View Full Version : Oliviar - Sketchy at Granville

23-08-2023, 08:12 PM
Hey everyone,

Firstly my first ever post here. Finally decided to make an account after lurking and just reading others experiences.

This is just my sketchy encounter trying to visit a private in Granville.


This was last week during night time. Was in the Parra/ Granville area and went on the usual private E&B section and picked out "Oliviar". She was pretty speedy with the response, gave the address: 38 Cowper St, Granville, discussed the price and potential extras and I made my way down there.

Got there, sent her a text and no resposne, 2-3 minutes later a big dude comes out of the appartment lobby and casually hangs about on the phone. So I just avoid contact and move a bit on the opposite side and message her again, and she asks me to wait for 2 minutes and as I am waiting there another guy comes out of the appartment lobby and just hangs around and then I get a text from her, "I am ready baby" and to buzz in.

I was super sketched I just pretneded to be on a call and headed towards the station and got the fk out of there.

On the train back she kept calling me and messaging me and I said I was super sus of the two guys hanging about and she sent me a photo of "her" in her panties waiting for me and I asked her to verify by making a peace sign and she refused.

Told her to fk off, blocked then number and came to aus99 to find someone that has some review on them and found Kylie at Seven Hills and made my way down there.

Will write a review on her next.

But holy what a sketchy business this is, never felt so terrified in my life.

Anways thats been my first post here.


24-08-2023, 05:10 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve seen her ads here and there but never interested due to the price hahah I usually do the el cheapos when it comes to private, any higher I just go straight to the brothels. So even with verified images and price considered as kinder high still sketchy? Yeh the risks of private punts, you just never know what will happen.

24-08-2023, 07:54 PM
Thanks bro. That sounds sketchy as fuck. Those guys probably want to roll you for the $450.

24-08-2023, 07:58 PM
Glad you got out safe

24-08-2023, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve seen her ads here and there but never interested due to the price hahah I usually do the el cheapos when it comes to private, any higher I just go straight to the brothels. So even with verified images and price considered as kinder high still sketchy? Yeh the risks of private punts, you just never know what will happen.Yeah idk how they get their pics verified, have had to walk away from a few. Just too fake to let the lil head do the talking.

Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk

24-08-2023, 10:01 PM
Thanks bro. That sounds sketchy as fuck. Those guys probably want to roll you for the $450.Yeah man, glad I didn't let my lil head do the thinking and dipped out of there.

Went seven hills and for $250 private I was pleased with Kylie.

Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk

25-08-2023, 12:17 AM
Thanks for the heads up mate , I’m glad that you avoided it and safe

28-08-2023, 08:43 PM
Always trust your instincts. Good move to GTFO.

28-08-2023, 10:55 PM
Hey everyone,

Firstly my first ever post here. Finally decided to make an account after lurking and just reading others experiences.

This is just my sketchy encounter trying to visit a private in Granville.


This was last week during night time. Was in the Parra/ Granville area and went on the usual private E&B section and picked out "Oliviar". She was pretty speedy with the response, gave the address: 38 Cowper St, Granville, discussed the price and potential extras and I made my way down there.

Got there, sent her a text and no resposne, 2-3 minutes later a big dude comes out of the appartment lobby and casually hangs about on the phone. So I just avoid contact and move a bit on the opposite side and message her again, and she asks me to wait for 2 minutes and as I am waiting there another guy comes out of the appartment lobby and just hangs around and then I get a text from her, "I am ready baby" and to buzz in.

I was super sketched I just pretneded to be on a call and headed towards the station and got the fk out of there.

On the train back she kept calling me and messaging me and I said I was super sus of the two guys hanging about and she sent me a photo of "her" in her panties waiting for me and I asked her to verify by making a peace sign and she refused.

Told her to fk off, blocked then number and came to aus99 to find someone that has some review on them and found Kylie at Seven Hills and made my way down there.

Will write a review on her next.

But holy what a sketchy business this is, never felt so terrified in my life.

Anways thats been my first post here.


The only thing that seems sketchy is her avoiding to do peace sign. Its possible that you weren't talking to her at all but instead the pimp/mamasan or the dudes that were waiting? Which they are unable to verify.
Another possibilities are they are the bodyguard/bouncers so some cunt doesnt come in doing some nasty shit since its Grandville after all. However they could be friendly but because you were lurking and reading other experiences you got paranoid and got cold feet..

Anyway if your instincts didnt want to go through it and not risk it then fair enough. Let someone else roll the dice, if the ad disappears maybe you did the right thing

My story is similar to yours except i still went ahead with the punt cause i was a horny cunt. I wrote a review about it on another forum.
Found an ad on loconto, contact via Wechat and off i go to private apartment at Licombe, this was at night too and holy shit the parking was super bad..
Anyway once i got there they buzzed me in, im waiting at the lift and an Asian guy came out. I didnt think much of him, he was looking at his phone, wearing shorts and a Jumper. He went outside while i go inside the lift then press the button level. But before the door closes that Asian dude comes back into the lift and going to the same level as i am! It cant be a coincidence right? He was still on his phone. We dont knowledge each other . But when we got off he went to a different direction as i did.
Im not sure about you guys but sometimes i get lost locating rooms, for example im following door numbers but turns out the room im looking for ends up being the other side of the hallway, so i go back there and guess what? That Asian dude was hanging around the door im suppose to go into. It was then i was abit worried "who the fuck is this guy?" He was still on his phone, perhaps talking to it.
Anyway i got to the room door and knocked. I saw a fat lady, im thinking "omg did i get bait switched?"
But turns out shes the mamasan, she lead me in and show me the bedroom where the wl i'll be seeing who was very attractive by the way. She pretty much made me forget about the dude. Anyway long story short when i showered i took my clothes with me to the shower room just in case she dont steal my things.
When the deed was done, mamasan was leading me out when i saw that same Asian dude in the living room sitting on the couch chilling there on his phone. He didnt look at me.
Either that guy is a partner, bouncer/guard or whatever.
But that was my experience. I didnt go back there again cause the parking sucks.

02-09-2023, 12:39 AM
That shit is so off putting. It’s a worry enough going to see a private, but contending with that seems too much.

04-09-2023, 11:21 PM
I'm always scared with privates.

05-09-2023, 03:31 AM
I think this is common in Parramatta. Had sb go cold at front of appartment x 2. Both times looked sus with blokes checking me out at one place for a sb named Grace. The other just waited in car for 1/2hr waiting to be unblocked 'again' in whattsapp. I won't go that area anymore