View Full Version : General talk Abstinence - How successful you are?
05-08-2023, 01:45 PM
Abstinence is an Art and willpower. How successful you are?
05-08-2023, 02:06 PM
Abstinence is an Art and willpower. How successful you are?
I’ve mastered this art now for some 5 years where I can hold my loads for a WL for up to 3 weeks before I go and see her. But average is 14 days. My motivation for doing it is to give her and myself the most intense experience and impress her with a massive load. I only practice this in Australia where I fuck on average twice per month. When overseas in Asia I’m out every night fucking cos I may be there just a week or two.
Anyway, it wasn’t always like this. In my 20’s I could not hold my loads longer than about 12 hours. Even when I punted I could rarely not jizz a day before.
In my 30’s it got better where I could hold a couple of days and it wasn’t until in my 40’s that I learnt to abstain first a few days before fucking and then 5 and a week and longer.
I’ll add that I don’t subscribe to the No Fap crap. I jerk off and edge daily multiple times. But I save the loads for the WLs I enjoy seeing.
05-08-2023, 03:08 PM
Longest I've done is 6 months...(yes, no joke), it was a long time ago, it is a lot easier when you are older, when I was younger used to jerk off multiple times a day, it was the norm.
Take it from someone who's done it before there's really no benefit to NoFap, I eventually got edgy and restless, lower energy level, poor sleep etc, at first you may feel good, slightly better energy but that soon tapers off...might be good to do if you have a porn addiction but other than that there is really no added benefit...
05-08-2023, 04:09 PM
Every hour of your life that you are abstinent is an hour of your life that you have wasted.
05-08-2023, 04:55 PM
Every hour of your life that you are abstinent is an hour of your life that you have wasted.
I don’t get it, wasted how? By not fucking? Please enlighten lol
05-08-2023, 05:19 PM
Every hour of your life that you are abstinent is an hour of your life that you have wasted.
Then you won't have the time to eat, sleep, work, take bath or going to the toilet.
Could you imagine the life of a WL seeing and jerking off so many male organs a day?
And you be looking at pussies 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
05-08-2023, 07:16 PM
Just jerk at will - I started around the age of probably 11 and up into my 65+ - firstly I did not go blind, my dick did not fall off like Portnoy, I did not lose my penile sensitivity, and I managed to watch as much porn as I could fit into a session. I sort of estimated I made it with myself like 10000 to 15000 times. I don’t believe I’m a sex addict but like that release of oxytocin. Some days I go for it 3 to 4 times - wow fantastic. I see MLs and they describe me as strong 1/2 hour massage then an hour of foreplay. The excellent ML and I only know of one gets me off - the others I invariably have to finish myself. And on occasions I have not made it - but that does not mean it was not a successful encounter. Sex is a bit broader than that - the final 5/6 seconds of ejaculation is not the be all and end all. Nice if it happens - but you will realise later in life that worrying about ejaculating is a very small part of the sexual experience- the best part is giving to the lady your with - with the tongue - in two ways by caressing and licking her body parts and secondly speaking nicely and sensually to consummate the experience underway. I note MLs are sorry when I do not make it - it’s a fail I guess - but those that get you off are at the top of their game. The good ones will get off with a round 2 or 3. Placing boundaries and restrictions just limits your performance to perfunctory and boring. After all everything is in our make minds - between the ears. Have a wanking good day - I agree with the other gentleman don’t waste a day of your life.
05-08-2023, 08:44 PM
Waiting two weeks and my balls start to hurt. Three weeks and I gotta bust a nut
05-08-2023, 09:45 PM
I failed today after 3 days of no fap
06-08-2023, 12:00 AM
For someone living paycheck to paycheck without a saving goal, it would be impossible to abstain from anything that requires spending money for pleasure.
I bought two properties overseas with my savings as the housing market here is too crazy. That motivation is what made me stick to 1 punt per week rather than 3, or paying exorbitant prices for a Scarlet Blue escort. And I don't spend more than $300/hr on any sex worker regardless of whether they work in shop or private.
During my younger days it was worse - I could only afford to punt once a month and I would end up with zero savings if I do punt. Had to forgo punting so that I could afford paying for my first white card course that landed me my first job.
06-08-2023, 01:20 AM
Abstinence is never good. My first boss years ago, liked to announce pompously, "You can't have it all" and thus missed the entire point. Maybe you can't have it all, but everyone at least should give it their best shot. They may not get everything, but it'll be a sight more than the guy that didn't try - and even if you fall short it's a lot of fun trying.
10-08-2023, 01:37 AM
I’m at 17 days today since I last released with a Korean PYT last month, which left me dissatisfied btw.
So definitely well due to punt again. I don’t tho k I can last much longer.
10-08-2023, 12:34 PM
My head up stairs has been battling and so far been able to overcome my head down stairs.
Here are my strategies:
1. Telling myself no because I haven't shaved. Why? Coz I like to be presentable for my own confidence
2. I don't feel fit enough. Petty excuse to myself coz I wanna go in performing like a lion
3. Weigh up the opportunity cost of a punt vs upcoming bills and asking myself what SHOULD I use the money for instead
4. I'm not fresh enough...if I don't feel clean then I don't go (another excuse for myself)
5. Spend money on a decent meal instead of a session... I normally feel satisfied afterwards
6. Procrastinate until it's time to do something else.. like get work done.
7. Distract myself by browsing online or in a store like Bunnings/Anaconda
8. Kill time by exercising or little projects
9. If no reply for a potential booking in a timely manner then I don't follow up and take that missed session as a sign/win
10. STD plays on my mind and some shops are known for certain services which increases the risk of catching it. So I ask myself, if the missus find out (if I show symptoms OR worst case is I pass it on. How would I explain it? And is it worth the drama/headaches/street.
11. Limit visits to forums such as this or checking shop rosters but failing on this... Often jump on to lurk around.
12. If possible, wank! ... Release the urge
I've come close to succumbing but been winning the battle for months now.
10-08-2023, 12:54 PM
I’ve mastered this art now for some 5 years where I can hold my loads for a WL for up to 3 weeks before I go and see her. But average is 14 days. My motivation for doing it is to give her and myself the most intense experience and impress her with a massive load. I only practice this in Australia where I fuck on average twice per month. When overseas in Asia I’m out every night fucking cos I may be there just a week or two.
Anyway, it wasn’t always like this. In my 20’s I could not hold my loads longer than about 12 hours. Even when I punted I could rarely not jizz a day before.
In my 30’s it got better where I could hold a couple of days and it wasn’t until in my 40’s that I learnt to abstain first a few days before fucking and then 5 and a week and longer.
I’ll add that I don’t subscribe to the No Fap crap. I jerk off and edge daily multiple times. But I save the loads for the WLs I enjoy seeing.
how are you impressing her with a massive load?
Do you come on her face, cim or cip?
10-08-2023, 02:47 PM
how are you impressing her with a massive load?
Do you come on her face, cim or cip?
Usually CIP inside condom and COB depending on what I feel at the time. It may be just me but I get off on holding out for a whore and then giving it all I got in that hour. I look at it like when I workout in the gym. Either go hard or stay at home. In fact unless I feel my best on the night I usually do stay at home cos I know it probably will not be my best performance.
10-08-2023, 04:30 PM
I’m at 17 days today since I last released with a Korean PYT last month, which left me dissatisfied btw.
So definitely well due to punt again. I don’t tho k I can last much longer.
I can tell. Even your fingers are shaking with all the typo mistakes. Go get em tiger!
10-08-2023, 05:37 PM
I can tell. Even your fingers are shaking with all the typo mistakes. Go get em tiger!
Lol generally around the 2 weeks mark is what I found the hardest based on my own experience, he's probably edgy and restless as fuck hence the typo :D Soon he will have trouble sleeping and have crazy sex dreams every night lol, all the symptoms will start to show up.
10-08-2023, 05:42 PM
how are you impressing her with a massive load?
Do you come on her face, cim or cip?
I usually cip and they often remark on how heavy the condom feels once they remove it from my dick, coz its fully filled with my cum, the look of surprise and disbelief was satisfying lol
10-08-2023, 06:44 PM
I usually cip and they often remark on how heavy the condom feels once they remove it from my dick, coz its fully filled with my cum, the look of surprise and disbelief was satisfying lol
Yeah I always look for that. Seeing a big bulge of cum hanging heavy at the end of the condom as I pull out of her is always satisfying.
10-08-2023, 11:32 PM
damn, you guys all have a much stronger mind then me. I shoulda stayed in yesterday and the day before, but I cave. And at last, today I failed to impress the girl that I actually care about. Sucks
11-08-2023, 12:27 AM
damn, you guys all have a much stronger mind then me. I shoulda stayed in yesterday and the day before, but I cave. And at last, today I failed to impress the girl that I actually care about. Sucks
It comes with a lot of practice and some white hair lol.
11-08-2023, 01:53 AM
Had to check wechat when i last booked. My last punt was on the 22nd of December last year.. With Patty @n5m. 😅
11-08-2023, 08:23 AM
Lol generally around the 2 weeks mark is what I found the hardest based on my own experience, he's probably edgy and restless as fuck hence the typo :D Soon he will have trouble sleeping and have crazy sex dreams every night lol, all the symptoms will start to show up.
Yep, I've had those vivid dreams. Always wake up with a stonking erection making it hard to pee. I always thought those things only happened to teenagers!
11-08-2023, 08:29 AM
damn, you guys all have a much stronger mind then me. I shoulda stayed in yesterday and the day before, but I cave. And at last, today I failed to impress the girl that I actually care about. Sucks
Too much sex in too short a period really wears out your libido, bro.
Maybe you can get some horny goat weed to keep you going, lol!
11-08-2023, 01:08 PM
Too much sex in too short a period really wears out your libido, bro.
Maybe you can get some horny goat weed to keep you going, lol!
haha yea man, sucks butt. it's also a sign that i'm not young anymore. I'm gonna lay low for a few days, or maybe the whole week before I see that girl again. wish me luck.
11-08-2023, 01:41 PM
After my most recent punt that left a sour taste in my mouth, we will see how long it takes before the urge comes back. I give it 2 weeks
11-08-2023, 02:39 PM
After my most recent punt that left a sour taste in my mouth, we will see how long it takes before the urge comes back. I give it 2 weeks
Well I went out last night to empty the sack and it didn’t go well. Started at 7 Cowper and walked out after seeing the trash that was on offer. I’d be seriously struggling to have sex with these women if they paid me. Then onto 19 Lipstick where the same happens. Then drove out to 142 Hornsby where I would have gone with Melody, except at the last moment she got upset when I enquired about what service she offers. Fuck that. Walked out again and ended up at home jerking off to YouTube looking at the $170 dollars on my table that I just saved.
The most exciting thing of the night was a drag race on the way back home with another guy.
11-08-2023, 02:46 PM
Well, drag race is a way to umm let out steam...haha
By the way, that Melody girl, you seen her before and she got upset because you asked again?
11-08-2023, 02:53 PM
Too much sex in too short a period really wears out your libido, bro.
Maybe you can get some horny goat weed to keep you going, lol!
I find that at my age if I shoot more than 3-4 times a week it will start to affect my performance and erection quality, I can still get hard but erection quality and desire no where near optimal. I remember when I was a teenager beating it 2-3 times a DAY was the norm, sigh...reality of aging.
After my most recent punt that left a sour taste in my mouth, we will see how long it takes before the urge comes back. I give it 2 weeks
If you feel absolutely nothing (no urge) after 2 weeks may help to get your testosterone checked :P
11-08-2023, 04:25 PM
Well, drag race is a way to umm let out steam...haha
By the way, that Melody girl, you seen her before and she got upset because you asked again?
Nah that was the first time I met her. She must be a moody one cos I can’t recall the last time a WL got upset when I asked what service she offers. Very strange. Anyways it was another red flag to pack it up and call it a night which I did.
11-08-2023, 07:30 PM
Nah that was the first time I met her. She must be a moody one cos I can’t recall the last time a WL got upset when I asked what service she offers. Very strange. Anyways it was another red flag to pack it up and call it a night which I did.
yea, no need to force the issue.
11-08-2023, 07:36 PM
Was told if I don't cum often I'll explode.
But 2 weeks was the best I can do..
11-08-2023, 07:54 PM
Was told if I don't cum often I'll explode.
But 2 weeks was the best I can do..
2 weeks is a long time in anyone’s language. My longest ever is just twice that.
But have knows guys that do No Fap and some can do months on end. That’s just fucked up.
At least if one could learn to levitate as a reward lol.
11-08-2023, 08:21 PM
WWalked out again and ended up at home jerking off to YouTube looking at the $170 dollars on my table that I just saved.
What YouTube video was that?! :question:
11-08-2023, 10:06 PM
What YouTube video was that?! :question:
I jizzed like a horse for her.
11-08-2023, 10:11 PM
I jizzed like a horse for her.
lololol Are you sure, bro?
12-08-2023, 12:30 PM
lololol Are you sure, bro?
She's actually not bad lol, pretty decent for a young Asian MILF in her early 30s, tall, slim, and leggy, definitely fuckable, I'd tap that 4 shore :shout:
12-08-2023, 12:44 PM
She's actually not bad lol, pretty decent for a young Asian MILF in her early 30s, tall, slim, and leggy, definitely fuckable, I'd tap that 4 shore :shout:
look closely, she's got 0 ass. like straight up flat. haha big turn off
12-08-2023, 01:28 PM
Yea well didn't say she was perfect lol, she's the typical tall, slim Asian model types that don't hit the gym, what did you expect? lol, sounds like you are more into thicker booty or maybe western chicks with more meat? Ah well, to each their own... :)
12-08-2023, 01:45 PM
lol, sounds like you are more into thicker booty or maybe western chicks with more meat?
lol, you got that right! That's why when I first came to sydney, and the first time I looked up rosters from the shops, I was like wtf, where all the white girls at? haha
12-08-2023, 04:19 PM
Have you tried Croydon219? It's a non-Asian joint, mostly white chicks, some thick ones too apparently, South American etc, the mamasan is a bit feisty though so be prepared lol, and if you walk you'll definitely get an earful :shout:
12-08-2023, 07:12 PM
Have you tried Croydon219? It's a non-Asian joint, mostly white chicks, some thick ones too apparently, South American etc, the mamasan is a bit feisty though so be prepared lol, and if you walk you'll definitely get an earful :shout:
I haven't. somehow, the non-asian joints seems scamy...i dont know why
12-08-2023, 09:49 PM
I haven't. somehow, the non-asian joints seems scamy...i dont know why
yea this place is a bit run down and suss, used to have a few decent girls I heard but they all left, I've only visited the place a few times in the past (I visit mostly Asian shops) and experience was below average, also the mamasan was a bit hard to deal with, but since you wanted white girls thought I'd bring it up lol
12-08-2023, 10:48 PM
yea this place is a bit run down and suss, used to have a few decent girls I heard but they all left, I've only visited the place a few times in the past (I visit mostly Asian shops) and experience was below average, also the mamasan was a bit hard to deal with, but since you wanted white girls thought I'd bring it up lol
Well thanks bro, appreciate the heads up. I know there are western shops out there. But seems like the asian shops are where all the good actions are. I'm happy with what I found, so its all good.
13-08-2023, 02:05 AM
I think the best advice I can give anyone on how to abstain is to get off that fucking internet. Read a book and or get out of the house. It’s a lot easier that way. Also, when you don’t see porn for a few days or week and then go out to punt it’s intense. But then you need triple the discipline in selecting your punts. Especially when your balls are 2 weeks or more full.
13-08-2023, 09:16 AM
I think the best advice I can give anyone on how to abstain is to get off that fucking internet. Read a book and or get out of the house. It’s a lot easier that way. Also, when you don’t see porn for a few days or week and then go out to punt it’s intense. But then you need triple the discipline in selecting your punts. Especially when your balls are 2 weeks or more full.
Reading a book is a good suggestion. Gonna need more than a few cos it doesn't take long to go through a book if it's a page turner, lol.
Going out of the house, maybe not good for me. I live in the City. Too many hotties walking around, makes me wanna go fuck a girl, haha
13-08-2023, 10:57 AM
I live in the City. Too many hotties walking around, makes me wanna go fuck a girl, haha
The curse of a seasoned punter, start to wonder what if every other hot girl is a WL. Lol. I have that, not good for mental health.
13-08-2023, 07:27 PM
ok, it's been 3 days, i feel like punting again lol
13-08-2023, 08:06 PM
The curse of a seasoned punter, start to wonder what if every other hot girl is a WL. Lol. I have that, not good for mental health.
I just posted something about thinking someone is a WL and that is after being completely drained the whole weekend by a SB. I will start today and see if I can hold off my load for 2 weeks. I have lasted before but will try again
13-08-2023, 08:17 PM
The curse of a seasoned punter, start to wonder what if every other hot girl is a WL. Lol. I have that, not good for mental health.
May not be a WL by profession but is draining the wallet of the other half in terms of gifts, dinners etc for a bit of sugar The only difference is that there is no social stigma with this practice but IMHO these two practices are identical to each other financially ( Please not I am ruling out emotional connection, however that also comes with gifts!)
13-08-2023, 08:48 PM
I just posted something about thinking someone is a WL and that is after being completely drained the whole weekend by a SB. I will start today and see if I can hold off my load for 2 weeks. I have lasted before but will try again
Well judging from your experience with your SB, it sounds like you NEED to take 2 weeks to recover haha
13-08-2023, 08:52 PM
Well judging from your experience with your SB, it sounds like you NEED to take 2 weeks to recover haha
You are not wrong mate. I think I have over exerted myself certainly this weekend. Too much good food and too much sex.
13-08-2023, 08:53 PM
May not be a WL by profession but is draining the wallet of the other half in terms of gifts, dinners etc for a bit of sugar The only difference is that there is no social stigma with this practice but IMHO these two practices are identical to each other financially ( Please not I am ruling out emotional connection, however that also comes with gifts!)
yes, like with some mistress, they want financial support/gifts/emotional connection and in exchange, they provide the "service" to men. Her argument would be that she only does it for this one guy.
13-08-2023, 09:03 PM
yes, like with some mistress, they want financial support/gifts/emotional connection and in exchange, they provide the "service" to men. Her argument would be that she only does it for this one guy.
I have heard that one guy conversation so many times. I should start saying that I only do it with one girl 🤣
13-08-2023, 10:07 PM
Not long. I keep telling myself to take a break but one week later I'm back.
14-08-2023, 02:28 AM
ok, it's been 3 days, i feel like punting again lol
3 days is a good start. I’m also 3 days tonight since my lacklustre night last Thursday.
Also feeling it. I’m gonna try early next week at one of my favourite old haunts, hopefully have more luck.
Not easy when you don’t have a single regular to rely on as backup.
14-08-2023, 02:45 AM
3 days is a good start. I’m also 3 days tonight since my lacklustre night last Thursday.
Also feeling it. I’m gonna try early next week at one of my favourite old haunts, hopefully have more luck.
Not easy when you don’t have a single regular to rely on as backup.
Early next week is like tomorrow isn’t it? Haha
My last one is fucking with my head right now
14-08-2023, 09:46 AM
Early next week is like tomorrow isn’t it? Haha
My last one is fucking with my head right now
Stop busting his balls. He's trying to appear disciplined and astute here...
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