uni for some weeks now and I haven't been to a shop in 2 months, also I've been saving money for a holiday so I think I'm done. Not sure why but some of the topics in the general chat interest me enough to login and read them.

16-09-2023, 11:31 AM
I've been talking to a girl at uni for some weeks now and I haven't been to a shop in 2 months, also I've been saving money for a holiday so I think I'm done. Not sure why but some of the topics in the general chat interest me enough to login and read them.

Agreed - nice to know what other punters are thinking - reacting to - appreciating - the struggles - just shows how absolutely human we all are - and what value MLs and WLs have in our lives.

16-09-2023, 12:52 PM
My suggestion would be to take a break from punting and redirect the money saved toward something you truly enjoy, such as a fancy meal, a concert, or a track day, to find happiness from a different source. I might punt in the future, but I believe it's essential not to always cater to the desires in these situations.

16-09-2023, 01:15 PM
Agreed - nice to know what other punters are thinking - reacting to - appreciating - the struggles - just shows how absolutely human we all are - and what value MLs and WLs have in our lives.

Interesting comment, so what is the value that mls and WLs have in our lives. Is it just 1 hour of sex and that’s it? According to the pay fuck and leave, it should be, one hour of sex I. Whatever way you like and she is comfortable with. Nothing wrong with that. Any more than that it goes into what I call the prohibited territory

16-09-2023, 05:34 PM
When im married or in a serious relationship. I dont like keeping secrets with my significant other as i dont want my future wife to experience what my mom experienced with my dad (cheating).

Sometimes they have downtime and you have needs then you will look back then do it again.

16-09-2023, 09:13 PM
My suggestion would be to take a break from punting and redirect the money saved toward something you truly enjoy, such as a fancy meal, a concert, or a track day, to find happiness from a different source. I might punt in the future, but I believe it's essential not to always cater to the desires in these situations.

Wise words.

Everyone here should print it out and paste it on his office wall.

17-09-2023, 03:28 AM
My suggestion would be to take a break from punting and redirect the money saved toward something you truly enjoy, such as a fancy meal, a concert, or a track day, to find happiness from a different source. I might punt in the future, but I believe it's essential not to always cater to the desires in these situations.

A fancy meal, her pussy
A concert, her screams & moans
A track day, a fucking session
Happiness from a different source, there are 3 sources, usually they only let you go for 2

17-09-2023, 09:05 AM
Thinking on slowing down with punting just sticking to my sb once a or twice a week.

17-09-2023, 09:11 AM
Thinking on slowing down with punting just sticking to my sb once a or twice a week.

I did that for a while earlier this year. However I got tired of the SBs after a while because I don’t host anymore as I had trouble with a couple who came back to my place uninvited so having to book a place to see them got a bit tiring.

The best SB I had hosted in her apartment in the lower north shore which was great and convenient. Then she moved to double bay, I went there a few times but it got a bit much with traffic, etc…

I think I am just turning into an old grumpy horny man.

Enjoy your SBs, Sbs are great I think.

17-09-2023, 10:20 AM
Our human body isn't exactly for seeking out mundane desires. We have the capabilities to experience the bliss of the gods from the past and ascend to paradise through the human body itself.

Sex just for the sake of temporary orgasm is mundane, but if you're able to harness a very powerful concentration through meditation you will be able to transform sexual orgasms into everlasting bliss that rivals the blissfulness of the gods.

Like any physical activity, it takes a lot of effort at first to try and remember the moment of bliss just before ejaculation. If you punt or masturbate often enough you can start to remember the feeling and utilise this feeling as your object of meditation.

Once you have mastery over this bliss, you don't need to punt or wake your partner up in the middle of the night every day just to satisfy your urges, although those living with a partner can choose how frequent they want to have sex on a weekly basis.

For me, I can stop punting as soon as I'm married because I don't identify myself with my urges any longer. When I have sex, it's all about affection. These days, whenever I book a WL or post-op TS for the hour, it's to make them feel affection when they're servicing me so that they don't feel like they're a sex toy and work doesn't feel like it's just another job with higher pay.

17-09-2023, 10:37 AM
My suggestion would be to take a break from punting and redirect the money saved toward something you truly enjoy, such as a fancy meal, a concert, or a track day, to find happiness from a different source. I might punt in the future, but I believe it's essential not to always cater to the desires in these situations.

Taking a break from one mundane desire and redirecting it to other mundane desires doesn't really help. Our five senses will always bring out that urge like a pent up depression or anger that has been suppressed for a long time.

The problem is in how we perceive ourselves. If we still feel shame and the need to be defensive, we will never be able to abstain from anything. Our five senses feeds our inner addictions, and the only way to stop relying on our addictions is to focus outwards by thinking of the welfare of others. We can do that by giving to charity or the homeless people with the motivation to see them happy. When we tune our minds to always make others happy without expecting anything in return, we would've defeated our addictions and need for validation.

Once we get there, the sex gets better because we are learning to activate our inner bliss rather than have a blissful moment that only lasts as long as the physical orgasm. Inner bliss can last for days or weeks if we can successfully activate our motivation to see others happy without expecting anything in return.

17-09-2023, 10:40 AM
Can you see the day you stop punting?

Probably a day or two before I take one last ride in a large slow moving black Limo.

17-09-2023, 01:35 PM
In reply to ditchtheboss

So far my SB only comes over at agreed time during the week days. Shes never shown up out of the blue. I am not tired of her yet. But out calls with others WLs used to be a lot cheaper before covid. Quiet a few places around Chatswood / Artarmon but I am trying to not go to often. If you have to book a place to see them that becomes to pricey. Last week SB bought another Chinese WL with her don't even know the other girls name. Her tits were like EE size huge I could hardly breath. That girl was horsie with me the whilst SB sat on my face. If you can see SB in their place that's even better.

17-09-2023, 02:23 PM
In reply to ditchtheboss

So far my SB only comes over at agreed time during the week days. Shes never shown up out of the blue. I am not tired of her yet. But out calls with others WLs used to be a lot cheaper before covid. Quite are doing a few places around Chatswood / Artarmon but I am trying to not go to often. If you have to book a place to see them that becomes to pricey. Last week SB bought another Chinese WL with her don't even know the other girls name. Her tits were like EE size huge I could hardly breath. That girl was horsie with me the whilst SB sat on my face. If you can see SB in their place that's even better.

You are doing well. I should have been more careful. I had a threesome with 2 really hot Aussie girls and it was the first time I met them. One of them showed up about I’ve week later late at night. Not a big drama but enough to throw me off bringing them home. I should only host the ones I know for a while,

None of my SBs host at the moment. Yes it is s bit more expensive but I just can’t be bothered at the moment. So much easier to just go to a shop but the experience is different.

You have done well with your SB and even better with the busty Chinese one, good on you. SBs are great fun just more work than the shops

17-09-2023, 02:29 PM
Absolutely can see the day when I stop and expect it more to be age related for me.
As I am getting older, many urges remain but some thing get further apart in terms of the need.
Hopefully it is some way off yet as I still want to 'live life' and have fun but I also know a time will come when I just will not have that capability

17-09-2023, 02:50 PM
You are doing well. I should have been more careful. I had a threesome with 2 really hot Aussie girls and it was the first time I met them. One of them showed up about I’ve week later late at night. Not a big drama but enough to throw me off bringing them home. I should only host the ones I know for a while,

None of my SBs host at the moment. Yes it is s bit more expensive but I just can’t be bothered at the moment. So much easier to just go to a shop but the experience is different.

You have done well with your SB and even better with the busty Chinese one, good on you. SBs are great fun just more work than the shops

SB is good if I want a threesome she can bring another Chinese girl when I want. Some of those other girls no English. The problem with shops you can get some medioka WLs some good ones but some just average. And you don't know if the girls in a shop will even like you. Its good when you get one you like. Also having an SB you trust not to overstep the boundaries is good. I would not want her just turning up so far shes never done that she cums only when I book her. There's to much pussy around in my area its hard to stop.

pocket rocket
17-09-2023, 03:24 PM
No, there is no day I will stop punting

18-09-2023, 12:26 PM
No, I'm single (divorced) and too old for the dating game, so I'll keep punting till the day I die...

18-09-2023, 01:02 PM
You are doing well. I should have been more careful. I had a threesome with 2 really hot Aussie girls and it was the first time I met them. One of them showed up about I’ve week later late at night. Not a big drama but enough to throw me off bringing them home. I should only host the ones I know for a while,

None of my SBs host at the moment. Yes it is s bit more expensive but I just can’t be bothered at the moment. So much easier to just go to a shop but the experience is different.

You have done well with your SB and even better with the busty Chinese one, good on you. SBs are great fun just more work than the shops

One thing is my SB knows I am hitched so she knows not to just show up at night and only messages me when on the way after booking her week days. I work online sales at home so I can easily get her here on week days when coast is clear. We have a good system and a good rapport. She lives close by to so its easy if I wanna pop in her place for a cuppa tea. Sometimes I just could not be bothered going to the shop other times I go when I feel like trying a different WL. That EE Chinese tits WL last week that came along with my SB for party of three I would never have found her if not for my SB. We do threesome every few months she brings a different gal. And the rest of the time I see her alone every week and occasionally punt. I can't see me stopping this the sex is different with each girl to. Years ago I used to see Aussie gals but in shops then I got the Asian fever. Haven't banged an Aussie gal in 10 years all Asian women since. I have also a big problem with several Asian shops in Chatswood and close by so the urge never goes away. I'm one horny middle aged dude.

19-09-2023, 11:08 PM
Yeah for sure I'm going to slow down but going back at it.

20-09-2023, 09:32 AM
When my regular quits/can't find a regular of the same quality to replace her

Geoff the playboy
20-09-2023, 03:33 PM
The day I did I will stop punting👍

23-09-2023, 10:29 AM
No - just enjoy the world’s delights

Still looking for the perfect ebony RnT - the hunt continues

27-09-2023, 04:45 PM
Quick short answer: Yes

27-09-2023, 10:11 PM
Great question. If my salary doesn't increase but the cost of punting keeps rising, it's easy now for me to make it an occasional hobby only
Just like the airlines, the sex industry can damage itself if it wants to raise the price to greater than the market is prepared to pay

30-09-2023, 10:30 PM
Thursday. I woke with an epiphany and a magical reconnection with my wife. I'm out.....
Good luck guys!

09-10-2023, 12:25 PM
Money, Time and Energy plays a lot in here. for sure there will come a time for everything.

09-10-2023, 01:49 PM
I think I'm there i.e
Done. I had an opportunity to go to 227 Broadway but wasn't feeling it. Also walked past both CBD style massages and wasn't feeling it.

I have had a blood test for testosterone and it's all normal. I don't jerk off at all. Don't watch porn.

I am in my early 50s. So perhaps libido is slowing down. I hated it even in my late 30s being so horny all the time and unable to focus at work. Now i miss that feeling of wanting to fk anything that walks.

I have tried horny goat weed. I'm back into exercise and eating well. Sleep well.

Can't seem to get it up during punts. The only time recently was 1 month ago and there's an AR in the private section. But that was a one off and an exceptionally hot and willing girl.

Can't seem to get interested. I'm partly jaded as prices are so high, girls very plain, service mainly bad and far majority don't give good tackle tickle build up.

It's bad when i walk past so many shops these past few weeks and most times not interested to enough to be bothered going in even for a scout. The excitement is no longer there.

It's been a gradual decline these past few months loss of libido and interest.

In fact most of the time i punt is to see if it's possible for a ml to get me hard or whether i have a problem. Hence the blood test after multiple sessions where lil rodger failed to rise to the occasion.

I was even going to start a thread about whether there is a correlation between mamasan owning and traini g MLs and good cinsistent TT but so disappointed I couldn't walk into 227 broadway so i didn't bother.

Maybe I'll be back but looks like I'm getting too old for this sh.t and signing off for now. (Yes there were 2 movie quotes!)

09-10-2023, 02:05 PM
Maybe you’re just going through a phase?

09-10-2023, 02:11 PM
I don’t know if I will completely give up. I used to punt 2-3 times a week and the thrill of what the next girl would be like was always on my mind . I seemed to have found in the last year especially is the quality of service that has been provided has gone down hill or it’s all in my mind I’m not sure . I would often more than not have great chemistry will new girls and would be border line of passionate gf feeling. Now with the last few it hasn’t been there . I have a regular which she is great but to far and can’t be bothered with traffic , so now I just read what you guys get up to lol . It’s already been a couple of months no punting and still not even sure when the next will be .

12-11-2023, 09:30 PM
I think I'm there i.e
Done. I had an opportunity to go to 227 Broadway but wasn't feeling it. Also walked past both CBD style massages and wasn't feeling it.

I have had a blood test for testosterone and it's all normal. I don't jerk off at all. Don't watch porn.

I am in my early 50s. So perhaps libido is slowing down. I hated it even in my late 30s being so horny all the time and unable to focus at work. Now i miss that feeling of wanting to fk anything that walks.

I have tried horny goat weed. I'm back into exercise and eating well. Sleep well.

Can't seem to get it up during punts. The only time recently was 1 month ago and there's an AR in the private section. But that was a one off and an exceptionally hot and willing girl.

Can't seem to get interested. I'm partly jaded as prices are so high, girls very plain, service mainly bad and far majority don't give good tackle tickle build up.

It's bad when i walk past so many shops these past few weeks and most times not interested to enough to be bothered going in even for a scout. The excitement is no longer there.

It's been a gradual decline these past few months loss of libido and interest.

In fact most of the time i punt is to see if it's possible for a ml to get me hard or whether i have a problem. Hence the blood test after multiple sessions where lil rodger failed to rise to the occasion.

I was even going to start a thread about whether there is a correlation between mamasan owning and traini g MLs and good cinsistent TT but so disappointed I couldn't walk into 227 broadway so i didn't bother.

Maybe I'll be back but looks like I'm getting too old for this sh.t and signing off for now. (Yes there were 2 movie quotes!)
Another issue that crops up in your 50s is sleep problems such as sleep apnoea and insomnia. Most definitely a correlation between sleepiness and not being able to get it up, especially when a little anxious during a punt. If you got 10 hours of sleep a night for a week you might find a reemergence of the old morning glory

12-11-2023, 09:34 PM
Im older than that and I wake up with a hard on almost every morning. Usually from dreaming of Thai pussy or something like that.

Sleep, lucky to get 6 hours.

12-11-2023, 09:45 PM
Im older than that and I wake up with a hard on almost every morning. Usually from dreaming of Thai pussy or something like that.

Sleep, lucky to get 6 hours.
What is it about Thai women that makes them so wonderful?

12-11-2023, 10:17 PM
What is it about Thai women that makes them so wonderful?

I've had mixed experiences with Thai women. They're nice people but some can be very nasty.

12-11-2023, 10:22 PM
I've had mixed experiences with Thai women. They're nice people but some can be very nasty.
Ok. Safe not to generalise. One Thai gf I had in Sydney was very sweet, but kept in contact with a few exes as well just in case

12-11-2023, 10:25 PM
Yep, when it won’t stand to attention any more

12-11-2023, 10:53 PM
To me, punting is not stopping, it's holding.

13-11-2023, 09:36 AM
Probably when I get married and settle down with kids.

13-11-2023, 09:59 AM
If you got 10 hours of sleep a night for a week you might find a reemergence of the old morning glory

Who the hell gets 10 hours of sleep a night these days lol, if you are a baby or teenager, maybe...I'm lucky to get 6 hours these days.

Like I said before I'll punt till the day I die, or if I'm lucky enough to get remarried with beautiful sexy wife that's 20 years younger with endless sex-drive.

13-11-2023, 11:33 AM
Probably when I get married and settle down with kids.

Same here.

Once you have kids, all your resources will go into raising them, unless you're a dickhead dad who only buys them Kmart toys and Aldi baby food while you go out punting behind your wife's back.

Reminds me of my own father tbh - he always tried making us kids think that he's poor even though he was going out riding in his Harley-Davidson every weekend. I forgave him for that since he has experienced his karma before he passed away.

13-11-2023, 11:37 AM
What is it about Thai women that makes them so wonderful?

Their nature. I could go all the way if I found one that’d commit.

16-11-2023, 01:01 AM
A period of two years while I was dating a smoking hot girl I didn’t see any ML or WLs

Now I’m back on the treadmill even while seeing other girls regularly.

It kills me I can’t quit

23-11-2023, 12:44 AM
Same here.

Once you have kids, all your resources will go into raising them, unless you're a dickhead dad who only buys them Kmart toys and Aldi baby food while you go out punting behind your wife's back.

Reminds me of my own father tbh - he always tried making us kids think that he's poor even though he was going out riding in his Harley-Davidson every weekend. I forgave him for that since he has experienced his karma before he passed away.

I never really got close to my father. He could have played around, in fact he was friendly with a few women but I never came to any realisation what he did in his own time.

Looking back at his past he came here from a forced labour camp in WW2. We all know about those places. He was 48kg on arrival. I’m sure he had PTSD but back then it wasn’t mentioned like it is today.

I feel he deserved every bit of happiness after that.

23-11-2023, 12:46 AM
Who the hell gets 10 hours of sleep a night these days lol, if you are a baby or teenager, maybe...I'm lucky to get 6 hours these days.

Like I said before I'll punt till the day I die, or if I'm lucky enough to get remarried with beautiful sexy wife that's 20 years younger with endless sex-drive.

Do women have an endless sex drive?

Is that a question on tinder?

23-11-2023, 09:20 AM
Do women have an endless sex drive?

Is that a question on tinder?

I'd imagine this girl even when having teenage grandkids and the husband already dead, she would take long bathroom breaks and when the adult kids or grandkids breaks down the door to check on her, realises in embarassment that this 90yo grandma has a walking stick stuck in her shriveled abalone...

23-11-2023, 09:25 AM
I'd imagine this girl even when having teenage grandkids and the husband already dead, she would take long bathroom breaks and when the adult kids or grandkids breaks down the door to check on her, realises in embarassment that this 90yo grandma has a walking stick stuck in her shriveled abalone...

Or a shampoo bottle. Did ever wonder why they are certain shapes?

23-11-2023, 04:31 PM
Or a shampoo bottle. Did ever wonder why they are certain shapes?

Didn't know shampoo bottles are good dildo replacements. Maybe if it's empty and you fill it up with warm water, that might work.

Normally I like my lubes warmed up for a good wank.

23-11-2023, 04:48 PM
I think I'm there i.e
Done. I had an opportunity to go to 227 Broadway but wasn't feeling it. Also walked past both CBD style massages and wasn't feeling it.

I have had a blood test for testosterone and it's all normal. I don't jerk off at all. Don't watch porn.

I am in my early 50s. So perhaps libido is slowing down. I hated it even in my late 30s being so horny all the time and unable to focus at work. Now i miss that feeling of wanting to fk anything that walks.

I have tried horny goat weed. I'm back into exercise and eating well. Sleep well.

Can't seem to get it up during punts. The only time recently was 1 month ago and there's an AR in the private section. But that was a one off and an exceptionally hot and willing girl.

Can't seem to get interested. I'm partly jaded as prices are so high, girls very plain, service mainly bad and far majority don't give good tackle tickle build up.

It's bad when i walk past so many shops these past few weeks and most times not interested to enough to be bothered going in even for a scout. The excitement is no longer there.

It's been a gradual decline these past few months loss of libido and interest.

In fact most of the time i punt is to see if it's possible for a ml to get me hard or whether i have a problem. Hence the blood test after multiple sessions where lil rodger failed to rise to the occasion.

I was even going to start a thread about whether there is a correlation between mamasan owning and traini g MLs and good cinsistent TT but so disappointed I couldn't walk into 227 broadway so i didn't bother.

Maybe I'll be back but looks like I'm getting too old for this sh.t and signing off for now. (Yes there were 2 movie quotes!)
i think punting can become mundane, as you go through the motions, no real connection plus it seems rushed for me , i find a GF the best , but when she is not here , i do have the urge to punt. however another girl 35 chinese , likes me and the kink in her excites me, i am pretty much 60. sex to me is like daily, so maybe find something to build on.

23-11-2023, 06:23 PM
They say guys think about sex a lot. So many times an hour.

What about women, they must think about it?

23-11-2023, 06:46 PM
They say guys think about sex a lot. So many times an hour.

What about women, they must think about it?

When there is that one guy who rubbed her really well down there, that's when they usually think about sex more than usual.

24-11-2023, 09:35 AM
After my last kick to the gut weekend I'm gonna tap out and take a breather, wait for the urge to be both mental and physical then go from there. Bang em hard n often my compadres

24-11-2023, 09:53 AM
They say guys think about sex a lot. So many times an hour.

What about women, they must think about it?

Obviously it depends on the women. And their upbringing, their personality and their age / stage of life

Women are much more sensible and they prioritize safety and prosperity. They compartmentalise sex, and many prefer to prioritise financial stability and buying a nice fashion accessories

Sex for women, is a lot more hassle than it is for men, in many ways. Sex for women generally is both physical but also emotional

Men can just let a relationship drift, they can just be interested in sex and not much else

I met a 26 yo Chinese lady the other week. This was her exact text to me:
"Actually i wanna break up with my boyfriend now. However i don't want to get any other boyfriend. I'm afraid of couple relationship now.
I just want to earn money. Only money can give me sense of security"

24-11-2023, 10:46 AM
Chinese people will justify anything for money. Their attachment to money is what causes problems in their family unit.

The only time they want a relationship is when the boyfriend is a millionaire who can afford multiple properties at a whim.

24-11-2023, 12:09 PM
Chinese people will justify anything for money. Their attachment to money is what causes problems in their family unit.

The only time they want a relationship is when the boyfriend is a millionaire who can afford multiple properties at a whim.

What about religion?

24-11-2023, 12:46 PM
What about religion?

Religion is subjective with the Chinese. Most of them don't identify themselves with any religion because they're too absorbed into materialism. The religious ones are normally those born and bred outside of China - Taiwan, SEA, Western countries diasporas.

Buddhism and Christianity is the usual religion followed by the Chinese. In China there are also Muslims but they're known as the Dungan or Hui people. They have both Chinese and Iranian ancestry, and speak their own Mandarin dialect that sounds slightly different than Beijing Mandarin.

24-11-2023, 08:41 PM
Obviously it depends on the women. And their upbringing, their personality and their age / stage of life

Women are much more sensible and they prioritize safety and prosperity. They compartmentalise sex, and many prefer to prioritise financial stability and buying a nice fashion accessories

Sex for women, is a lot more hassle than it is for men, in many ways. Sex for women generally is both physical but also emotional

Men can just let a relationship drift, they can just be interested in sex and not much else

I met a 26 yo Chinese lady the other week. This was her exact text to me:
"Actually i wanna break up with my boyfriend now. However i don't want to get any other boyfriend. I'm afraid of couple relationship now.
I just want to earn money. Only money can give me sense of security"

Money. Great. At least she is honest.

24-11-2023, 08:59 PM
Money. Great. At least she is honest.

The more you lack something in life, the more you want it.
If we human beings poop only once a year, we would've been jealous of other living beings who can poop every day.
Poop has no value, we are the one putting an intrinsic value on poop.
The same goes for money - it's a piece of malleable rock, a piece of paper, a digit on your computer.
Once we imagine having a lot of it, we would understand that it has no actual value and let go of it.
In that way, the thing will start coming your way.

It is the same with the affection of a certain WL. Sometimes we chase because we think we can show her off to friends or family.
But if we value the WL for her motherly instincts (if she has any) rather than just her beauty when we're naked together, we will start attracting the right WL into our lives.
This is why I believe the three girls that I failed at before my crush were because I valued their beauty and sex appeal rather than checking to see if they have any motherly instincts, and that led to me falling in love with my crush.

You have seven days to reconsider if this WL is of any value to you emotionally. Most of the time she would've shown some emotional validation if she was valuable.

24-11-2023, 09:18 PM
You have seven days to reconsider if this WL is of any value to you emotionally. Most of the time she would've shown some emotional validation if she was valuable.

Too late.

Change of heart… mine.

She’s just been dumped. I won’t be screwing her again.

I already had a younger one on the go. Not pushed the relationship. Dating on Sunday now. Possibly half her age?

There’s that song:

If you can’t love the one you want,

Then love the one you are with.

24-11-2023, 09:24 PM
I havnt punted for about 4 weeks now. Today had to go for a massage for a lower back problem. The new places I tried looked legit, but had RNT vibes for sure.

Nothing happened, but I was still hoping it did. The younger receptionist helped me out at the front desk. She later went to massage a customer just before me. Needless to say I’ll be back hoping for the younger one

24-11-2023, 09:28 PM
I had planned on getting a massage at SP in Waterloo just to try the shop out but I finished at 7:30pm and they close at 8:00pm.

Tomorrow I might hit some pussy after I get the car washed.

24-11-2023, 09:29 PM
I had planned on getting a massage at SP in Waterloo just to try the shop out but I finished at 7:30pm and they close at 8:00pm.

Tomorrow I might hit some pussy after I get the car washed.

what car do you drive?

24-11-2023, 09:30 PM
what car do you drive?

That’s personal but I drive ten or so cars and motor bikes. They change depending on what I want people to see me as.

24-11-2023, 09:33 PM
Too late.

Change of heart… mine.

She’s just been dumped. I won’t be screwing her again.

If it is for your mental health then do what's best for you.
I just hope my crush doesn't go back on her words... She hinted a similar timeframe although I can't really take her word unless she confirms it by text.
It feels very heavy to simply walk away from someone you've pursued for so long. Normally you'd find a strong reason to leave rather than leave just because a younger girl is around the corner. Sure, my crush is definitely younger than my last but she is my crush because she gave me the hope to have a happy life together one day.

24-11-2023, 09:42 PM
JJ it’s not heavy at all. We all play games. She was playing a silent game. Didn’t work for me.

The younger one messaged me tonight and confirmed things so why waste time on a loss situation?

She wasn’t just around the corner either. I’ve stood her up twice on dates as a form of control. Another game, right. I call her my insurance policy. Every man should have at least one. No doubt I’ll commence a second policy while I date this one.

Just in case.

24-11-2023, 09:49 PM
JJ it’s not heavy at all. We all play games. She was playing a silent game. Didn’t work for me.

The younger one messaged me tonight and confirmed things so why waste time on a loss situation?

She wasn’t just around the corner. I call her my insurance policy. Every man should have at least one. No doubt I’ll commence a second policy while I date this one. Just in case.

I don't get your point. You might need to be a little more specific in your details.

Please don't go back on your words. All I asked for was a timeframe. I don't want to be led into the dark again. I'm serious.

24-11-2023, 09:54 PM
Like I said before, a banter is healthy only when expectations are met. Don't turn me into one of those immigration detainees who are not given a date on when they'll be given a visa and released.

Rile me up all you want once we start dating properly. Not now. I'm not entertaining any further games until you choose to be serious about this. It's our future.

24-11-2023, 10:01 PM
Like I said before, a banter is healthy only when expectations are met. Don't turn me into one of those immigration detainees who are not given a date on when they'll be given a visa and released.

Rile me up all you want once we start dating properly. Not now. I'm not entertaining any further games until you choose to be serious about this. It's our future.

Just who are you talking about?

I’m a guy who pumps pussy.


24-11-2023, 10:02 PM
Just who are you talking about?

I’m a guy who pumps pussy.


I can do the same trick as you did.

I'm a guy trying to be serious about our future. You need to stop these antics. Once you properly say yes, do whatever you want because my heart will be at peace knowing you only think of me as yours.

24-11-2023, 10:24 PM
Dating on Sunday now.

With who? There's only one person in your mind now. I don't remember someone texting me to date them this Sunday.

24-11-2023, 10:36 PM
And for once, logging yourself out doesn't mean I don't know you're reading all this. You could be reading this logged out or reading this through another account.

Would you rather I become a wimp, a yes man? If that's the case, I'll easily give thousands of dollars away to a younger girl while we're married just because she has a "tighter" pussy. But no, I am what I am so that nobody takes advantage of my kindness. We call this "wrathful methods" in Buddhism. It is not out of hate but compassion that we sometimes have to act out this type of "anger".

This is your only guarantee that I can protect you and make you happy. Give me the assurance that you want the same thing I want, and I'll give you everything that I have to offer. All I want is to be your husband. If you say "I'll be your wife", at this very moment I'll give you everything. You can rile me up all you want, I'll be your one and only "yes man".

Please, give it a thought. You said it this morning, seven days. I'll definitely wait until that seven days is up. Even when the seven days is up, I'll still wait until you give me a definitive answer.

24-11-2023, 10:39 PM
You wanted me to chase after you, you got what you want. As I said before, I'll keep checking here daily.

25-11-2023, 03:10 AM
With who? There's only one person in your mind now. I don't remember someone texting me to date them this Sunday.

Are you 24 and Asian?


So obviously it’s not you I’m dating.

25-11-2023, 04:31 AM
Are you 24 and Asian?


So obviously it’s not you I’m dating.

And why are you even replying to this thread if it has no relevance to you?

Oh I know why.

Because it does.

And you have to make up all sorts of things to cover up your persona.

27-11-2023, 09:34 AM
Sure is looming for myself as the cost continues to rise and the forgettable experiences of late. Still diamonds in the rough about?

27-11-2023, 10:31 AM
Can you see the day you stop punting?

Good question. Ideally yes. Preferably sooner rather than later but easier said than done. Maybe a big consideration or new years resolutions for next year.

27-11-2023, 03:13 PM
Why give up punting?

27-11-2023, 04:45 PM
Better to wait in solitude rather than be reminded of an indefinite detention.

Punting reminds me of my crush. The more girls I see, the more I yearn for her.

So I'd rather not punt to stabilise the yearning - a tiny bit of yearning is better than too much.

27-11-2023, 05:29 PM
All good things must come to a end, and with this inflation causing everything to get more expensive, I see my end is near for punting, it will soon become a monthly treat rather than weekly.

27-11-2023, 06:13 PM
Better to wait in solitude rather than be reminded of an indefinite detention.

Punting reminds me of my crush. The more girls I see, the more I yearn for her.

So I'd rather not punt to stabilise the yearning - a tiny bit of yearning is better than too much.

Do you have anything further to say?

We’ve hear this many many times before.

I might sound frustrated but I’m not.

Just asking why?

27-11-2023, 06:44 PM
I punted a lot in 21/22. Scaled back the 2nd half of this year for a few reasons.
1. Things with a regular went sour.
2. Income hasn't kept up with inflation and interest rates. SIGNIFICANTLY
3. Noticed that 90% of my punts were really partying. Crept up on me without even realizing.

Some days, all I think about is punting. Other days I think I got off that slippery slope at the right time. All those 3 things are making me question why I even punt in the first place.

I don't think I will ever quit, maybe I look at it as being in remission.

27-11-2023, 07:09 PM
My own work stops me from punting.

Things beyond my control. Consequently like tonight I had plans to go have a shower and shave then go to N5M and check out the nighttime ladies, which I’ve never done, now I’m not finishing work till 3am.

I have a punt booked for lunchtime tomorrow but I could have gone tonight too.

I get short fused when things like this happen.

27-11-2023, 10:17 PM
I get short fused when things like this happen.

Fortuitous that JJ is readily at hand to blow you...

27-11-2023, 11:24 PM
My suggestion would be to take a break from punting and redirect the money saved toward something you truly enjoy, such as a fancy meal, a concert, or a track day, to find happiness from a different source. I might punt in the future, but I believe it's essential not to always cater to the desires in these situations.

I truly enjoy punting.

28-11-2023, 02:30 AM
Fortuitous that JJ is readily at hand to blow you...

Look I must be old. WKSGMp ?


JJ unless he’s wearing his fake fur lama costume he doesn’t turn me on. Then again nothing lately he posts does either.

You could have a go if you’re free?

I have a penchant for guys that look like, well, like women.